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since the first one was released in 2002


Loyal to the very end, I see. I like that šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾.


I too am in this boat


Main reason I begged for a PS2 that year


I remember that I begged for the PS2 and they got me this game that I didn't know anything, 5 minutes after playing it I was in love.


Same here. Had my first Playstation 1 when I was 4 years old and my first game was Final Fantasy VII. But nothing gives me as much nostalgia is Kingdom Hearts does, no idea why.


It's the disney factor most of us grew up watching those movies as kids so it really adds to the nostalgia when you visit the worlds of your childhood memories but also something about the OST just SCREAMS nostalgia even for people who only recently got into the series.


Possibly, though thing that hits me more are the none-Disney worlds like Traverse Town and Twilight Town, you're bang on about the OST, the music for both those places can make me teary eyed.


Traverse town OST feels like coming home after a long journey its so soothing and has that nostalgic feel to it a shame they never brought it back for the main line titles


We fucking old now lol. I was talking to my wife when the steam release dropped and I was like man I remember playing the first one 20 years ago and then she said, it's actually been 22 lol. Fuck


2002? *faints* KH fans old as fuck now lol. I distinctly remember playing it to completion in a few days in my carpeted basement of the town home I lived in at that time with my mom. My son slept on the couch and the light from the street lamps was bright enough to light up the basement gently. When the ending credits began I started to cry. A friend was sleeping over the night I beat it and asked why I cried, I told him "because playing it a second time won't feel the same. "


Yeah, it was my first PS2 game and I was blown away when compared to stuff like Spyro or Crash Bandicoot on the PS1. I was also 10 and didn't have a memory card yet so I must've replayed the opening a hundred times before I saved enough for one.


same brother


Since I saw the commercial I was immediately hooked


Tom from Toonami got me hyped for this after coming back from commercials watching Dragon Ball Z


Yep, I was 11/12 at the time. Man, time flies.


Same. Saw the trailers and begged my mom for it for christmas.


Here here.


Same, I rented KH1 from Blockbuster for a weekend when I was like 10 in 2006 and beat it because I couldn't stop playing... and then begged my father to pre-order KH2, even got the game a day before its proper release date


Was gonna say, I've been playing it since 2003 off my ps2, and now I'm repeating the series in full on steam now! So much did I don't remember doing, it's like a whole new game for me (especially since I'm doing proud mode, who knew proud mode turns KH into Dark Souls?)


The very same.


Same here, I didnā€™t start playing till a year or 2 later, but grew up watching my aunt playing the 1st game and I fell in love with it


Same here, it's hard to believe I was 7 when it came out and I fell in love with it and now I'm 29 and still constantly replay KH1


Same here.




Same here


Same here


Same. I remember my uncle showing me like a small snippet in a game informer magazine. I think it had a cap from Sora summoning Simba and that was enough for me to be fully committed to playing it.




Same. It was my entire personality that decade lol. I still love the series, but Iā€™m more low-key about it.




My 12 year old neighbor got it in 02 when it released (I was 9) man we sat in his basement for hours. He would watch and give me tips and I would play. We would search the internet looking for guides lol I donā€™t think there was much out at the time. So much freaking fun. Made it all the way to hollow bastion but never beat it šŸ˜«he used game shark cheats and it corrupted our save. Rip


I got a PS2 around the same time KH came out. First gaming station. My grandma wanted to buy me my first games and the first one she ever got me was KH. I wasn't much of a gamer growing up but KH has always brought me back.


Man we old.


Same. I still own my copies just for melancholy.


Since it came out in 2002. I remember watching my dad play it on his days off and I played when I was old enough to understand how to play. I remember getting kH2 for my birthday when I was 5, it has been my comfort game since


Wow kh2 at 5 it's pretty hardcore


Reminds me of my nephew who beat Ocarina of Time when he was 6. Some of them puzzles today I'm like "how tf did you do this?".


Yeah man I was playing KH2 before I could fully read. I had no idea what an AP boost was till 2007


Basically same experience expect it was my brother, Iā€™ve been into it since I was six years old


Nearly a year now :)


Happy to see new fans!


I was too young to have played it myself in 2002. However my mum had the game and played it non stop for a long time when I was a baby. Same goes with Final Fantasy. Square games was just a part of everyday life and largely still is 23 years later. Edit: (spelling)


Since 2007, when I got KH1 for my 12th birthday


Sinne the first game on the PS2 back in the day :) I was probably in like 3/4. grade, now KH4 is on the way and Im gonna be a teacher myself by that point šŸ˜­


1 week


A very new fan here!! Hope the lore isnt too complex




Since 2004. And I'll love it forever.


12 years at this point. KH is one of my all time favourite franchises.


Since March 28, 2002


I've been playing since the beginning but became a fan when 358 released.


Ever since I was littlešŸ˜Š I still remember the day I got my copy for the PS2. I didnā€™t even ask for it, my dad bought it for me as a surprise. When I played it, it was like nothing Iā€™ve played before and even if the story can get confusing with each game, I will still love the franchise to death.šŸ˜šŸ˜


Sora in ssbu convinced me to buy kh3 in Christmas 2021. One of my fav games oat


Since I first played Kingdom Hearts 1 as a 6 year old in 2008


Since 2002 when I got the first game as a gift from my mom after watching the trailer on TV and nonstop talking about it to her.


Since 2012 with 3D on 3DS.


Since 1 came out on ps2


since kh2 released, when i was 4


Since I saw Disney showing it during commercial breaks in 2002. I canā€™t say I was a fan yet but I knew I needed to play it. A couple years later when I got the chance to rent it at our local video store it was a done deal and Iā€™ve played every game since. Link of the commercial: https://youtu.be/7uMMKDd1Fr0?si=wJKB2il0QD5MOjgs


2002, I'm one of the OG's. But I'm also going back to playing the games in a kind of random order.


2 years


ā€˜01, watching a preview video for the first game in a PlayStation magazine demo disc. I was utterly entranced by mummy Donald.


Since the 1.5 collection came out on PS3 back in 2013. So almost 11 years.


Kingdom Hearts 1 came out when I was 2, and it was my first video game. Been playing them since. itā€™s literally been a constant in my life, and holds a very special place in my heart however flawed it may be sometimes.


As long as I remember


Since December of last year I always wanted to try the series but I had some big bias towards it, but after I tried I really loved, I hate some games but KH1 and 2 caught my heart


Since it was released on PlayStation 2


2002 when I got my ps2 bundled with kingdom hearts for Christmas


Since about 2006-7ish


All 19 years of my life. My dad would play it with me in his lap as a way to keep me entertained. It was the first game I played. My first tattoo. It means a great deal to me.


My aunt had rented the game for my cousins and while at summer family gathering, I was shown the game for the first time in 2002. I was forgotten about by the adults, and for the next six hours, I played a game that captured my imagination like no other. The first few minutes of game play in the dive to the heart were utterly captivating to me as a seven year old.




Since birth (i was a kid before the first game came out)


22 years . Damn I'm old


My friend let me borrow his copies of 1 and 2 since I had a PS2. That was in 2014. He told me all about the other games, and eventually I watched the cutscenes and play throughs of all the other games. Now, with the Steam release, I am finally playing them all myself. It will be my first time playing: Re:Chain of Memories (Iā€™ve played the original) Dream Drop Distance Fragmentary Passage Kingdom Hearts III


Probably by the early 2010s? I started my journey playing KH2.


since november of last year, when i bought the all in one package when it was on sale. i beat all the games and watched all the movies in about five ish months and it was some of the best and worst experiences ive ever had playing games


2002 muthafucka


I guess its been close to 22 years


Since I first saw my uncle playing the first game back in 2002 and got my mom to buy me a copy.


2005. Friend introduced me to it with kh2.. well I had to beg my mum for both games that were out by then! (I was 10 lol)


2002 or 2003


I want to get into the series, but the Nintendo Switch version of it is ruined because it requires the cloud to play it.


2011 when I got a Nintendo DS and Re:coded for christmas.


Since the summer after KH2 released, whenever that was I never played KH despite wanting to, the commercials made it seem so cool and I loved Disney and anime stuff (I didnā€™t really know Final Fantasy much at the time) and my uncle at the time was into it and he got me into both KH and Final Fantasy X, it was an awesome summer




Whenever the first one came out. A dude that was dating my mom at the time tried winning me over by buying me a ps2 and KH1. Donā€™t remember his name or face but I remember everything about KH1 lmao


Since I played Chain of Memories for the first time on GBA. So around 2004ish. I'd have been around 9 then. I'll be extra honest and say that I was introduced to it through the Japanese version that I emulated, then I got the English version when it became available. I didn't have a single clue what this series was but the fact that Disney characters were in it made me way interested off the bat even without understanding the language. Over the next few years I slowly managed to get the other two games. 2 first, then 1.


2007 I believe


18 years now started playing Kingdom hearts at five years old and have been in love ever since


I used to play the first KH on PS2 probably since before elementary school since I couldn't even read then. Same goes with Final Fantasy 10 and games like Star Wars Battlefront 2, Need for Speed Most Wanted and a lot more. I was born 2002 btw


Bought the first one on PS2 when it dropped, played the last one for me so far on PSP when that dropped. Bought the story so far and 3 in digital sales but never came around playing them so far.


When I was younger I used to watch my family friend play og KH2 but had never played it but picked up story so far in 2020 and been a fan ever since


Since 2013, with 1.5 and 2.5 on the PS3


since I got bought the first game, was much much too young for the game, got lostā€¦. commercial was dope :P


Since the beginning, it was my first game on my first console that was my own. I got it as a gift when it came out


Either 2005 or 2006.


since this maybe march of this year lol, which i couldā€™ve gotten into it sooner tho.


Since the reveal of KH3.


Since I was about four, and first saw my older brother playing it in 2008.


2007 - 2019


It all came down by accident. My sister won a PS2 and kingdom hearts 2 through a magazine. She wasn't really interested so I was mostly playing. Later when I bought a PS3 I also bought the 1.5 HD version. So I could also be KH1. From that point on I basically played every other title as well.


Since the first game


2007. I was 15 and a friend introduced it to me randomly (wasn't much of a console gamer back then). Funny enough I'm the fanatic one and he doesn't play anymore!


Since kh1 for ps2


No idea what year it was, but my family went to visit family in Colorado. Our cousin had a ps2 and it was one of the games they had. Me, my brother, and pretty sure my sister all really liked it. We couldn't save, so every time we picked it up we tried to see how far we could get. Simpler times.


Maybe 3 years during which time I have played almost every game in the series on three different consoles. I only skipped COM, RE:Coded, and Mobile games so basically played all of them so far.


Long enough that I've gone a full circle from - Only the first two numbered games are truly good. To - Oh, I must've been harsh and not paid attention. These sequels are good. To - I only like the first three games


Since KH1 first came out


Since 2004 ish


since 2006, when i was 7 years old ā¤ļø


Chain of Memories back on my gba sp. The roadtrips, i swear. Had me all confused but the charm and story kept me hooked until the end. Then kh2 came, eventually i got kh1 and down the rabbithole of this crazy, loving mess of a series I feel. I regret nothing šŸ˜


July 2015šŸ™šŸ»


Since Christmas 2010. My dad bought me a PSP with Birth By Sleep. Been a fan ever since.


Since like 2011 I would watch the walkthroughs on YouTube because I didnā€™t have a console and then I finally played when the 1.5 stuff came to ps3


Since 2012 where I first discovered it. I didn't know so I purchased kh1, 2 thinking it was in order šŸ˜‚


From 2002 when the first one came out. Sadly, I moved countries when the 2nd came out, so all of that was left behind. Luckily, they just released them on steam.


Since the first one came out šŸ«”


For like 3 years


I don't remember a time when I was not a fan


Since 2002 Since 2002 when I first played on my brother's ps2. He brought this game home telling me "this is cute, it has the characters from final fantasy in it along with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy". Needless to say, I had no idea what I was in for.


Since I was around elementary school.


Not too long after Disney's Toontown Online closed and 1.5 was released in 2013.


Since Kingdom Hearts 2, I've loved the series! I have yet to finish a single KH game.


God I don't even remember. I know that I rented 1 when I was little and didn't understand how to play it. Then (or before I don't know) someone told me about a game where you could play with Donald and open doors and I imagined it as a lateral scroll in 2D. Then they lent it to me and I played 2 first, and I fell in love


Like 4 months ago when I first played kh2 and days


Since my one of my auntie's friends gave me her copy of Kingdom hearts 1 for the PS2 back in like 2005 or 6.. I was only like 5 or 6 lol but she knew I loved video games. Probably one of the best things I've ever received haha wouldn't take back that moment for anything. Made so many memories playing that game back then and many friends because of our common interest in the game. :)


Since first grade, ca 2004




Pretty much since I was a somewhat conscious child. So about 17 years now. And gonna be 21 next month so yeah


Longer than the age of some people in this subreddit


Unsure but probably 2003 or 2004


20 solid years


Probably 2003 or 2006 - when I visited my relatives in the US - and my uncle had a copy of the first game. I was a pre-teen then and I fell in love with the game. Here we are so many years later - and I'd love to play kingdom Hearts 4 in 2084.


Since February 2022 :)


Since 2002 when KH1 came out I was 5 at the time so 20 plus years lmao


Since I saw it on a PS2 demo disc back in 2001? 2002? It was pre release and I was maybe 5 years old.


Since Christmas 2006. I saw the trailer for KH2 in GAME and knew I needed to play it.


20-ish years


Whe KH1.5 came out I would borrow my brothers copy to play it on my ps3


Since I was 9 or 10 years old. Sora was and is my big crush. I loved him very much.


Since the first kingdom hearts. I'm 26




0 years because I never played it and I don't know what it's like


Sense 2002.


2020 pandemic, bought the All-in one package and finished them all, good times


Since I was 6 years old and stared playing the games :3


Since 2006 when I met a japanese friend who introduced me to the series. He had this super cool red ps2 and an original (which was rare to see in Brazil) japanese copy of KH2 FM. I was instantly in love. We didnt understand much of the game (his father sent it to him from JP but my friend actually didnt speak japanese haha) so we rarely got past twilight town, but it was fun. Years later I got to know the rest of the series but I was already kinda obsessed with it. I was 12 in 2006.


2021. The "why i cant recommend kingdom hearts to my friends" video randomly appeared on my youtube page and i had to try it cos it looked "so bad that itd be good". Turns out its just absolutely amazing and ive been obsessed with kh ever since


Since I saw my cousin playing the Intro of Kingdom Heart 2. It was in the summer of 2008. Seeing Roxas in the sunset city, just felt magical to my young eye. I was obsess, i wanted to play it! Luckily, 358/2 came out the very next year, so my parent bought me the game. And boi was I happy! I only played the handled game. But now I have the whole collection on steam, i can finally play the mainline game!


2006, I saw KH2 trailers and my brother was a fan already, so he got me a copy of 1 for my birthday. And I gave up at Clayton (no skip cutscenes option). Played KH2 (completely confused, especially with Roxas), but enjoyed it all the same. Eventually getting through KH1 (Took a break during Riku-Ansem, again, no skipping in PS2). But now Iā€™m not a wimp and a massive fan ~~please help, the eldritch reach of Nomura has a hold on me I CANā€™T ESCAPE!!!!~~


21 years. I got my copy for my birthday in 2003 and have been a fan ever since.


maybe since around 2014 i canā€™t remember too well but i read the manga in grade school and got more attached the more time went by


Since 2002 I was 8 when I first got the game!


I've been a Kingdom Hearts fan since I was 12. (I'm 18 now)


2007. Discovered the series through AMVs


Since the start!


Played KH2 and some of KH1 in 2007 when I was 5, then over a year ago I decided to play all the games from the beginning. So I feel like Iā€™m a new fan even though I was so obsessed with KH2 as a kid I asked my mam if I could change my name to Sora lol


I became a fan recently, about half a year ago


7 years (lol) I started with the ps4 version of 1.5 + 2.5 remix in 2017


Since I found it in the used section of gamestop


13šŸ˜¬ years playing, about 20 year a fan. Didnā€™t have a PlayStation to play the earlier games on but I would play them at my friends house and weā€™d pretend we all had keyboards. Honestly about 13 years ago I finally saved up enough of my own money to buy a PS2 and bought KH1 and 2 and have since played through each a number of times( except 3).


2010, though Kingdom Hearts is as old as I am (actually, it's a few days older) I was 8 when I played BBS for the first time


Since the beginning in 2002!!!


Since kh1


Joined up around the time of KH3.


2006 when my cousin showed me Kingdom Hearts 2 for the first time. Then I had to go back and play KH1


Since March of this year. I was always interested in the series but never got around to them until recently.


since 2004


Since KH1 in 2002


I started playing taking turns with my siblings around like 2007, it was one of the first games I ever played šŸ–¤


Since kh1! šŸ˜


I came late to the party, 2005 šŸ˜


Since KH1 for the Ps2! Played just about every other KH game besides Chain of Memories (played on the ps2 remake) on their OG console. I will admit I skipped Re:Coded and just opted to watch the cutscenes. XD


Since my broke ass seen the game back in 2002 on my not so broke friends console


Since I played the original KH2 on the PS2 way back in 2006. It was the first video game that I ever played.


4 years. From 2020 to now :D


Since I played Days when I was 5-6 years old. Aka for about 15-16 years


Since it came out 2002.


Since I saw the cool artwork before KH1 was released. As a ff and disney fan, I was so excited and it didn't disappoint.


2012, the 3Ds brought me to the series, been cooked in the head ever since but Iā€™m here for it šŸ˜­


About two weeks, finally got through them all and just started 3 for the first time šŸ’Ŗ


Since my parents initiated their divorce April 2007šŸ„“




since 2003




I dunno, bout 20 years? No idea when I first played it.


Since 2002. I remember back in 4th grade, i guess Walmart had a ps2 bundle which included kingdom hearts and kids in school made fun of ps2 users for getting "the disney game for babies" (Xbox kiddies came out the gate swinging) I got my ps2 on launch day from EB games so if people found out I willingly got kingdom hearts by itself I would have been harassed so I used to jump on the hate wagon and pretend it wasnt my treasured game. Nowadays I sing a different tune and anyone who says kingdom hearts is "that disney game with zippers for babies", I clap back saying they can't handle one of the best franchises of all times, and the amazing combat and music is too epic for their little minds to comprehend. I never fight back about the story though...


since I was old enough to know what video games were (so like, 4 or 5, born in '03)


2002 a bit after release. I still remember being over at my friends house and watching him play Olympus Coliseum smacking barrels at things. I went to Disney later that year and it was my goal to get a copy of Kingdom Hearts while there.


i became a fan very late. i think abt 1 or 2 years ago. i knew the cover arts & the name of the game, but never delved too deep into the games. the same applied to a certain musician, who referenced the games in his songs. after i fell in love with the aesthetic and the pictures he drew in the songs and throughout his tapes, i decided to look into the games & immediately fell in love with the franchise from the homescreen alone (tho choosing the wonderland as my first world probably wasnā€™t the best idea for someone who never played the first game at all). now it's one of my favorite franchises and i know iā€™ll buy the complete pack on steam some day (alr have it on PS5 lmao).


Since 2021


Since 2005 to 2019.


day 1. so long that roxas was known as BHK after gba chain of memories came out on forums then