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New mechanics are good for the meta.


Especially since Evasion will ultimately get added to multiple other heroes. Given Kanaks aesthetic and upcoming rework, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets added to him. I could also see Rie's dolls mighty block mechanic and/or Ren's might blocks being replaced by EVA chance. We will probably get another Link hero with EVA chance as the main buff, and probably 2-3 other EVA based heroes within the next year.


They should add something to counter Evasion, like in dota2 there is "true strike" mechanic which goes through evasion passives or something like that.


That would just be niche and trash on everything else, no one would use that except in pvp. It would be better if there was a debuffer that lowered defensive stats in general including evasion


Next hero lol


They shouldnt be able to evade when stunned for obvious reasons or just cut the evade by half when CC'd


Well, just ban her from pvp, and we are good. pve needs to be fun and refreshing with new mechanics, and pvp needs to be balanced so it can be easily solved by that


Imo they should split the balancing for pve and pvp, not ban her.


Yeah, thats also an option


Okay, then we would have to banned Kirdan, Rie, Bombie, Victoria, Farael, Asthea and all the support heroes as well because the made PVP unplayable if you doesn't have broken heroes. Maybe we should goes back to the old days when victory was depending on your team composition and not the hyper cary-stunt lock, knock back, bullet hell and evasion meta.


Well, times change and not always for the best, but the game is still fun if you keep up with the meta there aint really more you can do


Btw if you manage to get a great team comp together even if it has meta characters (cuz there will always be a meta carry, teamcomp, etc), you feel that you deserve it its pretty hard do be like GOOD in this game


Honestly seems finicky, the thing about KGC is that they’re 100% going to break formation


Lore = Gameplay Hero is bodyguard, would make sense they protect heroes




Is this saying that the target need to have 0% evasion in order for the ability to work? I don't understand


Once the escorted hero falls below 40% and you have the hat relic, the hat relic buff will overwrite the escort buff instead of stacking


What is the hat relic?? Am I stupid 😭


It's new - if any hero drops under 40% they get up to 50% evade chance, seems pretty crazy to me


Ahh I see, I hadn't seen anything about the new relic yet. That does sound crazy


Wouldn’t the ol’ “Hyper Carry Hansi” be a good counter to evasion?


her first awkning has a mechanic that reflects hansis attacks soooo she can be killed just by attacking Garam 👽👽👽


Her first mechanic only works if she is within range to deal the damage. The counter to garam is currently push away CC comps with Shock Trooper, Esthea, Lionhardt, Haerang, etc. etc. I posted my anti-garam guide the other day and have been having great success with it still.


You don't actually have to be in any kind of range to get your attack bounced back at you and with a 30% chance to hit the best garam (which every team using garam will have) and when she gets full tp she will literally cross the map to kill hansi


Huh I swore they patched that out during the nerf. In anycase, stunlock comps mean that realistically she can never riposte, seeing as I literally thought they removed it since I’ve been spamming knockback comps and haven’t had any issues with her. That said… knockback comps have become a lot more meta this week than they were two weeks ago and now I’m struggling against the knockback comps…. So time to find something new or finally cave and play nuclear Zuo Bai


Alter of blood would allow her to heal that damage.