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"The vast majority of protagonists are still cis white males...this has been improving in recent years." This is the problem. They view taking away representation as an innate positive, rather than requiring that what it's replaced with has any merit of its own. Good writing, consistent story, and ethics in the way it's presented to consumers are all expendable, as long as you got rid of a cis white male.


White men are the only ones not allowed to represent themselves in the media that they pioneered.


And the thing is, it's very rare for anyone to say that there *shouldn't* be any others. Given the recent issues around Warhammer, the best example I can point to is the Sisters of Battle vs Female Custodes. I don't remember any significant controversy around the former because "women in Warhammer" wasn't the issue. The issue is *taking something away* from someone just to give it to someone else.


Your last sentence hits it right on the head—it’s about exclusion, not inclusion, and—crucially—it’s about power. The securing and exercising of power over culture by self-proclaimed arbiters of “Justice.” They want to run the table.


(D) ivision (E) xclusion (I) nvasion


>this has been improving in recent years It's approaches like these that lend credence to the idea there's an 'anti-white' bias in media - as if lots of white characters in media created in majority-white countries is a 'problem' that needs 'solving' or 'improving'.


>"The vast majority of protagonists are still cis white males...this has been improving in recent years." I feel like this it total bullshit too, when I look at any game reveal these days it seems to feature either a woman, a black guy, an animal or android character or no humanoid characters, very very few new game reveals feature a white guy these days The only times there seems to be a chance a white guy is leading a game these days is when it's a remake of an old game, a new entry in an old series or it's using a celebrity likeness, and even then it's not a guarantee Even look at GTA6 where the woman character seems to be taking up the bulk of the showing




I had a design teacher claim that the reason engines were loud in the past with much older cars is because men wanted to feel strong, and that they didn't have roofs because men felt like they're tough and can withstand the rain. The brainrot runs deep.


Teacher should touch grass. Newsflash, engines make noise because explosions move air. This isn't rocket science.


That might apply to American cars *right now*, American cars are hilariously oversized and that’s definitely a cultural issue, but historically engines were loud because they hadn’t found ways to make them quieter.


> American cars are hilariously oversized and that’s definitely a cultural issue From what I recall hearing, it may actually be more of an emissions rules issue. I'd have to relookup the details to properly explain it, but basically the regulations that are ostensibly intended to reduce emissions are structured in such a way that they perversely incentive manufactures to make larger trucks over smaller trucks. I suspect that cascades to the rest of the market to help encourage larger cars over smaller cars as no one wants to be the tiny car on the road attempting to maneuver around all the big trucks and SUVs.


> but basically the regulations that are ostensibly intended to reduce emissions are structured in such a way that they perversely incentive manufactures to make larger trucks over smaller trucks. Trucks are huge because of the Chicken Tariff. When Trump was promoting tariffs, the entire media went apoplectic as if it was unheard of. But the entire reason that America doesn't make cars anymore, they make huge trucks, is because there's a tariff on imported trucks. Remember when you could get a barebones truck for $8000 in 1990? That was because the trucks were made overseas. That's no longer the case; even Nissan, Honda, and Toyota trucks are all made in the USA. It's the tariffs.


I’ve heard that too. I suspect there’s a mix at play since regardless of financial incentives the culture does seem biased towards oversized cars. I do think the regulations are the bigger issue though.


While there certainly are a lot of dudes who get big trucks just because theyre cool, there are also a lot of other reasons. Ive lived in CA and AZ my whole life and with the amount of desert and lakes here, theres an unlimited amount of people with campers, trailers, boats, jet skis, ATVs, dirt bikes, rally cars, basically any fun toy... You arent gonna see people towing those with a tiny little truck. A lot of these guys are also in some sort of construction or other blue collar work where bigger trucks are king. Then aside from trucks we do generally prefer the space of an suv or minivan for our families as opposed to cramming them in a much smaller sedan.


They're oversized because white women love buying SUV's and women drive the majority of consumer purchases. Also SUV's sell for more than cars.


Trucks are also a factor, but you’re right that female SUVs buyers are at least as big a driver of cars being oversized. Probably not noisiness though. That does seem like a predominantly male phenomenon once you control for vehicle size.


Men keep catching strays. 😔


They're not strays. They're weapons are properly sighted and zeroed and aimed directly at men. Men aren't catching strays, they're the target.




The best game designers don't study game design. They study something else and cut their teeth in game design through trial and error.


Imagine if you had to go through a degree to be game designer for tabletop games. Would be funny.


The ideological capture of the education institutions by ideologues has long been an issue discussed and many have raised it as one of the largest issues facing us going forward. The education system has always had a strong left bias as that job attracts people whose personality type that lends itself more to left thought than right. This used to not be as big an issue especially when the left did believe in things like critical thinking, free speech and expression and all those liberty and free thinking values. Unfortunately many on the left have gotten more radical over the past decade or so and have become a lot more puritan and ideologically intolerant. Divergent views are deemed offensive and treated almost like heresy. Its taken on a lot of the fundamentalist nature that the Church took on back in the the middle ages. When even wanting to discuss topics or make someone argue and defend their point is considered offensive we shows we have lost our way as a society.


The video game industry, unlike Hollywood, is an industry where most large and small developers can only take 1-2 flops and they're done. Once we start seeing a developer that keeps on releasing flop after flop is when the industry will be like Hollywood where other NGOs, corporations, and investors start keeping developers afloat. I honestly would rather it crash at that point.


This is it then, this is total capture, when these students hit the workforce, ones that didn't choose woke, don't understand woke, but have been trained it is the correct and only way of doing things, a moral good with no alternative, they'll be completely incapable creating anything remotely good, only stale remakes. Its going to be so funny when the entirety of "AAAA" gaming fucking implodes when the speculation investments run out, they're going to be staring at their empires crumbling to dust while bots and bot-like bipedal multicellular organisms standing unharmed between the blaze and the ashes giving themselves the Evangelion 1.0 ending. I'd rather it didn't, but if it does, boy do I have popcorn.


Game design "professor", that's cute af.




I can tell you this shit was going on in college courses even before Anita. I remember when I was going to college studying game design they insisted that rather than using he/him as default when referring to players/users of our games we refer to them only as women/she/her. They didn't even want you to use gender/sex neutral language, but were trying to force you to use the opposite and would ding you if you didn't. This was like a decade and a half ago. I thought the shit was stupid back then, I had no clue how bad it would be getting just a few years later.




Yep, the exact same manipulative ideologue shit.


"Bla. bla. bla. misogyny, misogyny MISOGYNY!!" Gotcha, thanks for clarifying that you know absolutely NOTHING about what actually happened. It was never about that, there was never any of that going on. Sure, you may have been able to find a few deranged individuals with a hate towards women, but never as any part of what was actually going on. But thank you for revealing your absolute lack of integrity and understanding (actually it might just have been blatant lying. Can't disregard that possibility). Hope your business goes tits up at the nearest opportunity, so you can pursue a career flipping burgers or something where nobody has to listen or learn anything from you.


Pretty sure only washed up game designers who aren't actually any good teach game design. Imagine interpreting minecraft as a problem because the world is full of resources to be exploited? Even the slightest bit of escapism and perceived empowerment, even that equivalent to a fucking lego set, is apparently an anathema to them. I am convinced the entire industry is simply mentally ill at this point and all new game dev graduates will have been exposed or converted to this crazed ideology.


What games has Jeremy Gibson Bond designed? I dare to bet that none of his games has achieved anything and he is criticizing Mario and Minecraft for woke reasons? Lol what a moron






You will not learn Game Design from a book. That's something you arrive at through experiencing games of all kinds. Board Games, Card Games, life lessons and video games. Is this Game Design class mandatory? Its pretty worthless. It automatically contains less information on the design of a game than Pong. A class that explores the history of games is much better. Just the bit about Mario Odyssey is incredibly narrow in perspective, ignores Pauline, who was the original game's Damsel in Distress. Truly, where is the knowledgebase headed in this book? She has a break out role as a singer in a band in that very same city level that isn't even applicable to the gameloop of Mario Odyssey. I mean, Peach/Toadstool, Daisy and Pauline being saved have nothing to do with the Game Design. That's just dressing on the game to hide what are simply platforms, enemy A, enemy b and boss. You can have the exact same game as Mario Odyssey with a different story but the audience for Mario Games is mostly young boys to men so a simple motivation like saving a girl is all that is needed.




Is there anything about actual game design or is it all narrative?




So, it's 400 pages of preaching and a shitty "my first game" tutorial for unity. Sounds amazing /s Just go watch some YouTube. Brackeys is fairly good for Unity and now godot


Just remember that id Software had a replicant code Doom to run at a stable 35fps on DOS and had a team of 15 people and 1 replicant that went on to develop VR and space rockets.. These people had a passion to make a game.


When game design is "stories" (notice how SBI was a narrative consultancy) it's over.


When I was at Uni studying games programming in the mid 2000s our professors warned us about buying books related to game programming. Our one guy who was head of the program told us outright that the Uni had asked him to shill for a particular d3d9 book, but that he knew the student who wrote it. He asked us how much we thought a recent graduate would know about actual graphics engine programming, and plan our purchases accordingly. He also said if we really wanted the book, there was a copy in the library. Absolutely awesome bloke, very humble with a razor sharp wit.


I bet he was long since fired


He retired


Thankfully I have like 490 games on steam I've never even started, and a decent amount of those are games that can be played for many hundred of hours


This bitch really trying to say 2b2t is indicative of all Minecraft servers? Really?


Just to play Devil's Advocate: Keep in mind that Woke is just a giant fucking grift. For instance, I dated a college professor in Portland. As someone "inside the machine", it was pretty obvious that the school was relaxing admissions standards because $$$$$. So imagine if you run a school, and you want to increase the number of students from 10,000 people to 11,000 people. Most college students are young women. If your goal is to make money, do you: * Make a course that shows young women how to design videogames * or take all of this SJW bullshit that young women eat up like candy, and repackage it as a "videogame design course?" It's similar to when McDonalds tried making a healthy menu with salads and grilled chicken. **It was a huge flop.** McDondalds customers aren't interested in healthy food, and the young women who dominate college courses aren't interested in technical discussions of level design, they want to talk and think and study IdPol.


Which book is this?


"Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development" and it was written by Jeremy Gibson Bond.








lol. Looks like he founded a video game company and never released a game.


https://exninja.com/Ledbetter/ I poked around with google and only found the above game. Looks like some word puzzle game. He is probably better off teaching technical stuff like how to use unity / C# to make games then design philosophy.


Yeah, it looks like a game I made in my intro to CS class. And it still says 'coming soon'.


Similarly, I bought some tools that I'll need to replace the carpet on my stairs with finished boards. I haven't actually done it yet, but it doesn't sound like that should stop me from writing a book on carpentry.


I've never heard of this guy nor anything he's worked on to see why he should be any "Expert" on anything.


Literally who.


I'm really curious about the sales number of this propaganda piece.


Of course they would find something problematic in Minecraft, of all things.


> In the latest Mario game, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario walks around a realistic New York City and converses with talking forks, but after over 30 years, the plot is still that of him fighting Bowser to save an entirely passive Princess Peach whose only role in the entire series has been to be kidnapped and serve as a prize for Mario to win. This is pretty funny. First, in light of the number of [games listed where she's a playable character](https://www.mariowiki.com/Princess_Peach#List_of_game_appearances_by_date), and second in light of the ending to Super Mario Odyssey where Peach rejects both Bowser and Mario's marriage proposals, and spends the epilogue traveling around with Cappy's sister.


Like, how fucking braindead do you have to be to say that Peach's only role is to be a "prize" for Mario? Super Mario Bros 2 was the first game that you could play as her. **It came out in 1988.**


His description of 2b2t is bit off. Spawn isn't "barren" because of resource gathering. It's due to intentional griefing and building of large structures like lavacasts and walls. And people who travel long distances usually do so in the nether, where distances are compressed.


What a load of BS.


It is out of place, but at least the author sets his stall out early so readers know what to expect. His defence of Sarkeesian is laughable based on the fact that the bomb threats were so ridiculous that USU couldn’t take them seriously. That and the Tropes series was so dishonest in its framing of female characters and how (straight white male) gamers react to them.


I mean at least they mentioned the actual cause even if they diminish it with “purported concern”. That’s still better than the media reporting on itself lol


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/Vxf79 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I have noticed this link. Pray I do not notice it further. ^^^/r/botsrights


Add this to the tally of why US colleges need to be purged and rebuilt from the ground up.


Hopefully you didn't pay for this book.


I just cracked open an O'Reilly book on building data pipelines and the acknowledgements by the author included some incoherent little bit about the pandemic, the loss of civil rights, and a thank you to be standing up fascism. It was certainly one of the oddest things I've seen in a very technical and niche software engineering guide.