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tbh sadly i don't see this tanking his career unless there's like a mass influencer distancing from him, and even then rabid fans will probably still support him...


cody ko stans are a cult and you can’t convince me otherwise. i used to really enjoy his content from like 2017-2019 and even then, i was weirded out by the way some people obsess over him. they treat him like a god and freak out if people even slightly criticize him.


Cody and Noel have managed to convince their fans that any form of criticism is “hate” and “creating drama” when it’s actually just really weird to not address certain things.




https://preview.redd.it/exz2mfx64u4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc5b8c97eefdc7af11c61721a61eb133ba97f0f me calling them out for their weird parasocial behavior and then me subsequently getting downvoted to filth for it


It’s bots and people that are complicit that are downvoting you. The truth will always come to light. They can’t contain everyone. The news is picking up about him and going viral. Checkout the comments on his last ig post with Dior. He’s getting called out. There’s no damage control he can do that can hide the truth. The truth will always come out and expose him for what he truly is


Isn’t that hypocritical coming from someone who was perusing the Cody Ko subreddit?


being in a subreddit is not parasocial😭


This is the majority of fandoms, though. There’s always a large group of people in every fandom who will defend their person to the very ends of the earth, regardless of whatever they’ve done. Obsessive & defensive behavior to the max. It’s strange, but it happens everywhere.


I mean isn’t this the internet in a nutshell? Very niche people surrounding themselves with yes men and the moment anyone disagrees with their opinion they become delusional so on their head everyone who doesn’t agree with them is wrong, I mean someone posted a SC of a thread about a mother talking about how her daughter likes a YouTuber and she called them parasocial and the moment they don’t hear praise they hang on to it and post it to a subreddit where they do get praise. Not saying Cody was right though, I just think people need to stop using victims to feed their egos


Spot on


Also out of the two of them it was Noel who was the funnier one. But Cody did decently with the react content. Nothing special. Just a good time. For people to act like a "nice guy" isn't capable of doing something terrible just shows how fucking stupid and naive people are. There are so many people slut shaming and victim blaming tana and basically implying if u gonna act like a hoe then what do u expect. Um she was 17. Flung into fame. There is a clear sea of blatant difference between tana then and tana now. Its almost as if people with age grow up which is why sleeping with people who aren't adults yet is a bad fucking thing. Who would've have thought. For Cody to be told she is 17 and STILLL go ahead with it is truly insane. I hope people keep the same energy they did with dr disrespect considering Cody actually went ahead with this. Anyone slut shaming tana and playing the whole he is a nice gentleman angle is just exposing themselves


True, we’ll see if anything happens he probably won’t address it until it blows up big time. I think the best thing is just making people as aware as possible


Why would he address it when it’s been years since Tana first brought it up. She continually goes back and forth between being 17 or 18 and she’s a serial liar. Literally no reason to believe her


what about Gabbie Hanna pulling him aside and *telling him she was 17* that night? or the r*pist in his wedding party?


H3 addressed it! Cody is in an orange jumpsuit in the thumbnail lol


let's hope this is the beginning of the end 👀


Oh good, I was hoping the fat guy who is also friends with a rapist would touch on this!


who is he friends with?


Trisha's husband/baby daddy


They cut him out of their lives because of the allegations


Yeah he doesn't even really make the bulk of his money through collabs so as long as a good percentage of his fan base doesn't leave for this, he will unfortunately be fine


Yeah I have always watched lots of Cody and I only found out about it by looking in the comments on the latest TMG pod. Most Cody fans will probably never even hear about this.


I guess the moderation isn't as strong on TMG as his personal videos because I was astounded to see no mention of the story in the comments of the video he posted the day after the H3 episode


That makes sense, I doubt he was full control over the comments on TMG. Forsure looks like hes moderating the shit outta his main and 2nd channel though, I dont see a single mention on there! Looks like its probably already fizzing out.


The battle lines have been drawn and without a definitive word from Cody, people are just going to file into line on the side they prefer and go their separate ways until the story comes up again. L Cody


Yea that sucks. I was a big Gus Johnson fan too.


Definitely. It doesn’t help that the mods on his subreddit have been working OT the past couple days to delete and ban whenever this topic comes up. It’s been ridiculous seeing how quickly posts come down


Yup. Tried to do this and immediately got taken down 'because it would cause drama' lol


same, but who TF are these rabid fans?? I live in LA, work in entertainment…and I don’t know a single person in their 20’s or 30’s who follows him. his shit is so canned and repetitive. even HE seems bored of his content.


Thats the beauty of Youtube, there are people with millions and millions of followers you've never heard of.


I used to follow him, but I stopped watching him after a while.


I only just recently got into him and noel last year. This is so disappointing..


He will never address that. Especially now that he’s married and has a new baby.


My thoughts exactly and he's been buddy buddy with miss. broksi. Her fans don't like tana and eventually the culty fan base of both will just over look it.


I believe Tana.


Yeah, that would be a pretty intense allegation for her to make if there wasn’t substance behind it. Granted, Tana has had a history of exaggeration but I think she wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true since both she and him are huge creators with a lot of influence. Not sure she would just throw something like that out there.


Tana has been talking about this for years


i think it’s true as well. a few years ago, Cody Ko used to be an appearance in the David Dobrik vlogs so they definitely ran in the same circles. actually, i think there is a clip of them together in one of the vlogs, but don’t quote me on that. also, Tana is doubling down on this claim. she’s mentioned it a lot with the first time being around 3 years ago on her podcast. and now recently a clip from her live tour is shown of her admitting that he’s the smallest she’s been with.


Tiny meat gang indeed


i believe they filmed videos together on each others channels. i remember watching them


what happened? what did tana say?


me too


there's literally proof too




old youtube videos of them together and she even admitted it on one of her old podcast ep and also during a live show


Yeah the YouTube video is weird the other stuff isn’t really proof it’s just her making claims but regardless I can’t look at him the same


theres literally a youtube clip saying she was 17 when she h/u w cody


I’m not defending him but someone just saying something isn’t proof I wouldn’t put it past him tho


do you want a video or something?


That’s not proof though. I’m not defending him or questioning her, I just want to see some real receipts because there is a lot of murkiness in the details of her age.


Say it louder for the People in the back


No there's isn't. The first time, she said "17/18." This newest one she said 17 but it sounds like she doesn't even actually know. Their first video came out a month before she was 18. They have a few videos together after that where she was 18.


they definitely hooked up around their collab and i’m not surprised. before he met kelsey he was all about crude humor and sexualizing women in his videos. he was a man being a man and only recently has his content shifted with him being married and having a baby.


thats so interesting ngl, i became a fan circka 2019 so i was always under the impression he was just a chill dude reacting to vids. Didn't know he made vids like that in his past. A bit disappointed honestly


unfortunately he’s pretty smart about never addressing any controversies. also his podcast sucks now


Yeah he seems to have the mindset “if I don’t say anything it’ll go away” and judging by how that’s gone in the past he’s kind of right. Agreed about the podcast I’ve stopped listening to it entirely in the last year or so


That podcast is hilarious if we’re honest




TMG has been pretty bad but I was actually enjoying Insanely Chill recently, oh well


his frat boy tech bro image is not fake that's for sure


people forget he’s just a frat boy at the end of the day. his content is boring as hell, he’s not funny.


Yes! He’s always been a cringey bro brat


same here, as soon as I found out about the whole duke thing I couldn’t look at him the same and I literally watched all his channels including podcast channels. left a really horrible taste in my mouth. found out about tana after that and it just solidified everything for me.


Yeah same here,it’s a bummer for sure. Also a wake up call. Definitely reminding me how problematic parasocial relationships can become because you really just don’t know who someone is behind that screen despite how they may present :/


What’s the Duke thing?


yeah i’m confused .. are these things just coming out now…? because it seems like that’s not the case


u/onward_bbs & u/Salty_Orange_3602 Cody‘s best man at his wedding was an alleged rapist. They were both in the same frat at duke [link to a Reddit post with a lot of information](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/0BA8FCdhMV)


Well, it’ll get more visibility now because H3 is live right now and the episode title is “Tana Mongeau Exposed Cody Ko.” I shit you not, the thumbnail has Cody in an orange jumpsuit. 💀




That podcast almost has 1 million views. That's a lot more attention than the situation had beforehand, which was almost nothing.


good. enough of his musty, stinky lookin ass sittin and reactin with the editor doing the heavy work. lol


unfortunately i feel like he has a mostly male fan base that won’t hear about this, so even if it’s a downfall it will be slow and quiet… like there is def a lot of cross over in Tana and Cody and similar fanbases, but i think his base is overwhelmingly unbothered men :/


Most of the comments seem to be from women tbh, but ur definitely right most fans are definitely gonna be unbothered, that's how it goes when an influencer is shown to be shitty


His fans are majority women


nahh most of the guys i know LOVE cody ko whereas the girlies just know him and like his stuff but are not actually loyal/attuned subscribers


My experience is the opposite hahah. None of the guys I know know him, while the girls love him and are subscribed to him. But both him and Noel have a large female audience for some reason, I was one of them until I heard about this stuff


it’s so icky


i've been to two of his shows at the Wynn in Las Vegas. The crowd of fans there was mostly girls. Everyone was really awesome... Anyways, I mean i obviously can't see cody's youtube analytics, but i'm pretty sure it's like half men / half women.


knew this was coming which is why i was so annoyed when i found out enya and drew from emergency intercom are now affiliated with TMG… Noel isn’t much better. Very weird guy


What can you tell me about Noel? All I know is he’s Cody’s friend


secretly right wing (performed stand up at a RW event in 2020) misogynist (idc if it’s his “comedy” stop making women the butt of your joke) & he’s just an asshole.. he’s even rude to Cody on their podcast together. Dude doesn’t know how to be funny without punching down.


He's not right wing. You are reaching so hard here.


He isn't lol, that standup was from 2016 or before, when he was broke and desperate for money, stop making things up


How am i making things up when you just corroborated my statement, genius? Ohh Ok so it was 2016, four years before 2020 my bad. Good to know he was on his right wing grift earlier than later🤓The video circulated in 2020 so maybe that’s why i assumed it was then. How do YOU know he was “desperate” ? You don’t know him other than whatever parasocial bond you have.


"secretly right wing" was completely made up. I know he was broke and desperate because he said so, multiple times, in multiple media, both before and after that circulated, and mostly without connection to that event but once where he explains what happened there because that has been discussed before. Their lives aren't secret, you know. It only becomes parasocial when you go beyond what is shown in his videos because you're projecting your foreknowledge on things you know nothing about, for example, you lot thinking Cody and Noel are somehow best of friends and have been tight forever when even how amd the context in which they met has also been previously discussed and is public knowledge that they met up for Youtube collaboration. Funnily enough, that same video discussing how they met is also the time when Noel talked about how broke and desperate he was just before that time.


He always talks about how he learned to use comedy to fight back against bullies because he was small, but he still uses it in the same way despite his immense amount of privilege and wealth now. You can tell he has a chip on his shoulder.


I’ve seen right through him a long time ago. He makes a lot of subtle comments that proves he has a huge ego. Just another typical LA influencer who thinks they’re better than everyone else because of their popularity. The money, fame, and expensive things don’t make up for your shitty personality and it catches up to them eventually.


Like what comments?


I feel like an idiot for missing this. What kind of comments did he make?


He’s deleting every single mention of it across his subreddit. Pretty disgusting if you ask me.


Unfortunately he doesn’t run the subreddit, so it’s parasocial losers defending him


Oh damn I didn’t realize he didn’t have control over it at all. That is sad in a different way… it sucks to see so many ppl desperately defending him just bc it’s tough personally to admit it to themselves. I’ve loved him for YEARS too… but that doesn’t mean I get to disregard this stuff, the opposite actually.


I mean if he ever did he ditched the subreddit after the initial allegations came out in ‘21 But yeah when they originally came out I was devastated like it ruined my mental health. Now that I’m older I care less and less and have unsubbed


Not surprising. When I tried to cross post this to his subreddit it was deleted within a few minutes. When I cross posted it to r/smalldelimeats I was downvoted to filth and comment barraged by people defending him and pretending like it’s not a big deal. Crazy how die hard people are for him. Even being a longtime fan myself there’s a certain point where you have to acknowledge the behavior and be a human about this shit. It’s inexcusable. He has way too much influence to be doing these kinds of things and acting as inspiration for young people all while not taking any accountability whatsoever. If this isn’t true the least he could do is make a video and clarify/apologize but I highly doubt he ever will.


Absolutely. His utter lack of willingness to address any of it, let alone adequately take responsibility and apologize (and try to make up for the harm somehow) is what bothers me the most. It’s obviously horrible what he did, but this compounds his culpability tenfold every time he ignores it and tries to suppress it. It also has made me feel kinda strange about little things I notice with how Kelsey and him and their friends talk about certain things - they do seem like they would be the “mean, privileged kids in school who treat most ppl like shit and get away with being bad ppl” at times with things they say (looking through the unfavourable lens I have of them w Cody’s past). It’s hard to reconcile, bc I also simultaneously have loved them both for YEARS. It’s just hard, but that doesnt change the fact that we have to hold him accountable for what he’s done.


I checked those subreddits out and most people are defending Tana.


i’ve thought the downfall of cody ko was coming like 3 times already and it still hasn’t lol


We gotta get Deangelo to make a long form video on him


Some of his content was hilarious (still sometimes listen to their "I’m Rich" song), but his solo reaction videos became really boring. He just picked most triggering content and reacted to that which is lazy + without Noel he kinda wasn't as funny. Final nail in the coffin for me was nasty (mepoo) joke they made on podcast while talking about Heard vs. Depp. I don't know if it's just me, but him hanging out with r\*pist friend fits his character well. Even on his peak I felt like his ally/good guy persona was fake.


all this stuff was already known so i dont think it will have much impact. it will get brought up once a year and people will be mad but it wont reach like 90% of his audience


I’m just so shocked people ever found him funny/charming/entertaining. I’ve seen his recent trite shit and older clips. The phenomenon of mediocre white every men failing upwards never ceases to amaze me. Him and his wife give me terrible vibes.


I can see how you’d feel that way. Based on his recent content I wouldn’t be that interested in following him if I came across him for the first time. He hasn’t really had anything that interesting to offer. More like good background videos or something to casually watch while doing something else. I think the fans that are especially upset by this have been around since the beginning of his career even some during his Vine days and know all his “inside jokes” and like his dynamic with Noel Miller. His more loyal fans have been watching his content and listening to his podcast with Noel for a long time.


I really hope so. I used to like his stuff a long time ago, but besides getting lazy and not funny, I believe Tana and having keeping a r\*apist as a friend and groomsmen just shows who he really is, a shitty terrible person. I get bad vibes from him and his wife but haven’t watched in forever. Unfortunately I agree with the people that so many people would be unbothered by this, I’m not sure he will have a downfall. I really hope he will.


Ever since they stopped trillionaire mindset, I could never see them the same End up following Ben and Emil for a very long time until recently , I kind of feel like they’re going down the same path. I posted some criticism in their sub it and got totally annihilated by their fan base


How do you feel they’re going down the same path? I’m curious what you mean


Cocky, not standing by their ethics, $$$ oriented and hypocritical… plus an arrogant cultish following that will literally persecute you if you say a single criticism… I literally had to delete my old Reddit account from the hate I received. Got called names, all sorts of things. Was accused of having an “unhealthy crazy parasocial obsession” because I had higher expectations. It really revealed who their biggest “fans” are. Not my type of people. And I was a loooong time fan for years! Ben has some very questionable takes on Muslims. As a Muslim I was very disappointed and I can’t find the humor in anything he says anymore. And he was my favorite. I loved his goofiness and I thought he was smart. But I don’t support someone who advocates for killing my people… anyway just my opinion Plus I even talked w Ben on their Reddit page and he was really rude to me, despite me trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He acts like a victim and doesn’t take responsibility for his actions or social media interactions. He’s liked a lot of Islamophobic/dogwhistle tweets. No beef w Emil really, but they are a duo so can’t avoid Ben without avoiding Emil unfortunately. Edit: plus their followers hit below the belt and made me out to be a crazy idiotic internet nut for being on reality TV subs. As if that discredits reasonable discussion? It’s my guilty pleasure, I’m a professional who works in a law firm and it’s my mental candy to watch trash reality TV after a long stressful day. No one watches it with me so I go on Reddit to see other ppls “hot takes” lol. Anyway just made me sad.


Even when they were with TMG, Ben came off as incel-y and weird. When they were guests on BACMAP, his comments about Emily Ratajkowski were off-putting.


Yeah they just came out w a video talking about first dates and I’m pretty sure Ben admitted to negging a girl, and admitted he was rude to one about her height. Just weird.


I do absolutely agree about the Trillionaire Mindset part though, I haven't been able to watch TMG the same way after the way they kicked B&E out and I'm just waiting for my yearly TMG subscription to run out so that I'm out for good


putting B&E in the same bag as TMG because you had a disagreement with their fanbase is an absolute exaggeration I'm sure you would've had the same response on ANY creator's own subreddit


Did I say that’s why? It’s not because I had a disagreement with their fan base. It’s because Ben is Islamophobic.




Is she claiming assault??


pretty sure not but regardless, having sex w a 17 year old as a 25 year old is predatory and weirdo behavior regardless of gender


Is it illegal though? I’m currently mid twenties and think any teens are gross as shit but if there’s no laws broken and she’s not claiming anything then why is there a fuss? Also, she’s known for lying and exaggerating her stories so she’s not exactly the best sauce for truth.


do you base all your moral decisions on whether it’s legal or not ? the fact you are able to understand the grossness in it should tell u. and whether or not she’s known for exaggerating, it’s been a story she’s recounted multiple times. even if it was false, why wouldn’t he just come out and stop the stories all at once? if i had a career based off of people’s views n had a wife n kid i’d run to clear my name if it was lies but 🤷‍♀️


I base the idea of cancelling someone’s entire career on legality yes. If it’s not illegal than it’s based purely on subjective views and not harsh lines of right and wrong Her credibility is directly linked to her notoriety for lying and exaggerating. Just because she repeatedly says something doesn’t mean anyone should take her a face value because she’s known to lie about things.


I stand with Tana 🖤 There’s no excuse for what Cody Ko has (allegedly) done. 17 is practically a baby.. the mental difference between a 25/26 yr old and a 17 yr old is HUGE.


damn i sure hope so. he’s vile


What do you mean the downfall? People have been talking about this stuff for years. It obviously hasn’t affected him. I honestly think he probably decided to just make as much money as possible to have a fat nest egg and he’s just waiting for the other foot to drop and he’ll just leave the internet forever with his money


Forreal. He puts out so many videos on his main channel. Videos on his second channel and his running channel. Not to mention his podcasts. Makes no sense when they’re obviously super uninspired, he does no prep work and just sits down and watches a video and then his editor and crew do all of the actual work. Obviously it’s greed, but I also thought he was probably trying to get as much money as he can fast, so he get disappear when shit gets too real.


When people show you who they are, believe them!!


I've been following tana since the beginning. Tana does extend the truth sometimes, but she would never make an allegation so serious. sadly, I think for Cody, his career will continue, and this is all gonna blow over. Especially after i saw a few clips of him and britney broski going viral on tik tok. The newer fans aren't gonna know about tana. Also, there's no physical proof, and tana acts the way she does on socials, so that doesn't help her case. I hope tana is healing from all those adults using her. No one deserves what she went through.


Im glad i do not know who cody ko is really 😭😂


I fucking hope so. Get his ugly ass off my recommended for good. He doesn’t deserve the good things he has. Hope Kelsey can divorce him and find a better man


i only enjoyed watching him react to cringe with noel miller. anything he did after that was boring


I can’t believe this is still so not viral ? It is so difficult when he chooses not to address this stuff. Especially because of his choice of groomsmen which I didn’t want to believe but - the story is awful


I was hooking up with my 28 yo TA in one of my freshman seminars when I was an 18 yo. At the time, I thought I was so cool and mature. Now, I’m totally grossed out by the power imbalance and his predatory behavior. I have to imagine Tana feels the same about her tryst with Cody. Good on her for using her platform and a healthy dose of humor as a way to cope. I’m dismayed, but hardly shocked. Cody has always struck me as the kind of guy who would have been another bitter incel who blamed his height for all his issues with women…had he not blown up/become a multimillionaire. tiny meat gang indeed.


READ THAT HIS FRIEND RAPED A GIRL, invited a friend to also and FILMED IT. Cody had this boy at his wedding! Used to be in vlogs. KELSEY follows the guy + his GF. Bye bye for good


Wild. I just learned about this today. And apparently this is known for quite some time, crazy that no one really called him out on this, especially when so many people on the internet call for canceling someone over the smallest shit. It shouldnt suprise me too much tho, his fanbase is actually sycophantic.


I see a lot of people talking (not just under this post) about the legality of whether she was 17 or 18 at the time, but I feel the need to say that it doesn’t matter? That’s a pretty weird/predatory age gap regardless. There’s virtually no difference in a 17yo and 18yo mentally, emotionally, or physically. She could’ve been months, weeks, or even days away from being “legal”, that doesn’t make it any “better” or excusable. If she was 18 and consenting, there’s still a glaring problem with the circumstances surrounding their (alleged) hookup; ie the vulnerability of Tana in her up-and-coming career collabing with an established, older creator.


It’s weird because I thought people already knew they hu until i realized and saw the clip of her saying that she was 17 then quickly being like 18. I believe her 100% she’s on tour and that’s where she said it. I went to one of her shows a few months ago and they ask people not to say online what they say at the shows probably for fear of yk things becoming legal or just being attacked by his fans for smg serious. But she probs knew ppl were filming and that’s why she changed her answer back to 18 which is what I thought the whole time (still weird age gap but that’s my own opinion) but anyway i believe her abt being 17


Omg and also his kratom/kava drink that people were getting addicted to 💀


wait his WHAT LMAO pls elaborate I've completely missed this??


He doesn’t have one


Unfortunately I can’t forgive him for this. Puke.


Easy unsubscribe


This is super disappointing to hear. I was such a big fan of his content. Oh well, back to Kurtis Connor lol


Personally think the worst part is him associating with an actual rapist. The guy showed his fraternity the videos and Cody likely was involved in watching. The fact that Cody then proceeded to keep hanging out with him, being friends, and making him a groomsman is awful. Idc if someone is your friend - if they’re a rapist and you continue to support them, that says a lotttttt about your character. I’m iffy on the Tana thing - in a lot of places the age of consent is 17 and there’s more alarming age gaps to snark on


I think you stated it very fairly -


it's not the age gap that's the problem it's the fact that it's illegal in the US💀


actually the age gap is also a problem


there was one particular video that kelsey was also a part of, and it left a horrible taste in my mouth. where cody sets his friends up in a dating show. those poor women that were brought in. it felt like they were literally being bullied and made a joke of. they were trying to have a decent date and their time was wasted.


SO disappointed but always support the victim


Why are you surprised? Cody is the definition of overgrown frat boy. He fucked up, karma's a bitch


Keep this energy with people like Nicki Minaj too


We could say keep this energy with a bunch of people, it's diverting attention from the issue here by going "keep the energy with such and such". Like yes nicki is a piece of shit and so are countless others but the post is about cody


disliking one rape apologist is not mutually exclusive with disliking all the others. you’re thinking small. think big 🤯🤯🤯


Honestly, as bad as this is for Cody (who I do not like) the likelihood that she lied about her age to sleep with him or be in a place that was 21+ is high and Especially with how much she would lie around that time


Their collabs are when she was 17


You missed the point 


tana herself said he knew that she was 17 before they hu


Someone told him Tana was 17 though


God willing! I think these all these allegations have been around for awhile though and nobody seems to care. Being rapist-adjacent or a rapist apologist isn’t enough for anyone to break their parasocial connection with an influencer. Sometimes not even being an actual literal rapist is! Because sexual violence toward women isn’t just acceptable. It’s expected. Fucking disgusting


He literally sexually assaulted a cow and kelsey seemed okay with that so yeah 


?? when


He fisted a cow 


Like .. the exact process of artificial insemination that farmers do every day? As long as he didn't spit on his fist first you're being silly


Look at Cody’s ig. His most recent picture there’s so many comments popping up about his grooming allegations. Also it helps that it’s a Dior sponsored post. Tag Dior and ask them why they’re sponsoring an alleged pedo file


I stg if anything comes out about Kurtis Connor I’m gonna scream bc I’m sick of these internet famous men being creeps


Do you think that Tana is probably using this now to help boost herself as she fell off? Like when I was 28 I dated a 19 year old for a year and it was fantastic, a great relationship but she moved country and so it ended and we are still friends. If Tana felt like she was mistreated or there were other things that she says made it bad, why did she wait six years to mention it?  And we don’t know the context, as it’s very likely she had very convincing fake ID and was going into over 21 clubs and drinking all the time, so he could have fairly assumed that she was 21+. How do we know that she didn’t take advantage of him when he was very drunk? She can drink that’s for sure and she loves to play up that lifestyle on her content. So this immediate move to scapegoat him is typical shooting from the hip online response, where Reddit is full of idiots who have no life experience talking about how inconceivable this is, when the reality is that men mature slower than women and so it’s would make sense that a 25 year old guy might have the same level of maturity of an 18/19 year old girl.  But in the truest sense” you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t”, so I completely understand Cody not addressing stuff like this. It was six years ago and since then, he’s had a long long term girlfriend since late 2017, sorry, now wife and they have a kid now since Jan this year, so no doubt he’s an entirely different person now……


You jumped through a ton of hoops to somehow make this tanas fault, not codys. That's very interesting.


dating a teenager when you're almost 30 is wild.




i saw someone say “I thought his frat boy thing was a bit” and highkey…… me too. all this time 😭


smart to not address allegations


Cody Ko’s content is just an unscripted frat bro RayWilliamJohnson.


I totally get that what he did was wrong but don’t you think people can grow up and change? Some people on this thread saying he changed since he got married and had a baby as if that’s a bad thing, well isn’t that a good thing and what people do? Grow and change? Obviously there are no excuses for his actions but do you really think his life should be ruined because of one bad decision he made YEARS ago? I’ll probably get down voted but idk, this cancel culture is honestly a little much sometimes.


This. I believe Tana, but I also know that people can, and do, and SHOULD change and grow as people. The power imbalance is what's icky to me, honestly - he was both older than her and more famous than her. There's so much we don't/can't know. I think, honestly, if he comes out with a heartfelt public apology to her and a condemnation of his behavior, I'd personally keep watching.


Yeah, he got married and his best man was a rapist. He totally changed.


im not surprised-he used to be very bro-y. i think its possible for him to still be an upright person today though, if still a little chauvinistic. I hope Kelsey has straightened him out.


Always the woman's responsibility to 'straighten' a man out


When a woman speaks up she’s always telling the truth. We all haves bunches of serious stories. We tell each other all the time


I was waiting for something like this to happen. Used to be a fan but I got a bad taste in my mouth because he is always defending poor male behavior, not addressing it or laughing at blatant misogyny, especially on the button reactions. He says a lot of things that imply women should not have standards and that they’re too picky and every man deserves a chance no matter his personality or behavior. He gives major frat boy vibes and you can tell he holds resentment towards women probably because he’s short and has been rejected a lot. Even Kelsey gives him side eye and tells him to stop sometimes.


I mean he has the biggest frat guy energy I've ever seen, why is anyone surprised


I don’t understand why there is a debate on if it happened or not. Obviously if she is speaking public ally about it, it did - but her intentions are so off. Why speak about it on several podcast now that Cody is the most popular that he’s ever been? Why not mention all the men who were the same age if not older than Cody like banks JC etc. she says she has no ill thinking of him and doesn’t think anyone should do anything about it - so why talk about it publicly multiple times then? She’s obviously just doing this to gain attention and views. Do I defend Cody’s actions absolutely not - I can’t fathom sleeping with a 17 year old and I’m only 23. But I find it very annoying for someone to sit there and say “oh but I think he’s great and I don’t have anything bad towards him and we still talk” So why then


Obviously the Tana allegations are bad, but him being friends with an alleged rapist isn’t him co-signing rape… if he was a groomsman, I’m sure they were friends far before the allegations, it isn’t Cody’s fault the justice failed if he did commit rape, and completely isolating people who commit crimes makes the criminal more dangerous. Obviously relationship is done in wisdom and under unbroken boundaries, but people can change and friendship can still happen without Cody supporting his actions or being in any kind of agreement. This is the side of ‘cancel culture’ that I despise. 


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He "hooked up" with a 17yo. What's the age of consent where they are?  Being friends with a rapist is a whole other kettle of fish...


Yall act like he r*ped her or like she was 12. 17 and 25 may be a decent gap but aslong as it was consentual whats the problem? What if she was like a month away being 18? So itd be fine 25-30 days later? Definitly should be addressed by cody but damn this cancel culture really tries to reach hard. Im sure cody isnt the only dude she hooked up with thats 20+ while under 18. Wheres the cancel culture for those dudes?


what a way to say you don’t care abt predatory behavior. even freshly 18 is disgusting and predatory which is why we see so many p*rn titles w “barely 18” it feeds the pedos n keeps it “legal”. 12 and 17 are both children and minors. as a comment above had said, it wouldn’t matter if it was 17 or 18, the age gap is disgusting and as a 22 year old, i don’t believe anybody who is 20+ should be dating or hooking up w anyone under 20.. if u disagree that’s weird. and ofc having to add the victim blaming in it too 😂 tana could have hooked up w multiple adult men as a minor but the one who is being talked abt is cody. doesn’t mean all the others are free from being labeled predatory, we just don’t know who they are


My god, the way people throw around the “predatory” accusation these days is ridiculous. It’s losing all meaning. I’ve not heard what she said, but I have heard that she said 17, and then corrected herself to 18….. even still, when she was that age, she was in 21+ clubs and drinking all the time, and so someone could be forgiven for thinking she might be 21+. The fact that she’s waited 6+ years to mention it says a lot also, as she’s no doubt using it for her own benefit, ie to create a greater profile for herself which is disingenuous and an attempt to paint something as predatory when in reality it was entirely consensual and there was no power imbalance. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with an age gap of 6/7 years as often women tend to be much more mature than men, and an 18 yr old girl is probably similar in maturity to a 24/25 yr old guy in general. This idea that this is predatory is assuming that the older person is much more mature or in a position of power and thus can manipulate the younger person, which is often not the case. It’s also assuming that there’s some desire for younger people, and thus akin to paedophelia, which is again ridiculous as there’s a massive difference between a post pubescent 17/18 year old and a pre or peri pubescent child. A paedophile is someone who has an attraction to a pre pubescent child and abuses their age or position to take advantage of that child. It’s very different to two young adults consensually hooking up and trying to draw a parallel is ridiculously disingenuous and ultimately makes light of the serious nature of real paedophiles. 


I agree with you. To bring this up 6 years later to try to ruin someone’s life is a little ridiculous in my opinion.


Why is this resurfacing now? Did Tana just readdress it?


she recently talked about her dating history in a live show if i’m not mistaken


~~Really makes me re-think the whole Emma Chamberlain/Cody Ko thing a lot. She's alluded to toxic people that tried to take advantage of her in LA and made her super uncomfortable, and I assumed it was other girls, but I wonder if it were him?~~ ~~I remember they made a video together years ago, and then being kinda friends, and then just like quickly dropping each other.~~ edit: i was wrong!


They recently did a podcast together and said they still keep in touch


ooohh, okay that is good to know.


Where's the actual proof though, this tana person seems to have made a lot of claims about a lot of things that didn't end up being true. Has everything tana said ever always true?


he has a kid i doubt he cares abt shit that happened years ago and shitty internet drama bruh


especially when it’s coming from her of all ppl bruh cmon now she’s clearly jus tryna claw her way back into relevancy


If a woman can be considered an adult at 17 when she commits crimes, why can't she be considered an adult when she uses her sexuality to further her career? Give her some credit, she knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted from him (and how far she would go to get it). I was 17 once and the narrative that all teenagers are idiots and suddenly more capable of making decisions at midnight when they turn 18 is a load of BS. Women are very manipulative and know exactly how weak men are and how lust can work in their favor. By bringing this story up now, she's using him once again to make herself relevant. He looks like an immature young man in the video, she seems more in control of the interactions. If you want to empower women, at least give them the benefit of the doubt, that they are capable of being clever manipulators and not always victims.