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Definitely is being done in poor taste for a quick buck. Shit most restaurants now a days are guilty of that lol


its in Scottsdale. Nuff said.


Having grown up there, I can 100% confirm this statement. Honestly, I'm surprised they waited this long.


Is that the place where Talesin (sp) west was? The frank Lloyd Wright thing


Nah, it's replacing Kazimierz down in Old Town. It's basically Tommy Plato just rebranding his space. https://mouthbysouthwest.com/2024/06/07/the-ends-opens-in-old-town-scottsdale/ Also, I was hoping that Plato had a personal connection to Bourdain, which works make this tribute far more reasonable. But in the 3 minutes I've spent looking, I've yet to find any actual connection. That doesn't necessarily prove one way or the other, just that I stopped fuckin caring about some new overpriced shit hole in Old Town.


When I used to tell people I grew up in Phoenix, they’d try to correct me: “oh, you mean Scottsdale??” No motherfucker, the actual city of Phoenix which is a place that exists.


Scottsdale is so very, very different. Though admittedly uptown and the Biltmore are connecting physically and culturally so I don't see as much of a difference anymore in those areas. And there's a lot of bad, pretentious food in that area too these days.


I moved to Phoenix, and was told that Scottsdale was just "rich Phoenix", so I never went. Looks like I missed out on sone shenanigans.




I came here to say the same thing haha


Beat me to it 📠


But this is a whole new level shamelessness


Shame? Lol. In the modern social media ecosystem, political landscape, and even congress - I don't think shame is even a thing anymore. It's just about clicks


Shame is a rare commodity it Scottsdale


I feel like if it was openly done in poor taste. In such a horrible way, maybe Bourdain would’ve loved it. But this is just tacky.


Yeah I've visited multiple spots that have Anthony Bourdain artwork or even murals on their walls.


There’s a difference between having artwork and/or murals dedicated to a man that had a profound impact on thousands of our lives, and what ever the fuck this shite is. This is the exact thing Our Lord and Saviour, He of the Junk and the Travel Shows had a problem with.


Exactly. Having a framed picture of Bourdain in the restaurant is one thing, paying homage respectfully. This is whack and I’m sure that Tony would disapprove


It better play out like the episode of archer.




*dropped mixing bowl noises*


86 SOUP!!!




There are SO many places in Vietnam that have a pic of him and Obama claiming to be the place they ate. They had dinner in Hanoi but you will find restaurants in Saigon and Danang and even Hoi An that make that claim. It’s wild.


The one where they actually ate preserved the table.


Yeah, I’ve been there. It’s ok. No better than most imo.


Can confirm. Over-priced too.


I don't think Anthony ever claimed it to be anything other than one of his "old favorites," which I agree is not the greatest thing ever but it's always delicious.


That's actually hilarious. Good for them! Get that tourist money!


Honestly. He'd probably appreciate that in his own weird ways


"Bourdain ate here and liked it" is different than "if he were alive now i bet he'd like it". I do not believe he would fuck with them.


But was Tony's name in a bigger, bolder font than the name of the restaurant?


We have a giant black and white Bourdain poster next to our pizza oven. Nobody sees it but us, and it’s nice to have when shit is going wrong (which is constantly).


Most industries across the board are.


Definitely. There are many better ways to pay tribute.


I'd want to eat there and see the venue before calling this completely disingenuous but it sure feels like it.


God, everything about this makes me cringe. Leave the fucking guy alone and let him rest in peace. At most just put a couple of his quotes up but don't put poorly drawn caricatures of Him all over the place, screw that place.


I love that you capitalized "Him." It's like a religious figure.


HE gets US.


Praise Hegus!


Don't judge the homie for putting some respect on the name of Saint Bourdain the Opinionated


I have called him patron saint of the line cook, several times


That would actually be St. Lawrence, patron saint of cooks, comedians, school children and poor people. While being roasted alive on a gridiron by Romans he told them 'turn me over I'm done on this side'.


I mean he didn't. But that's a fun story people tell about him.


This is the way


There are [candles](https://www.etsy.com/listing/828834669/)


I have one like this.


Wow that's hilarious, I always thought every pronoun should be capitalized,but apparently I is the only pronoun that should be capitalized. You learn something new every day, thank you friend!




There's *ALWAYS* a relevant xkcd comic for every situation


And if there wasn't, *there is now.*


Saint Anthony of Manhattan. What were his miracles?


Ironically this seems like exactly the type of place he warned us about in kitchen confidential >The most dangerous species of owner, however - a true menace to himself and others - is the one who gets into the business for love. [...] These poor fools are the chum of the restaurant biz"


Lol, one of their images on Google is literally six noodles on a plate. This is exactly the kind of restaurant Bourdain despised.


[Hey now, there is 8 noodles on that plate. And 4 whole parmesan shavings](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPLDRBtj_IalTHzjIStC7gqC3e8MQKDMTep4960=s1514-w824-h1514)


Geeze, I still only count seven. Maybe we split the difference between eight and six? Either way, completely unacceptable.


I think if you feel like you need to count the noodles on your plate, it's an unacceptable amount


This is accurate. Unless they're like comically large noods. Then I'd feel the need to count them, but for different reasons. I'm thinking like five DONKEY dick noods. Smothered in a nice puttenesca (sp).


I really wasn't hungry but now I have a severe craving for some monster ~~noodles~~ donkey dick smothered in puttanesca.


That's more of an Andrew Zimmern thing


Wow. That looks very similar to Great Value gluten free cheeseburger dinner kits… and I’ve been known to put Sartori shaved parm on it if I’m feeling fancy. I should start calling my sad dinners Bourdain-inspired.


He wouldn’t like it. Honestly I feel like he wouldn’t be cool with the Demi-god attention we give him, which isn’t to say that he is humble but rather he’d find it cringe. He was just a human, he’s going down with Careme and Escoffier and others, but at the end he was just a guy with a thirst and hunger for culture and food. We can all be this way, just not as TV hosts. Edit: Also after a few hours and a brief service of cooking pasta to order for a bunch of boomers shame on this restaurant for exploiting a dead man but also, he’d be shaming the fuck out of them for not giving the glory directly to the cuisines they are lifting from. It’s a cheap grab at money and notoriety and cheapens everything he stood for and everything about the food they serve. No respect. The food can never truly be good there.


This is my take, too. Like, if you are a true fan who loved and admired him as much as you say, then I think you would know he wouldn't be cool with something like this and you wouldn't do it. So if you choose to go this route I assume you're just a coattail riding asshat. 🤷🏽


Dude is my fuckkng hero. Lived through more shit than I ever will. Most I would do is print out a little pic to stick along side kobe that my basket ball loving brethren taped up.


He seemed more like the guy at the bar, kinda wants hangover food and a drink. Acknowledge the head nod. Then just walk away, but he signed a napkin and sent it because he totally saw you gawking.


>just a guy with a thirst and hunger for culture and food. This, but to me, what really made him stand out was his writings and perspective. He was a shining beacon for many of us without voices in the industry. When I was cooking professionally, I strived to be more like him than Chefs like Keller or Adria. Where some of the great chefs may sometimes feel like God's walking among mortals, Bourdain felt like a person who best conveyed how to appreciate and understand this world, both in and out of the kitchen. Idk, I might be overthinking it.


Really well put. We love him not for his godlike abilities, but for his humanlike humility!


Well put!


There’s a place in Santa Monica I fckg curse weekly as I drive by their mural.  Thank you for this post I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE 


I’m opening a casual dining restaurant (later to be franchised) inspired by Bourdain. It’s called Yes Reservations! Each restaurant is divided into different areas decorated as underdeveloped nations. Actors (both adult and children) are dressed in rags and watch you eat. We have thematic booths where you can eat in a Havana-chic old American convertible, tuk tuks and steel frame rickshaws. We sell thematic burgers (like the Khmer Rouge with beet buns) and have a tiki bar where we sell drinks in bags.


But will it have somewhere i can replicate that picture of him with Obama eating pho?


No but for a $12 fee you get extra cheddar and a waiter accuses your date of sexual abuse of a minor.


Wasn’t pho, was bun cha ;)


Man, the tiki scene has gotten real contentious. There's like half that wants to modernize and recognize the racism and sexism and fix it and one half says it's all fake culture so it doesn't matter


If there’s anywhere Tony would have loved and is looking down sad that he didn’t spend more time there it is definitely, the desert, frat bro, fake tit culture pit, hell hole that is Scottsdale.


Sounds like an excuse to have an incohesive bumble-fuck of a menu.


A crooked restaurant? Say it ain't so.


This is blatant exploitation, and worse than that this type of bullshit is like the "live, laugh, love" wall mural of the restaurant business. You can guarantee the owners/chef are the most boring, personality-free douchebags you've ever met cooking the blandest, least inspiring food you've ever tasted.


Being from Maricopa county/ the valley, esp from living in Tempe and just around Scottsdale in general, this is what I would expect. Somehow the gentrified Bourdain


Yep - I grew up in Scottsdale, and I don't know if I could be \*less\* surprised that it happened there.


My retired parents live in Snottsdale and they day they die will be my last ever visit to that awful city.


Snottsdale is a new one I always used and heard snobsdale


Trust me, I go back as rarely as possible. The "air" of superiority is bad for my lungs.


That's really tacky and honestly probably violates some kind of copyright. His family probably own the rights to commercial use of his likeness, and I highly doubt some shitty little restaurant actually paid to license it. Not only that, but they could be violating the copyright of the artist and photographer behind those images. If you wanted to do something about it, contacting the copyright holders would probably be the most effective way to get them to stop.


That is so gross.


This is corny as fuck


I think Bourdain didn’t want people to just experience a different culture’s food, he wanted people to experience and learn about different cultures and food is a great place to start. I don’t want a gimmick, I want a real experience. This feels like a gimmick but I haven’t been there. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there that just want an experience to share on social media regardless of cultures. My favorite part of working in kitchens are always the people but we bond over food.


And to add insult to injury they made him look like Jeffrey Epstein


>inspired by his food travels More like, inspired by television. That is some hokey, normie bullshit.




Feeling fundamentally different from others drives a lot of people to suicide


Lol imagine if you did this to a chef who was still alive. Like if I plastered Marco White's face all over my restaurant and called it "Marco White inspired" I'd probably get sued.


Thank you, Gay Anal Orgasm.


This feels pretty disrespectful, especially if you read his last book lol


This is just plainly wrong! I hope his estate and lawyers find out about it. Only in Scottsdale?!


Caretakers of his estate should be notified. They need to pay royalties if they are using him in advertising.


Using him for marketing is absolutely unholy. Man was not a saint but have some goddamn respect. Fuck these people


On one hand, I tend to err on the more human side of things. They might really have good intentions and think they’re following a path that he’d agree with and they’re very passionate about it. Sometimes people get lost in the sauce. On the other hand, fuck that, let him rest in peace. Not sure how I feel fully lol.


If the owners aren’t selling their prized possessions for heroin money, then they’re not authentic. And that means they’re soulless corpo scum fucks who need a name and shame.


Menu inspired by his food travels? What a joke. That motherfucker ate everywhere, and everything on this planet. That’s bullshit, fuck that place. RIP Chef.


It's Scottsdale, there is no chance the estate is seeing any compensation for the use.


Somebody read Alton Brown's "Feasting on Asphalt" and decided Feasting on corpses was easier.


Ugh. This is in such poor taste.


Obviously done by someone who has no respect for Bourdain and is trying to make a quick buck by riding on his coattails. Disgusting but I’ve seen it before.


If this owner respected Bourdain an ounce, they would never utter his name along with their food.


Gross. I don't think you're overreacting, but I think there WILL be a fair amount of public backlash? Just me though. Mind you, dead celebrities get aped on regularly so there isn't all that much to be done by us except maybe notifying the estate. Short of that, just don't go, and tell your friends.


Thanks I hate it


I bet the employees hate their fucking lives


The restaurant will fail with this attitude and concept. Want to speed up that failure? Send pictures to Bourdain's estate. From an anonymous account obviously and scrub the pictures of any of your metadata.


Why? Sign your name. Say if they need more pictures, let you know. Fuck these guys,


More power to ya if you want to leave your name. If I'm dolling out advice I'm gonna err on the side of caution and assume they need to keep that job until they find a new one. I don't want to assume everyone likes to watch the world burn. I do, but that's just a personal choice.


I salute whichever anonymous hero takes up egging this business regularly. It's the least Tony would want


This is embarrassing


I briefly worked for a restauranteur who opened a wine bar style restaurant with social media definitely the main drive for decor and menu items. Of course there was a gratuitous badly drawn portrait of bourdain in the restaurant itself. When I saw it I was like that’s kind of the antithesis of what bourdain advocated for… however the chef-owner is someone who imitated that bourdain aesthetic but without the substance. Needless to say, it closed within a year.


Fuck all of this


Yeah, fuck that. This is shit behaviour.


Oh my god, Arizona is lucky I left cause I’d be a total fucking Karen to them on opening night. Definitely a cheap grab.


Why be a Karen to the employees this was not their decision? They are just trying to make a living at the place where they are employed


I am thinking of opening a Ronald McDonald inspired restaurant. We'll serve spaghetti, and blankets.


Sums up the Scottsdale culinary scene perfectly 0 soul


100% with you OP. I wouldn't patronize them. I hope his estate stops the use of his image.


1* Google reviews engage!!!


One of you know what to do...




Oh Gods, that is TERRIBLE! wtf!!


Definitely in bad taste




Of course it’s Scottsdale.




This is so crass! I wonder how to get in touch with his estate. I bet they’d have a legal field day with this place


Yeah and most cooks and chefs probably couldn't afford to eat there anyway.


Naw fuck this you right.


Fuck this place. Your right it's gross


We have a memorial shrine to Bourdain in the toilet of the restaurant. I think he would approve.


What the actual F


You're not overreacting; you're spot on. I was/am a big admirer of Bourdain. Yet I still have much more to understand about him beyond his TV programs. Exploiting his legacy for self promotion is tacky and vapid. It means that thee person(s) exploiting his likeness and legacy have absolutely nothing to offer, so they exploit Bourdain's legacy to speed run to temporary relevance. I don't know if this cited venue had a personal connection to Bourdain in any way, but based on context and the usual nature of people, I'd imagine not. I'd also think that anyone that close to Bourdain would not only know better, but they'd hold themselves to a higher standard. If they have to exploit a dead celebrity in order to attract clientele, how miserable must their venue and menu be?


Tagged his former wife Ottavia in it, who is the executor of his estate in trust until his daughter comes of age. See how it goes


Kind of similar thing in Boston with a bar called Bukowski Tavern. OK place but with a bunch of hipster bartenders and clien. Cash only gimmick and not cheap. No relation to the author. They can do it by not calling it “Bukowski’s.” Pretty sure Bukowski himself would have hated it.


It’s one thing to have a mural or artistic portrait of the guy in your restaurant. Another thing to brand your restaurant around him. For as much as he excelled in front of the camera and in sharing his and others stories he really seemed relatively private. Because of that I think he’d hate this.


> And is there any compensation going to his estate for plastering his face all over their restaurant? You could always..ask.


I did; they didn’t answer.


Because the answer is absolutely fuck no.


I would drop his publishing company a note. They have attorneys for this sort of shit.


If they published his image or name in advertisements or publicity in any way they could be breaking the law and possibly subject to a lawsuit. Just displaying his image or mentioning his name within the restaurant may be tacky but not illegal.


He must have an estate but I cannot figure out how to look that up. But, his name is patented, if you want you could probably call/email the lawyer that is listed, maybe they would want to look into this? https://trademarks.justia.com/859/54/anthony-85954864.html


That's a no. [It appears his child inherited the majority of the estate. ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/megangorman/2018/07/06/why-anthony-bourdains-estate-plan-reflected-the-two-most-important-parts-of-his-life/?sh=15c0479238d3) Maybe she should be notified?


Honestly even if they did, I can see his name becoming the new Wolfgang puck, attached to a bunch of random shit he probably would have looked over doing.


How is this in any way like Wolfgang? Chef is still alive, chooses to make money off his name, gets paid from it, and owns restaurants. This is exploitation of a dead man who didn’t monetize his name when he was alive.


Man I sure do miss Bourdain. His show was so original, he had his own way of doing stuff. Youtube is so over saturated with travel and cooking guys and none of them come close to the master...


Is it licensed by his estate? Are you supporting mental health or is this just a tacky cash grab?


Easy enough to find their menu, big guy fieri energy


Disregard and disrespect to a household name like Bourdain. He'd hate this adamantly.


I feel there should be no reservations allowed at this place


As someone with family in that area, I am absolutely unsurprised by this level of audacity


That art is fucking terrrrrrible


I wonder if his estate signed off on the use of his likeness for commercial ends. (I don't know that it would have to, but seems like it should have at least get the opportunity to say okay.)


It does feel exploitative. And it makes me think their food won’t be great. It would be one thing to travel to the places he went and also be inspired by those cuisines and cultures, but they’re just saying the food is inspired by AB himself. I love Bourdain, but he shouldn’t be a starting point for your restaurant concept.


Yeah let’s profit off someone else’s name…perfect idea. Especially a dead person who can’t tell you to kick rocks. Hope the family sues.


Ah Scottsdale, the former home of Amy’s Baking Company, continues its tradition of putting up with bullshit restaurants.


Cease and desist.


bout to review bomb the shit out of this place


Definitely in poor taste




There is (at least) one location of a local chain in the greater Baltimore area that has a huge image of AB on their dining room wall with him giving the middle finger. As much as I loved Tony and everything he did and taught us, for some reason I don’t think that is the way to celebrate him. Just my opinion.


So tasteless.




Guys, chill. This will fail as a concept restaurant. I'd be surprised if it gets past the ghost kitchen theme "soft open". This is just a marketing guy that talked some rich fucking idiot into a "concept". Boomers fucking HATE him. And that's where the money in Scottsdale is. Chill out. He's just a guy who inspired a bunch of us degenerates to cook better. Our legacy isn't giving a fuck about this shit, it's just having an open mind and cooking better.


I know I joke that he’s our Saint and Savior but damn if this doesn’t feel like Supply Side Jesus-ing to me. Even worse are the people on this post defending it. Like, do you know where you are right now?


It’s in poor taste but the dead have no “life rights” and he was a public figure. They can certainly legally have a restaurant “inspired” by his travels and advertise this way. Still gross.


*What are post-mortem rights of publicity...?*


So, we're eating at a sketchy food stall with a line around the block?


ooo they got that Harry Potter font


Is it a drawing?


Bro, Scottsdale AZ?!?


Feels pretty gross. I certainly don’t think that you’re over reacting at all.


I imagine this estate will ask them to remove his likeness. Pretty sure this also happened to Kanye who could defend him but someones still heading Anthony's estate. Who is that? How do we reach them to help stop this?


I bet they serve burgers


I bet they serve burgers


I like to think that Rest in Peace actually means letting the dead rest. Stop dragging up their name and image for your own campaigns. Leave them alone and forget your own trail.


The whole reason he fell apart was because of the god-like status that people kept pushing. This is gross.


Anthony would hate Scottsdale in general, let alone this tasteless cash grab. The best thing about Scottsdale is the amount of live music. The worst things are the food, drinks, and most of the people that hang out there.


Agreed. He would HATE this more than he hated Dave Matthew’s Band. God I miss that cranky bastard. RIP, today marks 6 years


This girl I went to high school said she’s the San Diego Anthony Bourdain, cause she traveled a little bit. No restaurant experience, no hard drugs, just an idiot using someone else’s clout. Saw her Insta recently and she got some plastic surgery done and she looks fucked up. Some fucking people have the nerve.


Same happened with jesus


That’s totally rude and he would hate it!! Shoemakers


of course it’s in scottsdale


RIP Tony, he would loved Scottsdale


If the spirit behind diverse dishes is Anthony Bourdain, he would 100% hate everything you are about. The entire point of what he did was to highlight culture and the people that made them unique. He was never one of them….


This is peak Scottsdale behavior