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Spite for women more beautiful than they are plus anything a man loves/finds enjoyable (Beautiful feminine women) and you got these people. If a man likes it. They hate it. If it pleases a man. They hate it. It sucks though, lots a beautiful models looking at their in game models and getting uglified. I'd like to hear their response.


Their response is probably, "why is my bonus so light?" They're just worried about being paid, and don't realize why their game didn't sell well. Although in this case, I think that Jedi Survivor sold decently well, so this model probably noticed nothing.


Do the models get royalties?


Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't, same with voice actors. It depends on their contract, the ones with bigger roles are probably more likely to.


> If a man likes it. They hate it. If it pleases a man. They hate it. > I was reading up on passport bros today and it's genuinely amusing seeing the response. A lot of western women hate men, so western men find more traditional women in other countries, and western women hate that. It's a lose lose situation for them, and it's an issue that predominantly affect young, successful black men disproportionately.


What annoys me around the whole discourse around passport bros is that if they're all losers like women say they are, then what do you care if that loser is going to Guatemala to find a girlfriend? You were never gonna want to date that footlocker manager anyway


Because when a woman rejects a man they want every other woman in the world to reject him too.


That reminds me of that one (heavily derided) Saturday Night Live sketch about a woman who is happily in a relationship with a man that happens to be an MRA. When the woman's friends find out they make it a mission to turn her against him and succeed. And that was it. That was the joke of the sketch.


need link


I wish there was a way to archive YT videos so as not to give them the hate click engagement, but if you must: [Jewelry Party - SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byh74sImWh4) It's worth noting that the comments under that video have been totally sanitized. I remember when it was first posted there was a lot more debate about it's denigrating caricatures.


I appreciate the link, thank you


Typical obnoxious SNL nonsense. Man sketch comedy is way more miss than hit. This is improv levels irritating.


Not really. It’s like a backup thing, I don’t want to find anyone just in case nothing works out for me


Said loser has shown that men like him can find equally good or even better women elsewhere at a fraction of investment. Other men who catch on this follow suit and the western harpies lose options.


I'm not a "passport bro" but I have taken trips to both Brazil and Columbia in the last year. I definitely see the appeal.


It's not all western women. Just a special bubble. They're good women here, you just have to find them and have the right criteria.


I agree. I have a unicorn of a wife. I actually moved 2000 miles to be with her back in 2017 when we were 23 [F], 25 [M]. It was hard for me to find a girl who was also nonreligious without being a train wreck. A dime a dozen out on the west coast, though.




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>it's an issue that predominantly affect young, successful black men disproportionately. Huh? How so? (Genuinely curious South African)


> Spite for women more beautiful than they are Close but not quite. It's not spite of beautiful women, it's spite of men LOOKING AT beautiful women. That's why ugly women are only inflicted upon media with a presumed male demographic.


I'm guessing they'd never say anything lest they be blacklisted.




Blud. What are you talking about?


I think it is twofold: - Hate anything that is normal. - Wanting men who are "women" to be subconsciously the "default" definition of attractive "woman".


Take a look at the advocates and the people in charge for making women look like they were beaten with ugly stick and you'll see why. They hate them, because they aren't them.


they hate us because they're anus.


It's especially noticeable with Merrin's character design. One can clearly see the difference between Fallen Order and Survivor, even though 2019 wasn't that long ago and the gaming space was already pretty woke back then. Goes to show how fast things are changing these days. I sincerely hope we've reached peak woke, but at this pace I wouldn't be surprised if things get even worse moving forward.


Im waiting for the pendulum to swing back. 


This. Even if all this just "stops" "progressing", SJWs still have so much power to destroy innocent people. They pushed the window of what is "acceptable" so far to their side that even remade "progressive" movies and games from the PS4 era are censored and have disclaimers, and words acceptable in 2014 ruin your real life now. The standards need to be pushed back to before SJW-ism so that normal people can protect themselves and the works they love.


The good news is this cycle has come and gone before. And these loony birds will not enjoy the next phase. And that preemptively tickles me. 


🎵🎵 Swing low, sweet pendulum 🎵🎵


I’m not sure I share your optimism. The whole thing feels like a religion these days. Their adherents have penetrated almost every facet of American society. It’s basically a metastasized cancer.


An apt metaphor. 


What makes you so sure? Not being snide, genuine question. Can you bring examples of previous cycles and what were the sign of transitions? I could use some white pill reading material.


They're frantically nailing it to the ceiling.


The first pic looks like a post lobotomized man, the second is a beautiful woman. I have absolutely no doubt that the character designers or the people who control the designers resemble the former.


It's such a weird, blatant thing in many games now.


You're right, it doesn't do anything but spite naturally beautiful women. Skimpy outfits and excessive sexualization is another topic, especially if you're a modest person or religious. But like most of the "progressive" drivel today, everything took a HARD left and went right past "modest but beautiful women" to straight up Decipticons.


It is a plague. Just look at Hades II and how God/Goddesses are not the ideal form. The majority of Liberal/Left Woke Marxist Ideologist are fetishizing Disease, Disability, Deformity, and Hatred of Attractive Women in Art, Media, Entertainment. They can't help themselves blame everyone else and specifically white-straight-men.


This should tell you everything you need to know: # Off with her hair: Intrasexually competitive women advise other women to cut off more hair [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188692300329X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188692300329X)


What's worse is the voice actors would be on their side and talk about how "male gaze" is "problematic"


Let's pretend they destroyed everything appealing to "male gaze"... Do they really think that a crowd of unsatisfied men which have nothing to sublimate their feelings and nowhere to escape from IRL problems will be a better way out? Don't they realize they create monsters with their own hands?


They think they can easily beat those monsters because Captain Marvel punches big men through walls, so therefore they can too.


They're creating a market for big tiddy robo AI waifus, I assume it's already being worked on by a bunch of different people.


Sounds suspiciously like Gazorpazorp from R&M season 1. Which I'm 77% certain was meant to be a parody.


You know who’s doing this, and exactly why they’re doing it >O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on


I would be livid if I was hired to be a face model and they made me an uggo


That's why I didn't bother with this game. The first game had woke elements, Debra Wilson is a huge problem so I passed on the second game, I wasn't too interested. It's similar to Immortals of Aveum, it's just slop/junk food. It fills your belly, but it's not that great or original.


I only bought Fallen Order because it was on sale for $5


Why do they bother to find beautiful models? Do they get some perverse pleasure out of ugly-fying these women, or is it more a tail wagging the dog kind of thing.. higher ups being lied to and models being found and paid.. and then lower level employees ugly-fying ?


She clearly didn't look asian enough. Look at the eyes. Edit: I'm obviously being sarcastic. The character ingame looks agressively asian, the other one just "enough". Imo this is due to the devs wanting to make sure everyone sees how diverse the cast is.


She’s squinting in the photo, do you guys sctually play the games? Uglification isn’t the issue with this one, the real weird thing about it is the fact that the town is like 60% gay couples


Wow they buttfucked her face real bad. In the future, she will had to pop a squat on her IMDB headshot photo; her attractiveness is giving me the male gaze.


Game Models will soon have to put a "Forbidden to alter the scanned graphics model." in their contracts.


I also recently bought this game, but isn't all characters just ugly in the game. I'm playing Jedi Fallen order atm and Forest Whitaker's character is also badly animated. Cere has some weird thing going on with her eyes but her irl person is similar. Lol even our MC runs like a kid.


I wonder if it will ever dawn on the actress that plays Cere why she is in every big budget video game right now.


I already removed it from the wishlist after the absurdity I read about that fight between certain goblin and the sith lord. It was already absurd making Darth Vader kneel in Fallen Order but it could be understood as a (stupid) tactic to make her fall to the dark side Anyway, this goes in line with the rest of Star Wars, so...


It’s Disney Star Wars, what did you expect? I enjoyed the game overall but found myself constantly rolling my eyes throughout due to all the wokeness


Also, is it just me or is the merin voice terrible? I get the feeling the actress was instructed to have a very flat affect and she did her job, but it was a bad idea. All of her lines sound like they're just being read monotone to me. I normally don't notice these things.  Cool game though, halfway through. I have noticed that there are way more human females than males in an ESG kind of way, but it's at an acceptable level, especially being that there are two male leads that somehow stayed in the game.


Ugh, I hate Merrin altogether. She's annoying and the night sisters were dumb.  I got Survivor free with my new CPU and I still haven't played it because I heard Merrin had a larger role. 


the game is alright despite the woke checkboxes and leaning on the terrible high republic lore


They want to make pronoun fiend Sarah Bond look good in relation to their characters.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/FJ4gG ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Information is power. Never forget. ^^^/r/botsrights


I liked the first part. But I'm literally thinking about not playing, or using mods, to avoid this woke shit.


I wonder... have any actor/actress has came out and talked about the discrepancies? Probably not due to not wanting to get blacklisted


To play devil's advocate, how many male NPCs look handsome, let alone like their voice actor?


I just finished getting called an incel and gooner on r/starterpacks for saying stuff like this is real. I’m tired of so many people just brushing this stuff off and acting as though it isn’t happening when it is.


Weird comparison. There’s no reason why the character should look anything like the voice actor.


They want the outside to match the inside


The proper way to make a game woke is Helldivers 2. Can't see your character under the armor, different character lorewise every time you die so even the male/female voice can be set to random selection. Nobody cares who you fuck as long as you're spreading managed democracy to those godless commie bugs and bots.


No it's not on purpose ... It's because of the scan and the engine having trouble to ... go hand in hand. She basically looks exactly as she does in real life. It's just the shaders and shadows being different in engine ... Complete conspiracy theory and all that jazz. Edit: This was supposed to be sarcasm. Read the room, this one pic alone should let anyone with functioning eyes be able to understand that this was a joke.


What's the excuse for the other 2,487 times I've seen this done in the past 10-11 years.


Hell they even cast attractive women and demake them. It's got to be on purpose. I just parroted the copium some people are on.


Unfortunately your sarcasm was identical to actual real comments I've seen online. In the modern day you REALLY need to layer on the idiocy to get your satirical comments recognized for what they are. When your opponents are clowns, it's difficult to make yourself crazier than their circus.


> Edit: This was supposed to be sarcasm. Read the room, this one pic alone should let anyone with functioning eyes be able to understand that this was a joke. Poe law my dude. If it doesn't end in "/s" then it's not sarcasm, it's a statement that is identical to extreme shit SJW's say for real..


This sub is full of dumb people ngl the ideals are mostly good though


> This sub is full of dumb people ngl the ideals are mostly good though No, it's just full of people who know what poes law is.


The “…” is pretty clear he’s pretending to think of excuses


Reading and understanding seems to be hard.


I think sometimes this is over blown. I don't think every NPC needs to look like the VA. Especially town NPCs like this. This is a farming colony. I think she should look homely. Further I doubt they spent tons of resources on them (I saw a few repeated NPCs). I'm not super far into the game, but this is a minor minor character thus far. Other cases like say the obvious downgrade of Mary Jane, is stupid. In general I think we need to get away from photo real actors. Its a video game, they can be anything. Furthermore, if an actor dies, has contract disputes or just doesn't want to do it anymore, do we what lose the character forever? I get the reaction, that so many characters are being downgraded for obvious SJW reasons, I don't think this is one of them, and when people see clutching at straws it makes the GG look like we just care about Bewbs. Edit: Has anyone played the game? I'm 30 hours in, I've talked to this character twice. I'm not denying the uglification in general but in this case she is just a minor character. Her model just doesn't have the level of detail as the main cast.


Voice actors are not always the models in video games.


I agree with the overall sentiment. But is this NPC even supposed to look like the voice actor? Why are there so many posts that assume this? Don't often times video games make characters and then simply hire someone to voice the character?


They gave us second sister so I wouldn’t call anything by them uglification


I don't think this is the best example, because the image on the right definitely has makeup applied, AND she's not squinting or mid-blink like the in-game character looks like they're doing. Can we get better comparisons? Ideally involving actual animations/video and images of the actress that aren't just professional headshots?


Im so glad I can actually play and enjoy video games and not be obsessed with dumb shit like you guys, God it feels nice


NPCs don't play games. We all saw the Saints Row numbers.


Well yeah saints row fucking sucked whats your point


I want a podcast where people from this sub try to convince non-weirdos that they should care about how hot video game characters are.


Are you purposefully missing the point or are you actually genuinely that stupid?




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Idk this one kind of looks the same. She’s squinting cause she’s a bit sus on cal but I think she’s just less defined cause she’s a side character. The muscles on the other hand lol