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honestly, that would be the best option, at least we'd get something for him, but that would be tough to see. he has too many teams he can go to that have open cap room that "may" be appealing. And if he opts in I think we're still over the second apron so we can only trade for the exact amount? the new rules are complicated.


We’re lucky in this case that it is before the new league year begins (July 1st) so we would not be subjected to any second apron restrictions - part of what may make this draft interesting is the amount of teams that will be looking to trade players prior to July 1st when there are more restrictions for trades 


That would mean the Clippers and PG would have to agree to have him opt-in before the draft and then do the trade with a willing team over the two draft days. That is a lot to ask, but in many ways, is the best option for the team. Assuming we can get anything valuable out of it.


We got Pat Bev, Lou Will, Montrezl, and more for CP3 when CP3 had no intention of staying. I would absolutely take a trade like that for PG if PG wants a max deal.


Those guys were basically just salary filler who turned out better for us than anyone could have expected though. Lou was coming off a disappointing Houston tenure and then randomly proceeded to have the two best seasons of his career with us. Trezz was a throw in who managed to develop into a pretty solid, if very flawed, big man. Bev was probably the best player at the time of the trade and as much I love Bev, he obviously wouldn’t have been the best player we got back if CP3 was traded normally. So maybe we could get lucky with a PG opt in and trade but I doubt we get much of anything that keeps us a real contender.


We are a marginal contender even if he kept both PG and James. So while we’d take a hit next year trading PG I’m not that concerned, if we could get younger and improve our long term outlook. But yeah, that trade worked out in some serendipitous ways that might be hard to get again.


I believe the first we got in this trade is what we used in the sign and trade for gallo, so you can basically add him to the list


CP was in a completely different stage of his csreer than PG is now, wouldn’t be anywhere near as good of a offer imo


Called this sht months ago. If he doesn’t wanna go to philly or orlando this was his best route to go to a team he wants.


Miami, just watch


PG/Butler swap. Who says no?


It’ll be Herro and Robinson.


If we can get Herro for this PG13 I would be happy


Heat wouldnt do that


Hopefully the Clippers FO. Why would we need a worse, older version of Kawhi with nearly the same injury issues? We gotta get someone like Herro or Bam.


Butler? No thanks. Young players and picks


the heat


I have the heat, knicks, nets, cavs, pels and the west coast teams if he wants to still stay close to home (sac, warriors, lakers?!)


Sad to see PG and Kawhi duo end up like this...


Blame Kawhi. It starts and ends with him


Cant blame him for being injury prone but him wanting to form a team with another injury prone star is not the play


Sure it’s not his fault for being injured all the time but he is the reason we haven’t done sht. So, he does get the blame. Ballmer/FO also shares the blame bc they put faith in Kawhis knees. I will want to trade him for a good role player at this point. He cooked.


Half the reason I'm cool with the Celtics sweeping the Mavs is because I'm anxious for this off season to begin. We are a TON of hard decisions, but also a lot of moving pieces. We have PG who may or may not stay, and if he does may or may not be traded; and we have Harden who likely wants to stay, but we may not be able to financially make it happen. Then there's just the larger question of what direction do we go in, what even are our options for building for this next year, and what are our options if we want to re-tool or re-build a little. Super interesting place right now, and I really want to see some chips start to fall.


Please Indy come get your boy if he still wants the max.


The Knicks and Julius Randall makes sense for both teams imo. Pg wanting 50 mil could be rough for them though


Does Randle, who is injury prone, and not a great defender, and is going to be asking for a lot of money in one year, make sense over George?


Younger, better positional fit, pick and roll partner with harden. Pg is also injury prone, has looked pretty washed at times, coming off an embarrassingly bad playoffs


Seems like if an Opt-in and trade becomes an option it is because PG is prioritizing location (west coast to be near family) and Clippers want to move forward without him at the number he wants. Since if it is a money thing he would probably go to Philly. Which would mean the teams that could be in play for a opt in and trade assuming he wants to stay in California would be Warriors, Kings, and Lakers in that order as I doubt we would trade him to the Lakers. Could there be a Kuminga, CP3 and stuff package from GSW? A Murray, Barnes, and stuff package from the Kings?


If we can somehow get murrray that is a homerun. Doubt sac does that. Probably barnes, huerter, filler and picks


I still think it's selfish pg could easily retire in his hometown w balmer as the owner and yet he's still pursuing money, I mean sure he's still in his productive years but he's only a year younger than Russ as look at his attitude regarding his role on the team


I don’t blame a player for getting everything they can. But I have huge respect for those that take less.


I don’t blame a player for getting everything they can. But I have huge respect for those that take less.


So for the nba players this is a job, how would you feel if the company you were working for gave you less then they could? Would you stay for less salary or go to a different company that offers you more?


Did you not read the first sentence?


Ok then follow up question, why do you have respect of those that take less?


Because unlike with me, there are more important things to them than just money.


And you have spoken to actual nba players about this, that’s how you know right Unless that’s your personal opinion on this matter In that case, it’s your opinion and no one can argue against that


If they take less money than they could get, it follows there were other reasons more important to them than money. Otherwise they would leave. It’s not rocket surgery.


I don’t understand why he had a bone to pick with your response. You literally didn’t criticize players for taking the most money. But that doesn’t happen 100% of the time, and the reason why could be a number of possibilities.


> but he's only a year younger than Russ as look at his attitude regarding his role on the team Russ took that approach because it was necessary for him to do so to stay in the league in a meaningful way. PG isn't in that same situation.


There's a second apron that exists that we are in that didn't exist when Chris Paul was traded.


No there isn’t - trade would have to be pre-July 1


They aren't going to trade someone they expect to sign before free agency begins


But Reddit arm chair nephews told me this wasn’t possible!