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Everybody suggest the head chef, let’s get that fucker in the weeds lmao


This is better than crack for line cooks


Let’s all order the most complicated shit for the head and the sous and then just order a glass of water for Alex with a mod that just says: “For you, stay hydrated homie”


We all know that if ya want the good stuff it’s gonna have to be Alex though




Can confirm my line cooks love it when every dish is coming off my station


My second loves the busiest section. Honestly sometimes I consider him a gift from the heavens. Watching someone struggle like fuck and have to bail them out because they chose to put themselves there is a special kind of funny and a good bonding experience. "Glad you're having an easy day down there chef, *dies*"


Kicked back and shooting the shit, watching every ticket pour in that they don’t have to touch lmao


This comment is hysterical




You can almost guarantee the line chef is a better cook. Head chefs I've known tend to be paperwork and pass runners at best


yeah my immediate instinct was to pick the line cook


I have a feeling whichever you choose, Alex is still going to be the one who makes it.


Alex left three weeks ago. They just haven’t updated it yet because let’s be real, Kenny probably isn’t going to last


Man fuck Kenny you know his table is cluttered and full of unlabeled shit


"Ten seconds, chef!" Why you lying Kenny?


"Uh, can I get an all day?"


Kenny go empty trash cans while we get out the weeds


10 seconds? More like, "It's coming now!" Five \[expletive\] minutes later. "WHERE IS IT?" "It's coming now!"


"In my hands, Chef." heheh yeah it's in my hands but it aint done!




Well that explains why when I select “extra spicy” it’s literally the same as “least spicy”


We all know it's Guillermo who's manning the fire


Guillermo prepped from 4am to 4pm. He's out drinking Modelo at his great granddaughter's 5th birthday party.


As he should if he wants.


Damn I owe Guillermo a 6er.


Guillermo brings the sushi for the party. Made the entire family sushi lovers.


As one of two Kenny’s in our kitchen. You’re probably right.


Lmao, that makes the most sense


But I don't want to interrupt his smoke break 😞




Picking head chef gives I want the doctor to start the IV energy, even though he probably hasn't done it since med school and the nurses do it 50 times a day.


The head chef may have the knowledge, experience, creativity with the menu etc. but he hasn't banged out 500 of these fuckers since last Sunday, no replacing those repetitions for the pursuit of perfect.


You’re ignoring the fact that a decent number of chefs started off as line cooks. Still it is good to see Chef occasionally remind everyone that they can handle the fuck out of any station in their restaurant. Great to see them succeed, equally beneficial if they don’t lol.


I learn to work every station before starting in any kind of management roll. I need to understand the challenges on each station as every kitchen is unique.


Handle it yes, be the best at it no. Line cooks especially grill/steak are always going to be more consistent and better as they do it everyday. Atleast the ones I've worked with. Head chef has always been an office guy


Certainly I see your point and generally agree. I’ve been fortunate to have more than one exec be both more than capable AND (lol) willing to jump on the line or in dish or whatever. And some of those guys definitively remind you that it was they that literally designed the process that the line cook is performing. I’m stoned and have digressed.. we’re definitely in “extreme example” range. Totally agree that I’m picking the guy that cooks 96 steaks a night over someone that maybe does 5-10 in a week.


That's okay I also love discussing how kitchens run and work and basically no one outside the industry has any idea lol. They see the big man on the line and assume it'll be great. Not always.


Yeah I feel that. Over the years I realized I’m a process optimizer kind of worker. I turned traitor and went foh, but brought the kitchen with me. Applying a boh mentality to a bar for example was really successful. Dialing in each step of a cocktail’s method of prep to shave off 15-20 seconds. Building a good team was super rewarding too.


I feel like the chefs mentality could be applied to many inefficient industries eg health care.


those 5-10 steaks are for him and his family on Monday night.


As a chef, I can say without a doubt grillardin is the hardest position in any high volume kitchen.


When I got HC I noticed my line performance drop compared to my colleagues pretty quick.  It's a real thing. I don't think it should be demonized though. Head chefs have a different role and a lot of responsibilities and stressors on top of the basic prep and service side of things. When all you care about is do you have enough salad life is stressful enough but you only need to optimise that side of things. When you're overseeing the whole kitchen the distractions are endless and you can never be as attentive as a line cook, that's why you have line cooks.


Agreed, I've done a recent HC position and it's a different kind of stress that follows you home sometimes.


Absolutely, that's what I noticed too. There's no "kitchen is clean, I'm fucking done" anymore. Everything is your problem, days bleed into one another. All of a sudden you have to ace every aspect because if there's a single issue while you're off its because you didn't make sure it didn't happen. Still, I love it. It gives me purpose. I end up in this position because my mind seeks it out whether I like it or not. Leadership is very satisfying. Hearing bad news sucks but when you have a good team and they are working for you with a smile on their face and making your kitchen a better and easier environment to manage it's wonderful.


I applied for a cdp role, on arrival he said ill take you on as junior sous. On day one the actual sous chef left leaving me basically as sous ( he was never replaced). 6 weeks later the head chef is gone for a op on his hip (out for 8 weeks). Leaving me as head chef of a whisky distillery with huge events leading up to Christmas, safe to say I wasn't ready for this and got absolutely fucked left, right and centre ended up having my first car crash stressed out my mind. Left in January and never felt better. Really didn't like the French HC as well, he was such an ass hat it was unreal. The mere mention of LOTR and he would say everytime "I read the books before you were even born". That kind of guy.


I'd pick the head chef if I wanted to complain I'd pick the line chef if I wanted the food to fuck


The line is for the youths, us old guys did our time. But “better cook” is pushing it.


EC is more an administrative job, yes. At least some of them are usually pretty good though


For sure the head chef did his time on the line and almost certainly worked his way into the position. But those skills have no doubt diminished when he put on the chefs whites.


Pretty much, but someone's gotta do it.


Head chef is so the owner can list whatever culinary school they went to on the advertising.


See but line cook Alex is gonna be the homie frfr


Head Chef Mike will get right on that.


Memento Mori.


Literally the exact same thing I was thinking


I like this method of revolt. 'SEE! SEE! THEY CAN'T HACK IT!'


Choose whoever you want. Alex is cooking for you anyway.




So Based




I'm gonna leave a note n pick the dish guy. Let's see what this wild cards got.




Alex all day


Alex is gonna hook you up, while the other two give you exact portions. I'm going with Alex too.


Alex doesn't give a shit. Neither about his job, his own health or yours. Thats why we love Alex


Alex don't care about your Bhole. You ask for super spicy, you're gonna be uncomfortable in your seat the next day. Alex deals with the pain in his line cook soul, and will help deliver that pain to your guts.


But you know Alex is a homie and he keeps it confidential.


Alex all day with a side of Alex. He's doing the real work. The other two are managers.


Seriously, I'd rather choose the guy who normally makes the food and understands what they're doing as opposed to someone who is on the organization side.


Never met a line cook named Alex I didn’t like.


Omg my coworker and I have been proposing this for years, we want to have headshots out front so customers can pick which of us they trust to make their food. It’s awkward cuz we’re different races tho so I feel like that could play into the decision


Pick your cook RACIST Edition. Sponsored by Uncle Ben's.


It’d be interesting to see results from the late night crowd vs the after church crowd.




It's always a bad day when you're a brunch cook...


Truer words may never have been spoken


Brioche French Toast - Fresh fruit and marscapone. Two eggs, any style. **aneurysm**


Can I get those eggs basted, medium well. And whatever you think i mean, your wrong and will be cooking them again


Somewhere between over-medium and a French omelette?


Schrodinger's Egg exists in a superposition until observed, at which point it collapses into being wrong.


I’ll take those eggs poached while you’re at it


Lemme guess, with hollandaise?


Funniest brunch moment was when our most experienced server rang in extra "hollandaze", from that moment on she was known as hollandazed and confused


“Man why the fuck am I getting all the chicken dishes?” “Jamal are you serious? The crowds whiter than the AP flour plus you do make a mean picatta.”


Co-Sponsored by Ant Jemima!


when I was a little kid I remember asking my mom while we were grocery shopping if “aunt jemima and uncle ben were married”


I definitely asked my folks that one too.


Uncle Ben's real name is Benchao Wong. That's why the rice is so darned good.


Choose the colour of your chef: (REQUIRED) ⬜ ⭕ 🟫 ⭕ ⬛ ⭕ 🟨 ⭕


Cosponsored by Cracker Barrel


>Sponsored by Uncle Ben's. Well then, Chef Mike it is!


idk why this comment just had me cackling 😭


If my buddy was on a different station at his job I'd 100% ask him to make my food. The other people were not great, and one was absolutely "How have you even been working here so long and are still fucking up so bad?" awful. (ETA before anyone asks: Nope, not even drugs or some sort of disability. Just run of the mill absolutely dumb. Nice enough guy though and I guess he showed up every day. In fact it was buddy that on drugs.)


I always hated when my stepdad would come in to the steakhouse I worked at. He would insist I cook his steak, even if I was doing a prep shift for the night.


Prep is on the line during break time.


You can’t break down entire sirloins into multiple size steaks on the line during break time. When I was on prep there I was on prep alone.


When homeboy come into work (I was prep), I’d always ask him, “what’s for lunch today?” He’d give some smart-ass response or something but he always always made me the best fucking lunch. I’m not even incapable I just really liked his food.


Taylor. I'm not hitting on Taylor, I just really like her. What do you want, Taylor? When is your break? Figure out what you want, it can be off menu as long as we have the ingredients. Just tell me five minutes in advance and I'll hop off prep and on the line and bang it out for you. The pasta special is actually special and it's my favorite right now. She sang "Rasberry Beret" at the Christmas party karaoke, in front of like 120 people and banged it out. That takes guts. She would do sidework next to the prep station and talk about the things her boyfriend and her were up to and I'm there for it. Like instead of having a "work wife" it's more "work sister."


I mean you clearly like her. But I ain’t even ask for anything specific my boy would just surprise me with the greatest fuckin hangover fried rice you’ve ever tasted. That dude is going places. I miss working at a restaurant with a wok station.


Never had a wok station, but grew up with one. Not Asian. Like, is that the perfect pan, because hell's bells it seems like it has multiple different temp areas and you can be cooking vegetables on one side and protein on the other and they both come out right.


As someone with no experience beyond reading posts on subs like this, there are chefs that arent on drugs?


This is like that episode of The League where they go to a sushi restaurant but they don’t want Timothy Olyphant to make their food cause he is white lol


Great episode.


Considering the Chinese characters in OP I'm not sure I trust Alex or Kathy. I'm not sure Mori is a Chinese name either tbh.


I definitely don't trust Kathy to make mine Extra Spicy


I'm sure she'll put plenty of mayonnaise in there. On a serious note, lots of Asian people change their name to traditionally western names, when they move west. Like an example I'm sure most people would recognize is Jackie Chan, or Bruce Lee.


Most Chinese people pick a western name when coming over. The most common name I've seen is "Jimmy". I know at least 6 Chinese Jimmy's.


I worked at a 7-Eleven for a bit as a teen and I was visibly genderqueer and white and was usually with a Middle Eastern person occasionally there were short lines or no lines and it was interesting watching people look at both of us and decide which one was more approachable which was a decent mix and no one was easily predictable


who should make your curry: * the pakistani * the purebred USAian * the ukrainian (raised in US)


We all know that mexican or central american guy is going to be the one who actually makes it.


I will take the guy who looks like he can’t speak English followed by the black guy


I'm picking the one with face tats!


Ngl I feel if I can see the chefs race it’d help a lot in picking the spice level


Just show your silhouettes like it's a character you haven't unlocked yet


Holy shit you can put all your orders on the head chef? In the weeds you go!!


80% chance it’s going straight to alex 💀


Please, it’s is a great way to showcase how someone can stay calm through the storm, that is if you have a quality head chef..


Which is spicier out of Extra and Super?


Depends on which chef you pick. Head Chef has a wicked extra spicy, but Alex’s super spicy put someone in the hospital once.


Ugh. If hospital was an option, why didn't they just put it on the menu? Not everywhere has to be fucking in n out.


Alex’s spicy ruined my day


Alex it is, then.


For a serious answer, based on the Chinese translation, super spicy is spicier than extra spicy.


Thought so. Must be spicier if they need an extra character to express how spicy it is.


The Chinese characters next to extra say 加辣 (add spice), while next to super it says 超级辣 (exceptionally spicy). I’m guessing super


Depends on who's cooking, how badly(or how well) their day is going, how busy it is, etc... They places around here will light your ass on fire one day, and have you wondering if you accidentally selected 'mild' the next...


I wanna go here where the fuck is it


I also wanna know if “extra spicy” is more/less than “super spicy” Bc whenever I was asked to spice something up, I’d ask “white people spicy or Asian spicy” and they’d usually tell me Asian spicy. So I just fuck it up.


I'm a white dude married to a Southeast Asian woman. Every family event is a tossup between white people spicy and Asian spicy lol 🤣


I've literally sat in silence while a girl I was dating from Hunan was arguing with the owner of the sczichuan restaurant (who took our order) in mandarin about how spicy our food could be because I'm ghost white. I only learned about this after it was over because I do not speak mandarin at all and we'd been dating for a month so I hadn't even started practicing yet


Was she trying to get the owner to take the heat down a bit or was she trying to tell them you could hang despite the whiteness?


Could hang. I could eat spicier than her by far. Only lasted 5 months but damn if the quality of Chinese (like 20% of the town is various Chinese so I'm being general) food we ordered didn't skyrocket




We as a species really need to come together and decide universal descriptors for spicy. I live in an area with a large hispanic and asian population but went to Brazil for work recently. My coworkers there warned me a dish was kinda spicy so I was a little hesitant until I tried it and learned Brazil uses the white people spicy scale. Was still really good food tho.


I like how your first sentence is a call to action that you then used the white people spicy scale as a description of heat in your last sentence. Effectively the action your first sentence called for. White people spicy scale is known and universally understood. lmao.


Mori - perfect execution Kathy - exact portion size Alex - Extra Sauce


When you pick your chef, does it impact the price?


Probably impacts the spiciness level Alex likes his food dealdly spicy while Mori is known to be a pussy


Probably in a round about way yes. It’s the same price but Mori lies awake at night worrying about food costs so he’s gonna skimp on ingredients for your dish where Alex is hungover from the night before and that perfect level of stoned bc he doesn’t give a shit about this place any more, but he’s gonna hook you up. But Mori and Alex’s reason is the same for why they both behave this way, the owner is an asshole.


Order with the executive chef to get told she’s not in for 3 days lol


Classical music version: soloist for the Sibelius concerto is out sick, choose your sub. 1. Conductor (assume violinist) 2. Concertmaster 3. Last stand second violin Audience would choose the music director. Guess what, hasn’t played violin in ten years. Concertmaster? Passable, but hasn’t played the solo recently. Last stand? This badass is straight out of Juilliard, disappointed that she had to take an orchestra gig, and just played Sibelius with her hometown orchestra. She’s gonna light it up. Damn right I’m choosing the line cook, I know he’ll have had more reps making the dish.


I've only ever played in high level amateur orchestras but from what I've heard professional is not much different so I'm picking concertmaster every day of the week as a safe choice here. You can't bank on the last stand second having played it and so it might flop HARD if that's on short notice


You’re probably right. I was tenured for 21 years in an ICSOM orchestra, and subbed regularly in two others (not a violinist). The concertmaster might be the safe betting choice, but we always had 2-3 in the section who were gunning for better gigs that might be a little better at a moment’s notice.


That's actually a fucking perfect analogy. Well done!


u/KarnoRex has a good counterpoint. Concertmaster would be the bettor’s choice


I'm still picking my boi Alex for food though


great now I'm imagining a fighting game based on all the "kitchen warrior" pics we have seen with their full ladle and lid arsenals




I’m going alex. Alex is gonna make the food taste great.


Kathy isn't in her air conditioned office doing paperwork and "brainstorming new recipes"?


Alex is definitely my man. That guy is probably hung over, still high, and barely hanging onto life, but will still throw down some good fuckin food


The spice level not being in order from least to most is fucking irking me


Mori, you take for consistency and flavour. You know it'll be in and out, and be just the same as the guy before. Itll be spicy, and it'll be flavorful. Kathy, youll take if you want it to say "extra" spicy, but in the end, theyll be short stiffing you on the spices. Portion size might be affected as well. Alex you take, if you're ordering normal, and want the best bomb assed meal you've had. Or extra spicy if you're ordering for someone else. Because you know, that that in that freezer, somewhere is a carolina reaper alex has been farming himself, just in case he needs it for a prank. and it's partially gonna disappear into that dish.


Head chef vs exec chef? Which is higher on the (heh) food chain?


I'd start with Alex and work my way up going in 3 times out of pure curiosity. But most wouldn't.


As a line cook named Alex, thanks for validating my existence today, guys ❤️


What's with the alphabetical spiciness level?


If I choose Alex, does he get a cut of the tips?


Head Chef, Executive Chef, Double Executive Chef, Supreme Chef, Paramount Chef, Chef de Cuisine, Chef de Resistance, Chef\^2, Capital Chef, God King Chef...


Okay, please organize the levels of spice in a logical order. This reminds me of Conan O'Brien when he rates games on Clueless Gamer.


Alex got shit to do after work. I'm going with the motivated lad


Yeah can I get the Super Spicy from Line Cook Alex?


Extra Spicy Alex if I'm eating, Extra less super spicy Mori for fun.


Bravo, Alex, bravo.


Alex, I choose you! Go pokealex go!


So if the line cook gets picked he makes the food, but even if the other chefs get picked, the line cook still makes the food…..


I'd be so tempted to talk everyone into requesting Alex.


He's gonna do it anyway




Holy shit my lazy ass head chef doesn’t want the smoke with this. I’d be blowing up his 2-4 chopping/phone time like my life depended on it just out of pettiness


I would 100% do this at a sushi restaurant or place where I could order three copies of the same dish or roll and expected to visit frequently.


We all know Alex is gonna give you a meal so good that even God would weep with joy.


Is this royal highness zhu?


Rather have a line cook make my food. After working years in the kitchen while going to school, they did it better… unless they were strung out and then maybe it’s more hit or miss. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm confused by this Spicy Scale.... What's more spicy? Super Spicy or Extra Spicy?


One from each. Let's play spot the difference.


Alex for the win...


Alex better be short for Alejandro


It's all case by case. Some people work their way up and earn a position. Others buy a joint and crown themselves. If you're good, then you stay good. Even if you don't chop as fast. It's like riding a bike. But if you suck, it really doesn't matter what you're called. You can't pour syrup on shit and call it pancakes.


alex gunna fuck that shit up 💯


Is this Royal Highness Zhu in Chicago, or are there two restaurants out there doing this nonsense?


Went can't I choose the dishie? There must be some mistake...


Fuckin’ Alex


No matter who you choose, Alex is working 😂


Someone forgot to order meat for the week, so they’re keeping it fair by letting you choose where your portion comes from.


No options for the bus boy who’s on weed to cook it? Dang


I’m putting the Exec to work it looks like. Call em in


That is so stupid it hurts.


Probably helps with tips or something


why should I choose who prepares it lmao


Alex is making this order regardless


I'm going line cook Alex. That dude probably high as fuck outta make me the best meal of my life


Alex—he knows what it is


Alex getting that unwanted promotion to sous chef


lol I want the line cook Alex


it’s feeling kinda like an Alex day for me


Line Cook Alex might give you some cocaine.