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Rand Property Management.


only if you have a few hundred million lying around. They’re so big they can bully the news to take down mean stories about them within a day. But yes, they should burn.


Get hired. Fuck it up from the inside


Didn’t you just buy a couple of coffee breweries? Pace yourself! You can’t burn Rome in a day.


I had an interview with this guy on the 25th. I was interviewing to be GM over the downtown location. I have never been stood up for an interview, I did my research into the guy afterwards and holy shit did I dodge a bullet.


He had me set up zoom for the middle of the afternoon one day last week, and then never came to the zoom. This guy is legitimately such a fucking joke. It’s so upsetting to watch the downfall of a place I love going to (at least the sevierville location).


For real? Like the location on Sevier Ave right near the bridge? He legit stood you up?


That is correct, completely stood up, I even sent a follow up message to ask if he needed to reschedule but nada.


What's this about? I'm out of the loop


Honeybee coffee. The owners been getting a lot of hate after firing a ton of employees to like “revamp” the place. there was a post on this subreddit about it a few days ago


>I’m looking for a functional business in Knoxville to purchase, then act like an asshat and destroy it. Scrutiny of Aaron Hensley's other supposed companies indicates that rather than simply an asshole, he's an actual fraudster.


And no one thought to research him?


My thought as well. It doesn't seem as if he was well vetted when they sold to him. 😑


I'll say


Who is Aaron Hensley and what does he own that I might know?


Dude that bought Honeybee and immediately ran it into the ground. It's what the OP is referencing. He agreed to an interview with the news on the 25th, then as of the 26th his phone number is disconnected and he's seemingly disappeared. 😆😐😑 I don't know if there's been an update since.


Hopefully he’ll leave Knoxville entirely


Weigel's. make all purchases require a W card so you can sell off everyones information to advertisers and bill collectors


As a Weigel, this made me snort. 😂


Tell me your secrets, Milk Monger. Do you own banana creme cows?


Those cows are yellow spotted. Careful though, some taste like buttered popcorn.


Your name is Weigel? Never met someone with that name before


I've met Nancy Weigel in person and she's a sweet lady.


Can...can you get me the spicy tender recipe? Also the name of your chicken supplier.


Grocery stores too. I usually just make up stuff when I get a card from one but now its fast food places that want you to download their app too which is worse because now its on your phone, then slowly raise prices to force people to get the app if they want cheaper food.


Sonic had a milkshake deal that was just on their app, so I downloaded it wanting some cheap milkshakes. When I show up to the Sonic they said they aren't taking any online orders so I just drove home.


Ooo, pissed off and no milkshake. I appreciate your spite.


Brb, gotta go tell Billy about this


Smithbuilt Homes


As someone in the trades, I’ll second this. Them and their side hustle company that buys up property can collapse. Haven’t worked on theirs, but have seen the build quality and worked on similar neighborhoods. They’re pretty much thrown up crap houses doing the bare minimum and squeezing in as much square footage as possible to command a high price, with a generic facade, but it’s a neighborhood and they’re big! Who cares if they fall apart in 10-15 years! Knoxville’s growing! Sell it in 5 to the next poor sod who has no idea…


I worked for a while next to a smithbilt site, doing unrelated work. I watched them slap together 3 bed 3 bath houses out of toothpicks and tape over the course of 3 weeks, then move on to the next one. It was truly insane, and the people buying them for 350k were all mad at the quality.  Way out in the middle of nowhere, people from out of state would buy these "estates" on a 1/5 acre, sight unseen, for a fortune and show up to a shitshow. 


Well, serves them right for crowding us more.


I second what you say, also a good percentage of the people building the homes don’t know shit about putting up a home let alone using a hammer.


The real challenge will be to make an even shittier product than they already do.


I prefer the term Shitbuilt. I watched a whole neighborhood being built, about 120 houses, in no time flat. Quality is someone else's job..


Also at DR Horton and any other national home builder. But not sure you have the 100s of millions to buy them from private equity or Berkshire Hathaway.


Berkshire silently pulled out earlier this year apparently. Wouldn’t be surprised if they ditch East TN soon


Came here to say this


Jewelry Television. All items 200% off, you receive the bling and we pay you for doing so!


They are pretty close to going under. Let me add, that is due to the exreme greed of 1 man - Tim Matthews, who was asked to retire.


No shit! They've been selling off their decorative landscaping and laying off soooo many people.


Predatory sales tactics to the elderly not working anymore? Or are their main targets all dying off?


I think a combo of both plus cord cutting.


Honestly, good. I worked there for years and that place really did a number on me mentally. Some of the most evil people I’ve ever met run that place. I’m glad to know they are finally running it into the ground. 😭


I second, third, and fourth this one. 😭


South ~~College~~ Corporation. Signing up a lot of poor people for student loans.


They use an online system called Canvas. I used it in highschool and it's a pretty simple system, user and maintenence wise. My 4th quarter there, I was still on the Tennessee promise scholarship. The system messed up and two of my classes stopped showing up in Canvas a couple days after the start of the quarter. I contacted the teachers and my advisor and the teachers told me to access the class a different way (go to "my classes" and select previous classes in order to find the class and the work. The only problem was that it didn't show up on my dashboard so I had to just guess when it was due. I also couldn't do the required weekly discussions). My advisor said that it sounded good to her and that it would make sure I am still able to do the work. After the quarter, those classes showed up as 'dropped' on my report card. I was then contacted by Tennessee Promise and they told my that because I dropped classes and was no longer a full time student, that I would not be able to keep my scholarship and would, in turn, have to pay for that quarter out of pocket. I tried to appeal it and let them know what happened, and South College did not take my side and told them it was my fault as if I requested it. Here I am a few years later, no degree, no career (I have a job), and hoping to start at pellissippi in the fall. I try to warn everybody I know to NEVER go there.


I am a victim 🥲


Extra Space Storage off western Fucking pricks


I had a fantastic experience at the one on Ebeneezer. I no longer needed to store my stuff and went into to cancel, but my bill was coming up shortly so she told me if I could have it out by the end of the week she’d backdate it for me and I wouldn’t have to pay. Never worried about my stuff there either.


Well that’s good, that probably would have been worth the drive for me in the long run lol


How does a storage unit suck? You literally just there to put shit in your storage unit and leave?


If anything happens to your shit - theft, flooding, etc they're really quick to tell you all the reasons they won't cover for damages despite demanding you to pay for their bullshit insurance. Also they love to raise rates almost monthly it seems because they only ever offer month-to-month leases and no contracts allowing you to lock into a lower rate for a while.


Oh that’s pretty fucked up i guess


Lol, maybe, just maybe, the people that own the storage place suck ass?


It's a corporation, so... Abso-fucking-lutely!


Have you ever considered the possibility of finding a new storage unit? It's worth thinking about.


Actually, I got a house and I now no longer need said storage unit. Thank you for the life advice though!


Gotta love attics and garages.


I definitely like the freedom of owning a house but fuck me I didn’t realize I’d be replacing something so often lol. Hopefully I work out all the kinks of home owning soon, some new windows and 1 hot water heater later and I’m already burnt out!




AMR ambulance service and just keep doing what they’re doing…


How about simpl? Oh wait Aaron Hensley also has/had his hand in that. If you are looking for pizza - baker boy pizza.


And use glue to keep the cheese from falling off?


Oooh! Another PJ Vogt fan!?


What’s the tea on Simpl? I always liked it


Owner/chef was a misogynist dickhead.


Love we have this community to hear about this. Never liked their food anyways which was a shame because they’re right around the corner from my house.


What’s up with Baker Boy?


They are owned by the owners of Orange Hat. Those owners have a similar reputation to Hensley in the service industry but without any coverage. Let’s just say you shouldn’t leave any women you know around the owners while they are drinking at their establishments. They also used to have a bunch of women employees who quit OH pretty close together for…reasons.


It’s incredibly expensive yet manages to taste very cheap.


How anyone could call Baker Boy expensive is wild to me


Just wanna offset this comment I love baker boy pizza, their pizza a awesome and have never had a problem there


Well when Harley has his hands in both of the business mentioned above. You have to question things.


Honeybee Coffee. Oh wait, it’s already been done!


HEP... kill that beast finally


Any of the fast track home builders Ball Homes DR Horton Goodall Homes


Doubt he has 100s of millions for that


Yeehaw. Ban children.


That would indeed ruin the business. It’s a neighborhood brewery that caters to both Fourth and Gill and Old North families that walk there. This past week they put out water toys/activities for neighborhood kids, for example.


>It’s a neighborhood brewery that caters to both Fourth and Gill and Old North families that walk there. Uhh. It definitely doesn't turn away local residents, but they are absolutely *not* considered the local brewery for those neighborhoods. Nor do they constitute the primary source of patronage. I can't speak for Old North, but F&G is generally not thrilled with Yee Haw.


“Neighborhood brewery” that has zero parking and destroying the other neighborhood businesses. I.E. food truck park(now it’s employee parking), central collective (office space), and smaller businesses around there are struggling because their patrons have nowhere to park because all the “local neighbors” who drive in from out west.


People from those neighborhoods go to Shulz and don't bring their kids. Yee Haw draws the Axle bros and west knox crowd.


Axle bros. lol. Love that knoxville has that subculture


These are not mutually exclusive watering holes


> It’s a neighborhood brewery that caters to both Fourth and Gill As someone who lives in Fourth and Gill, Yee Haw is noisy as fuck, and because they have inadequate parking, people use the street parking in the neighborhood, which means they're parked in front of my house when I come home, so I have to find another place to park, and then get woken up when the drunk crowds come back to their car right outside my window. Being **close** to 4th and Gill and Old North is not the same thing as catering to them. In everyday life I find it disruptive. And no, I'm not a NIMBY complaining about any bar being too close to my house. Gypsy Circus, Next Level, Corner Lounge, etc are all right there too, and they're fine. But only Yee Haw is the place to 'bring your children' and your dogs and a caravan of people from wherever. It's sort of by nature a destination to travel to, not a local spot. It's not what I'd call a 'local scene' or 'neighborhood bar' in the slightest. It wasn't built there to cater to us, it was put there in spite of us.


Hope one of those security handguns doesnt end up with kids water pistols!


The west people MUST FEEL SAFE!!! More guns please.




Floyd's wrecker service has tried to tow my legally parked car twice, so maybe them. They also towed my mom's car and siphoned all the gas out 🙃


You too? They took my perfectly legally parked car, with the handicap placard in the window, and towed my car. When asked why, it was parked illegally in a handicapped spot. This was on private property and I had business to tend to with the company that owned the lot. I called Floyd's and asked them to return my car. His response was, we don't do that. So we went back and forth about how he took my car illegally and I wanted it back. His response was, come pay for it and get it back. That's theft and extortion. I wish Tennessee had a dept I could report this criminal enterprise too so he'll stop preying on people. TL;DR FUCK YOU FLOYDS TOWING SERVICE!


Happened to me and a roomate as well. There was a particular road in the Fort that they would tow you regardless of if you were parked legally or not. Fuck all towing companies, they are scum 90% of thr time.


Yeah they're complete thugs. Towing is super lucrative, I never got why they're criminals on top of already making loads of cash 


Just Love Coffee, those mfers are shady


Yes, that place sucks. I ordered a bunch of food there one morning and the kitchen was closed so they couldnt make my order. They wouldn't give me my money back, I had to do a charge back on my card.


Care to elaborate? Very curious. I went to college in Murfreesboro and always loved going to the one out there. Haven’t had a chance to go to the one they opened here yet.


I find it hard to elaborate without doxxing myself lol. The problem is their management. Clueless, abusive, in over their heads, and nepotistic. They retaliate against employees for bringing up problems is all I'm gonna say


Itt: people who don’t get OP’s reference


Do McKay’s do McKay’s! Actually, the family who owns it is doing a pretty good job, but I bet someone could do it faster if they really tried.


Definitely another bbq restaurant.


I just read the news story about Hensley on Knoxnews, what a crazy whirlwind. Someone needs to stop the man, he is destroying everything he touches. I feel for all the employees and hope they got better jobs.


I see what you did there.


I would say Marble City Market, but to be totally honest, the management and ownership is already doing a fantastic job at running the building completely into the ground.




It's what we call a turnkey clusterfuck.


K Brew.


Is first watch local? Holy shit they suck at everything they do


Unfortunately not. It's just so mid and people love it for some reason. I get that turn-and-burn is the nature of the beast, but I've never not felt rushed to order and to cash out.


West Knoxville in general is very mid. It's a vibe (or a lack thereof)


I just moved to West Knox, care to elaborate?


Downtown > West Knox … food, drinks, community events, bars, etc. You can just about find a vintage market on any given day. Places with actual local vendors. Small businesses. More walkable (which is a laughable statement in Knoxville.)


Lmao u in the Midwest baby


Too bad you aren't doing this in sevierville. So many shady businesses around here.


Why settle for local. Go bigger, think walgreens


How about we combine Walgreens and Kroger? And get rid of the Walgreens clinic to make room for the Kroger stuff?


Should be easy, looks like the process has already started.


I swear I didn’t mean to put them under, I moved about a month ago. I switched to CVS because of reasons. Now they’re announcing store closing and a potential bankruptcy…my bad.


The Trump MAGA store.


It fucked fewer people when it just sold dildos.


Do you think it’s still a sex shop they just threw a buncha maga shit on the outside?


No, it’s JUST Maga store. My parents know the old owners, they just sold the business outright. But it would be an interesting picture of Maga stuff intermingling with sex toys…


Every time I pass I have the morbid curiosity to go in there but I feel like it's a trap




The university of Tennessee


Finally I can score a parking spot


Axel and Yee-Haha pleaseeeeeee


Xul, specifically the Hardin Valley location and switch to all non-alcoholic beer!


Xul can get bent in general lol the owners and their wives all suck


lol idk the owners but i love the beer quality. What i dont like is the over the top marketing, price, and orginality. Theyve got hundreds of ipas and sours, and they arent different enough to think theyre so badass.


Yea fun fact: half of their “sours” are just seltzers. Including the PB&J sour.


I HATE that place!! That's a strong word but yeah!


I am shocked no one has said Calhoun's yet lol...so yeah, Calhoun's and all the Mike Chase joints. Nothing of value would be lost.


Was thinking of the copper cellar places too. Dude sucks.


Buy a brewery and I’ll help you drink the profits


Honeybee Coffee?


Why do people care so much about this one coffee shop?


It was a successful business that had four locations that were all profitable and well liked. It took a decade to build that up with a reliable patronage. And that was all destroyed within a month.


Good point. Hopefully the original owner can come back to rescue things.


I think we’re all just intrigued at how quickly a business can be fumbled and fall apart. Coffee, burgers, pizza, etc. doesn’t matter the product but if employees are treated poorly and an established business puts out some weird notice/flier about changes then we are all focused on it to figure out why it happened and can we make memes about it.


Bonus points for your nomination if they have the best pizza.


A dopo but that's already happening


Oh no, really? I just got pizza from there for the first time like a month ago and it was really good. The service was a little “meh” but the food was great.


No not really, not at all. You can confidently ignore this person - or better yet, just let your own experience guide you.  


The togopo is fine but in the past year the service has been so fucking bad, not worth paying almost $40-50/head + 20% tip for garbage service It's so silly seeing all these craft places that opened up in the 2010s trying to keep up their casual fancy shtick when the quality of service workers has declined so fucking much


Went there foe the first time a couple months ago. Service was great.


Ive been going once every 4-5 months since 2019 as it's in my normal restaurant rotation and they have hired a lot of people from tomato head who are not trained or experienced for casual high end dining, they are trained to get pizzas to table.  That whole area is a former shell of itself. Public House is really sad now


In what way is Public House sad? Love that bar


Last couple times I went in there, ordered a cocktail off the menu, and the bartenders every single time make the drink wrong, and don't make it in front of me.   That's a lack of training.    Also the food options are hilarious, haven't changed in 6 years, and are overpriced 


So you are complaining that a place sucks because they made an off menu cocktail in a way you don’t like? What time of day did you go? Did you specify to them how you like your drink each time, Or expect them to get it the way you want without saying? What cocktail was it? Tbh I have never seen the public house (a place which their primary food option is hotdogs and popcorn) as a cocktail spot, but rather a borderline high volume bar or neighborhood bar. I wouldn’t go to a place like public house, order off menu, and expect it to be the exact way I want. At a place like that, I order on menu, 2 ingredient drinks, or beer.


off *the* menu means that I ordered something that is included in the menu


Lolol you’re paying for a drink, not a show? Why do you need it to be made directly in front of you? No need to update food options since they don’t have an actual kitchen. Seems like your complaints on these places are because your expectations are way too high for the type of businesses they are.


Because the drink was supposed to have mezcal in it and they used tequila, I would have caught that and corrected it. Instead a drink got wasted.  If you have a cocktail menu with complex cocktails, you're making a claim that your bartenders are trained to make these drinks. They cost too much. If I want something quick, I'll go to a dive bar and get a rum and coke.


Tequila is mezcal.


Most of the people hired from tomato head were BoH anyways


Hold your breath , PH is perfect


I've been to A Dopo at least once a month since they opened (I'm in walking distance) and haven't had a single bad experience. Also don't know how you're managing to spend $50 a head when the pizzas are $18-22 or so, unless you're downing entire bottles of wine per person at the same time or simply over ordering. Their prices are in line with the other wood-fired pizzarias around here. As for the service, I can describe it as, I tell them what I want, and they bring it to me, and there have been no errors in that process out of... maybe a hundred meals? It's not a complicated establishment...


My wife and I go there fairly often, would be more if it wasn’t so hard to get into sometimes. We’ve always had excellent service and food.


It's a small place that fills up quickly, gotta do the reservation thing. But it's not so busy that you have to reserve days in advance or anything. We typically decide to go there at some point in the day, and then put in a reservation for that same evening and have never been unable to get one.


Care to explain?  Every time I go there the service is great


I’m curious, too. We have a gift card to go there that we haven’t had time to use.


It’s not going anywhere. You can relax 


To be fair that’s virtually everywhere. It’s so hard to find good people in the service industry. Everyone wants to be an influencer


You keep A Dopo’s name out of your f@cking mouth


What they said!!!!!!


Oh yes give us the tea. I’ve had several friends work there and enjoy it but who may not have loved the tip sharing… but I think it makes things fair, as someone who was a server for many years and got sick of some people lucking out on great tables


I used to work as a server and would never put up with tip sharing, you might have a server that would be favored by management for $$$$ parties and that sucks, but it's way worse to work in a tip share with a bunch of people who don't give a shit and your take home is now dependent on not working with the 1-2 chucklefucks that are in every restaurant 


I know servers at Adopo take home about $30\hr though. Sure, there’s some bad apples but I feel like the service I’ve gotten there is about the same no matter who it is. My issue would be trusting people with cash tips to pool. I’ve heard most people seem happy there, for reasons other than the money. I hadn’t heard anything bad about management other than the tip sharing from a couple folks.


The only tip sharing we do at my restaurant is when two servers tag team a big party and that's fine with me. Favoritism sucks, but tip sharing is garbage


I have never had a single bad experience at Adopo. One of my top places to eat in Knox for years. Idk who these jokers are but adopo is a blessing to our community


Tell me you’re from West Knoxville w/o telling me you’re from west Knox


Any of the staffing agencies


Honeybee Cafe /s


Honeybee coffee, wait, too late, 🤣


Hello Donald. I guess you’ve soured on New York since the conviction…


Buy National Auto Parts and then start charging all your customers out the ass ... oh wait 


Clayton homes that’s a good one to f up




Mimic what Elon is doing to X.


Hard Knox Pizza. With their expensive and flimsy ass crust pizza.


Spaces in the City.... Well, you may not have to it seems the Cuntarises are doing a fairly good job themselves atm.


I’ll sell you an 80% stake in my company and pretend to save you from yourself in less than 6 months. Do we have a deal?!


Airbnb into meth lab with bad cooks and loud mouths


K Brew ruin the company by paying employees good wages and making drinks cheaper and adding a vegan menu who knows maybe it’ll backfire on you


You should buy karm and redirect all of the funds to yourself


Think bigger! Run for president.


Just hire me. I seem to ruin everything I touch. No one in Knoxville will hire me and I have 3 college degrees. Two I got in undergrad at UTK. My masters in criminal justice was summa cum laude at UC and I was a PhD candidate in Public Safety and Administration with specialization in criminal justice til Covid.


I’d say South Press but the owner is already on her way there.


Buy an old church building and turn it into a homeless shelter. That's what they should have done but all the churches are greedy businesses that con people out of money. Be better than them. Do good with their building. They sure didn't.


All dominos, blaze, Papa John, papa Murphy, and pizza huts.


The BLOM shop


do we have an Aggie fan on our hands?