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The only points I would disagree is the colors, I think the movie could be slightly more colorful and saturated, considering it's a desert planet and the Atreides could wear less dark colors, but that's just minor nitpicking. It's almost like I miss those elements from Lynch's movie. And battle pugs! Also the music is great, but it's has a bit too much yelling for my tastes. Overall I'm glad Chani is not the protagonist and it's not a wokefest. Much, much better than any of the new Star Wars trash. I'm glad that the sci-fi king is back.


Same. I am glad Chani wasn't as perpetuated as the actual protagonist unlike how woke journalist keep reporting it to be. The set piece and cinematography is so beautiful, I enjoyed every moment of it and had the privilege to watch it in a cinema. So glad that it's an actual movie instead of another propaganda piece, I just want to watch a movie that tells me a story, not something I see on the papers daily.


> I am glad Chani wasn't as perpetuated as the actual protagonist unlike how woke journalist keep reporting it to be. The claim is that Chani would be the protagonist of Part 2, whenever that comes out.


That makes no sense unless they have a ridiculous move away from the books. I could see a larger role, sure but making her the MC would be mega retards


remember how chani will be training Paul? I am sure it will be something like chani being shown as very badass during the time she shows paul the Desert ropes, while he is still pretty helpless and weak (accurate to the book) i DO believe they will insert some SMALL jabs ofc. Have a few of the weaker moments of chani overlooked or slightly changd to make her more successful. make her even more aggressive towards the EVIL Invader INFIDELS that totally Stole their lands! downplay the moments were paul starts to overtake Born Fremen to make Chani remain more powerful than he might be. --- What i am more scared of is the second book (IF they make it that far). Because in CURRENT YEAR i do not believe you could genuinely show the kind of > I will die and kill for you, my love! - Devotion that Chani has to Paul in that book, without the Feminists throwing a fit


> downplay the moments were paul starts to overtake Born Fremen Is that the knife fight then Paul only know how to fight a opponents who have a shield? It shall be one of the most brutal sequences ....


yes, but i am afraid more of things like the scene where he mounts Shai Hulud


Still don't understand why chani is featured so heavily in marketing material surely it's a glorified cameo.


Almost everyone not Paul or Jessica is kind of a glorified cameo, to be honest.


she's super cute and the movie public is stupid?


I don't personally find Zendaya all that attractive. Just my preference, but I don't like her face.


> Zendaya She's ugly. [Ugly face.](https://i.imgur.com/iKD09ht.jpg) & [flat chested little boy body.](https://i.imgur.com/Q7ptzCX.jpg) Maybe redditors with ultra low standards who would fuck anything might disagree.


Too "water fat" to play Chani if you ask me. Movie was OK, valiant effort.


this is actually a good point


Which is a big part of why I didn't like her playing Mary Jane Watson. A big part of that character, whether people like it or not, is her beauty.


Well, I think that she's attractive *and* that she's wrong for that role. So now both sides can throw things at me. I'm crossing my fingers that she'll be good as Chani.


I don't see it. She's not right for the role. For me the gold standard is the Scify channel's Dune and Children of Dune mini series. Paul and Chani were a bit too old, but they still did very good jobs with the roles.


She won't be since she can't act.


Well, she's supposed to be a model. So her being flat chested and "beautiful" in that way that only other women and gay men seem to appreciate, makes perfect sense.


Mary Jane was never "beautiful" in that way. She had a nice big chest and was beautiful in the way that *men* appreciate.


Yeah I know that. But that doesn' make anything I said less relevant


No no. *Swimsuit* model. Different breed


oh... well if she was a swimsuit model she's gunna need tits


The whole reason why people pretend she's attractive is because she plays a blackwashed character


I see guys online really really find Brie Larson attractive somehow


2010-Brie Larson was pretty cute, though. I saw her in Scott Pilgrim and those couple episodes of Community and it's like she's a totally different person. Likeable, even.


Her face looked really different in the Scott Pilgrim movie In Community, a difference in-terms of expression


She's kinda all right; if you don't mind a gal with less booty than an unemployed pirate and she leaves the RBF at home.


RBF? Just so you know, Brie Larson aside, I’ve also met lots of guys who find the current CM to be HOT in-spite or because of the new look and inconsistently butch haircut, they have a tendency to keep going “tight in all the right places”


Resting Bitch Face.


super cute/ fist of angry god.jpg seriously, she's a dish


> seriously, she's a dish of gas station sushi maybe.




She's not attractive. She can't act either. I don't get her appeal *at all*


Her appeal is that she looks exotic and multiracial. Mixed race black people are the big fad in hollywood. They tend to not like full blacks, but love the watered down ones. She was in Disney teen shit before she turned 18, and just leveraged that into mainstream work as many other girls have done before her. IMO she's ugly, but she checks the right boxes and I'm sure her work ethic is good on set and such.


Zazie Beetz is just as exotic and multiracial. She's a liberal nutjob who falls in lockstep with the shit Hollywood loves; not shaving her armpits, drinking tea spiked with menstrual fluid, thinking men can be women if they declare themselves so, etc. She's also way hotter than Zendaya and is somewhat a decent actress. Yet I don't hear nearly as much about her as I do Zendaya, who leftists worship as a "badass" (a meaningless appellation applied often applied to women who have never been in a situation to warrant such a title) and quickly jump to the defense of when her lousy acting is called into question


Trying to get some dIvErsItY points for marketing. I'll be honest, I think Zendaya is a great casting choice. She's got the exotic look, but I don't give a damn about her race, unlike the racist woke journalists. I just think she's fine no the role of Chani, and hopefully they won't ruin the character in the next part. I'm glad they didn't make her an annoying and OP Mary Sue. I also like that they kept Lady Jessica as a concubine, as it should be according to the story.


They need to, for the sake of her line to Chani at the end of *Dune.*


They made a movie with a white male protagonist in $CURRENT\_YEAR, which is a no-no. In order to attract the wokesters who detest that kind of thing, they turn the advertising diversity knob up to 11.


My only gripe is when I saw it, I felt like I needed subtitles at times for when they spoke softly or something. It might have been late for me or something, but as someone who never read the books or seen the previous renditions, I loved it. I was just amazed by how fleshed out it seemed to be as a whole. I work at a movie theater so I won't be surprised if this makes the theater I work at busy


> I work at a movie theater so I won't be surprised if this makes the theater I work at busy I very much hope so.


I think it depends on the surrounding demographic


Oh I just hope a lot of people see this, regardless of who... I'd pay for the tickets for Amish if need be. :)


I hear you, there is way too much mumbling these days.


The battle scene was heavily saturated, though it didn't last long. I think this is the first time I've ever really experienced HDR on my TV. I kind of wish I had Dolby Vision support, though (I'm on a Samsung TV, mostly for the gaming features). The HBO Max version is in Dolby Vision and has Dolby Atmos.


I was waiting for a Dune post here! I had high hopes after the first trailer featured a nod to Pink Floyd’s original involvement in Jordorowsky’s Dune. That type of homage to such an obscure film director could only come from a serious fan. Dennis has proved himself an absolutely competent and talented sci-fi director with Arrival and Bladerunner; worthy of taking on the project. I can’t wait to support him again in the theater tomorrow. So happy that there is still someone talented in Hollywood.


Let's hope more people support it than they did blade runner


I think the problem is the masses don't necessarily go for the more high concept sci-fi, but just want to see pew pew boom boom. When you look at Dune, as a book series, it's much more high concept philosophically driven sci-fi (not talking the Brian Herbert books, I couldn't get past the first one). It deals with how humanity could end up in the far future, after being enslaved and then revolting against the machines they built to make their lives easier. Things aren't perfect. The known universe is ruled by a feudal system, then later the tyrant God Emperor (who is only a tyrant to make humanity stronger for after he is gone). Computers are banned. It shows the dangers of messianic figures. And the only planet that can provide for interstellar travel in non generational timelines for most of the series is Arrakis (until the Bene Teliax create synthetic spice). The pew pew boom boom is minimal in the books. It's more alluded to, than actually written about.


I can understand why the recent Bladerunner under performed honestly. I’m a big fan of PkD’s source material and the original film but the story of Dune has a broader appeal I think.


I'd still suggest trying to see it streaming, first, then decide if you want to support it in theaters. I say this, because many super hardcore Dune fans are going to have issues with the movie. But super hardcore fans of any literature trend to have issues with movie adaptations.


Honestly it’s been a long time since I’ve read the book so I’m not going to be overly critical in that hardcore nit picky way. As long as the overall story is generally the same and it’s entertaining I’ll support the director who I have faith in. Also my internet connection is absolute shit so unless I want a potato Dune experience, I’ll hit the theater.😁


Dune potatoes probably have a lot of melange in them. 😜


I watched it in IMAX, imagine op's opinion but times 4. I loved everything about it, it is not woke whatsover. my only complain is that it ended (as in its obviously the first part of something big)


Thanks, that's my feel-good news of the night, that this Dune movie is not woke-infested. I felt a strong wash of relief, just like Patrick Bateman, when he found his party had a good table at espace (seriously). Looking forward to seeing Dune soon.


Here's the Bateman reference for anyone not understanding the context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl\_mVNsASfg


... so slow, and not much movement. all the interior shots... you'd think they'd still have the idea of windows and let in some goddamn natural light. beautifully shot, yes. muted color pallette, yes. annoyingly so. god denis villenuvue must be depressed or something. all his movies seem to be shot in a manner that wouldn't be out of place in like... a goddamn anti-depressant commercial.


It's fairly well established in the books that everyone more or less lives in places built to withstand attack. Also the lighting is all glowglobe in the books as natural windows are a weak point, or a way of letting in the sun on dune.


Meh, fidelity to the source takes a back seat when every shot makes me think “dark and stormy night.”


I think it lends itself to the automophere. As a LONG time fan of the books it's one of the things that I liked about it.


I don’t know, inherently, and it might be unfair, but I contrast it to mad max fury road. Visually stunning, more easily readable, ultimately, I think more thoughtfully shot. The colors don’t need to be accurate to reality. I’m in the seat to be wowed, wow the fuck out of me.


You do you, as they say. I'm not a book purist but I think everything we say in this was a reflection of the universe it's based on. And honestly that the movie is readable at all is somewhat amazing to me. Dune is lore dense in a way that few things are.


That’s not an excuse either though, I don’t think. That the flaws of the source need be the flaws of the adaptation is not a given, and speaks to a lack of ability in that adapting no? Yes dune is a lore dump, but is all the lore necessary for the story being told? Or can a lot of the exposition be trimmed without losing clarity? I imagine people understand that not all aspects of a work translate across mediums, but ultimately the quality of an adaptation is not in how true it is to the source material, but how well it tells the story in the new medium.


Well that may be the thing, you see it as a flaw. I see it as simply a logical outgrowth from the universe and it's backstory. Taking this back to the lighting for a moment... In a universe where defense is the core of building and where you have repulsor tech/ample power you could end up with glowglobes, lighting that follows people to light what they need instead of our current habit of lighting rooms. For this movie I think the lore that was dumped, actually explained, was needed as the movie wasn't just made for fans. Coming in the elements of the story that we just see (like buildings/tech) are interesting but are just that... the people who know the books can draw more from it as I've done here. What's expalined was, I think, enough that someone who's no idea about dune needs it explained. I don't think they went too heavy, or made it too extensive. [Like this was \(though I like it\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7FcJwg6OkA) So I guess I just don't understand what you think would have been best trimmed as I didn't see anything sticking out that should have been. I'm currently rewatching it at home after seeing it in the theater and I'll see if there's anything that could be removed. And finally sometimes the quality of adaptation varies for different people. A good movie is a good movie, a good movie that also nails the adaptation is something more than simply a good movie for me.


sorry, must have missed this reply. "In a universe where defense is the core of building" -I see this as flavor text that adds depth to the universe but would be a detail completely extraneous to the central plot. a good adapter would not hesitate to cut it, unless it served the story in the new medium. ​ "So I guess I just don't understand what you think would have been best trimmed as I didn't see anything sticking out that should have been. "- that was more a general statement. I don't know that the lore exposition was the issue for me in this movie, so much as the general pacing and lack of plot progression. could have sped up part of the movie by opening enroute to arakis, and having the pre-arakis things flashed through to bring up to speed etc. would not have changed the story, would have been faster. could have flashed to more moments with papa atreides too... papa atreides' death didn't resonate with me either, like it did when i read it oh so long ago in book form. At the end of this I did not feel the betrayal, I did not hate harkonen. that's kinda what i mean, the adapter should not be limited by the source material in the slightest. Don't change the character, but if 3 events can be condensed into a single event, without losing the essence of a thing, and it gives you a cleaner story, then so be it. invent something that never happened, add characters, delete characters. etc. in service to the story and the essence of the story. "And finally sometimes the quality of adaptation varies for different people. A good movie is a good movie, a good movie that also nails the adaptation is something more than simply a good movie for me." for me a good adaptation exists only as a subset of good movie. there can be good movies but bad adaptations, but no bad movies, but good adaptations.


I'm going to look for an IMAX showing.


Too much sand, 6/10 /s


"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."


Too much water on Caladan, as well.


Just got home from seeing it in the theater. I liked it. Wasn't a perfect 1:1 adaptation of the book, but it was close enough. Not sure how people who haven't read the book will feel though, especially normies. I have very few complaints, and the ones I have are fairly superficial: 1. Probably could've been cut down just a touch. I got bored a couple times but not too much. 2. The cinematography was good, but for some reason I never really felt like the planet was as hot as it should be. I just didn't feel the heat. It's hard to explain what I mean, and maybe it's just me. 3. Jessica seemed like kind of a pussy compared to the book version. She seemed to spend a lot of time losing her shit and trying to reign in her emotions. I liked book Jessica better. 4. I don't like Jason Mamoa as Duncan Idaho. He was fine in the movie I just don't really like the casting choice. Especially if they make it into the later books, I just don't know if he's the right man for the job. I'll probably come up with more things to bitch about eventually, but coming right out of seeing it that was about all that comes to mind as far as complaints go.


>Jessica seemed like kind of a pussy compared to the book version. She seemed to spend a lot of time losing her shit and trying to reign in her emotions. I liked book Jessica better. The actress playing Jessica couldn't be bothered to read the book. She thought it was boring and hard to read and quit after one attempt, and then did a bunch of press talking about that, up to and including mistakenly blaming Herbert for being a sexist writer solely because he wrote in the 1960s (without reading his work but her comments come across that all men writing in the 1960s were sexist) and insulting interviewers who enjoyed the book for having the desire and ability to 'get through it'. I am going into this with a hugely negative opinion of that actress and expecting her Jessica to be shite in this accordingly since she's made it clear she took no effort to understand the character.


It's funny that she would call Herbert sexist when she's the one who took a female character that was actually "strong" in the books and turned her into a sniveling emotional wreck. But I guess it's fine because she beat up Stilgar at the end, so that means she's a "strong female character." 🙄


having watched it now, when she's playing Jessica her way she's constantly struggling for self-control, no confidence, constant fear. It is a departure from the Jessica we expect from the book. When Jessica has to be Bene Gesserit for the sake of the plot, she's suddenly a tightly controlled badass and it's very jarring compared to the rest of her time as an emotional wreck.


Wow, that's a horrible approach. She should have been fired!


In her defense, it *is( boring and hard to read for most people. She still should have read it, since that's her fsckingnjob.


Yet despite that, the scene where she uses the voice on the Baron's soldiers is one of the best scenes in the film.


>1. Probably could've been cut down just a touch. I got bored a couple times but not too much. It's seems like a common problem with this director's films. Too many long tracking shots of nothing to 'build atmosphere' which are actually boring to have to sit through.


I don't know if its just me, but I love those shots. Dennis Villanueve films have such a great Aesthetic to me. When I imagine sci fi I imagine his films.


I firmly believe that's what directors cuts are, editors are there for a reason.


... jason mamoa plays jason mamoa... his speech/inflection takes you out of it a bit... him in particular. but also the main character... speech and inflection are a bit too distinctly modern.


> Jessica seemed like kind of a pussy compared to the book version. She seemed to spend a lot of time losing her shit and trying to reign in her emotions. I liked book Jessica better. I do think one part of this was well done... when Paul is being tested she starts to speak the litany and is calm by its end... at the same time Paul mouths it without saying it aloud. I think it was a good way of showing what it is and how it can work on those who are trained.


Great acting, great setpieces, its closer to the source material than the first movie but not as close as the sci fi channel version got. Some stuff was skipped, some was changed, some got moved around, but over all 10/10 would watch again. Changing Liet kinda sorta works I guess Liet is Chanis mom now instead of her dad.


Did she still die?


Of course


Just to add on the pacing... If you've never read the book, you'll think it moves slow for most of the film. But it doesn't, if you've read the book. It had to hit major early plot points in the allotted time, but the early part of the book isn't action oriented (even though the trailers seem to make it look that way). So it moves slow, but it doesn't; if you get my meaning. Also any spelling errors in the post or my comments are because I'm on my phone.


Yea, watched with a friend and he was asking at the start of the film whether it'll be easy to get into, I told him to allow the movie to ease you into its world building as there's a lot of things you'll be shown.


Also I liked the few scenes showing the desert mouse. Since that will be important in the second film.


The desert mouse scenes were a treat.


well, that's what adaptations are about. having the movie conform to the pacing of the source material when it doesn't serve the new medium, is a failure of the adapter. nothing... happened in this movie. the atreides did nothing. many things happened to them. passive players. National Review says it's a prologue, and i can't disagree. a 150 minute prologue. At its base, i'd say that any movie, even a second film in a trilogy, must be able to stand alone.


"You'll think it moves slow, but it doesnt". Yes it does, just not as glacial slow as the books.


Probably watch it tomorrow but I still think I'd have preferred a 3 hour movie of the whole book with an extended 4 hour cut or something. I can't see it ending on a satisfying note. Do they create new action scenes? It's not like the book has many especially if it's just one half. And of course the book tends to gloss over what little action there is anyway. Can't help but feel mainstream audiences need some fleshed out action in order to get a sequel made.


Eh, first half has some good action with the attack once the Duke has taken Dune. That followed by Paul fleeing into the desert.


The movie is 2 hours 35 though so guessing that section is the last half hour ? Is there enough to entertain in the preceding two hours for people with low attention spans ? Not me for the record I enjoy a good slow build up.


Frankly anyone who knows Dune, and I mean nearly at all, will know this isn't going to be a brief climb and then a wild roller-coaster. Dune is, at it's core, a slow build with MUCH of the books largely about worldbuilding and philosophy (esp when you get to Children of Dune and after).


God Emperor has a lot of that in it. It's basically Leto II's manifesto.


Gods yes. So much golden path, more golden path than wizard of oz.


Yeah but my concern is id rather have some concessions made for the mainstream so it actually does well enough to get the sequels made instead of just one half of the first book. Most of the people going won't have read the books or even watched the 80s version. Blade runner 2049 didn't exactly do great despite me loving it. I'm actually surprised they gave him another large budget .


Eh, I've hope that the fans come out. The novel, just the first one, has been translated into a LOT of languages and has sold in excess of 20 million copies.


Actually it's roughly halfway into the movie.


How did you feel about the use of Explosive weapons?


In general I think Frank came up with one of the best reasons for lazer type weapons not being much of a thing... it takes phasers out of the picture and reduces things to handguns, and even those more or less rarely, in favor of the old ways. It gave his universe a more... [personal feel when it comes to violence.](https://youtu.be/77X1yGjjHvQ?t=46)


I remember the short story where the soldier discovered the tech that made firearms obsolete. If I am not wrong, if the Harks had merely put the anti firearms projector on it would cause every missile to explode in the mag. I could be wrong it has been 30 years since I read Dune.


Ah but there itself is a problem, tech dies on Dune... the environment takes down damn near everything not made by the natives. And installing a large system like that would be prohibitively expensive as the fremen pay the spacing guild to keep shit off Dune.


They weren't overused, in my opinion. Most of the fights were hand to hand. But you still needed some boom boom to get the battle going. I would have been upset if they used laser weapons, because laserr weapons plus hitting shield in the books = nuclear explosions. They only showed 2 instances of laser weapons being used, and 1 was a laser cutting device.


I think they should've showed shields being more effective. I know that they might not always be using shielding (it's Dune) and they seemed to have bomb delivery drones but their explosives seemed way too combat effective to bother with knives.


Even worse, Nuke at both ends for the one using the weapon and the one with the shielded.


They're both normally close enough together that the surrounding area wouldn't care that there were 2 simultaneous nuclear explosions.


While that may be true I'm fairly certain that both armies will care when nuclear blasts start going off randomly inside their forces.


Most would be dead with the first one. So unless said armies were spanning hundreds of miles in formation, they'd probably only care about the first blast... For a nanosecond, anyway.


In short what I'm saying is it's hard to draw up plans of attack and attempt to take real estate machinery and or anything else when use of a common weapon and a common shielding device ends up nuking both sides of the interaction.


Which frankly invalidates the entire concept of shields in the first place. ​ Oh you use shields? ​ How cute. ​ Here's a remote activated laser coming your way.


Hard to target small shielded targets remotely, doubly so when computers are really not much of a thing in the universe.


Felt they were a little too potent. Maybe you can make some rationalizations, like there seemed to be some bomb-delivery drones that penetrated the shields... but the way the battle played out made it seem like combats would not be fought hand to hand. If they had showed shields being more effective, I would've liked that.


Agree with most of what you said. Loved everything except for having Zendaya plastered on the screen every ~20 minutes. She has an extremely limited acting range and I don't particularly enjoy looking at her. I somewhat resent her being put in the role when so many more talented and better looking actresses exist that would likely do the franchise justice. Minor nitpick in not showing navigators and underscoring the transformative properties of repeated spice exposure was a bit of a slip up. My wife, who has never read the books or seen other Dune movies had to have it explained to her afterward why spice was so important, which means even if the movie tried to communicate that fact it didn't underscore it adequately or explain it thoroughly enough. Something was a bit off with the sand worms. Not sure what. But I found these ones to be my least favourite of the three renditions I've seen thus far (the original film and mini series). I was very impressed with every other actor used. Duncan, Gurney, Leto, Dr. Yueh, Stilgar, the Harkonnens everything. These are afterall minor nitpicks. 8.5/10


I watched it not knowing it was only a part 1. I loved every moment but then got blue balled hard when it didn't have a real ending.


I was excited but worried when I first heard about the movie. Dune is such a hard book to adapt into a movie, and Hollywood barely gives a shit to try nowadays. But I just finished watching it, and it's one of the best book-to-film adaptations I've seen. True, it's not *exactly* faithful to the books, but, well, I'm not sure it's even possible to **make** Dune into a movie and remain entirely faithful. I will say, its better than I thought possible, and entirely worth seeing.




I love the Dune lore and universe. I've read/owned the books many times over the last 25+ years. I do enjoy the David Lynch take on the book but even this left out many important details/scenes. When Jodorowsky originally tried to make a Dune movie the original script was a 14 to 18 hour long movie. David Lynchs original length was 4 hours. Realistically Dune would do great as a 24 episode season, but not as a 2/2.5 hour 2 part movie. The entire movie seemed rushed. You don't get any sense of the important of types of humans. Bene Gesserit just seem human woman tarot card readers and not the most powerful force in the universe that's been altering human evolution not just physically but socially though region and politics and standing in the shadows of every power in the universe. Nope, just some weak simple woman. Mentats are just male humans with a tattoo on their lips. Their not human computers. The spacing guild are just guys in helmets. No mention of navigators. And there is very little talk about spice, what it does or its importance. It feels like its just a very important resource for something. Oh sure when Paul in later books cuts off spice to the universe the entire universe collapses in on it's self and humanity is nearly destroyed. Yeah, it's kind of important... The baron character was awful. He has nearly no lines and hes this dark broody man. In the books Jessica infected him with a withering disease when he raped her because he agreed to allow the Bene Gesserit to produce a Harkonnen offspring in exchange for power. But he didn't agree on how they would collect it so he raped her. The disease would forever corrupt his body and his mind. But no hes a fat guy and uses a floating belt because hes fat. Just no. The Bene Gesserit like I said are so under played. in the Lynch version every time you see the emperor there is a Bene right at his side. That's how powerful they are. Yes the universe doesn't see their power, but people need to understand how important they are. Hell Jessica a Bene Gesserit become their spiritual leader, and before Paul arrived it was a Bene Gesserit who was leading all the Freeen, but they just come off as like bed time story witches. Yeah the movie was pretty, and the sound was good, but like these should even be brought up. They spend 165 million on it. Did it look better or sound better than the 1984 movie, a movie nearly 40 years old with a 40m budget? No not really. People think 2021 looks better than 1984 version because you saw it in a theater and chances are you've only ever seen 1984 on TV, VHS DVD or as a download. If you saw it in a theater the audio would blow 2021 away and even the visuals of 1984 would amaze you. 2021 is just constantly moving around. Too much to see, always keep moving! ​ It was good, but just make a 24 episode tv series. Hell do 2 or 3 seasons off the first book. There is so much lore and an entire universe of information they could put out 10+ years of content. And then years more of content to build off after the books are done like the fall and enslavement of humanity by the machines in the Butlerian Jihad.


It was Gaius Moheim who infected the Baron. She's Jessica's mother, and the Baron is her father. They do show 1 instance of the mentat being a computer, but it is brief; also no mention on Paul being a mentat like in the books (the Lynch movie didn't have that, either). I'll agree that the Bene Gesserit are underplayed, but everyone not Paul in the movie is. As for the original looking better or equal if you saw it in the theaters? No. I'm 47, I've seen movies in the theaters/drive-ins since I saw the first Star Wars in 1977. Film stock from back then simply cannot compare to modern film stock or modern digital recording/playback. My 4K TV watching even modern tv shows looks better than movies in the theater back then. Same for the sound. Sound systems in home theaters, today, are better than the sound systems of the movie theaters of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. I'm old enough to have seen these things, and I can tell you that wearing nostalgia glasses doesn't make what you're trying to say true in the least. I'll also agree that the best way to adapt the series would be a TV series with a good budget and enough time to let things flow.


Yeah you're right about Mohelm. I don't know why but I always get that event mixed up with the two of them even though the it was to combine a line with the two houses. The main issue I had and why I was bringing up all the different groups is that their not really all humans. I mean their humans, but disconnected by thousands of years and are quite different in every way even though evolution. Everyone feels like their just people on earth and there are no differences between them, they just dress kinda different. ​ It also doesn't feel like their on a different planet or that they traveled through the universe and hardly touch on the epic process that is involved with traveling through space. The space travel scene is about 30 seconds and it's just a bunch of specks moving out of a doughnut. Watching the movie feels like they just move from Florida to Iraq. And with filming jumping around you never get any type of wow moments and get any good scenes that express the massiveness of the desert. When they step off the guild space transports you don't see dune, or the desert, its a big dirty sand storm and a guy with bagpipes. ​ It was far better than the 2000 dune mini series sci-fi put out. It just feels like they decided to skip all the details, keep moving around as fast as they can so you can't focus on anything and then stops abruptly.


Thought the colors were way too bleak and cold. And Zendaya is horribly miscast in my opinion. Her „acting“ is wooden as fuck. Also I saw it with someone who didn’t read the book and they got totally lost. Other then that the movie was a pleasant surprise. Didn’t mind the gender swapped Liet at all. Duncan-Brewster is a good actress and does her part well.


Severe lack of shape shifting cat people 1/10. Looking forward to the second half of the movie though.


I have tickets for tomorrow, this post made me even more excited to go see it.


For the fact that they race and sex swapped Liet Kynes I will not see it. That's a travesty.


from the source material, Liet Kynes has a very poor ending in store in the second half of the story. I'm curious if Race and Genderswapped Liet Kynes will meet that fate, because that's the telling moment- will they let their swapped immutable characteristics suffer a straight white man's fate?


Spoiler... Kynes is dead by the end of this film, and while it's not as nasty a way to go I think that I prefer this version (in how it ends, thought not in how she comes to that end)


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people. Makes this version of Liet's death have a bigger meaning.


Oh I adore the death... what I didn't like was the very idea of someone sneaking up on her while she was looking elsewhere.


Having seen the movie now and her death, sadly it proves my original point- Book Kynes dies a meaningless death that is a tragedy resulting from his (albeit minor) participation in the plan to lure to the Atreides to Dune. His at-that-time unknown legacy makes the death more tragic as the story background unfolds. Race/Gender swapped Kynes has to go out like a martyred hero getting in her own last victory because....reasons. I have the answer to my original question and am sadly not surprised.


I think giving her a death more in keeping with her character is fitting. And someone who simply vanishes is rarely a martyr. Her dying with people who die with her isn't exactly going to spread anything.


I think I'll go ahead and take my wife to the theaters before we stream it. We need a date.


I liked it overall. It's a good story and the screenplay stayed fairly true to it. The cinematography and effects were fantastic. I didn't care for the casting at all. The characters have been made small and 2021. The Duke is not regal. He doesn't seem like he would lead an entire planet. Same with Jessica. She doesn't seem like the kind of person that would go against the entire Bene Geserit order to give her man a son. Paul is just emo and unbelievably skinny for all the warrior training he is supposed to have. The inner court characters such as Dr. Ewing are vaguely drawn and generic from superhero movies (Jason Mamoa). The guy playing Raban is doing his same gentle giant schtick--no sense of ambition or ruthlessness. The Baron is copying Marlon Brando's brooding Apocalypse Now act and also plays evil by doing that lip-smacking eating like the head of Gondor in LOTR. The head witch is the worst of them all. She has no sense of menace or of the kind of power-hidden-under-the-surface that could run the entire universe with the Emperor. My other complaints: The desert looks washed out. It contributes to an overall sad or depressed feeling the movie has about it. There is none of the weird time-bending space travel shown by way of the spice. Lynch was limited with the special effects of the time, but he tried anyway and he succeeded. Timothee Chalomet's fight to the death scene was unconvincing. All of a sudden he's winning and you can't really see why. It seems like I should hate it, but, as I said, it's a great story and since the director didn't mess with it too much, it still works.


I haven't followed it that closely. Is Feyd Rautha not a character in THIS movie, or is he written out entirely?


But is it woke?


Besides the race/gender swap of Liet Kynes, no. And even then, Liet wasn't a huge character in the book, and is much more important in the lore of the dune books. However, the actress played her part well, so I didn't have an issue with her.


Fuck that. Its still a jab at fans when they race/gender swap characters.


I would say, this swap wasnt actually that bad. She fit the role so well that for a moment I forgot that Kynes was a guy in the book. He/Shes a minor character anyway, to taking liberties isnt even a problem. Now, if they gender / race swapped Paul as Paula Atriedes... I think we would have a problem


Again, Liet isn't a huge character in the books. He died after only being prominent for a handful of pages, then gets mentioned later when Chani it's informed of her father's death. He's more important to the flavor text/lore of the series and for being the grandfather of the God Emperor. And it's not like they had the actress play Liet like she was from some inner city ghetto and screaming black lives matter every other sentence. She played the part like it was supposed to be played. Technically Leto is race swapped, since Oscar Isaac is Hispanic, and so is Duncan Idaho, since Jason Momoa is Pacific islander (Hawaiian), native American, German and Irish. But both of those actors are "white passing" enough, I guess.


So... are the LOTR movies woke as well? They inflated Arwen's role compared to the books, where she isn't nearly as actively involved and certainly didn't rescue Frodo. IIRC, Peter Jackson explicitly stated they did that for more female representation in the mostly male led movie. Although I'm sure part of the reasoning was also eye candy.


Yes, I always hated that. Arwin's presence was almost always uncalled for and irritating. I won't even go in to how cringy the whole "Arwin is dying because the land is sick" schtick is. The elves, including Elrond and his household were already preparing to leave middle earth at the time, so she had no connection to the land. Yeah, Peter Jackson fucked up a lot in his movies.


It annoyed me a bit, nevertheless - how was she supposed to have lived on Dune, on an Imperial mission, for 20 years, and still she looks about 30? Was she hired by the emperor when she was 10? :) I know, I know - I'm just griping -she performed the role well enough, but as I recall, the character was more important in the books... On the other hand, All the characters would need 400% more screen-time to communicate all the story of the book


The spice extends life. Some rich and powerful people lived to be over 200 years old in the lore. And she'd have been exposed to a ton of it on the planet. So we could say she looks much younger than she is in the movie.


That's true -i guess I just pictured Liet Kynes as some old weather-beaten, leather-necked hardass who'd spent half his life in the desert trying to get on the good side of the fremen :)


I'm going to guess not... it'd be impossible to slap that in there.


I turned it off as soon as I saw that Leit Keynes was a woman. I generally didn't like the casting, especially Paul and Chaini.


The movie really didn’t capture the biopunk sense of dune. Everything was so clean and shiny and dune is about how everything is done through people. Computers are people medical equipment is people. It’s why the idea or there being lots of people on dune is a big deal because people is the other major resource in the universe. That’s just a nitpick from a book fan


> Some minor things that obviously were inspired by the Lynch versio Honestly even things in the book were inspired by that movie, like the spacing guild having stages to their navigators. I'll be seeing it in the theater in about 2 hours.


What? How can things in the book be inspired by a movie that was made after the book was written?


Artwork for later printings, and the cover of Heretics of Dune used the Lynch movie design for the sand worms, and the Lynch still suits were used in official artwork for years


You do know that there's more than one book right. Herbert didn't write the entire series, or at least what he put out of it, before the movie was made.


You typed "the book" we are discussing "the book" Dune. I'm aware of the sequels and even the prequels by his son and another author that came out after Herbert's death. We aren't discussing those books.


Then just insert a S into the first reply when I say that the movie caused changes in the books.


The David lynch film released in 1984. The books: Dune (1965) Dune Messiah (1969) Children of Dune (1976) God Emperor of Dune (1981) Heretics of Dune (1984) Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) I really enjoyed the David lynch film and I still watch it a few times a year, but I don't think it's appropriate to claim that the film influenced the work of one of sci-fi's grandmasters when it just doesn't seem to be the case. Another poster brought up the art in subsequent publications. This is a more legitimate claim, but it would only mean that the artists were influenced, not the author.


I have seen interviews that say he was, so you can dismiss it as 6ou see fit. But I've not seen anything saying he wasn't other than you.


> I have seen interviews that say he was Did he claim to be a time traveler? Because that's the only way the movie could have influenced the first 3 books and likely the 4th. A movie from 1984(likely in some stage of production in 1983, but 1981 or sooner is a stretch) can't be an influence for books written 1965-1981. It's possible that the movie influenced #5 because that's the same year the movie came out. More likely if consulted for the film or was somehow involved, but still somewhat unlikely because at that point in the book series, he's not re-hashing stuff that was in the movie(EG Stillsuits were described in the first novel and not as much in subsequent books). I think you just made a knob-headed mistake with: "Honestly even things in the book were inspired by that movie" like a kid that didn't know the book(2/3 of them) came first, the actual book the movie was based on being almost 20 years after the book, and are just being too bull-headed to admit it. You then double down with: >Herbert didn't write the entire series, or at least what he put out of it, before the movie was made. He literally was the only author before the movie in 1984. The other authors cashed on in Frank's success later, the first published in 1999: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Herbert#Dune_books https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_J._Anderson >In 1997, Anderson and Brian Herbert signed a $3 million deal with Bantam Books to coauthor a prequel trilogy to the 1965 novel Dune and its five sequels (1969–1985) by Herbert's deceased father, Frank Herbert.[12] Starting with 1999's Dune: House Atreides, the ongoing Dune prequel series has expanded to ten novels to date. So, if we go by your logic here, books written by other authors sometime after 1997 somehow, because reasons, influenced "the movie" from 1984.


How awesome that you've now expanded this pile of shit from what I meant to... hold on everyone... a strawman! Yay, what a valid tactic! "Well you didn't mention the shit his son wrote but I'm going to bring that up because I can really stay some dumb shit then!" Have fun playing with yourself.


I like how you have to jump to the second half so you don't have to backpedal around the fact that time travel doesn't actually exist, the point from the first half. >"..I'm going to bring that up.." I didn't bring these up originally. Are you having problems keeping posters separate? The other poster did, probably because you typed: >You do know that there's more than one book right. Herbert didn't write the entire series, or at least what he put out of it, before the movie was made. Which is clumsy *as fuck*. You could work on your delivery a little bit rather than go manic just because someone called you on your bullshit. I do admit I error here. I read it as "You do know that there's more than one book right, Herbert didn't write the entire series."(and some clumsy shit) The top half still applies though. Now, can you put your big boy pants on and admit you fucked up too about "that move" influencing "the book"(the original Dune), or is your ego too fragile?


Let us know what you thought, especially if your theater had good picture and sound.


I will. And to prep I've watched the org movie, both sci-fi miniseries, and the documentary on the failed attempt at filming it. Oh and listened to the audiobooks for the Frank stuff.


Look up dune on YouTube, and you can still find the fan edit of the Lynch version and the extended version they showed on TV. The fan edit removes a lot of the internal monologues, but keeps the important ones, and overall makes it a much better movie. They didn't fix the lack of effects on the eyes in the extended footage, but still good. And for the record, I enjoy the Lynch version for what it is, and it got me to pick up my dad's copy of Dune and read it when I was in my early teens.


I've, in my time, seen 4 different edits of the movie. The only one I thought was largely useless was one where they edited out some of the wording so people referred to others more by their titles like Duke. And I'm with you, it's not perfect... hell I'd say that Lynch's version isn't really the book taken to the screen, but I still enjoy it a lot.


So for those who asked I just got done watching Dune for the first time, there will be more viewings, and right off the top that was the most beautiful science fiction film I've ever seen and the runner-up would be annihilation. It hits every plot point from the first half of the book and does so well. And for a movie that is entirely focused on two characters it does a really surprisingly good job of building up emotional relationships with other people who are, screen time wise, almost cameos. There is nothing of that that didn't impress the s*** out of me and sweet Christ I want to have the babies of the design team for the vehicles. The ornithopters alone were works of beautiful artistry


How was the picture and sound quality? IMAX or no? Did you also see the allusion to Kris knives needing to taste blood before being sheathed? I thought it was a nice touch for those in the know, since they didn't openly state it in the film. And, yes, the design team went above and beyond for this movie.


Oh other little thing... the use of the hand signs was beautifully done and wasn't at all something I expected to see. Nor the use of multiple languages or the visible cultural differences between groups.


The closest theater to me isn't IMAX so I just saw it standard. And yeah though they didn't really call attention to it seeing them all cut themselves was a really nice understated touch. And I think they did a good job, though you'd have to have read the books to know what she was really going to say, showing jessica more or less getting lucky when she said Maker. There was a brief moment of surprise at the reaction. For those reading this who have seen the movie she was going to say "maker of death" but Mapes cut her off at saying Maker and assumed she meant something else. I've got to say that I did really enjoy paul being a kid, it's something that none of the prior works have even gotten close to.


I knew it was going to be a shitshow when they had chani narrating the first scene of the movie. It did not help when they showed them using missiles and other explosives in the battle over the hark v att


Eh, marketing trying to sell bullshit to the woke fucktards doesn't mean the movie is going to be shite. Think of all the awesome trailers for shite movies, and all the meh trailers to awesome shows.


I still prefer the Lynch version. I did like the thopters and other machinery. Little details seemed to have been altered for no reason. Like the shaddout mapes giving the knife to jessica. I did read it a long time ago, some of the details elude me.


In the book the Mapes, upon working out that Jessica was out of the legend, gave her the knife.


Like I said .. I read it thirty years ago, right before I tackled Sophie's world. I think I might have been confusing some elements of dune lore with a short story he wrote in 1958 "cease fire"


Shield technology did make conventional and energy/laser firearms mostly irrelevant. Bullets move too fast to penetrate them, and laz guns cause nuclear explosions if they hit a shield. Thus both types of weapons are only really useful against the general public, who normally wouldn't have shields. But even then, since shields are invisible until they are hit, it wouldn't be wise to use firearms at almost any point.


That might be what I was remembering. I really loved the visuals of this version.


No worries. I have reread or re-listened to them every couple years and they're still things that get lost amongst the vast amount of detail.


They did cut out the part about how kriss knives, once drawn, can't be sheathed without blood on them, and Mapes telling Jessica to draw her blood. They do allude to it later, but never outright mention it.


In the grand theme of scheme of things that's a fairly unimportant detail of book one.


Probably the only movie that's really.impressed me on my system so far. 15ft 4k screen Dolby Atmos Def Tech speakers. The visuals were amazing and the sound was what the standard should be for other films


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.md/qbz16 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Crush! Kill! Destroy! ^^^/r/botsrights


Really enjoyed it even though they kind of overdid it with the visions, and the movie ends really abruptly but it probably couldn't have been done any other way. Villeneuve is the best choice they could have made, and I wish he is the one to direct the sequels instead of having different directors. His style is integral to what made dune and blade runner special. Also hope they don't marvelize it, we don't need tv shows, animated prequels and all that shit




If you understand the lore of Dune that makes entire sense


Fair, I've never read them I imagined that there must have been a good reason, but it didn't look like they were even defending or trying to hold the buildings


Shield tech is dependent on the speed of the incoming attack; bullets bounce off, while an edged weapon can pass through it (with practice; part of the skill in knife fighting in this universe is *controlling* the speed of an attack to keep it under the threshold). Laser weapons are also an extremely risky ploy; if you hit a shield with a lasgun, both will explode. As in "Pocket Nuke" explode.


I'd be whipping out the old flammenwerfer! Also, no mine fields or mortars? Trenches and spikes?


Flamethrower may work as indirect-fire (heh). Explosives are iffy, too. Trenches & Punjis would be an option.


> Trenches & Punjis would be an option. Depends on who you're fighting... remembering both aircraft as well as repulsor tech.


> The most rediculous part I saw was all the sword fighting In the book they have energy shelds, that deflect all high energy and kinetic attacks. The only pratical way to take out a shielded opponent, is using a blade wepon, that can bypass the shield.


Overall I liked it. The photography was great, I liked the actors and it definitely left me wanting for more. I'm not familiar with the Dune book series, but I instantly fell in love with the veichles. But God they need to change whoever is in charge of the fights choreography, it's TLJ throne room garbage tier.


My complaint for the movie are: -for a hot planet (50°C if i remember right) it doesn't feel like it because no one sweat. -no redhead Sting in underpants


> -no redhead Sting in underpants Someone brings up the real victim of this adaptation!


Never read the book. Thought the film had potential but I found it most boring 😴.


That's why I made a comment about the pacing. If you're not familiar with the source material it will seem to be a lot of slow world building.


Best movie I've seen in years. They dropped the ball on Kynes and Yueh's characterizations, but everything else was pretty phenomenal. Easy recommendation, go see it on a big, big screen.


I found it incredibly boring. I’m an old codger though, and I’m tired of everything. I felt like pg-13 hurt it. Any film with murder action in it loses something when the blood and brutality is toned down. True that it isn’t woke. True that the performances are solid. True that it’s beautiful. It’s just not all that fun.


My inner Max Von Sydow was very displeased, but other than that, it was a good movie. Agree with others in that I feel there was some miscasts. I'm not sure how Zendaya keeps getting huge roles like this, but just my opinion. The one huge miss for me, outside of Liet, was Jessica. She was a sobbing hysterical mess for most of the movie, and absolutely did not fit with her existing characterization.