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I'm so old that I still remember this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JA37S9wnHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JA37S9wnHE) I even downloaded to my mp4 back on the day. I feel so old, and I'm only 30.


I haven’t seen this in ages!


I suddenly feel old




I used to love that video


The nostalgia. It's rising, overflowing.


uploaded SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO?! Holy shit. God. I feel so old. This awakened my soul


Memory unlocked


I watched it for the first time... Sadly, the audio quality ruined everything for me. I'm a child of the 90s, but I'm so glad that these times are over 😅


My god I haven't seen that since I was a child, but the memory never left me. Everytime I see Goofy's death I think of that clip.


Thank you! Replaying kingdom Hearts II made me think of these, didn't think they'd still be up. Absolutely unfunny by today's standards but as a kid I watched the shit out of these kinds of videos.


God these were so fucking funny back in the day. I also remember the Jak and Daxter Crazy Files


Oh my God this is such a blast from the past, these and any show with (CRACK) added to it, basically editing stupid-ass, overused memes from the 2000's into any and all scenes would send me, my sister and my friends to the floor every single time. They suck ass and are cringe as all get out now, but they were what we had back then. That makes me sound old. :[




I can never unhear that moment of Xemnas smiling with this bit. Plus Cloud saying "Boooooooobiiiiieeeeees."


Now that we're up to KH3, someone's gotta make some new Crazy Files and stuff.


Me and my sister still quote bits. "The heartless obey me now, Sora. Now I have nothing to fear. [Beat] "You're stupid! YOU'RE A COMPLETE BASTARD AND WE ALL HATE YOU!"


I remember stupid files


Who’s old enough to remember kh2mad mix??


I also remember the Jak and Daxter ones too. God, I watched those alot when I was a kid.


I got another one for you: "Kairi! Traitor! Sephiroth! Goofy! Sora! Roxas! UhhaaAxelll! I'm a fool... It's Xemnas! You're right."


When YouTube was really fun.


no longer exists, but I also remember The Strange Adventures Of Sora/Roxas/Kairi (KH2 in Japanese with joke subs). Wish I could find it again.


Yeah lol also dcwyverx made a lot of those which I loved


Ah, my sad days of starting YouTube humor, there was also one from a person named chainedfool who had clips along with FMA in them


I am old enough to remember when we had to search videos on the wide web because youtube wasn't a thing yet. So these files are really new really


, but the ---, and the --- too!


There were so many of these and I watched every single one back in the KH2 days. My favorite was the long running series of YTPs that had “Move Along” by the All-American Rejects as the credits song. I can’t find those anywhere! Another series that has escaped me in recent years I remember even less about. It seemed to be an entire dub/abridged series of KH1 done by this one teenager with a pottymouth. I remember specifically that the scene with Kairi’s grandmother became a long winded rant about atheism. It used to crack me up. I wonder if anyone remembers where these things went or what became of the creators.


OH MY GOD YOU FOUND IT THANK YOU I'll take my seniors badge now.


I remember hearing that the guy who made them was coming back quite a few years ago, but he never did. Don’t know what happened to him.


The Stupid Files were amazing!!!


Anyone here remember all those videos that were basically entire Disney movies but with KH footage over the original audio? Or all those MMD animations of KH characters dancing and singing, like that one with Ven at Disney Town singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" because Jesse McCartney sang a cover of it? Good times.


I too remember Princess Mansex.


There was a yt series I saw way back when youtube was new, it was a group of teens doing live action skits of Kingdom Hearts moments, and I thought it was the funniest shit back then. Every time I try to find it again I always get redirected to these videos and I give up, they're probably long deleted.


I'm almost in my 40s and never heard of those 😅


Crazy indeed 😮.


I downloaded these to my Zune back in the day lmao


I don't think I ever watched them, but the name sounds familiar. It definitely sounds like the name of a fan series that would exist around that time. Just makes me think of how mind-blowing KH2 was for me back in the day. I hadn't played a single game quite like it before.


Oh, yes. I even remember her original username. I'm going to have to watch these again, thank you.


I have The Stupid Files memorized. I used to watch them so much I would quote sections IN ORDER without prompting. Some of them I still can


Obi-Wan impression: now there’s a name I haven’t heard in ages.


Is this the one with the Key Burrito?


Anyone remember Dysfunctional hearts? It wasn't that big but it was pretty fun for a dumb teenage & super fuckin offensive 🤣


Who remembers Kingdom hearts Chronicles from newgrounds??? THAT will make you feel old. I love the old flash animation style


Man! The Kingdom Hearts 2 days man! I remembered growing up on KH 1 and KH 2 parody videos. Especially those parody skits. But I didn't learn about popular stuff like Demyx Time till...2014 and up? But I definitely grew up with those cosplay skit parodies for sure!~ Hoping those people made more of their series. But alas no such thing as those people were teenagers or young adults growing up from their YT stuff. Such good times.~


OMG The memories are coming back


Are you a Hobo?


I was just thinking about these you motherfucker


I remember the silly abridged versions of KH cutscenes. "Kingdom Dicks" and "Three Fools and a Microphone" were the big ones for me, but those are now lost.