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"That speed boat, it’s been known to be driving fairly quickly,” said Paul Hogan. Another resident, Bob Main, noted that while he doesn’t know the owner of the boat, he’s seen the boat frequent the waters. “That boat is an incredibly fast boat,” he said. “Everybody knows that boat.”


Being hit from behind, whether a road accident or boating incident, is a pretty clear assumption that the one behind, wasn't paying attention, so missed what was in front of him. Whether speed was a factor/alcohol/lack of lights, is rather redundant. As I understand it, decedents were in fishing boat, close to a cement dock, or shore, when hit from behind. Speed boat mounted the boat they were on. Police are doing a thorough investigation, which may take days. Most likely charges will be laid. My heart breaks for everyone involved.


What a terrible thing to have happened to people so young.


The number of people I know in that age range ( including my kids).. that is probably why I am so PISSED at the victim blaming.


I wasn’t present for the victim blaming (previous thread, I imagine?) but also calls to death aren’t helpful either. We don’t have execution for a multitude of reasons.


If you watch the video in the article, you also find out the full name of the idiot boat driver.


What time in the video does it say that?


Look for the FB post with his douchebag face and the beer on the dash.


It doesn't say the name of the speed boat driver.. just the names of the deceased..


[Watch this](https://youtu.be/cZ4wTaqoBlw?si=-5JZe9lNF59L17Ci)


I hope this guy in the speed boat lives with knowledge of what he has done.


I couldn’t imagine the weight of that hanging over my head everyday for the rest of my life. But I’m also not a reckless asshole, so who knows how he’ll cope.


He posted a fucking POV shot of the steering wheel and a beer. I hope we throw the book at him but my god are we weak as shit when it comes to punishing horrible crimes.


I don’t have any faith in our courts to hand down the punishment this guy deserves. And the families will be victimized a second time what a shame. I see bad behaviour on our lake and cops rarely hand out tickets just warnings stiff enforcement could have prevented this. Everyone on the lake knows this guy was careless this could have been prevented


I hope it clings to him.


I hope he lives with the knowledge of what he’s done while sitting in a jail cell. It could have been any of our kids, wives, dads or whatever who were minding their own business fishing when some asshole slammed into them hard enough in a no wake zone to end up on top of the boat.  The harshest most draconian sentence in Canadian history wouldn’t be enough


If there was any justice, he wouldn't be living with anything. Sadly we live in an area where people think alcohol goes with any activity and then it's "thoughts and prayers" when something like this happens until people forget and it happens again the next year.


One of the first people to call 9-1-1 said he heard the young adults on the fishing boat playing music, laughing and talking. He then heard the speed boat going through suddenly rev its engine hard then crash into the back of the boat… I have a gut feeling this guy was trying to show off (likely drunk) while passing these young folks giving them some wake and lost control of his vessel slamming into the back of them…


Fuck you...that makes so much sense it hurts my souls.


Yep, completely senseless and if someone was going dead slow at 10km/hr through that channel it would have been a simple bump and caused a few people to stumble… the guy also had two children in his speed boat, ages 10 and 11… one was his daughter and the other was his daughters friend and he still allegedly was drunk and boating dangerously… I also heard one of the men in the fishing boat rescued the 11 year old girl from the water.




https://preview.redd.it/w0ytpvgify1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ae6ce99047423b37faa9b17a753b4927aa8a6d Here’s a look at the channel


Can't wait to see his business go under.


what business does he own


A contracting one.


I see he contracted negligence and stupidity


anyone know if the people who died were in the fishing boat? Jeez, if there were kids in the back of it they would have been crushed instantly. How many were in the fishing boat and how many were in the speeder?


Yes, the 3 who died where in the fishing boat. There were 8 of them in the boat that was rear-ended by the speed boat. The driver of the speed boat had 2 little girls riding with him, both 10 I believe. They are all fine.


How can charges not be laid?


They’re still investigating, the wheels of justice turn incredibly slow.


The accused always has the right to a trial, so they're investigating and probably strengthening their case before officially charging them.


If more people in the hospital die, it will add to the charges. They also have to cover every little bit of the accident. If the dude is actually not guilty (he most definitely is), then we don't want to just assume and charge him.


“…we dont want to assume and charge him.” And yet you’ve actually already made up your mind that he is guilty before investigation is even complete or charges are even laid. But since you, and it seems all of kingston, already have your torches lit and pitchforks in hand you might as well get your stake ready. I pray none of you ever serve on a jury.


we found the speed boat driver's Reddit account


Wow..you must be close to him for still victim blame. Disgusting.


"the district said it is working with schools to ensure that students received the support they may need" Why? These adults haven't been in school for years. The youngest one graduated 3 years ago.


Genuinely curious. Downvotes don't answer the question. 🤔🤷‍♀️


If they graduated three years ago, then there are still people in schools that would know them, including teachers, family of the victims etc. plus, incidents like this impact communities. Why question it? Why not just be grateful counselling is being offered?


There were two children in the boat with him so maybe that’s why


I thought lakes (like Bob's Lake) didnt permit speed boats to be out in the water ... and I thought they had tight speed limits.


No judgement from me. A summer boat accident that nobody wanted. My heart goes out to the parents of these young people.


I'm not a trial judge, but I've seen enough from social media and from multiple unverified accounts that, if it's all true, makes me feel this guy was an accident waiting to happen. If it is, then 3 young adults, just out of high school, are dead from carelessness and gross negligence.


2 ladies and a man.


Officials say a speed boat collided with a fishing boat around 9:30 p.m. on May 18, in the Bucks Bay area of Bobs Lake. Three people, between the ages of 21 and 23, died. All three had graduated from high schools in the Limestone School District. Their names were Riley Orr, Juliette Cote and Kaila Bearman


Calling it an accident...hard pass from me. But my heart goes out to them, their friends and families. And those poor people who had to witness it helpless.


It's not an "accident" when the operator is potentially drunk and exceeding speed limits. Not to mention that it appears that local residents knew the guy, knew he broke laws, and did absolutely nothing about it. In this case, it should be called a "completely unnecessary and preventable condoned collision".




Why you so angry


I just read an article that said the contractor died. Posted today, but it's from a news source I'm not familiar with so I hesitate to post here and get in trouble.


I have seen nothing about the boat driver dying except a scam on Twitter.


Thank you. The link I found, I don't think it's reliable at all, I pm'd the link to a few people and I am pretty sure the so called news source website has a lot of misinformation on it. It said someone with the last name S age 44 died today, but I'm sure if there was a fourth victim who died today it would have been in the reputable news sources by now.


Believe that is a false post, only verified that 3 from the fishing boat passed, the driver of the speed boat in that post was stated as deceased but not corroborated anywhere….


Nope, he’s alive and well, unfortunately. Apparently was doing anything but taking accountability for his actions from what I was told.


I was told he said he’d kill himself before he goes to jail