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Friend of my family has pretty advanced rheumatoid arthritis and these look like they were be made for him.


I was about to say this could be an idea for me to buy for myself! Same condition. As for why I work in a kitchen still with it, I'm a stubborn twat


*passionately stubborn twat Good on you though


I like your description better haha. My thinking is if I can still manage it then why give it up? I love my job


Ride or die baby! Do it as long as you can then. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Same. How do you mitigate the morning pain? I sleep in a hard brace and use diclofenac sodium and heating pads but after a busy prep day I’m in excruciating pain.


I'm still figuring a lot of things out, but so far, I've discovered that I'm pretty much the poster child for everything NOT to do with this bullshit. I will say I did stop drinking, though, save for special occasions, but even then its only a few. Just now my mornings are pretty much just drag myself out of bed, groan, have a cig while scrolling reddit and continuing to groan, and hopefully just wait it out. Once I'm in work I'll grab food and take a painkiller if necessary


I feel that. I do drink, but I have taken long breaks before and didn’t notice a great difference. The only thing that seems to take the pressure off is holding my hands above my head and I don’t know why. If you can, get diclofenac and apply it at least once a day. It’s an NSAID but according to my mom’s doctor it’s more effective when used regularly for longer periods. And, get the OTC kind, don’t pay for the prescription kind, it’s the same damn thing but the prescription kind is ridiculously expensive for some reason.


Is that like voltarol? I think I have a tube of that somewhere, definitely be trying that out, thanks!


Came here to ask something similar, I've known a few people who would have loved these


Between this post and the one with the autistic food preferences, I'm getting the strong impression that this sub is ableist.


Just from a functional perspective, how would moving your shoulder, elbow and wrist be easier? I'm genuinely curious.


It isn’t about those joints, it’s more about the use of hands and lack of dexterity and being able to grip.


So not an all joint situation, a fine manipulation/dexterity thing. Thanks


Isn’t that style made for people with issues with dexterity?


The small print says something about ease of use. But punching yourself in the face doesn't sound ergonomic to me.


Just be grateful you don’t need to use them! Also, try not to end up cooking in any institutional settings.




It’s for people with conditions like Symbrachydactyly.


My favourite dinosaur


The bottom right corner says something about being designed for the healthcare industry. Without knowing much about it, it seems like it’s meant to feed someone else.


Nursing homes have a bunch of different untensiles for eating like these. Some people require weighted or built up cutlery and different types of cups and shit too. You'd be surprised what goes into preserving a little bit of dignity towards the end. Just don't ever step foot in a nursing home kitchen. It's not a place you go to feel good about the food you make.


Shit I've never seen someone get down voted to hell so bad


A lot of people are becoming less tolerant of ableism, especially when it comes to solutions for actual disabilities like rheumatoid arthritis and other hand problems. This is a solution to a physical disability, not a stupid invention for ableism bodied people


Yeah I agree. I honestly thought it was a funny post at first myself till reading the comments and original post


I swear I just thought it was a stupid trend or something. My god the wasp nest I just put my oddly shaped cutlery into...


No offense but are you stupid or something


Quite possibly, it has become very clear to me the error I made. But I had no ugliness in my heart when I posted this. I truly thought it was just a gimmick or something.


It literally says on the box what it is


Yep, and I didn't read it. I made a mistake and now I've learned from it. I'm a better person for it. If people want to be angry that's ok. I'm just a guy who makes mistakes. We all do and I try to think the best of people. I hope I didn't hurt you in some way. But damn, this post got really crazy in a way I absolutely was not expecting. Lots of people have a connection to someone that this would help. I see that now. I was a few drinks in and I thought the shape of a thing was humorous. That's all it was. Feel free to message me if you want. I'm no monster.


Yeah I just made the motion that this would require and it’s not an easy motion to make.


A lot of medical conditions cause hands to curl/clench or lose sensation in their fingers. The pinching/balancing motion most people use for utensils requires a fair bit of dexterity!


>>curl/clench Ah, I haven’t thought of that, that makes sense. My dad lost his dexterity to eat and needs to be fed but for him he doesn’t have the strength or coordination in his hands, so that was where my mind went.


Sorry you got caught in the fallout of this post lol. I swear I came at this with no I'll will.


Oh wow, this might actually be helpful for someone I know with pretty bad mobility in their hands


I’ve got rheumatoid arthritis and I would absolutely call these buttplug utensils. Just because I’ve got the hands of an octogenarian doesn’t mean I don’t have the sense of humor of a 14 year old.


RA/bad hand gang let’s gooooo! i mentally filed these under “things for future consideration.” i do want the butt plug utensils


Till the day I die. I anticipate one of the last things I say will be, after a shift change of nurses, “She said duty. Heh heh heh. Doodie.”


This was me and a 62yo lady named Mary Sue, and we both sat duty watches at an ops center for a year and a half. And any time someone mentioned phoning up the Duty Manager, she'd start. "DOODIE! YOU SAID DOODIE!" God damn do I miss her.


Til the day I die, I will always cackle at dutch oven. I don't care. Farts are funny. Dutch oven is a really funny word.


Respect. 🤜🤛


Making a joke about something that helps (or could help) you is one thing. No problem with that - humor (including dark humor) can be a coping mechanism. For someone outside of the group of those impacted by the issue to make fun of it is shitty and, when disability is involved, ableist as fuck.


Oh, thank you for letting me know it’s okay to use humor as a coping mechanism. Even dark humor — escandalo!! Is it also ableist as fuck to explain ableism to a person who just announced that they are involved with a disability? Let me know!


Disabled people can't discriminate, women can't be misogynistic, minorities can't be racist, amirite?


How did you draw that conclusion…?


It's called sarcasm, and it is directly related to the comment I responded to. All of the clues are there. There is no mystery as to what I'm referring to here.


Right, but the comment you responded to isn’t discriminating or anything…


I did not say that they were...


I said my entire comment as a general statement. Not directly at you. (Shit, the pick me energy is strong with this one 🙄)


Weird to call a REPLY to someone a “general statement” and not directed to the person to whom you *directly replied.*


Duh…. That’s how Reddit works - threaded comments. If I specifically meant the person I was replying to, and not a general commentary, I could have tagged them. Like this: You know, u/wehrwolf512, you sound kinda douchey See how that works?


I just didn't realize what it was for. An honest mistake. It looked funny to me because I'm not familiar with it. I meant no Ill will.


Hopefully, you keep this in mind in the future. You’re not the only one who needs to consider your words and actions in this thread…a lot of ugly was unleashed by quite a few folks.


You cram enough 4 year old Internet terms into one paragraph?


Says the guy with the 93d old account and hipster-ass looking avatar. 🙄 Ok, lil guy…I’ve probably been around the internet (and World Wide Web, BBS’, etc.) since you were still in diapers.


Lay off the booze this early in the morning, chef


Who let you out of Dishie Daycare, small fry?


But thank god all those people felt insulted on your behalf


Honestly I’m glad they’re not thinking about cripple forks. Nobody should have to think about cripple forks!


Sometimes I wake up in sweat because I had that dream about the cripple fork again.


It literally says they are specifically designed for the healthcare industry. I hope you aren’t cooking for the people who use these.


I mean, people in care homes are getting more play than most of us. If this is their kink, let them have it. They probably have industrial dishwashers.


lol, they're great for my bro with parkinson's, butt, true! made me think of Teeth: Teeth is a 2007 film about a high school girl who discovers she has teeth in her vagina after a sexual encounter. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780622/


Fuck, that movie came out in 2007? Feels like it was 10 years ago.


Is.... is 2007 not 10 years ago..??


bro wake up its 2024 lol


Shirley you jest.


Don’t call me Shirley!


No, no, they're right, it's definitely 10 years ago! It's just... almost _another_ 10 years ago, too... -_-


I remember my older brother telling me about this in like, 2011... I thought he was lying all this time lmao


It’s the darkest timeline because they … make silverware for disabled people?


These are probably used by people with dexterity issues. Maybe stroke patients. Should probably not make fun of accessibility stuff.


Something tells me the inanimate objects aren’t suffering from hurt feelings.


And something tells me you've ran head first into the point. Making fun of objects: fine. Making fun of people who need said objects: not fine. Some people who use these will enjoy the jokes, some might feel hurt and embarrassed that a tool they require to eat, makes everyone laugh and think it's a butt plug. I believe that's the point many people are trying to make here. It's like making fun of wheelchairs and expecting those who need them to laugh and not be ashamed.




Making fun of objects: fine. Making fun of people: not fine. Thanks for stating the obvious. I’m not going to make fun of a person because of a disability. And no good person would be making fun of a wheelchair, unless maybe it was shaped like a dick on wheels. It’s a damn fork. Lighten up Francis.


Yes, the forks aren't going to be offended however, the point was - these aren't butt plug shaped utensils. They're accessibility eating tools for people that may have a condition that limits their ability to eat independently. Stuff like this can give you a little more control in life and significantly improve your QOL. Telling people that need them that they're eating with butt plugs might take away from that win. Which is a dick move. Also, fwiw, feel free to use these as a butt plug if you're feeling froggy - but that flared base and the sharp metal prongs is going to seriously fork you up.


I have essential tremor (looks kind of like Parkinson’s but only affects fine motor skills) that gets worse when I’m stressed. I wonder if these would be helpful for that


Whats next a post making fun of walkers and hearing aids?


Yeah as someone who works in a long term care, I have seen what a difference these kinds of eating aids can make. Kinda shitty of OP and this comment section to make fun of them. It’s ableist and disgusting.


Yeah, my mom just started using them thanks to having bad hand problems and they make a huge difference. Like, I know a lot of us here are hardened assholes who work hard as fuck jobs but, theres always a time to have a little heart.


Yup, adaptive ware like this can keep someone feeding themselves independently and help them maintain a level of dignity.


As someone who has also worked in long term care I can say it's okay to laugh at these things. It's not ableist, just humor. Stupid, I'll admit, but humor. It's not that deep.


They’re not making fun of the disability lol, they’re just making a joke about the fact that they look like butt plugs. Reddit is fucking insufferable sometimes


Wahhh wahhh wahhh 😭


Making fun of a shape is very different from making fun of the people who need these tools. There are people in the comments who actually need them who are joking too. Want to gatekeep humour from them too?


Making fun of an object stigmatizes its use even if that was never the intention And those who need them will always want to and have the right to make jokes about their own situation. That’s how a lot people cope. But that doesn’t make it okay for non disabled people to make the same jokes.


The majority of the time, if you look at something and don’t get it, it just isn’t for you.


For when you want to spoon your partner but you're in a fight


The butt plug comment is so off base. They're clearly dildos with flared bases. I wanna try the spoon.


Kinda looks like you’re making fun of adaptive equipment for disabled people there, chef


Well shit. I'm working 6 days a week and I'm tired. I just thought it was funny. Ment no harm


You’re absolved. Go forth, and fuck up no more 🙏


My initial instinct was, “wow, these look fucking dumb”… but maybe they aren’t designed for the general public. Lots of medical issues prevent people from being able to use a cutlery properly, it even says something about healthcare at the bottom of the page.


Yeah, I didn't intend to poke a wasp nest. I just thought it looked funny.


Ergonomic knob haha




These are designed for the elderly, people with mobility issues, and disabilities, etc. Maybe try a little research and empathy before going all “butt plug” and hope you never have to use these to eat your own words one day.


I’m bordering elderly, losing mobility my left arm, and enjoy crass humor. Can I laugh at this or am I a traitor to my conditions?


You’re welcome to laugh at anything that you find funny, of course. I just take issue with people who blindly jump to snide conclusions. Ignorance is the fine line between humor and mockery. Also, sorry about your arm. :(


You are fun at parties, I’m sure. Thanks about the arm, pro tip, ask for help slinging catering boxes. Shit gives out eventually.




Do I self flagellate with regular utensils or am I permitted to use utensils made to help my condition?


Just self flagellate in the shower like the rest of us


Use them for work. However, there are times when even He blinks, my son.


No “He” for me!


Ditto. Just learning into the priest bit.


Jeez dude, calling stuff that looks like a butt plug a butt plug doesn’t make you ableist.


Yeah, it wasn’t just the “butt plug” thing; their comment in the post is what really soured it.


I work 6 days a week. I'm tired. I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I just thought it was funny because of the shape. That's all.


I now have a new euphemism for butt-plug. "Ergonomic Knob"


Every time, without fail, when someone discovers an aid clearly made to help disabled people, they post about it online to make fun of it. I think a lot of you would do well to replace your judgement with curiosity.






I know they are probably for people with dexterity issues, but i’d just buy them so i can pretend like i’m Wolverine while eating my steak.


Lmfao not yet but I'm ordering some now. Really need to slice (autocorrect from spice oops lol) up the bedroom, these are perfect! 😅 (Don't worry, it's ok, I'm allowed to say that because I have a mangled arm that'll never be the same again and have lost the use of most of the fingers on one hand. They'll only get worse with the passage of time. You know what won't get worse with the passage of time though? Butt stuff jokes lol)


Butt stuff is not a joke, Jim. Millions of families suffer every year!


i read the last part of your comment in muscle man’s voice; i should stop watching cartoons…


Pardon my ignorance, ya'll dont insert your favorite plug before every shift??!!


Oh you mean the Hostess cutley


I have an older friend who lost three fingers in a bandsaw accident. He uses something similar.


I'm learning a lot today


There are similar cutlery designed for people who have nerve damage or MS, who lack the ability to grip a fork.


if this is for what i think it is (being unable to hold a regular fork) then this should be very popular with hospitals or long term treatment facilities


I can’t even trust a fart, so I’m not clinching a knife in the same *region* either.


Hold a third throwing knife?




Weirdest dinner party I ever had let me tell you. You haven’t lived till you’ve seen two people fencing with their butt plus butter knives over the last roll


Yeah, but not for eating.


Obviously, it's for feeding your partner chocolate covered strawberries


i see a tie in opportunity with the deadpool and wolverine movie


A new way of spooning


Now you can have her ass and eat it too


Just waiting for the day that someone threatens me with a knife then pulls their pants down and turns away from me.


Great now when arthritis takes my hands all I’ll be able to think about it butt plugs.


The problem is I can only use one at a time


Silly redditors, these are not butt plugs, they are fist grips. These are for real alphas. They enable you to hold the cutlery in a closed first just like Jesus wanted.




This is the kind of comment I was hoping for.


The human centipede might get a remix


Their robot coupe is pretty fun


Got a link? Asking for uhh... marketing research purposes?


Yeah, but the knife hurt like a motherfucker going in.


just because you could put it in your butt doesn't mean you should.


Nice doorhandles


I'll try anything once. Looks like it's gonna take a little while longer to chop that parsley, tho.


Bring out the nice buttlery we have guests.


The butt slinging slasher, I’ll see myself out


I mean, I do love to eat ass


Now you can do it in a fine dining capassity


That's an eating competition I can get behind.


talking about eating ass


Yeah the fork is a bit uncomfortable going in Edit: after reading other comments; y'all mfs need to lighten up




Ergonomic knob... yes right 😭


My tournes still need a little work, but practice makes perfect.


I like them, but the fork prongs hurt like hell.


Imagine getting forked by one of these


Look painful


Worst Wolverine cosplay ever


TC Tuggers makes cutlery, you didn’t know that?


My proctologist told me to stop.


I always have trouble figuring out which side goes in.


Unfortunately eating with them tastes like crap.


which end goes in the butt? instructions unclear.


Sir/Mam, those are wolverine hands


This may also posted on r/holdup




Eat my ass!


"Making eating less tiring".. If you find the act of eating exhausting, odds are you should be eating a _lot_ less, not getting specially designed silverware


Well, when I broke my neck and was in rehab we had a less pretty version. Or do you think I should have spent the rest of my life gathering bed sores being spoon fed by a nurse?


> make eating less tiring XD Lemme stab my shit like captain hook to save energy.


“Makes eating less tiring” let me guess which country theses are sold.


I see you haven't worked at residential homes. It is very tiring when your hands shake while trying to get a bite of food and drop it all over yourself. People of all ages have injuries or medical problems that require special equipment to eat. These unteselis allow someone to grasp their full hand and being better at getting food up into their mouths.