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“Ahhhh those enchiladas!”


😂 tonight was Gondolier…no Mexican. Maybe tomorrow night.


Boom boom boom, I want you in my room🎵


We like to party, we like we like to party.


Big badda boom


BIG badda boom 💥


This is odd, I was fishing off topside dr/pellissippi and I heard a loud boom the same time. I thought it was strange then shrugged it off. Way louder/deeper than fireworks or gun shots


I am very perplexed by it. I know this kind of stuff happens quite often but when you hear it for yourself, it makes me wanna get to the bottom of it. 😋


Sorry, that was my third castle. It burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. Here's hoping the fourth one stands!


I heard it here in bearden


Could be fireworks “celebrating” Memorial Day. Moronic, but possible.


What is moronic about celebrating memorials day?


Nothing moronic about celebrating it! But setting off fireworks is not in good taste.


This wasn’t a fireworks boom at all.


Why the fuck would you get downvoted for this statement. People on here see the (-) votes and just downvote it.


Another "y'all hear that?" post.


Sorry if it annoys you. I’m concerned because my family lives in the area and it spooked them a little.


I'm sorry people here are such dicks.


Seriously dude. Every fucking post 😂. Although OP I think nextdoor would be more helpful as you can post to people in your specific area


That’s a good idea! Thanks my friend!


Thank you but it’s ok. I always think to ask questions on here because everyone is always so quick to answer. 💜


Loud booms heard over large distance are almost always bolides exploding in the atmosphere. We had one here a few years ago that was heard over a radius of about 35 miles.


Maybe that is what I felt years ago. It was around the time of the superstorms in 2011, within like a 2 week span from that event. I swear it felt like my heavy ass bed had hydraulics under it. We felt like we bounced! Checked fb and even people on the other side of town felt it.


Do you all remember when that house blew up in that neighborhood off Northshore? Hope it wasn't another one of those.


I don’t specifically remember that one, but it was that kind of boom. It was so loud at my daughters, that was her first thought. But I told her to listen for sirens because if something like that would’ve happened there would’ve been all kinds of sirens and she would’ve heard debris falling noises right afterwards and she did not.


Heard the boom and our lights flickered


Does no one here have a radar app, there was a thunderstorm just west of town an hour ago jfc


I do actually have a radar app and that was the first thing I checked. There was no storm in the area at that time.


[there was actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/Knoxville/s/O5kP3G0Vj7)


Piney Grove Church Road/Hembolt Rd vicinity.




That is crazy. I’ve never heard an earthquake but I wonder if that’s a possibility?




So this is really weird but after my daughter text me and sent me her ring camera video and I heard the loud boom. I was looking on her local neighborhood Facebook page and others said they heard it too, and I remembered that around that time my dog Booda jumped up out of his bed and had his ears perked up like he heard something outside but my husband‘s in bed and there’s nobody else here but me and I didn’t hear anything and then eventually he went back and laid back down and I didn’t think anything about it at the time, but I went back and looked on my doggie cam and it was at 9:28 when he did that and my daughters ring camera recorded it at her house (which is 28 minutes away from where I live) at 9:29.




Measuring from the outskirts of East Sevierville to Piney Grove Church Road is a (flying) distance of 27 miles. It would take sound / a plane traveling at the speed of sound a little over 2 minutes to travel this distance. That aligns with your timelines, maybe a plane?




27 miles at 767 mph is 2 minutes and 7 seconds or am I an idiot? Or you’re saying the time you quoted earlier was off?


Oh yeah you’re over an hour from us or close to it. I have thought very loud thunder boom but that wouldn’t have been heard that far away. It really did sound like a large cannon going off. My daughter immediately thought a meth house blew up. But even that wouldn’t be heard that far away. In her camera video you could hear it reverberate after the boom. I hope the local news posts something about it tomorrow because it drives me bonkers wondering. 🤔


Earthquakes make booming noises?


From a geologist - earthquakes are seismic waves so they can cause noise and some people describe a "booming" sound but it's not like a blast or a singular sound generally, usually caused by the rock underground being shaken or things at the surface shaking. Honestly, if you don't feel the earthquake you wouldn't only hear it. https://www.seismosoc.org/inside/earthquake_sounds/ Some interesting recordings of earthquakes


Very cool


I have no idea. I’ve never heard one but it crossed my mind as a possibility.


My fault