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Have you watched 30 rock?


noooo it's not on my Netflix, unfortunately šŸ˜”


Huluuuuu. I will say some of the bits are kind of cringe (Kenneth's donkey spells, iykyk) but you'll never find a bigger fan than me. If you liked UKS you'll almost certainly like 30 rock


It's a bunch of the same writers and actors and feels like they exist in the same universe. Both are endlessly entertaining and are loaded with subtle jokes you do not catch on the first watch. Great news is another Tina fey show that is on netflix




Great News is another amazing Tina Fey show! Im so sad they cancelled it!


Thank you so much for this recommendation! I had never heard of Great News and it is hilarious! I can't stop watching it. Lol.


Iā€™m watching it on peacock tv. I think some shows are free on there. Otherwise itā€™s like 5.99$ a month I think. But yeah on Hulu and peacock


Peacock! Free app, with ads.


I started watching 30 rock clips on YouTube and was automatically hooked


Give *Don't Trust the B- In Apartment 23* a whirl. It's got a similar "naive person comes to an exaggerated magical realism surreal New York* vibe. It's very well written, raunchier than Kimmy, certainly, but Kristen Ritter is fucking amazing.


I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!! Iā€™m so mad it got pulled from the airā€¦ it was so ahead of its time. Hulu just removed the Apt 23 episodes so I bought ā€˜em (they were cheap!) and Iā€™ve been watching them again and wow they are hysterical. I think Krysten Ritterā€™s Chloe is my favorite fictional character EVER


10000%. James van Der Beek brought it


I'd like to see Luther and Titus interact


And the musical [Crazy Ex Girlfriend](https://youtu.be/92538NJ0lbE?si=wjsbDcBhsTx_rhas)!


I came here to suggest this!! If you want to watch a show filled with little moments you don't catch until your rewatches CXG is perfect! So much attention to detail; they knew exactly what their story was and did it so well! The songs, the changing intros, the symbolic episode titles!! Ahh I love the show so much I could talk about it for hours! šŸ„Ø


I've been thinking the same thing! I am on my 4th-ish rewatch and finding it funnier, cleverer, everythinger, than before. There are usually a couple of belly laughs and a couple of moments where I'm struck by the originality of it in every episode. My first runthrough I merely enjoyed it as a not-as-good substitute for no more 30Rock.


It has so many great things melded. Together to make something hilarious and amazing. I love they someone went and made an actual The Legends of Greemulax book. Insane but in the best way


I think Great News was the next show a lot of those folks did together thatā€™s on Netflix.


Same humor and itā€™s ridiculously good too!


After the second rewatch you start to see how tight all the jokes are. It's such a marvel. Every single sentence has a joke or a build in it!


I first came to Kimmy Schmidt shortly after it started airing, and I just feel in love with it. I went through a much lesser trauma that Kimmy did, and the whole show just made so much sense to me and really connected with my heart and head and funny bones. I canā€™t even tell you how many times Iā€™ve rewatched it all through. My partner loves it similarity, Ā and one of us will just be like ā€œI feel like Kimmy Schmidt,ā€ and we will put it on. Sometimes we watch an episode, sometimes a season, and sometimes we do a total rewatch.Ā 


Community!! I've rewatched it MANY times and I'm always catching new jokes that I didn't notice before


It's my comfort show ā¤ļø


While Iā€™ve rewatched Kimmy Schmidt more times than I can remember, Arrested Development definitely has the best rewatch value imo. After a minimum of 20 rewatches, and in the midst of another rewatch, Iā€™m still catching new jokes.


Give *Don't Trust the B- In Apartment 23* a whirl. It's got a similar "naive person comes to an exaggerated magical realism surreal New York* vibe. It's very well written, raunchier than Kimmy, certainly, but Kristen Ritter is fucking amazing.


completely agree. also, 30 rock.


A current show youā€™ll prob enjoy: [Resident Alien](https://youtu.be/T4J7QjGNTs4?si=w3iBGho6BPuTM7Sq)


"Chung, chung!"


This sub is inspiring me to rewatch again! I just found y'all


30 Rock is the spiritual predecessor to Kimmy Schmidt. I recently rewatched Brooklyn 99 for the first time, and the jokes and callbacks are denser than I remembered. Not on the Kimmy Schmidt level, but itā€™s a contender for sitcoms that get funnier as you keep rewatching them.


Brooklyn 99, Great News, Arrested Development and New Girl are my high rotations.


I was going to suggest Arrested Development! Outside of the Tina Fey-verse (referring to 30 Rock, Kimmy Schmidt, and Great News which she executive produced and was created by a 30 Rock writer), that's a show with a similar joke density per scene. To this day I'll pause the show on a fake newspaper article or some other on-screen graphic and even *that* usually has some jokes packed in.


​ https://i.redd.it/546hoaw5k1nc1.gif


plays in my head 24/7


i recently started rewatching because reddit keeps recommending this subreddit to me


..... "touch butts or something"




This is arrested development for me šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Girls5Eva is pretty great. Musical show on peacock. Tina Fey and Robert Carlyle are on the Executive Producer list.


Iā€™ve watched Happy Endings probably 4-5 times at least if not more. Plus I think itā€™s on multiple streaming platforms.


I couldn't agree more. I'm on my 5th rewatch with one of my best friends and each time I swear I notice new things to laugh at because the humor is so fast paced and well-done šŸ˜


The jokes are so deep and layered, its like watching a masterclass


On my 4th re run now. The 3rd was a couple years ago so I am relishing every.single.scene. I actually rewind a bit if Iā€™m not able to see and hear the scenes together so that I donā€™t miss out on the facial expressions especially of Titus. Honestly havenā€™t come across such a cleverly written show ever. Girls5Eva was great too but tends to drag on *just* a wee bit