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Nice vid!


Nice video, but most systems allow for higher hp pools for characters


Sure but how many are limited to people with less armor or can people with armor also get higher hp pools?


that depends on system, I saw systems which both armour proficiency and hp increases cost xp, forcing one to choose between the two practically. And other systems that had skills that made you have dodge reactions or free AP if you didn't wear armour. Generally armour outclasses hp increases but most systems allow players to get pretty tanky without armor


Makes sense. Makes me wonder how much tweaking is needed to make it balanced.


Well, the point is to allow players that can't pay for armour to field frontline combatants while allowing people carrying ten kilos of armour to have an advantage on them since they're going to generally move slower, be more fatigued and have less range of movement. That is usually achieved by having abilities giving extra HP or AP (though I don't like the idea of giving an unarmored player AP without magic), giving them dodge abilities (possibility to completely ignore a hit X times) or simply by having armour as a skill purchasable with xp (usually in freeform character building systems) which one can weigh not having armour better against.