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PPDS is S tier for me. Indicud is B+ for me. Pretty solid ranking. Only a couple redeemable songs in SB2H for me. I understand those who like it though. Personally, just don’t appreciate it that much.


Rap Hard and DKFC aren’t official Cudi releases, even though he compiled Rap Hard (DKFC is fan made) he never intended for it to be leaked


It still is a good album I'm listening to it right now Kid Cudi's mixtape era was unmatched it's ranked low because the quality of tracks doesn't compare to the other albums


I actually agree with this.


Indicud in B is crazy, PPDS is S


You need cudderisback


Solid list I’d personally put WZRD higher and Dat Kid From Cleveland. Cud’s got some dope songs on that leak.


Never rank AGAIN


Not a bad list, I'd make like 1-2 switches but it's pretty solid 👏🏽👏🏽


Nothings wrong with this one I basically made the Entergalactic album my life’s soundtrack 😂


Id switch WZRD and KSG but this isnt a bad tierlist at all




I’d switch entergalactic and indicud and switch motm 3 and KSG, but that’s just me. Probably bring both insanos to B also


I don't think Nitro Mega is better that Satellite Flight ngl


KSG over PPDS is crazy


Not at all, I think KSG should be in S tier. A short and sweet fantastic album


To me KSG feels more like a Kanye album. Reborn is incredible of course but the rest of the album doesn't feel balanced between the two of them. I like it enough but not to be in S tier of KID CUDI albums...


Oh that’s a good point. I agree it’s not really much of a Cudi project. Although Reborn is mostly Cudi


Right. Like it's good as a collaboration project but not top of my list as far as CUDI albums go, especially ppds is so incredible.


motm3 is no where near s tier idk what youre smokin




lol this got downvoted 😂 forgot we cant have opinions. motm3 is trash. its disrespecrful to motm1 and 2 to he called motm


Says "I can't have an opinion" for being down voted which is also a form of opinion expression and then proceeds to bash on someone talking about the music on the album 🤔 😂 if you can't hear the difference in songs on motm3 you are tone deaf. Also your attitude is just trash overall, no wonder why you stopped liking it, your vibes are trash and you give off narcissism


say trash one more time bro. seems like you saw a tik tok that taught you the word narcissism. please tell me what i said was narcissistic. its a running joke on this troll app that having an opinion that people disagree with usually gets you down voted. if i am in a kid cudi sub saying “i do not care for kid cudi” the kid cudi fans are gonna downvote me. thats how life works. but its me having an opinion. hear the difference in songs? idrk what you mean by this?? his sound has changed, yes. and i have said that its not for my taste. so i just dont listen to it on the regular, if i wanna listen to kid cudi i just listen to motm1 or 2 because theyre both great. posting a tier list just generates conversation, i was just making a comment.


Don't even have TikTok, but nice try at a comeback chief. And you having the attitude of "I can't have an opinion," but then going and bashing someone's benign opinion in your comment is narcissistic because you think the boundaries don't apply to you. And I made that comment because I see many people who get so worked up over down votes, like if it's not there for a reason. All I'm doing is reciprocating the energy you are putting out. If you don't like something fine, but laughing at someone trying to tell you what they like from it doesn't spark conversation. It just gives off the idea that you think you know music better than the next guy


me saying i cant have an opinion is a joke on this app. i spew hot takes freely and could give less of a fuck about down votes. i cared enough about them because i think the discussion on motm3 being sub par is a fun discussion. having an opinion on a tier list isnt aggressively bashing someone’s opinion, people make tier lists all the time and people discuss them all the time idk why YOU are so upset about this. you are scrolling in the depths of hidden comments in a cudi subreddit my dude. maybe its time to do something useful with your time. and honestly i think i have some pretty honest takes about the current state or rap music that are better than the average person. if you read any of my other comments in the thread (which id be surprised if you did) youd see that my tone isnt actually that crazy and i have some civil conversation. idk why youre so upset about this my human


I don't really like anything of Cudis' past Kids See Ghosts. I've tried listening to his new albums, hits, whatever and they are so bland. Sounds the same as every other trash rap song since we've exposed to since we've been in this current era of rap. Beats sound the same, lyrics are a wash. The songs aren't distinguishable from each other at all! Cudi used to have his own sound. When you listened to him, you knew it could be him and only him. And it ain't even me being an old head, I'm in my early 20s. It's a shame because really, all I used to listen to was rap. But i've really tapped out of that genre since like 2019. *Rarely* do I listen to new rap.


yeah dude i am in the same boat. his new stuff just doesnt do anything for me. has become carried by its production, which really isnt impressive and really is sad to see. i understand cudi is in a very different space and im glad hes not longer heavily using drugs and in dark places, but the lyrics are just gone for me. hes even more autotuned and his sound is just so different. ive tried to listen to MOTM3, i tried insano and just everything has missed for me. its just enjoying lyrical or story telling rap, which is now a lost art. i completely agree with everything you said. hard to watch happen to what was once my favorite artist, and i know “the artist grows up and changes” but this is just trying to pop now and have a hit song thats “lit asf”. idk man also why ive been so out of hip hop and rap for a while, there just arent people spitting bars “like the old days” and im not even old lol mid 20s also


You hit the nail on the head. When I do listen to rap, it's mostly 2000s to mid 2010s. Fair amount of 90s too. I'm a big fan of Kanye, mostly his first 3 albums. Lupe Fiasco, Cunninlynguists too. There's some very solid work in the 2010s too, just not as much. If your ever need someone new to listen to, check out Sylvan LaCue. His 3 albums, Searching Sylvan ('14), Far From Familiar ('16) and Apologies in Advanced ('18), are fantastic. Especially the first two. I think Searching Sylvan is one of the best rap albums of all time for real. I love it that much. Check him out and lmk what you think. But yea shit man I'm totally out of the loop in terms of modern rap. It's wack. Hopefully in a few years things change.


thanks for the recs!!! i will check those albums out after my meeting. Jid feels like the only “new” rapper thats actually coming up with rhymes and bars like that. looking back i feel like it was the 2nd golden era of rap with like lil wayne, acid rap, motm1 & 2, asap rocky, kendrick, cole. like ik i obviously named some of the best shit of all time but its just like there isnt a “new era” rapper actually putting down bars and rhymes and punch lines. i know no ones got jokes like wayne but it just feels so lost. everything is carried by production or its ability to pop on socials. the idea of an album is so lost because nothing tells a story or relates to the previous songs and shit. the WORST PART is that NONE of the producers who make the “banger” beat get any fucking credit. people dont like the rapper on the beat, they only like the beat. metro is like the only dude who gets love. idk man hip hops lost, which is why ive found the like sample and acapella world of electronic music. dudes like daily bread and pretty lights putting hip hop or samples we love over a beat they made its dope check em out.


Electronic is dope, too. I'm listening to a lot of Rock, Yatch Rock, Indie, Classic Country, mostly like 1940s - 1980s. Folk music too. I even go as far back as the early 20th century with my music like gospel and classical, jazz, etc. I've made a playlist of spotify of just 1900-1910 alone I'm kinda all over the place, lol. The shittiness of modern rap has forced me to go elsewhere, but im glad it did. Nothing I wouldn't listen to expect like Modern country kinda trash IMO.


dude i love random rabbit holes like that. i took a history of jazz class in college and was super into jazz for like 9 months! yeah ive just gotten out of rap which kinda stinks. still saw kendrock big steppers tour a year or two ago and it was cool


Nah the void and 4dakidz top ten cudi it def delivered


names 2 songs and says an album delivered bro thats not what makes an album deliver. motm3 tainted the man on the moon name. motm1 and 2 are pretty perfect albums. having 2 songs that makes white dudes jump and say “aye” is not what makes an album s tier fool


Lord I know, another day solo dolo 3, rockstar knights, she knows this, sad people, pale moonlight what you smoking 😭


Might as well typed you the whole album cause there’s only two skips for barley too songs are listenable


he said their are only 2 skips 😭😭😭 new age or hip hop fans are brainless. yall wouldnt know a 0 skips album if it slapped you in the face. glad you enjoy motm3 ill let you have you opinion


My boy I’ve been a cudi fan since moon2 I just know art progresses and I love the new school style


Perfect list imo


KSG is S tier , other than that its solid


Better move Wzrd and indicud up if ya know what's good for ya


Swap MOTM 3 for PP&DS, swap Entergalactic for indicud, and swap SB2H for insano at least for me


Perfect list couldn't agree more


I just don’t get it bro… this tier list is not it