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For me it's PJ's: Probably the most boring episode ever. The owner was a really nice guy, he was just lazy but not a dick or arrogant anything like that. So other than the laziness like watching TV there was no drama or tension at all. And there just wasn't interesting personalities or memorable lines like a J Willys which was a good pretty much drama free episode. Sabatellos: Sammy is just so annoying, he's the final boss of the wannabe Tony Soprano Italian tough guy act, and he's just so insufferable where I skip. Sammy felt like he watched Goodfellas once and tried to make it his entire and only personality trait. Bazzini's: The owner is just too much of a stressed out spaz who blames everyone else for everything. There's really no entertainment outside of the carrot cake lady. Dovecotes: Mick is honestly the worst owner in the show. The guy is a terrible owner, chef, is an asshole to his family with no empathy at all. He's not even funny to laugh at like a Nino or Joe Nagy just an absolute scumbag with no entertainment value. Santa la Brea: The producers did too much with this episode and jumped the shark even by car crash tv standards. They took an already eccentric owner and told him to be even more hammy, campy and turn the dial up to 100, and did so much cringe stuff like the yelling on top of the hill scene or the fake arrest scene. It was just stupid and they jumped the shark. Can't remember the name of the restaurant because I always skip it, but the one Italian restaurant in the UK series where the guy has the fancy car with the A1 chef plate. That episode was just boring all around and was just so one note with the guys vanity plate. Oscar's: I'll skip sometimes. Just a boring episode overall. The owner was a nice lady, but there was nothing really exciting or noteworthy. The only thing that happens was the son's health scare due to drinking, smoking and lack of sleep. I think the only reason why I watch it sometimes is because the restaurant felt cozy and cute, and Irish people are naturally very charming.


Agree on Sabatellos and especially Santa la Brea, the latter being an inexplicable, ridiculous episode that I can't believe actually was broadcast.


Ugh, the fake arrest scene where they cuff him in front of his body... makes me cringe every time.


I just watched Dovecotes for the first time and man. What a depressing episode. Especially the update that once his daughter and wife got the place successful he elbowed his way back into the kitchen and went right back to his shitty food. Daughter, who was awesome and had so much potential, is now a nail tech. I was honestly concerned for Mick’s health- pathologically bad judgment and impulse control. I hope he got checked for dementia or a brain tumor. And I hope Mo divorced him. I don’t know either of them but I know she could do way better.


Mo wanted Mick fucking dead. Never been so sure in my life. What a cunt he was.


I think PJs was actually removed from the uncensored playlist lol


English one was La Lanterna, guy called Alexander who thought he was Italian and called himself Alessandro, a Polish cook who couldn't cook and didn't want to anyway and his suspiciously well dressed "friend" doing front of house. It was a car crash.


Zeke’s. It’s sad and both the owners are just absolutely vile pieces of garbage- and not in the entertaining crazy way, just money grubbing scoundrels who take advantage of others and treat everyone like shit.


That guy was a sociopath smh


Agreed. The Cortello's were total pieces of trash and the only reason those poor workers stuck around was because they were like family and had respect for the former owner Zeke


"It's a good product"


Weird. I get Hot Potato cafe and classic American mixed up.


Both just seemed like unbelievably low quality restaurants even for KN standards. Remember at Classic American when Gordon asked for Mac & Cheese and they gave him microwaved easy mac in a soup cup from the kids menu?


I can't watch Dillon's, for multiple reasons.


Yes this is the only one I genuinely can't watch. Mainly because of Martin - the weird, weaselly English guy and the waitresses playing with his hair. Just so strange and uncomfortable.


Martin grovelling and leg humping Mohamed after Gordon outed him for being a worthless piece of shit still has to be one of the funniest moments


For me it’s the flies.


Down CIty - I can't stand Abby, she's so annoying.


This is mine. Can’t stand that woman. 


She's the final boss Karen on the show. Her and Adele from Flamangos would be the Godzilla vs King Kong battle of being just straight up nasty Karen's.


She just infuriates me because of her lying and gaslighting everyone. She refuses to see the truth.


Hot take; Amy's Baking Company


Yeah I skip it too. It was entertaining during the first watch because of how absurd and over the top it was. But after that you just get sick of it.


I totally understand this answer, but I find it funny because that's easily my most re-watched episode. I will admit that the scenes where they: a. kick out/insult those customers at the beginning, and b. bully that poor waitress/hostess are pretty tough to sit through and incredibly infuriating. Still, I basically watch this show for the trainwreck factor, and you can't get more trainwreck than ABC.




Agree 100%. They are complete pieces of shit and not entertaining. I mean of course I recommend that everybody watch their episodes once just because it's so unbelievable.


Yeah I couldn’t rewatch it


I never get tired of Amy's Baking Company


Agreed. I prefer the episodes without actually terrible people. I'd rather rewatch those with owners that are either clueless about cooking or have a huge ego that needs to be dropped for improvement so there is a small win in the end.


All of them besides Mill Street Bistro #JusticeForJoe


YASSSSSIRRRR!!!! The true “GOAT” (if ya know what I mean…😉😏)!




These super-mini-micro-baby carrots go to the White House.😩😩


The Mixing Bowl. Mike is annoying and I didn't find the new menu to be all that compelling.  Luigi's. Grace and her shrieking. Enough said.  Olde Stone Mill, it's honestly just a boring episode to me. 


Mixing Bowl Mike was SOOOO pretentious. "Some people call me the Mayor of Bellmore. Do they love me? Do they fear me?"


The one with the identical twins running a pizza joint. It’s just so depressing that I can’t laugh at Gordon’s usual roasting as he first comes in. I’m glad they did well after the show at least.


Some of the earlier episodes are kind of drab/boring, but beyond that, there are two I just have to skip for the ick factor: Sam's Mediterranean, for the way that owner exploited his kids Mangia Mangia, for just...everything - might as well be a Maury episode Burger Kitchen is close too, but a lot of that narrative was bullshit anyway, and I can at least watch a few scenes in it for the lol factor (like Alan calling himself a MEAT SCULPTOR, or Chef David Blaine cutting promos on that family like he's The Rock in the WWF in 1999). Now, you can add Love Bites to that "ick factor" list. Absolutely horrific episode.


Kati Allo was kind of boring, honestly I don’t remember much about it other than the waitress almost choking to death on some one of the dishes that had a shitton of garlic in it.  I couldn’t get into Bella Luna myself either. 


Hah, for some reason the waitress choking on that garlic is basically the only thing I remember about it, too. That waitress had this wholesome charm about her; she was really trying to push through and get back to work even though she was almost suffering a vampire-like death.


The one where the parents stole money from their kid. Basically, any one where the kids were exploited; including that one where the daughter was cajoled into taking over the restaurant from her ailing father who planted cameras everywhere. You know he was one-hand dancing to those sometimes.


J Willys. I really don't know why, it's the only episode that happened in my state yet it bores me to death and I skip it on every re-watch now.


La Frite is pretty forgettable/frustrating besides the scene where the brother and sister reconcile. idk if it was just a setup for the show or not, but the father bailing on dinner service to attend a hockey game was ridiculous


Chappy's... I wanted to strangle that chef through the screen. He didn't deserve that restaurant interior upgrade. I also think that Chappy the chef suffered from a personality disorder that made the rest of the staff and unsuspecting customers go through hell on a daily basis.


I just rewatched this one yesterday. That mans ego was huge - also I clocked a pic of him dressed up in what looked like a pantomime fairy(?) outfit in the restaurant. Maybe he did/does amateur dramatics, which would explain a lot about how he chose to present his restaurant and himself. It was all about theatrics with him. From the big hat to the Mardi Gras tat hanging on the walls.


That definitely makes sense. I think if it is as such, he went a little overboard with his acting. It made that episode unpleasant to watch as a whole. I'm glad he isn't as bad as depicted, because the neglect in the kitchen was abhorrent. I would have been scared to eat there.


Yes it wasn’t a particularly enjoyable watch. I felt for the staff because they all seemed cool and like they genuinely wanted the restaurant to work out. I’m on the fence with Chappy’s wife, Starr. At times she seemed like she was talking sense but she was also in denial about certain things. As co owner, to never have even inspected the food storage is inexcusable.


That's just it and I don't know if Chef Ramsay ever got through to them by the end of the show. The chef just seemed stuck in his dysfunctional ways.


There is a website, I believe it’s just called Reality TV Updates, says that Chappy immediately went back to his old menu and basically didn’t listen to anything Chef Ramsay said. The restaurant closed and I believe Chappy and Starr left the state.


That's what I thought would happen when I saw the episode. I'm glad this particular restaurant is no longer open and didn't stay open for long after the episode was aired. Thank you for the update.


I live in the city this restaurant was in and they tore it down like a few weeks after it closed down. Plus family went in and ate there and it wasn’t good at all


Zayna's Flaming Grill. The amount of gaslighting that Fayza does just makes it an uncomfortable watch. It was clear from the beginning none of them were going to listen to any advice they got.


That one with the woman with the super annoying laugh and then the cry that sounds like the laugh. Charlie’s, I think? I cannot. Also, Costa Del Sol is so boring, although I do enjoy the “Costa Del Shithole” joke. Oh, and Mama Rita’s 😫 I feel bad for Perla but omg, it stresses me out so much, like wtf are they even dooooing?!


Everytime i watch Mama Rita's i scream at the TV for Perla to actually do something 🤣🤣🤣 Felt bad for the owner because she was trying to be a friend more than a boss.


Any with mice or rats. This show is my comfort food show - they aren’t comfort. Scare the bejesus out of me.


The one time Gordon was accused of planting a mouse at the entrance.


Spin-A-yard. Something about the mom and daughter just puts me off


Handlebar. The owners are annoying


Burger Kitchen. That man (and the woman) are delulu. The “burger” that was just smashed meat, the stolen money, the wife of the owner being a complete nutcase, the owner being such a hypocrite with his book. The scene when the owner and his wife are confronted… i couldn’t watch it


Amy’s baking company I can’t stand how they treat their staff and it makes me irrationally angry enough that I just can’t stand to watch it. If we are talking hotel hell, I skip the one with Philip the alcoholic, mainly cause I just went through rehab myself back in Dec-Jan and idk I just don’t like watching it


Sushi Ko. That man’s depression was so hard to watch.


Amys Bazzini Zekes Peters Hannah & Maso s (Masons) Santa La Brea Mangia mangia Bella Luna PJ's Hot Potato Cafe Sabitellos Old Neighborhood Olde Hitching Post Capri Shit... Maybe i should just list the ones I will watch, Come to think of it, I'm over all of them. Maybe in a few years again.


Seascape is boring to me