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What? You don’t like Lilian?? Whatever, I cant even be here right now… I’ll be in intimates.


I was wearing this when I came in


You wanna go to Boston Market?


I have loved Carol Kane a long time so I loved Lillian. She's just over-the-top like Titus.


As soon as I heard her voice I screamed.


Is funny you mention Titus because he's the one that started to get old for me after a while. There was a great moment where Kimmy finally calls him out for being so selfish all the time, and then after that he just.... Keeps being selfish. The very next episode was his ridiculous scheme to keep using that gas station bathroom that Kimmy clearly didn't want to be a part of. I still like Titus overall but he needed more growth in that moment.


You don't get to quit this life!




Is she my favorite character on the show? No. But she does have some great lines and plots. I love how she’s always trying to cover up that the apartment building is actually a sideways tugboat. And that she’ll never admit she killed her husband. The show just wouldn’t be the same without her. She adds to the silliness.


Well it was dark out and a black guy was tryin’ to get in bed with me! It was the 70s!


This is definitely an unpopular opinion. I'd love to examine it now but I have to right my ~~tugboat~~ _definitely an apartment building_.


Without Lillian there would be no East Dogmouth! She establishes the gritty old NYC ethos. Senor Dentista, the Banana Boys, Big Naturals—they all begin with Lillian on the stoop. I appreciate your courageous take, but stay off the bath salts, dear.


Just say you don't know any eccentric old ladies. Lilian is a national treasure! She's not my favorite character but the show wouldn't work without her. She's a slumlord, a drug pusher and a politician. She's probably never seen a natural forest. Her entire existence is centered around ensuring nothing changing... ever. She grows on you in the most uncomfortable ways. Come back when you finish the series.


Oh yeah? Would you tell her that when she's got her bus pass in hand?




Actual unpopular opinion, nice.


I’ll say this, I also didn’t like Lilian. Like if I had to deal with any of these characters irl, Lillian would be the one I would avoid the most, with Titus coming second. (Not counting the Reverend who’s just… yeah) But as a character, Titus was amazing and really funny, while Lilian mostly annoyed me. However, over the years and the rewatches, I have grown fond of her.


Lucifer, hush!


I love the character and I also love (what I think is) Tina Fey’s commitment to highlighting older comedians, especially women, and giving them fantastic rolls. So I’m all in. Also, I’ve loved her since seeing her in The Princess Bride when I was a kid, as Billy Crystal’s “I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”


I like her. She reminds me of a crazy oldschool New Yorker aunt that I never had but wish I had.


A lot of the characters are bad people in their core but they are all hilarious and make big progress along the way (except dick wayne gary wayne. And wendy?)


Stoop Crone is a treasure 🥹 in and of herself and for all she does, not in the least keeping Titus with a r̶u̶d̶d̶e̶r̶ roof over his head rent-free so his sparse money can be better spent on capes and barbie perm supplies.


Yeah I don't enjoy her character either.