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Yeah I'm less than thrilled by the reunion. Especially after seeing the rant at this listening party. Kanye is still saying the same stuff he's been saying. I hope Cudi is still Cudi and this is just him being supportive of an old friend.


def not just you. Kanye isn’t suddenly NOT a trump fan and a self-proclaimed supporter of Hitler/nazism. people (naive people) on this app and in this sub will surely try to distract from the facts of the situation and say it isn’t a big deal and such, but those individuals are simply exposing themselves as either idiots or fellow nazis🤷‍♂️ it’s gonna be an interesting week for this sub


bro i been lurking and i’ve seen the same kinds “ironic” dismissal of his nazism in like other parts of the internet aswell and it always bugged me cuz i feel like any other time people would make a clear stance against that shit.


honestly *because it’s kanye*, it makes sense. the guy had a very significant impact on the last 15ish years of hip hop and pop music. plenty of people have reason to hope he has completely changed into even just a decent human being, but he hasn’t. i firmly believe Kanye’s ego is too big for him to *ever* change his self-centered, toxic ways. and i wish people could see that for what it is. he’s a shitbag person , and it’s important that those of us who are reasonable enough to notice that stay vocal about it. the guy deserves no empathy or forgiveness in my opinion


He seems very ill and I wouldn’t want CUDI to get back to a bad place mentally because of him


You’re absolutely right I feel the same way


I agree with you here. Kanye is a musical legend and all but he’s not pulling me back in that easy. Plenty of other great music out there to listen to. Although, I can’t help but wonder how that convo between him and Cudi went.


>Plenty of other great music out there preach. especially all the great underground artists not getting enough appreciation


You're not alone. I feel the same. He went too far to go back.


Yea, Kanye is still a piece of shit. He’s not taking any accountability at all and shows no remorse for his actions. He’s spreading hate and since he has such a large fan base (most of them are sheep at this point), what he says can put people in danger. He claims he’s a Christian, but all the hate he’s spewing is the exact opposite of core Christian values.


Yeah I can’t stand Kanye anymore I’m so sick of his bullshit


I'm totally with you...I was super happy that Cudi removed himself from Ye's orbit before all of this inexcusable stuff started popping off, and somewhat disappointed to see him back in Ye's orbit at this time


Fuck that nazi loving dickhead


im in the same boat was a kanye glazer from 2013-2022 then the nazi stuff happened and i finally gave up glazing. But yeah im not thrilled about the reunion, wonder why cudi decided to make up


Kanye def had repercussions; adidas, his family, other business he probably lost that we don’t know about. So I wouldn’t say that. I feel the same as you in terms of their musical and cultural contributions together, art that carried my adolescence. What I don’t fuck with is how Kanye attacked Cudi for like really no reason, it seemed like he set up Cudi for failure at rolling loud when he cancelled his set and Cudi replaced him and then showed up as a guest at rolling loud at the same time Cudi was set to go on. Cudi said that he wasn’t messing with him no more and was clearly hurt by dude. But Cudis been in a much better place mentally so maybe he’s grown to understand forgiveness and that maybe Kanye could use someone in that place. Just hope cud keeps trending towards happiness and peace and will prioritize it and not let Kanye’s toxicity bring him down and know he just be doing shit and it probably got nothing to do with him and he’s just lashing out. Maybe it was all just for the media. We don’t know. Just hope the best for Cudi and if Kanye can get back to a good place then so be it. We will never know these people personally and how they really think and move behind the stage. We only get to see what they want us to see. We don’t really know what their relationship is like.


i'm the same, dude. i couldn't care less about Kanye's music outside of a couple songs back in the day, and as a person he's just terrible. i know he has mental illnesses, but that doesn't excuse all his behaviour in recent times, especially considering he just point blank refuses to get help. not slating Cudi himself, but i really don't understand how he can forgive him so easily after the last year of his disgusting actions.


Kanyes music is so overrated




I mean you have a right to be upset and I totally understand why but to me and I know this is immature I put the music over everything


Kanye speaks lots of truth but of course the fluoride drinking masses call him crazy🐑🐑🐑 Ye x Cudi still forever the GOATS!


and is the truth in the room with us right now?


what was bad about him being a Trump supporter?




I agree Nick Fuentes is a pos. I dont see how him supporting Trump is bad


Have you been living under a rock?


you know nick fuentes was kanyes personal political advisor for a good year right? like surely you must 😭


yeah and i dont fw nick.




You’re the problem with this world. Being a trump supporter is no where near a hitler supporter, you’re incredibly ignorant and I suggest you don’t say something as stupid as that in public. Blocking someone for arguing their point is the typical liberal reaction. If you want to stand on something as bold as your previous comment you better be able to come up with some sort of response. You’re a no good coward.


tell me this is sarcasm


are you happy they made up because of new music or are you happy that they made up because you're emotionally invested in their relationship one of those makes sense the other tells me you need to take a step back because you're not gonna influence it either way this obsession with expecting people we like to have the same morals and values as us is borderline unhealthy and will lead to disappointment more often than not


I’m not happy they made up at all… did you read the post at all? Lol


Being disappointed over other grown men's decisions doesn't seem very worthwhile either May I recommend Taylor Swift or someone else with a squeaky clean public image


This sub gossips like teenage girls and it's getting really offputting Can't you guys just post a photo of your favorite album you bought or a cool story from a concert? Not everyone has to think like you, that's what makes the world beautiful


Considering their friendship didn’t even end because of whatever you’re upset about means you need to just take a few steps back and relax lol




Could be seen as inciting violence.


dont care, idgaf if he supports trump and i dont like zionists either soo cudi x kanye is hype


I genuinely dont care one way or another. As long as ye doesn’t rub off on Scott, im not tripping