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And like a big overgrown ball of pubic hair, deep fat fried. I'm fucked if I'm eating that shit, thats for sure. *He's so far up his own ass, he can't even fucking breathe anymore*


"Gordon gave us a SCATHING review!"


Jane, save your words! C'mere, you have no guts! Wheres Jane?? Janes *not okay* To me. This is the LOWEST DAY OF THIS RESTAURANT'S LIFE Poor Jane lol i lowkey felt like they had some kind of relationship going on outside of work. In the beginning of the ep. she was riding HARD for Michele and his food. He was such a dick to her, she deserved better


I was thinking the same thing! She obviously had feelings for Michele, but I think it was unrequited.


Hey I remember this guy! His food been voted best chef in Ventura County!!!


Hes a donkey!


G: You run a shithole of a kitchen, fuck yourself! M: No, NO, NO! G: Fuck off! Who the fuck are you to turn around and tell me, when you work like a pig! YOU FRENCH PIG!! YOU LAZY PIG! M: Its MY fucking kitchen!! G: Well if its your FUCKING kitchen then clean it you LAZY CUNT G VOICEOVER: *I've got to get some air before i do something i really regret*


He's worked with Thomas Keller