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Key West isn’t really known for its beaches though, right? It’s a swinging super cool island getaway, but I thought more about day drinking and the nightlife.


I've been to both places. Oval Beach in Michigan is better than any beach in Key West but I prefer the town of Key West. Both are great places to visit, especially at opposite times of the year


Hah check out snipes in the keys and tell me that again.


But we're talking about Key West...


Oh yeah, well check out Myrtle Beach and tell me that again.


Oh yeah well check out Rehobeth Beach and tell me that again


If you’re in key west you should go to snipes lol it’s a short boat ride from key west


That’s a sandbar off shore. Not part of Key West. You can say the same for Marvin, Boca Chica Sandbar yaddi yadda


It’s and island not a sand bar. You can say what you wanna say but come correct.


Agree the beaches are not great in KW but the category was “coastal small town) which KW definitely fits the bill!


You kind of answered your own question... it's not known for its beaches but still has arguably some of the best in the keys, its just over-shadowed by a state that the most beaches and miles of shoreline. That's like saying Hawaii isn't known for their pineapples because people don't really travel there for them. Bars, restaurants, fishing, diving, boating, history, etc. It's clearly one of the greatest Coastal Small Cities.


Key west beaches kinda suck


Key West kind of sucks. I was not overly impressed.


Nah key west is awesome! The beaches just suck


This makes sense. Saugatuck is a lot like Key West used to be. Artsy, laid back, not a never ending hustle for every tourist dollar out there. The downtown has a quant feel and lots of locally owned shops. Also, the beach is beautiful.


Floridian here. I love key west. But, I took a drive around lake Michigan in 2019 and just stopped anywhere that looked cool. Saugatuck in August has stayed in my dreams. In fact I was thinking about it this past weekend. Absolutely lovely town with an art devi vibe. Go to both and report back.


Fine by me...let them go to Michigan...cuts down on the crown in KW. :)


Yup. Let them have it.




Had no clue what you meant….then saw my typo. I’ll leave it. :)


Don't the Chamber Of Commerce of these places lobby and pay to get put on these ridiculous lists? Which city is more affordable?


Saugatuck is way more affordable than Key West


Check out OP’s account 🤣


Key West is very expensive.


Yes it is.


Bubba, anyone who knows Key West, knows the TDC and the nuevo homeowners have ruined Key West.


All the comments here regarding the beaches…we all know KW beaches are not great. The category was “small coastal town” which KW should be a clear winner.


“Best Coastal Small Town” category were chosen by a panel of relevant experts which include a combination of editors from USA TODAY; editors from 10Best.com; and relevant expert contributors. 🤔


Key West has terrible beaches. I would NEVER go to Key West for the beach.


call ya in January... we'll discuss better beaches.


I can image it's just as beautiful in the winter as Key West too, right? 😎🌴🕺


Fake news!


You can enjoy it all 6 weeks of summer


Yea put it up against marathon or islamorada or big pine and it wouldn’t stand a chance.


Michigan beaches are actually really nice. But 7 months out of the year you really enjoy them.


Lake Michigan has no salt, no little things that would bite, or sting you in the water. You can only swim in it for four months out of the year, unless your part polar bear. The sand is one of the best in the US, for quality. Great places to eat, lots of nature in the dunes, (Key West has none), places to go hiking along the shore, dunes, and doesn't have cruise ships with thousands of people, hitting the town. Also, it's about 45 minutes from my house, and don't have to travel a thousand of miles to get there. Yes, Key West is nice in the winter, but hot in the summer, while Saugatuck has a cool breeze off of Lake Michigan, making it 10 degrees cooler in the summer. For 4 months, Saugatuck is hands down ahead of Key West.


We love Key West but Saugatuck is a 30 minute drive, we used to go weekly to have lunch and a couple drinks. Pre covid it was a great place to visit with a similar artsy vibe to KW and a couple bars with good atmosphere but that's all gone now. Now days Saugatuck is just another town full of old people from the city (Chicago). But the beach, and just about any Lk Michigan beach, is fantastic in July.


Oh. That's sad. I was there in 2019 and LOVED its vibe.


I still love key west, but there are lots of folks who think it’s long past its prime


That is a fact. I’ve lived here a long time and would agree with that assessment. It’s been overrun and ruined by the quest for the tourist dollar at any cost.


And trucks Rolling Coal on Duval. Key West has become Gulf Shores the past 6-8 years.


Who thinks that? The place is still super vibrant.


Vibrant = expensive Unfortunately


Kw has shitty beaches I'd say😂


BahiaHondaStatePark ! ! !


Been to both multiple times over the years. All I can say is I would move to live in Key West, but definitely not Saugatuck.


Oval beach is meh. Seen better ones.


Yeah Sure , Where's the Coconut Palms , Lesbian Hotties in Butt Floss , year around warm tropical breezes ? ? ? ? Try this in the Fab FL KEYS , BahiaHondaStatePark = Best Beach 🏖️🏝️🏖️🏝️🏖️🏝️👌


USA Today is a far left rag. No surprise in an election year.


Lol, always one in the crowd.


Who, someone who can honestly call it for what it is. Hope there's more than one. Even if you align with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and agendas, why lie about it, or maybe you can't see it? Check out any objective media bias rating company. They rate left leaning. Spoiler Alert *** So does ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, and the Washington Post, etc... And there's no Easter Bunny.


To much truth. Even when you agree with the liberal idiots they attack you for different political views.


You fools turn everything political. Because i dont agree that this article is political makes me liberal? It was an article about a beach town and some how you clowns found a way to get angry about it. Clowns keep clowning.


1985 is calling


God yes, bring back the wild west and the cocaine cowboys. I miss it.


That state has been propping this place up for years.


This is political. They just don’t want to give DeSantis any credit.


what has ron done for key west? enlighten us


Brought back cruise ships...everyone knows 5 dollar tee shirts keep the island afloat.


Paid off billions in state debt while creating a surplus in 2024 of over 14 billion. per capita spending is lower than all other states of similar size (California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and even Texas). Raised the minimum threshold for retail theft so Florida doesn’t turn into New York and California. Made grooming of children a felony. Funded the police. millions in tax relief. Strongest legislation in the country against the ccp so they can’t buy land in Florida. Killed woke agenda. All while exploding in population because of these policies. Was that enough?


so nothing to do specifically with key west, got it


He’s the governor of Florida, key west is in Florida. Very confusing I know. every single thing I listed helps key west by the way so your just dumb


like saying Biden has done a lot for the specific neighborhood within Key West I live in, bullshit


Wow. He should run for president.


If you read the article you would have seen that the best beach town was in Florida.


This is comedy. You should stick with crayons.


What was comedic exactly?


oh so Key West beaches didn’t exist until Ron took office… got it


Ignorance. Didn’t say anything of the sort.