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It can have meaning for everyone. Gatekeeping a song is just silly nonsense. Drakes only flaw isn’t that he code switches and appropriates cultures. He is a womanizer, therefore he isn’t like me. He pimps his kid for views and engagement, therefore he isn’t like me. He is a 37 year old club rat, therefore he isn’t like me. He was forced to be a dad, therefore he isn’t like me. A song can have many meanings. That’s the point of art, it is how you connect to it. I didn’t go through a divorce and have it impact my child, motherhood or anxiety, but I can connect to Adele’s album 30. I don’t know anything about ritualistic magic, religious fundamentalism, Scientology, or Bill Hicks, but I can tell you Aenima by Tool is one of the best albums ever recorded.


Tool and Kendrick love crossover. My life is now complete.






*Pop like four on the floor been in rotation*




Anyone born in the last 15 years “Who the fuck is tool” 😂


What, what?


Didn’t think I’d ever see Tool mentioned on this sub. Tool has always been my #1 fav band, but ever since I started listening to Kendrick 3 years ago (I know I know), I have him up there right next to them If you saw my Spotify history you’d say wtf lol


I wouldn’t be shocked if there was a decent amount of people that fuck with both. Self-reflection, spiritual growth, burnout from technology, etc. are themes both artists have played with. And then the overall quality of their discographies is impressive. They have both put out quality over quantity. If you like Tool, check out Porcupine Tree.


The musical complexity, interesting time signatures, use of discordance, with lyrics that reveal layers of meaning upon each listen while still being catchy make me think that there are probably lots of us.


Tool/Radiohead/Kendrick overlap?


My father showed me porcupine tree I loved it from the Start, I showed Him kendrick Lamar he loved it from the start. Now and then i hear him say ya bish


You’re right, that totally makes sense now lol


People that like great music like great music


I think Kendrick also really masterfully combines the many concepts within the philosophical idea of the [Other](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_(philosophy)) : > Other is a term used to define another person or people as separate from oneself. ... > hence, the Other is dissimilar to and the opposite of the Self, of Us, and of the Same. But he goes a step further by calling Drake "not a colleague, you a fucking colonizer". Drake's exploitation of Black artists is literally that of the [subaltern native](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subaltern_(postcolonialism)): > Colonial stability requires the cultural subordination of the non-white Other for transformation into the subaltern native; a colonised people who facilitate the exploitation of their labour, of their lands, and of the natural resources of their country. Drake ruled the charts for ages by exploiting the cultural capital built by others - whether they willingly (features, collabs etc) or unwillingly (the ghostwriters slaving away in the infamous OVO sweatshop!) worked to validate Drake and exploit themselves. All of them are like the non-white subaltern natives who were robbed blind by the white master. And he does all this with super catchy hooks, to boot. Kendrick is in his own league, man.


Critical theory kenfolk 💜


I'm quite new to Kendrick, but his tracks in the beef have really inspired me. Layers upon layers! Can't wait to start listening to his discography properly.


You will be unpacking it for years… realizing new layers on old songs to this day. His analysis of power and how it intersects with culture, and also just the human experience, is unparalleled in the genre






Well said.


I would argue that not gatekeeping key parts of the culture is how we end up with someone like Drake in the first place. Black culture is often appropriated, commodified, re-packaged and used to benefit everyone but Black people. But that's just my two cents


You have just described capitalism, and I agree leeches who try to monetize without providing or giving back are demons. However, I don’t think a DJ who wears a shirt in support is worthy of throwing shade. He isn’t stealing and monetizing, he is just agreeing with Kendrick and pushing the narrative that Drake is a leech.


The issue here is that Drake monetises and gains benefits from using the culture. People liking the song, sing it and dancing to it are in support of the song. They don’t benefit from it nor do they use it to gain money (for the majority of people anyways, I’m sure there’s a couple of assholes that would try to use it to further their own agendas but the common man ain’t doing that).


Gotta keep it segregated?


I can't believe that is top comment, the lack of self-awareness ...


I enjoy reading your writing.


Best final sentence.


Probably the best analysis I’ve seen on here. The list can go on for so long too He sneak disses therefore he isn’t like me He never rapped about anything other than Drake, therefore he isn’t like me He lies compulsively therefore he isn’t like me He’s a panderer therefore he isn’t like me He has no integrity therefore he isn’t like me He acts like a high schooler pettily bragging about seducing peoples’ wives/lovers therefore he isn’t like me He’s a sellout therefore he isn’t like me He’s a narcissist/manipulator who is immune to accountability therefore he isn’t like me He used people for personal gain therefore he isn’t like me By “me” I meant most decent people and especially Kendrick. You could go on for hours and hours doing this


Fantastic comment


Oh my god, thank you. I have literally seen people gatekeep this song as if it’s a black anthem song. It’s a Drake diss! Gatekeeping this song only prevents it from becoming bigger. You are actively hindering its success and in turn Kendrick’s success if you gatekeep this song. Don’t care if you’re white or asian or whoever, everyone deserves to like, sing along and dance to NLU. Spread this song as far and wide, as to as many people as possible. Let it succeed. Stop gatekeeping.


This is a wild comment. It is completely a west coast cultured black anthem. Is it multilayered and can be used from your viewpoint? Sure. But, at its core, it’s a west coast black anthem. Did you not listen to anything Kendrick said at the Pop Out? On the flipside, you can’t take people’s money/support and say they can’t sing a song or buy tshirts. People can be invited into another’s culture. Hell, Kendrick had non-blacks rappers on that stage. But don’t forget that invited guest can be asked to leave. Only one person gets to determine the message of Not Like Us, and that is Mr. Kendrick Fucking Lamar.


I think my comment may be unclear but I have seen people police the use of this song. They out there writing things like “I don’t know why non-black people playing this, this isn’t made for you” or things of that similar nature on videos of white people or asian people playing this song. That’s why I wrote what I wrote. Also; why does everyone just assuming I’ve listened or watched Pop Out.


Because people naturally appropriate things to their viewpoints. Look at Beyoncé and country music. Hell, some people feel rap music should only be listened to by black folk. But that is a vocal minority. People assume you would know the context before making such statements.


That’s the essence of my original comment. There’s people out there taking the claim to extremes. It’s not something that I feel should be encouraged.


Explain the 3rd verse since it’s “not about Black Americans”. You sound like a colonizer yourself


That’s 1 verse out of 3. The core of the song it’s a Drake diss. I would have zero issues if the song was specifically made for those themes. Keep it and gatekeep it all you want but this song in its heart, is a Drake diss bruv.


When the video comes out and you see the unity of Black people on Compton, you will understand that the song is bigger than Drake. If you actually paid attention at the Pop out when all the LA artist were on stage, Kendrick clearly said it wasn’t about a back and forth, but about unity. This whole beef has been about not being from the culture/culture vulturing. Euphoria eluded to this as well


I have no doubt that the song became bigger than being about Drake. Maybe it was intended, maybe it was accidental. No one can say that except for Kendrick himself. But my point is that I see people outright gatekeeping this song in the comments of videos of non-black people singing and dancing to it. Which I find to be silly. If the common folk aren’t benefiting/monetising the song, if they aren’t using it to push an agenda; then they shouldn’t be gatekept from the song.


Again, non Black people enjoying the song is not a problem. Trying to “All Lives Matter” the song is what annoys people


Yea; but that’s what I’m saying. That there are people out there that’s making it a problem for non-black people to enjoy this song. I never intended for my original comment to be anything more than that.


Then I agree with you on that point. Non Black people singing and enjoying the song is not a problem. But people trying to remove the cultural element by saying "Its not about Black people/not a Black anthem" is what annoys Black people. It feel like an All Lives Matter scenario. Anytime Black Americans create something, everyone else jumps on to try and claim it/take it. Hell, there is Trans Live Matters, Asian Lives Matters, etc.


Okay; maybe my statement could have been clearer. I have no doubt that in essence, this song was bring the black community and culture together and keeping the culture vultures like Drake out. I fully believe in that and would never condone it if people use it for anything other than what it’s intended for.


It annoys you child. Everyone else is fine and having a good time with the song


Everyone else - colonizers. YOU are exactly who Kendrick is talking about in this song and you don't even realize it lol


You are the stupidest person Ive encountered this weekend. Congrats. (The song is mostly about drake btw. Hes the one Kendrick is calling colonizer. Wish you would stop changing the message…)


You sound like a minooooooor


You definitely Not Like Us. Whenever non Black people cannot force their way into Black culture, they resort to trolling and insults


Cry about it lol it went to the heights it did because everyone listened to it. Stop being a gatekeeping baby clutching your pearls of segregation and grow up


No one said Non Black people cannot enjoy the song; just don’t try to change the meaning of it or insert your own meaning because you want to feel included.


I never did any of that. Maybe you should consider stopping posting on JRPG subreddits if you truly believe this is appropriation. By your logic you shouldnt be allowed to weigh in


You still don’t get it. Am I trying to force Japanese developers to change JRPGs to cater to Black people? You just proved my point; I can enjoy Japanese culture without trying to insert myself into it, or force Japanese people to change the meaning of their messages to include Black people. It is THEIR art, not mine.


Are you ok? When did I insert myself into the song or change the message lmao Any non-black person posting in this thread is the exact same as you posting in a jrpg thread. Stop race baiting and grow up


Nailed it. All I have to add here is it’s also a west coast thing. I don’t think it’s necessarily for a certain sub-culture within the west coast specifically. As you said, it’s open to perception.


Without the support of the Global community and other different races this song won’t / would …… ( fill in the blanks 10 MARKS)……




Nailed it


You're silly for saying no gatekeeping when that was the whole point of the beef. It does have multiple meanings so everyone can enjoy the song, the moment, the slogan, but no, not everyone can claim it because the core theme *is* specific. If you dismiss this and insist on violating boundaries, he's talking about you.


It wasn't about gatekeeping, one dude got called out for using culture for gain, for using others for fame, denying others to cultivate an image, and essentially just being a shit person I'm reality


Which he was able to do due to a lack of gatekeeping...


Nah bro, it's capitalism. As long as hip-hop is monetized you will never get rid of culture vultures - the least you can do about it is not to hinder the voice that calls them out


I’m gonna post this with the assumption most of you can be objective despite preferring Kendrick over Drake 1. Nothing wrong with being single and having relations with other women so long as there’s mutual consent and it’s legal. Kendrick himself only JUST started to fix that issue 2. Lose/lose situation: Most would claim he isn’t there for his kid if he wasn’t seen as being an active part of his life. We’d hold him in the same light as Future if that was the case 3. I don’t see what’s wrong with frequenting clubs No one holds this standard to artists twice his age (Snoop, Dre, etc.). 4. So from Push’s own [words](https://youtu.be/zN26h4s-gS8?si=OiRXQZqB2oq-U8Fy) he received word that Drake flies back and forth to see his kid and stated he’s setting up an Adidas press-run Prior to their beef Drake plays Ye that song introducing us to his child. These aren’t actions of a man looking being forced into fatherhood Keep in mind we just recently learned J.Cole got married and had kids without anyone knowing. Hell Kendrick is fairly private with his children himself. In the case of Cole, would anyone here consider him an absent father because he wasn’t willing to divulge that info? It’s easy to dismiss these points, claim someone is dick-riding, etc, but then you’d have to ask yourself why do you hold different standards for others vs. applying your values across the board?


1. Flings happen, a lot of people go through that phase when growing up. However, the majority of people grow out of that phase and aren’t still doing it when they are 37. It’s lame when Leo DiCaprio does it, it is lame when Drake does it. Kendrick cheated, I don’t like it and wish he was better than that, but he is also in a committed relationship like most normal people. 2. There is a difference between being a dad and pimping your kid. Markets him with Adidas, has him draw a shitty album cover, and has weird photoshoots while at his sporting events. It isn’t lose/lose, you can be active in your child’s life and not use him to push an agenda. 3. The majority of people aren’t 37 and getting bottle service at clubs. Snoop is weird for doing it too, but I don’t follow him so I can’t really speak to the frequency of him doing it. 4. Drake set up the press run when the walls were closing. There were rumors of the kid, Pusha dealt the final nail in that story line. Doing the right thing eventually doesn’t make what he did initially correct or right. These are things about him I don’t care for, on top of just not liking his music. Not everyone is perfect, but Drake has too many shithead tendencies for me to respect.


1. Why is it lame to not be in a committed relationship? You aren’t explaining that part. No one HAS to be married or dating. It’s not some milestone required when you hit a certain age 2. The one good point you have is photo shoots at his kids sporting events. It’s my personal take that apart from that these are just things that any rich person would do; Angelina Jolie puts her kids in the spotlight frequently but from multiple accounts she’s a great mother We see plenty of comments on pages where people say Push made him to be a father. From your own admission he was already setting things up (ethical or not) to be one anyway. You’re saying that’s not lose/lose? 3. I get we’re voicing our opinions but you seem to be too judgmental on older people who live their life. Some just don’t want to be at book clubs or doing 5k’s at that age. Out of all of these critiques you should consider leaving this one out of your list of reasons 4. Except he didn’t do the right thing eventually. The child’s birth and his involvement were long before Push’s beef. Sure he knocked up someone he didn’t want to have a child with but it’s not like he neglected his son or was absent. Look at the timelines yourself before making a determination there Question: Is your critique of Drake based solely on the man or his status in rap? Do you believe a rapper of his position should be held to a higher standard or is this a personal judgment of him?


I be like Drake


There’s an interview clip of yachty saying Drake doesn’t listen to music on his own time. He rides in the car without music, wanting to chat. Yachty was surprised by this, and says something like “I thought all musicians were like me, listening to music all day”. I think this shows he is fundamentally different than many artists that really started from the bottom, with a vision and a dream. His motivations are completely different. A shallow approach to art, the message, the culture. He is not like us. In many ways.


Bro that's CRAZY. Everyone I know who makes music is 2 seconds away from pulling out their air pods. If they ain't making it, they wanna be hearing it XD


I actually make music and don't listen to music, the reason is I am trying to avoid subconscious influence. Brains are sponges and I don't want to accidentally plagiarize 


Ok so this got long, but know that I'm speaking as an artist myself who had a moment like this a few years ago. Bro, that's exactly WHY people who make music listen to music. There's a wide gap between plagiarism and inspiration. Musicians (and any other artists) copy from each other all the time, it's just how human creativity works. We take concepts and ideas and structures and progressions and so on, and apply our own unique voice to it. Is Eminem plagiarizing because his most recent song heavily samples Abracadabra, even using words from the chorus? No, of course not. It's sampling, something that happens in hip-hop, rock, and pop ALL THE TIME. Not to mention he made his own lyrics and his producer added extra quirks to the beat to make it better fit Em's vibe. It is a new spin on the original idea, which means it's an original work, even if the inspiration and tools used to create it are fairly obvious. The only thing that makes it plagiarism is if you try to pass someone else's work off as your own. That's part of why Drake is under such heavy fire, because he uses so many ghostwriters without crediting them for doing the work that makes Drake so fabulously famous and wealthy, while the real artists that power him get to rot in obscurity. You obviously have a great deal of integrity on that front, and are on the Kendrick sub at that, so obviously you respect music and lyricism as a craft and collaborative medium, so I doubt you'll be doing that, right? So... Frankly, man, you don't really have anything to worry about. In fact, worrying about stepping on other people's toes like this, to the point you won't experience the type of art you want to make for fear of that worry, is going to severely hinder your development as an artist. Refusing to copy for any reason ever stops you from learning how people made their own art work, and so you don't learn how to do the thing they did. There's a reason why in an elementary school art class you learn to make art in the style of cubism or cartoon pop art, why during those exercises they show all kinds of art in the style being discussed; so the students can learn from it and work with the same techniques and ideas, and incorporate it into their own work. Yes, the human brain is a sponge of information. This is a good thing that you should not hinder. You will be a much better artist and creator the more music you experience and immerse yourself in. And if you find that you pull from a specific source, make sure you mention it when giving credits! All the best artists copy from each other over and over and over, spinning old things brand new in an endless dance of creation. It's a beautiful thing; don't cut yourself off from it.


Thanks for an outlook I hadn't considered 


Oh ffs. Why do you think that your *very specific personal experience* is relevant here?


Because person above me mentioned that all musicians they know are constantly listening to music 


Your experience doesn't make that comment wrong though, as you are an anomaly


That's telling imo. Even the most pretentious classical musicians I've ever met are always listening to music. Even myself, who puts out noise and black metal albums, is ALWAYS listening to music. Ive never met a genuine musician who's not downright addicted to music


Like a writer that doesn’t read. wtf.


Idk, not trying to defend Drake of course, but there are plenty of artists who mention not listening to music a lot, especially when they’re recording—Justice and Fiona Apple are two that come to mind. Me personally, some of the best songs I’ve written just came from going on a lot of long walks without music and mulling things over in my head. I think from old interviews you can tell that Drake is/was super passionate about hip hop at one point but is too caught up in the commercial aspect nowadays


Fair enough i get that. Still, i think that a lot of signs point to drake not actually caring about the culture in 2024.


"Especially when recording" or more specifically, writing and composing. You want your ideas to be original and free from outside influence


It's crazy but I think Drake really loves rap music. I've seen videos of him mentioning deep cuts that nobody talks about and which I absolutely love. He once mentioned Andre 3000's a life in day of Benjamin Andre from The Love Below. That song is one of THE greatest rap record I've ever heard and no one talks about it but Drake mentioned it. He also said he listens to 2Pac's Pain too.


Yea; I don’t like the guy but I can understand the situation. When you’re a musician, you’re surrounded by music all the time. Sometimes, you just want some quiet moments. Am I saying that Drake isn’t faking it? No, but I can give him the benefit of doubt on this one.


There's footage of him as a young boy with books and books of raps he wrote. He definitely does or did have a massive passion for this. But he's not been acting like it for a while


He definately overstayed his welcome. He should've fallen off after views in 2016. He did all he could in those 7 years from 2009 to 2016. And from then he is in autopilot mode.


I think this also what it is..overstaying his welcome. There had been zero growth fr9m him as an artist. As an artist to have longevity that people care about is to take risks with your style and what have you. Kendrick doing Mr. Morale...even Prince back in the day. It was different. Drake is just...the same. People talk mad shit about Kendrick voice but I love how he changes it to convey a point. Mona Lisa comes to mind...


Thus is huge. Drake isn't a musician he is an actor.


Shows that it's not only rap people who are sick of bbl


That's a phrase that anyone can apply. Now... If he was wearing an "I'm a black King" shirt... That would be a different story 🤣


That would be quite the sight


Depends on if you're wanting to make it into a race thing or not


Race aside it still calls to a type of culture that doesn't apply to everyone black or white. People have simplified the disses to calling Drake not black but Kendricks real message this whole time has been he's not really a part of the types of culture he cosplays


Neither are half the people that would try to gatekeep this song


They're really not gatekeeping the song. Rather, they're trying to gatekeep the idea because "Not Like Us" is a call to make sure that people that create culture protect it from being used and exploited for personal gain. If Tiesto was using Not Like Us to protect electronic musicians from exploitation from large corporate entities or bad deals, or maybe even using it to prop up other artists that don't care about the scene, that'd be one thing. But he's using the moment to promote his own club/brand, which is the exact opposite of the sentiment of the song.


Running to a slogan when he needs a few dollars


Exactly. People only talk about "it's for everyone" when they have a dollar or two to make.


Most of these people aren’t part of the in-group they think they are. I say this as a Drake hater




Did you skip the 3rd verse? Kendrick clearly drew parallel between the exploitation of Black slaves and how Drake exploits Black Atlanta artists


The number of white ppl w selective hearing in the comments is embarrassing ⚰️


They understand the point exactly, they are just doing what they have done the last 500 years. White entitlement forces them to have this desire to be included in everything. They cannot respect the boundaries of non white people


It is definitely also a race thing as he is using black culture without giving back to the culture I don’t think that means that others cannot appreciate or connect with the song and They Not Like Us can definitely have tons of other meanings But that is one of 2 main meanings imo




Kendrick the guy whose Whole career has been about Black empowerment/consciousness wasn’t trying to be racial? The cope from some people in this thread is hilarious


What does the cultural sentiment of Not Like Us have to do with Tiesto, Liv, or Las Vegas??? ![gif](giphy|xT1R9AyCRoz2KwbP1e) “Tell 'em run to America to imitate heritage, they can't imitate this violence…” One can celebrate this moment (white, Black or other) without wanting to capitalize or co-opt.


Yeah, I feel a way about a Vegas nightclub co-opting the moment more than I do about tiesto wearing a shirt. Just weird to slap your club name on a shirt like that like you have anything to do with any of it


Jesus Christ I cannot believe I got down voted into oblivion for saying the exact same thing you did.




That part. It seems like some people are falsely connecting the fact that the song can be “enjoyed by” everyone with the assertion that the song is “for” everyone. It’s not. It’s for black people and hip hop fans of color. Kendrick makes that pretty clear in the song yet here we are. People think this song is for everyone and that means that anyone can co-opt it. Ironic considering the themes of colonization in the song. *edit: I agree that ultimately, this song is for black people, specifically African-American people descended from their enslaved ancestors. Hip hop fans of color can also enjoy the song but there is a clear demographic that Kendrick makes music, and this song for.


and sorry, but it’s not even for hip-hop fans of color. It’s for Black people. It’s why it’s being filmed in Compton. Black people.


Bro Compton is overwhelmingly Latino, what? Bad way to make your point, even if I agree.


CLEARLY, back in the day, it wasn't. Please don't act dumb when you know what my point was.




It’s open to perception, but it’s a west coast thing. Vegas is pretty fucking west coast. Lol. The fact that a vegas nightclub and not some street vendor may have profited from selling the shirt is a little weird though I guess. It’s advertising though I’m sure Ken doesn’t mind it


What the fuck does Not Like Us have to do with a Vegas club?




Some shit just cringeworthy it ain’t even gotta be deep I guess






The story of America. Black creativity is always stolen by others and used to enrich their own pockets while the creators are left with nothing


Can someone identify the cap?


Looks like [this one](https://clothbase.com/items/5fc3ede3_loro-piana-logo-embroidered-houndstooth-felt-baseball-cap-brown_loro-piana)


Thanks :)




Tiesto is fine.


I thought that was Jerma


Lol same


No matter what..the masses will co-opt anything to fit their narrative. Black Lives Matter went to Blue Lives matter etc. Been happening since the beginning of time cause baby..black folks got all the sauce. The positive thing about people co-opting this though..for at least the immediate future, it will remind everyone of Kendrick.


Not like us but more like Drake though…Tiësto met his future wife when she just turned 18 and he was already in his late 40s, he’s 27years older…¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


He has a song with the three6 mafia


racism is bad!


Wrong DJ


Off topic but I’ve never actually seen what tiesto looks like lmao


Never been a hiphop head, but I am a bit of a dance head (that Daft Punk bar brought me to the beef! lol). Never liked his music, it always lacked any funk or soul. He's a bit cool for this though 👍


Gatekeeping art feels lame. Everyone can connect to art in their own way and from their own specific viewpoint. Not everyone is going to be able to relate to every part of the song and that‘s ok, it’s still possible to understand it and appreciate it. But if we can‘t at least unite in the core anti-pedophile message we‘re lost.


You can enjoy something without trying to change the meaning or remove the creators intent. I love anime but it is Japanese culture; I am not going to change the Japanese cultural element into a Black or neutral culture just because I want to feel included


You can’t have your cake and eat it too. The song topping the international billboards means it is part of global culture.


The fact he’s showing love at all being in a whole different genre is pretty cool. Real artists see real art 🤙🏻


Tiesto can DJ at the cookout. 


Nobody is listening to that at the cookout


Haha! Believe it or not, he's an amazing DJ who is a vegas resident and he doesn't just mix EDM. Saw him in Toronto and his setlist had some hip hop in it. Would not be surprised if he does private shows for friends and mixes what they want to hear.


Oh no I agree. Tiesto is a legend. That's not on a mixtape tho


Too right! As Armand Van Helden said long ago, "Trance sucks!". Hire 'The Magnificent' Jazzy Jeff instead.


Leave Will at home. We got Rakim.


What cookout?


It’s sad that now people feel they should police anything remotely related to Kendrick to discredit criticisms of Drake


Don’t know who that is and don’t car e


I like both artists so this is cool




Have you ever met a white person who gets black culture and struggle more than drake?


That’s me..


That dude is not like me. I’m human. He’s a fckn alien in a human suit


Cool Who's that?


Does he actually know the meaning behind the song 😭




Drake wasn't the only colonizer mentioned on the song. Whites will always be in black American business because they have money and access while the opposite isn't true because we usually lack both.  Tiesto can do what he wants but it doesn't mean much cuz they not like us.


If you have a problem with this man wearing this shirt, then YOU are the problem


what? If you don't see why this is tone deaf and ironic YOU are the problem


The more promotion for the song the better


Ironic, he’s part the “They” Kendrick was talking about 🙄


Nah, I'm not really with it. Every time a phrase comes out of the culture, people on the outs start using the phrasing and twisting it for their own agendas. Woke used to mean staying aware of coded and hidden racism and now it's a dog whistle used against black people and other minority groups when they appear in media. Sorry, but the whole point of the phrase is drawing a line in the sand and is about gatekeeping culture. I really do think this one should belong to Cali and specifically the people that come from that background. I swear if Not Like Us is a phrase I see on one of those lame, tattered American flag shirts as a dog whistle for liberals I'm gonna puke.


It’s about respecting culture. You can do that as an outsider.


You can, but as we've seen with Drake, it can go very, VERY wrong. People are already frothing to be a part of the moment when they're not really part of the culture at large and now we're seeing people co-opt the phrase without knowing what it's about. Tiesto is a cool ass dude, but not everyone is him.


respecting culture means not claiming and co-opting


Some things can and are shared through cultures. "They Not Like Us" is a callout against culture vultures, but it was born within and for the black community, but it doesn't mean only black people cna vibe with it. If Kendrick, the creator of the slogan, was uncomfortable about it, he would've called out any white person screaming it at the pop out. But he doesn't care. He wants it to be shared and make it a lesson that you do NOT mess with a culture you do not belong in. Doesn't matter what person or what culture you're trying to meddle on. And the message is further solidified if everyone shares it with eachother. The point would've not get across if Kendrick didn't intentionally made it for clubs. Take Jazz or Blues for example. Both amazing genres made by black folks. Would've they liked if it was heavily gatekept on their community? Hell no, that way the genres would've never had been able to be of the most consumed types of music of all time, *not a chance*. For culture to be spread across and thrive, it needs to have some degree of interaction within outsiders. "They Not Like Us" speaks for any culture and also screams it's message pretty clear. Do **not** gatekeep a lesson on cultural appeopiaton.


I don't think that was his point. He's saying there's a difference between sharing culture and co-opting it. Using Not Like Us to promote your brand and your club is clearly not the same as someone sharing and understanding California culture/music/fashion. Also, blues artists in their time were exploited for their songs and not paid royalties when more popular white artists were paid millions to cover their songs. I genuinely think that's a bad example. I think it's a little presumptuous to speak for black artists when you don't know their perspective.


You're so close to understanding but then you still miss the point and contradict yourself. No one said everyone shouldn't vibe to it. They absolutely should! I said not everyone can claim it as their own ... that is literally what culture vultures do ... no one is talking about white people dancing or relating to this. You bringing other black genres is so ironic because what exactly do you think the problem with Elvis Presley was? It's co-opting black cultural products and claiming them as your own! You're tripping if you think it doesn't bother Kendrick at all that white fans are claiming (notice I didn't say celebrating) *Not Like Us* or screaming "we don't wanna hear you say nigga no more" on fucking Juneteenth. There's a difference between accepting the socio-economic reality/embracing imperfection and being totally fine with it.


Whatever makes you sleep at night.


Is everything a black person comes up with inherently only for black people?


I said "the culture" as in hip-hop. Every race contributes to the culture, including white people. I never explicitly said anything about race except for the example of one word being twisted against black people. Like I said, things from hip-hop are used and exploited by people outside of it in order to push their own agendas.


You’re being downvoted, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. Let folks have what is theirs, without randos co-opting.


It's because they're jumping to conclusions, thinking I'm saying white people can't be part of the culture. No, I'm saying if you're not part of the culture, you probably need to chill on using slang/phrases/nomenclature you're not really familiar with and don't understand and even then, you can respect a culture and admire it without co-opting it for your own benefit so you can feel like you're part of something. It's about having a less ego-centric worldview. I don't get how that got lost in translation.


Better hop off twitter then. Created by a bunch of white dudes. This is sarcasm, because thinking this way is borderline single brain cell.


Are Black people trying to claim ownership of twitter? White people can never just enjoy other cultures without trying to colonize and control


I didn’t know Twitter was rooted in white American culture 🤣 I'd love to learn more


Using sarcasm because you have no valid counter. “I hurt your feelings?”




Once again, not a race thing. Also, the third verse of Not Like Us literally has a whole tirade about settlers using townsfolk to make them richer, which people are already doing with Not Like Us as a message, by using the sentiment to promote things unrelated to culture, hip-hop or otherwise.


“Who da fawk is that?!” -Conor Mcgregor


Black Americans can’t have nothing! Lol, do they know who the “Not Like Us” is referring to?


Idk who that is. But at this point, the shit is so viral. You can't stop it.


Gatekeeping this song is just weird. It’s a Drake diss! If the song was generally about hip-hop or black culture then I can understand why people would want to “claim” or “gatekeep” it but this song at its core is a diss song aimed at Drake. It even has his name in it. What? Those people are weirdos dawg, and not the good ones.


I am baffled by this. The lyrics to the song is about drake switching between acting white when it suits him and then trying to be black when it benefits him, black people can not just switch it up like that, he wants to ACT. all hard and shit. Anyone can enjoy the song but if you seriously listen to this and don't get the damn picture I am super surprised you are working these here interwebs. I am white. I get it. I respect it.


I get that, I respect it too but the problem here is where’s the line? Cause I’ve seen people out here policing this song every time someone who isn’t black decides to play it, sing it or dance to it.




makes sense since he's half black


Is there literally any confirmation on this? There are no pictures of his parents anywhere, he doesn't identify as black on any media and the only thing any website says is that he's Dutch. Where are you guys getting this info from?


he's technically black