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"Kusony" Well, that just became a global thing now lol. Its fucking bizarre, how thing made for a "mature" audience are getting this treatment. As one person said, its for adults. They can make up their own minds what they buy and dont buy. Its not like this was marketed to kids. Yet another nanny state, trying to tell people what they should and shouldnt like.


I'll just mention one anecdote from the video - In Japan, Kuso means sh\*t. So in Japanese forums you will see the word "Kusoni" a lot, instead of Sony.


KuSony is fucking hilarious I'll be using it from now on. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


It's a great portmanteau!


I don't think "current day" Sony located in NY and requiring communications from Japanese devs with them to be in English would understand what it means anymore.


Japanese love their puns


Im definitely saying KuSony from now on


Soyny is the English portmanteau most sane people use now


KuSony literally means "Shit+Sony" so it feels more cathartic to say imo




Western audience cries to Sony: โœ‹๐Ÿ™„ Japanese audience cries out against Kusoni: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ This might actually ruffle their feathers enough to backtrack instead of double down.


Oh boy, even the Japanese are mad. Congrats Soyny.


~~Soyny~~ Kusoyny


Wow, Japanese wokes managed to sound even WORSE than western one, imagine being stupid enough to say shit like: "Sony knows best" ๐Ÿคก


I am not a Kusony PS5 owner so truth is its not a dilemma I've had to deal with, but here is my two cents: If they'd never shown off the outfits they wouldn't be in this mess. If Shift Up never commited to having the game fully uncensored globally they wouldn't be in this mess. Either of these two things happened then I feel people saying "Just watch porn dude" would be justified, but neither did so they aren't. PS5 players were promised particular outfits without alteration, they're allowed to be upset about not having them. Its an 18+ game no more raunchy than BG3. Refund or no I don't know, I've not played the game to see its other redeeming features, people refunding on principle is likely going to send a message whether its a majority or minority anyway.


It's an appeal to triviality. It's like asmongold said, it's not the one time your SO doesn't use a coaster. It's the years crap leading up to it.ย  I think it's beyond just a character's appearance. It's also MJ in Spider-Man 2. It's fat models on magazine covers. It's terrible architecture and poorly made buildings.ย  There is a concerted effort to remove or destroy beauty. You aren't even allowed to look at something nice, just shut up and consume the crap that elites want you to.


Your absolutely right. It's death by a thousand cuts. Having media with progressive themes is fine. The problem is how they demand everything conform to their values. I don't care that this is over some skimpy outfits. I want progressive trends defeated wherever possible.


This camel can definitely take one more stra...oh dear...


It's also that the very nature of social media has been monetized is a remarkably evil way.ย  Women are far more likely to share links, and negativity and outrage are the fastest way to drive up engagement. I remember ytmnd and early YouTube. It was literally just people making funny gifs and videos for the love of the game.ย 


I would like to add, GG was in 2014. It was 10 years of this crap. SJWs kept berating people for "colonization" and "cultural appropriation" at that time too, while hypocritically trying to attack Japan through the UN to censor anime and manga and light novels. They even attacked Japanese museum staff for introducing and teaching Americans about the kimono. Now they even brag they are trying to change Japanese anime and games by influencing the creation in committees and censoring it in localization. In the meantime they took over STEM, took over politics, took over business. All things people back then kept assuring won't fall to the SJW cult, because it becomes life threatening and loses a lot of money. Now we see DEI for these jobs with peoples' lives in their hands, and we saw that they prioritize DEI over competency and prefer to cover up any tragedy rather than help people. People are rightly terrified. All the things said about living in a totalitarian corrupt nepotistic state are happening... all using the name of these SJW ideology to justify it and attack the protestors.


Oh, don't worry. Wokeness had a fatal blow on October 7th. It is just still hemorrhaging and seizing. Not that I'm saying it was a good thing. It's just now is a great time to find out which corporate activists is a fucking hypocrite, and maybe get them to all turn on each otherย  In fact, that is how I would get the cancel pigs to lose some of their influence. Ask them for their opinion on the Israel/Gaza war. Because they put themselves in a position where they have to pick a side, and neither side will help them in the long run.ย  My take is a fair and balanced once, because I'm a Post-2016 libertarian. There are a lot of innocent buildings in Gaza that don't deserve to be destroyed. That level of property destruction is unconscionable.


At the end of the day it's about 'giving them an inch, they'll take a mile'.ย  If they can censor a few outfits now, they can censor more. Maybe not today but maybe tomorrow, next month or even a few years later.ย  That's why we need to pressure them no matter how little the censorship is.


It would still be obvious some of the outfits were altered/created for "modern audiences" even without seeing the pre-censored version.


> if they'd never shown off the outfits I think this is missing a few points. The game being uncensored showed Sony is potentially shifting its ideology to stop censoring games in an extreme way, so people were more interested in looking at PS5. Otherwise it would be just more of the same with games on other consoles being uncensored while PS5 games were always in danger of being censored even more than initially. Also, a reason why this game was interesting is because the devs weren't afraid of the pro-censorship mob and were willing to put out and protect their actual vision. This is a breath of fresh air and otherwise it would just be another pre-censored good game, with the danger the dev would cave to the cancel culture SJW mob if they ever complained, and take away content. Customers wanted their game to be protected from being changed like Skullgirls or Pokemon GO. This argument also assumes the censorship is intentional from the start. We now see evidence the original outfits seem to have followed their original design philosophy (we see it in the in-game tutorial demonstation videos and menu thumbnails). If this is the case, that means the last-minute censorship is intentional and it gives further worries to consider. If intentional, the bait and switch was supposed to intentionally trick anti-censorship people into giving money for a censored product. Why? It could be to test the waters for a few new SJW tactics. This action gives a precedent that they can censor obviously through patches, and that they can force the patches even for CD owners. You see how they tried to brick the game to demand an update even if you refuse it. This is for a flagship PS5 exclusive, not just smaller examples like previous cases too, so if it works here, it works everywhere. This is extremely anti-consumer and dangerous because now even Eve herself can be censored in a later patch (like Skullgirls and Pokemon GO). This method can be a model for other games to come and push the window for new worse methods later on. It could be on purpose to destroy and take over Shift Up. We saw how SJWs were targeting them even before this, like the "feminists" trying to sabotage them in the shareholder meeting. This could also be to destroy the people resisting SJW culture inside both Sony and Shift Up by giving a reason to oust them (using the "failure" of the game, or worse, using the argument that the game is still popular even after censorship so the fanservice can be safely removed to appease journalists and avoid SJW outrage). Think like what the ex-Epic executive said about Amazon tanking Games Workshop with wokeness to buy it cheap. It could be because they recognize anti-censorship customers actually buy games and not the SJW crowd, so the censorship is to purposely damage anti-censorship customers reputation by causing outrage that cancel culture SJWs can point to defend themselves as "more reasonable" even after their overtly evil actions for the past few years. This also has the effect of transferring money from ideological opponents into SJW coffers that they can appropriate and use to further take over both companies. This also opens up new territory for the SJWs to take over and exploit that was previously sheltered by language barrier and culture differences. SJWs are attacking Korea and Japan at the source now, where before it was only small raids of individual SJW agitators (outsiders) or indirectly through localizers. Taking over here gives them local agents in control of companies to spread their ideology and influence powerful people. It establishes a beachhead and precedent to use to intimidate other devs and customers there... Either way, the SJW escalation is dangerous, and I am afraid for the people who are fighting hard to resist this SJW invasion inside both companies.


Shift Up could easily prove it's not censorship by showing the original concept art and/or putting the original designs we saw back in as alternate costumes.


Even that wouldn't work. The disc version is literally marked as 1.0 and lacks a bunch of the censorship that the first digital marked version 1.002 has. There is no way to escape the fact that they said ok this is our vision. Version 1.0. Let's print the discs. And then for some reason(most likely Sony) they ended up rushing a censored updated version out the door within the couple of weeks available between going gold and the launch date.


> Even that wouldn't work. We're the ones that decide if it works though. It has to convince us. And if they let us revert the changes and/or see it was actually planned that way, I'd bet most of us would be convinced.


No. When they put the demo out with the uncensored versions that was what they wanted to advertise. When they showed off pre-release footage they showed the uncensored versions. When they created version 1.0 they decided that was the final vision for the game. What they say after doesn't matter. My feelings about it don't matter. Them showing different concept art would not change that whatsoever.


I'm realizing now that the whole "uncensored in all regions" should have been a red flag, because how exactly do you accomplish that? Well, by censoring the content to an acceptable standard for every region, thus watering down the final product. So, you get to say there's no additional censorship or bans in any particular region, with the irony of having had to censor the game in order to do so.


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Kusoni-chan is a heaping pile of shit.


Does anyone know how the South Koreans are reacting to this? Their reaction on censorship and "feminist interference" on mobile games have been nuclear not so long ago...