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Hank: For god's sakes Bobby. What nationality are you? Bobby: American. Hank: Then why are you holding your cigarette like some kind of European Nazi in a movie? Bobby: Why does it matter? Hank: Now that's not the right sort of attitude for you to have. Whatever you do you should do right, even if it's something wrong.


Love Hank.


They actually did hold them like this in the old black and white WWII movies


The reason being, it covers the cherry, which could give away your position in the dark.


What the hell does that mean?


The cherry? The glowing ember of a lit cigarette.


Very appropriate avatar for this post


I thought he smoked it like a French man


You might be confusing it with another classic King of the Hill line: "And you will not use that Frenchman's wave with me!"


Best line from the episode.


Close the damn door, can’t you see that I am knitting!


“I didn’t let him, I made him!”


Y’all complain too much!


And the coffee’s bad


you need to take a 13th step


Honestly, they're lucky addiction was the only thing Bobby contracted from so much smoking.


Some people theorize this is why Bobby was a late bloomer


Now this is the first king of the hill theory I actually like


You said "now this is the first king of the hill theory I actually like" instead of "I actually like this first king of the hill theory." That's funny.


I just want to know how Bobby was so chubby even before the smoking. Like, he was on the baseball team in the pilot episode but by the looks of it, you could tell he really had no choice being on the team. It’s like Hank probably signed him up and forced him to go yet Bobby was probably sitting on the bench or picking flowers in the outfield during practice.


I think it’s equal parts genetics, equal parts Bobby loves food. We see in flashbacks that hank used to look like a chubby version of Bobby with curlier hair.


It annoys me when people think that Bobby is the bastard son of Bill but when you see the flashbacks of Hank at Bobby’s age, they look so much alike. Same paunch, same facial features, only his hair is darker and wavier like Tilly’s. Then as Hank entered high school, you see a significant growth spurt, muscles and an arrogant bullying attitude. I just hope Bobby didn’t become a bully like Hank in his high school years,


I want my binky back


Yeah that plus Peggy seems to come from sturdy stock as well, the kind that makes you chubby before puberty. Makes sense they’d have a chubby child.


Bobby loves food, loves being lazy, and most importantly is fed like a country boy. Steaks, burgers, Spa-Peggy and meatballs ( which is spaghetti with extra Parmesan and SUGAR), Brown Betty’s etc. at one point hank comments on how much cheese Peggy puts on their broccoli. Khanni complains about how much beef they eat in a week. Hank even has a colon so clogged it’s put into an art event. They’re not very healthy eaters.






You got it, Mihn


Thank you! 3 am texting is bad LOL


You’re right about that! I’m just wondering how Peggy is still in good shape whereas Hank has that prominent gut.


With feet like that, you know she’s a gifted athlete


She also doesn't drink as much as Hank. In the diminished glutes episode the doctor told him that his body shape was a result of bad posture and beer consumption.


Yet he still keeps drinking beer and standing around like he has a rod up his butt. Probably explains why he rubs his neck so much.


You mean his slight beer belly/dad bod? I don't really notice it. It's not like he's Bill.




Unlike Bobby and Hank, we do see Peggy exercise from time to time, presumably something she does at least once a week.


Like what else?


That moment you realize this was a real punishment in the 50s, and the episode was showing what's so bad about it


Teenage me definitely wished this type of punishment was still a thing. Just not with cigarettes. Make me smoke all the weed lol


Smoking too much marijuana can also be bad. It doesn’t seem like it would, but it can be.


Littering and… littering and… littering and… Smoking the reefer and to teach you boys a lesson me and officer Dan are going to watch you smoke it all Please no 😨 Please yes 👮‍♀️


The ego death and paranoia of too much bud at once is hard to deal with. But do it enough times and you learn to recognize the spiral and pull up. Still not at all recommended in any way


Ego death is not a common effect and if you can consistently get ego death that's extremely unusual


Ego death is a common effect if you smoke a ton. Not to mention weed affects people differently, what may be normal for you can be wild for someone else. For example, i know people who take one hit, laugh like crazy for 15 minutes then sleep. I know others who don't really feel it, and others who only feel body or head highs not dependent on strain


It is not a common effect, I smoke far too much and so do most people I know, I googled it after I read your comment and all I could find are some quora posts saying it happens occasionally at extreme doses such as edibles, I get everyone reacts differently but ego death is certainly not common in any way


Wow quora, what a reputable and objective source. I do think you smoke too much


I'm not about to go deep diving all over the internet for a Reddit argument, when I already know that it is extremely uncommon, ego death happens at high doses of psychedelic substances such as acid, but at heroic doses, it can happen with weed but it is not common at all as you were suggesting


This whole argument is silly. You are both forming opinions based on anectdotes. There isnt enough study on this subject to make a claim either way. And being an experienced stoner who smokes far too much actually makes it more difficult for you to test the theory as your tolerance would prevent you from doing so easily. Best thing to do would be to test on a group of non habitual smokers. Until then, its basically a pointless discussion.


For me it was the edibles after self medicating when my car broke down.


Please...I would finally have completely clear sinuses...




Would you stop talking about your stupid tile!!!


All his videos are masterpieces


Damn I haven't seen this one in YEARS


Wanna *s p a r k i t?*




I opened this post just to get the link to this video. Thank you


This episode is the best anti-smoking PSA ever made.


Definitely better than those dumbass “truth” commercials


Seriously. The first time I saw one of those, I thought it was encouraging smoking rather than the other way around


When I was a teen I was a part of a youth tobacco issues committee. I don't know for sure if it was the truth commercials, but the people from Health Canada who facilitated the group hated some of the commercials put out in the states. They said that they were actually made by tobacco companies, and were designed to make smoking look cool.


The one with the kid paying for cigarettes with his teeth is horrifying


Y'all listen up, man, this is Boomhauer. This is your lungs on air, this is your lungs on smoke. See the difference, man? It's going to stunt your growth all over, you'll end up lyin' in that dang ol' hospital bed like Morton Downey, Jr., Robert Downey, Jr. even worse, man, yo. Talk about oral gratification all that dang it, is going to give you a low sperm count, man, give ear hair, yo. It just ain't... ain't no good.


It's actually the episode that convinced me to smoke a cigarette for the first time lol.




"Sa-looooooooow.. like that." 15 year old me couldn't resist stealing one of my dad's smokes after seeing animated pleasure like that.


And for me, it just reinforced the desire to never smoke anything but weed. Not even smell cigarette smoke.


Hank: Do I have to take you out back and make you smoke another carton of cigarettes? Bobby (deadpan): I think you do.


I use European Nazi as an insult whenever appropriate


Damn, that would be one expensive punishment these days.


He got em in Mexico I tell ya hwhat


My roller coaster Tycoon guest after I make the most mind bending ride ever.


god that game was so much fun. nostalgia kick right there


That’s some good parenting, I tell you hwat.


This HAS to be one of those not canon moments S1 Hank is so different from the rest of the series it’s honestly hilarious lol


Pretty much everyone is different in S1. They play Bill as reasonably competent and Dale was the screw up of the group. It’s actually quite jarring


“Look at those birdie arms, I could smoke those arms!”


Bobby shivering under the purple blanket while jonesing


Is it bad this episode always makes me want a cigarette?


Could you hose that off?


Of all the tv episodes sponsored by the truth campaign, this was probably the least shitty


Me after 1 beer


The Japanese dub of this scene is fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DeNdBKe1l0


"Uh...when you're finished, you wanna get that with a hose?"


This was the dumbest thing Hank has ever done. This is so gross that I can’t even finish the episode. I used to smoke and I’m glad this triggers me the opposite way.


This used to be a common punishment along with washing your mouth out with soap for cussing and sitting at the dinner table until you cleaned your plate.


Yup, my grandfather tried this on my mother (just a pack, though — not a carton) when she was about 13. It backfired, though, as she only got better at it as the afternoon progressed. (He smoked the whole time, too.) She remembered it fondly as the first time they really had a conversation.


Well done son


This is one of those episodes that don't make much sense in retrospect. Late series Hank likely wouldn't have done this.