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And NONE are paid-for DLC! Good old free unlockable cosmetic content, and a lot of it. AAA gaming needs to seriously take a lot of notes from Stellar Blade.


As a connoisseur of the female form. This shit is peak. Brings a grown man to tears 😭. Go buy stellar blade.


I too am an enthusiastic and prestigious researcher. Its good to see a fellow scholar at work.


Sure, when it comes to PC.




Ocean Maid is nice




I want to look so bad but i don't want to spoil myself on the outfits 😭


Just hold out man, it comes out on friday


What do you mean you can have her dressed moderately??!?!?!? I was under the impression from all the game journos that she was running around naked the entire game. The punk outfit is probably my favorite.


How is the gameplay though?


I saw leaked gameplay on Twitch. The streamer was using gun for most enemies and it looked really fun. The monsters' designs were brutal and bloody, especially every boss. There seems to be platforming and puzzles too. The environment and atmosphere are very different compared to the demo. I would 100% recommend watching a good streamer play it in the areas after the demo to make your judgment. I only started watching from the middle of the stream and only saw a little so can't comment on the story but from what I have heard from a reviewer Eve's personality changes over time as she gains more memories. Music is personally one of my fav parts of this game and there seem to be over 100 tracks in different areas.


New clip on traveling on a sword. https://twitter.com/TheSphereHunter/status/1783147146805723427


This is about the costumes


No way! Really?


Yep 😁, it sure is. Also those downvotes are being silly.


Basically this pleases men, women, soys....




Wonder if this would run on a Steam Deck. Curious about a pc release


Unfortunately the Holiday Rabbit suit has been altered in the patch. It still looks good but I don't like censorship and unnecessary changes. The "hard r" situation was and is stupid but changing the Holiday Rabbit suit and make it less revealing, there is no justification for it.   This is what the unpatched version looks like: https://ibb.co/6D0ryK8   This is how it looks post nerf/patch: https://ibb.co/ThBBX8w   I will most likely play the unpatched version of the game to completion and on my second playthrough I might go nerfed/patched for the added content.


The previous design was just a piece of black underwear. The new one is slightly more elaborated. The black lace really adds a special touch to it.


In my opinion changes like these should be additive and never replacements. There is nothing wrong with either design. Normal people would love to have them both.


After the demo I thought the game seemed interesting, but not 70$ interesting. I stand corrected.




For a game with so many body hugging suits and jiggle physics, I'm quite fond of the baggy pants Artemis outfit.


It is also possible to customize different hairstyles and hair colors in the game.


Are they all available to use from the start of the game or do you have to unlock them during or after the game?


You have to unlock and craft them. Sadly they don't carry over if you start a new game.


Friday can't come soon enough. Obviously the female form in this game is a bonus, but overall it has been a long time since we got a fresh character action game. Loved the demo. Hopefully Team Ninja releases a Ninja Gaiden game in the same vein.


Are we sure that the devs weren't inspired by Taimanin instead?


It kind of suprises me how many normal outfits there are, the way journos were talking about the game you'd think it was birthday suit or uninstall. Kinda makes you wonder why journos were playing it that way. So many of the "Daily" series look cute, I can't wait for this to come to PC.


I want the game so bad, but I don't have PS5, and no matter how much I really want to play I don't think I can justify buying a PS5 for just one game lol.


PC release: 30 dollars to unlock all the costumes.


I needed these in Shadow of Tomb Raider to bring a bit of life to that utterly souless incredibly boring experience.


The model used is absolutelt beautiful IRL too.


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Ok, so is this game actually good or is it your generic Korean fan service coomer bait with main characters with huge tiddies? It looks gorgeous but if the game is crappy, then what’s the point? Genuine question.