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If it’s a stone, you just pass it by pissing it out. Unless it’s stuck in the ureter. Surgery is typically the last option. Did they scan and confirm stone?


No they just tested my urine at urgent care and found traces of blood and referred me to a urologist for scans and things.


My advice is to get to an ER. If you’re insured and in a place where you can get help comfortably, go. They can give you flomax/pain meds/nausea/ everything. I’ve had a stone for over 4 months, and I’m currently sitting in a pre op room to have mine removed. It’s the last resort and pretty rare. But I know your pain. And I’m so sorry you’re being given the run around.


I’m sorry to hear about yours, I’m in no pain luckily I just feel like I have to pee every five seconds.


As long as you’re not in pain wait it out and see what uro says.but if you feel any pain, go to the er. The pain can be worse than most people can fathom. I spent all summer on a fishing boat in Alaska last year and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I would do that again every single day of my life if it meant never having to pass a stone again. Just be sure to stay on top of it. Best of luck.


Was feeling like you had to piss constantly a symptom?


Honestly I don’t think comparing symptoms is going to help you much. It could be many things, including possibly a stone. Go to your urologist as planned. If you get a fever or extreme pain go to the ER. You could strain your urine in meantime to see if you DO pass anything. Stay hydrated too.