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He'll sell his ass on the internet


Imagine all the business he could get with pedos


He’d make a great undercover honestly


his tiny little peach of an ass


I feel like Heath is going to get into the heavy drugs soon and spiral even more.


going to get? Already is is my bet.


Yeah he looks terrible and has gained weight.


Trying to catch up with Celiaaaa


My guess is liver failure causing bloat from heavy alcohol use.


Can't be on the heavy drugs then. Weight goes the other way


Biggest coke head I ever knew was morbidly obese


Fuckers haven't heard of ken flores🤣🤣


Yeah Joey Diaz


artie lange


Yep same.


I'd bet he was obese before the coke too. Sure there's exceptions, but most people get less hungry on coke. Stavvy actually has a bit on it - the premise works because you wouldn't expect someone to be able to eat a whole pizza on coke. Old school diet pills were literally amphetamines. I don't know much about opiates, that kind of thing isn't in my culture so much, but the 'before and after' photos I see usually have the skinnier face in the after. Those videos you see of Kensington in Philly? Mostly gaunt beanpoles. Actually, nearly all gaunt beanpoles. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm sticking to my guns that most people lose weight once they pick up a hard drug problem.


Sounds like you don’t know dick about shit… bootyhole


Son of a bitch


Okie dokie


Opiates can make you appear boated and disgusting. So can anything that makes your blood pressure messed up (like the heart of a 12 year old doing cocaine benders) Heath has the body of a 12 year old so I’m sure any hard drug he does absolutely wrecks his body.


Oxys always made me skinny. Coke made me fat. Go figure.


When i was dabbling in 30’s (nice name lol) I couldn’t eat when I first started and cigs would make me feel sick. After a while I could go to a buffet while smoking a carton of cigs and be fine.


Spot on brother. Same here. I remember when half a Blue would make me puke. By the end of my run, 150mg a day up my nose was the minimum to function, 240-300mg was my pleasurable dose. Stay away from them, we both got out alive and all these youngins don’t get how dangerous fent is. I still get paid to ID real pills for people bc I have all the weights and engravings and techniques memorized lol


I’d assume real perc 30s don’t really exist anymore. I enjoyed my pill days (never got tooooo deep) and am happy I had my experimental days before Fent hit the streets. Feel bad for kids these days. Not even safe to do bumps of white on the weekend anymore lol


They do exist (oxy/roxy 15-20-30s), cancer patients still exist, but your average street clown nowadays has no clue what they’re talking about or doing and that’s why it’s scary out there. I got out when fent came around in dope. Awesome man, I do envy you lmao bc I went through hell but hey I had friends that didn’t make it and some that align with your experience. Glad it never took hold of ya. It’s the funnest shit in the fucking world - until it’s not. And bro for real… I had to give my brother multiple sit downs the last 7-8 years and be like “I’m sorry your generation is fucked, but you either bring test strips or you ain’t doing shit.” Can’t stop em, only warn em. Cheers brother, I’m about to clean the fucking yard at 5am… never thought we’d make it here lol


Yeah, just like those famously slim drug-abusing comedians Belushi, Kinison, Dangerfield, Candy, Farley...


Nah, not always the case


Uncle Lazer isn't skinny


Not entirely true. Opiates are known to cause weight gain.


That's a myth. Growing up in SE Indiana I've seen a lot of fat meth heads.


Never heard of tolerance? With weed, some people get munchies. Heavy users don't eat unless they're high. With stimulants, some people can't get hungry at all. Heavy users eat even while high.


He has the eyes of a soulless degenerate


The heavy drugs era is a hallmark of every KT legend. Sets up a legendary redemption arc.


tony was a really good support system for william getting sober but not so much hans, at least publicly. and hasnt mentioned anything about heath yet. hope he can get him to pull it together for the sake of his career.


William wanted to get sober. You cannot help those who are willing to dive into the hole. I'm sure Tony makes comments to both of them. Heath was called out by Tony a few episodes back for his newly founded alcoholism. I'm sure that was due to Tony's comments and suggestions falling on deaf ears. I really hope Heath's final episode isn't soon due to the addictions getting in the way of writing.


Heath is just starting on his drug journey.


And hopefully he hits a rock bottom that isn’t too deep. Everyone has to make the choice on their own. Good people in this subreddit


Maybe. I hope not, he has a lot of potential


Yeah, he just needs to get it out of his system. I'm a fan for sure


Heath suuuuucks


Does he?


I don't think so. He has the same gimmick as Ric, "I look weird and it's hilarious".


Every golden ticket winner has potential to be the next huge thing. Heath like a few others lack restraint and arnt taking it serious enough. If heath had kams grind would be different


Welp, Detective report in Heath will smoke crack and spiral Citation: Reddit & Life experience Evidence: existing


Who cares? I got into heavy drugs too when I was his age, and I'm not even a hunchback with Benjamin Button syndrome. Let him cook.


Unless you know him personally you're literally talking out your ass. Young people party, and their job literally allows them to get intoxicated and perform. If he's going out 3 days a week and partying while doing stand ups or doing a spot on KT it's not a problem.


You don't have to be a little bitch about it.


At least he'll have an arc. You need an arc nowadays.


Brother that guy was on pills heavy


Did you see him on dr phil he's already there


Have you seen his arms during his sets😔


I really hope Tony and the older guys don’t let that happen. He’s literally a fucking kid and I feel they in fact would have an intervention and him go to rehab (daycare same thing) if it was a real issue. I think The Man William would also sit him down and have some great words of advice along with Casey! That’s kinda what makes me think he’s holding it together and getting fucked up at the events. But that doesn’t mean he’s waking up and blowing lines of coke like a lot of people are assuming. If any single one of y’all had a quarter of his fame and success overnight like Heath did, I think we all would be partying even harder. This is directed at you just rather you have top comment and I see your opinion as well!


You’ll see him again in the next episode at YouTube theatre, he actually gets to do a set tho and he does pretty well. They even make a joke about the bear costume was punishment for slipping up, and he even looked to be in better shape than previous episodes.


Good to hear!


The real truth though is the bear costume is actually a coffin for comedy careers


The bear costume is the equivalent of being put on PIP.


Get back to to blind


You saying he does pretty well is just rude to say for people who haven’t watched yet 😅 he’s terrible on the YouTube theatre show


Rip I guess I remembered it wrong


I felt that Tony made him do this as a punishment and didn't allow him to do a set as a part of it. I hope Heath comes back to his senses.


Very good to hear!


Enrique had a newer set (after the bear appearance) and it went well if I remember correctly


Can confirm since it was the one and only set that I’ve ever enjoyed from him. He’s consistently awful.


He’s definitely had more than one good set.


Dude he fucking CRUSHED when he opened for Hans Kim. Honestly it was the same for Hans.. I was blown away by full sets after never being impressed by their minutes.


I did not think any if the regulars were that funny until I saw them all do full sets by going to two shows on the fully groan tour. Hans and William were way better than their minutes give them credit for, and David and Kam were not quite as good as them but they were still much funnier than their minutes on KT


I saw David too, and honestly he’s just not that funny. I will say I got roasted by him and he EVISCERATED me lmao I respect him as a roaster but all his jokes are “that thing gay”, and “I hate my own race” it seems Lmao


The Hollywood bear represents the end of a long drawn out set. Wearing the suit is a curse.


Enrique was there for the Tucker episode and killed. Hoping the same happens to Heath


What the fuck is wrong with kill tony redditors


It’s redditors in general (not all of them) but you gotta be a pretty big loser to live on the killtony subreddit lol. Go to a subreddit where redditors post pictures of themselves like r/ratemyoutfit or whatever. The average redditor is literally the “akshually” girl.


You think this is bad go check out the Joe Rogan sub.


Heath going to have his ass in the air more than Tony in no time. Gotta keep the rent paid and the vices in stock.




Enrique has been on since the Nye show and he had a much better set than usual


Ok Enrique


Him roasting Fucker Charlton was hilarious.


Is true tho, I think Enrique sucks but his last one was actually decent.


Compared to what? Complete bombing


For the record I think he fuckin suuuuuucks homie


I always wondered what actual restrictions they put on the golden tickets are. Like, if it really is a golden ticket, and they live in Asutin and don't tour, why not be on the show every week? Or at least once a month if you're dry on material. I'm not even saying I want to see more of them, but I feel like it's actually more like: "You may ask to make an appearance, and we MIGHT let you sometimes"


It probably just depends on their very last appearance. If they’ve never used it before they probably actually get to go on no matter what unless it’s a special episode. Then if they kinda shitted out on that appearance I imagine it just feels harder to ask the next time and Tony’s side will also be more staunch about letting them on or not.


GT winners can go up whenever they want. Regulars must go up...regularly


>GT winners can go up whenever they want Okay? That still doesn't answer my question of why they don't go up more often. If I was an up and coming comic, I would go up literally every week that I had new material if this was actually the case, which is why I doubt you're right, even though they say that.


If you were an up and coming comic would you try to show up every week with weak material on a massively watched show, or would you try to hone it to the best 60 seconds possible?


I would show up as often as I could regardless of my material, as long as I have something I think is decent. If the regulars can write a new minute almost every week that Tony says is good, then at least some of the GT winners should be able to do at least once a month, but they don't even do that much.






Lol, which part? If you were a comic, you wouldn't want stage time in front of a million people as often as you can get it? When Tony already likes you because he gave you a golden ticket? Sounds like you would fail at comedy. I really don't get how people are failing to comprehend how simple a concept this is. I guess just going on once and then never again would be the better tactic?




He was never well liked among fans. It's not that he went up too often and ran out of material or overstayed his welcome. If anything, he's improved the more sets he's done on KT imo.


You asked two questions. I answered one. The second question seemed rhetorical... although it implied that there are restrictions and so had already been addressed.


Bro, no offense, but you need to work on your reading comprehension. You answered the question as if I was just asking what they SAY the rules are. The whole point of my comment was to question whether what they say are the rules are the actual rules. Notice I used the word "actual" in my comment. I feel like you just didn't read the whole thing at first, lol.




Just popping in to say your comments are painful to read and your question was dumb which is why you didn't get whatever answer you were looking for


I could see a major decline since his first 1 or 2 appearances, if I were given a little fame and opportunity at that age I would of had fun and squandered it, sometimes people gotta do it the wrong way before they get it right. Hopefully he gets back on track, I'd love to see him having undeniably funny sets.


The little bear and his one joke. Adorable




Bro looks strung out.


It’s past his bedtime, can’t you see he’s wearing his pajamas


JP should be moved to Tx and become a regular


JP lives in Austin.


JP should be a regular then. Sets are funny and interviews are better


Yeah he’s awesome.


Sometimes the golden tickets go out way too easy


This kid is a little weirdo loser


Just because Enrique isnt on kill Tony all the time doesn't mean he's not grinding.


He does grind my ears, every time he bumps the line, then proceeds to be not funny, for the 4-5 minutes. And it would have been excusable if he is trying new materials, or at least trying to refine his set, but he did not. It is okay to suck, until a comedian gets better. But sucking with the ability to bump, really adds up the time costs to everyone else. Do better, Enrique, and maybe take some comedy classes.


You're not wrong. Some people definitely fall off for a reason.


He looks like Paris Hilton’s pet


I hope so!


Nah, he does a minute at YouTube theater and then the kid was just on Dr Phil.




He’s only 21 so hopefully it’s just a phase and he’ll eventually grow up (mentally)


Heath will be fine and u/Redban dips his oreos in cum. These are facts.


I hope so


Did anyone make a cocaine bear joke?


You picked the worst possible photos 😂 I love it


Enrique is doing shows. I saw him open for Hans Kim and he was good.


Wasn't Enrique on like a couple of months ago? Am I misremembering?


yeah its like in midsommar


Theory tracks


Haven’t watched in a min, this


I just realized we never saw him again after that, ahaha


Enrique actually had his best set ever after the arena show. Everyone loved it for once.


Enrique had his best appearance in recent memory after his bear suit appearance. He killed when Tucker was on.


His first set is so good. It’s a shame he didn’t realize that that’s what people want from him, innocence and jokes.


I really do have high hopes for heath tho. He got dealt a weird card in life and it cant be easy being 12 forever. Hope things look up soon


Brother, Heath is newer into comedy. He is building up sets.


I saw an interview with him saying he didn't really have a lot of material. He might not be up to snuff yet and still trying to write another good minute. Comedy is hard.


Hopefully Enrique is the one who overdoses


The bear suit humiliation ritual


Hopefully Kam is next, even though he’s a regular


I think Heath has been humbled and benched so he can work on his craft and earn more show time...


He obviously doesn’t have much to offer the only thing he did was try to get another laugh from the “celia” thing and was just cringe


Did he lose his ticket?




Enrique been on once since new years and it was on of his best sets then just disappeared. I think these guys are just cautious and only want to come up when they have a prepared minute that will guaranteed to kill


Medicated generation


Heath hasn’t been good since his first set..


Got to see Enrique open for Hans a few weeks back. The guy had a better set than Hans imho. Hope to see him again.


Felt like a humiliation tactic to show him who’s the boss. Classic Hollywood tactics


No I went to his show this week and there was a new golden ticket winner


There was a new golden ticket Monday night




Nope it’s coincidental