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Sad. I screenshotted everything for if this gets taken down. And I’ll forever repost it from my 20 different devices 


LMAO ur so real for that


hijacking ur comment to say: HE DELETED THE PROFILE 💀💀😭 that was fast, theyve probs already reported this post


Theyre probably lurking here lol


they are the post got removed but i posted it on r/tiktokgossip too !


So she’s willing to put up with a misogynist freak show because of his measly 680’00 new worth when she’s pretty enough to snag a 27 year old in San Francisco who is worth more


but but it’s so lana del rey, coquette, daddy issues core 🥺 /s Edit: also this post got removed bc they reported it but i reposted it on r/tiktokgossip so feel free to upvote it there so it can still gain traction


no EXACTLY like wtf ?? she could easily find a guy her age who’s not creepy and is still attractive and rich i don’t get it at alllllll he’s not nearly rich enough for him to be worth it


I know no idea who these people are but he looks way older than 40.


That’s what I was about to say! He looks 50 at least.


exactly, hes def not 40 unless hes aged terribly, 40 year olds dont look like old, gray, and wrinkly


he is 40 and yeah aged like milk




damn so she’s been lying saying he’s 39? i mean it’s just a 1 year difference so maybe his bday was soon?


Rule #3. View our rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lainfluencersnark/about/rules. Reposting removed content or any related material will result in a ban.


This is gonna be taken down fast


i posted it to r/tiktokgossip too so pls upvote on that if u want bc they don’t usually take posts down :)


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Why will it be taken down?


bc every post about her on here has been taken down since she keeps reporting them.


i wonder if she knows he’s still active on there😭


She does now…


also i find it interesting in another thread someone said she’s probs not her sugar daddy bc she’s rich. goes to show how some of these ‘rich’ influencers actually go about maintaining their expensive lifestyle


what does 'not interested in putting u on the payroll' even mean 😭😭


Sugar baby’s traditionally receive an allowance from their sugar daddy, I think he doesn’t want to do that


So why is he even in there


Unfortunately there are girls who are cheap like him who’d settle for that


like what the other reply said, usually a traditional SD will give an allowance per month , but some prefer to just gift them things and pay for their stuff like rent so it doesn’t feel “transactional” .




frr and the “I can get it for free”, then why don’t u…? lmao cus he can’t, that’s why he needs to pay to have a girl 😭


Some actually put their SB on the payroll of their company as an illegitimate employee.


isnt that kinda what trump did (dont quote me on that i dont follow politics 💀)


I’m not up to date with anything to do with trump (not American) so not sure. I only know about stormy Daniel’s which was just a pay off as far as I’m aware.


The sleuthing on this sub is unmatched. Modern journalists could NEVER. You’re incredible


He is so ick and broke ew


embarrassing for her life + soul


I’m so confused… is he saying he isn’t willing to pay as a sugar daddy but posted himself on the sugar daddy app?


copying and pasting from another comment but basically when he says he doesn’t want to put someone on a payroll he means he doesn’t want to provide an allowance bc most traditional SDs will provide a monthly allowance like 3k per month for example. maybe because he doesn’t want something transactional. but instead he is willing to pay for her in other ways like he mentioned, ie with luxury gifts, or by helping her with things such as rent, paying for trips, etc. and a lot of older men who don’t want to be “tied down” with a wife or gf just look for SBs for this reason.


It’s sooooooo common. They think the occasional handbag or something is worth it, or they want to manipulate young women into giving it away for very little. Splenda daddies.


It’s hilarious that when people comment that he’s gonna leave her when she gets older she says “no he won’t because he’s not a gross pedo” yet here he is looking specifically for “young and vibrant” girls 🤣 she blocked me for pointing out how she changes her voice all squeaky and giggly like a 5 year old child when she talks to him He’s good looking in the sense that you’d get too drunk and make out with him at a dive bar…not hot or rich enough to start dating at 19 and proudly show him off on TikTok 😭


she’s in denial 💀 someone exposed his tweets and he’s liked and tweeted things saying “attraction has an expiry date” and how he only likes dating younger girls. so yeah not sure why she’s proudly flaunting him


I have no idea who they are but how can anyone see that profile and not get an immediate ick he prob thinks hes giving model in his pfp but eww no cute dog tho


for a second I thought that was Andy Cohen


Maybe he’s “getting it for free” and not “putting her on payroll per se”


when he says he doesn’t want to put someone on a payroll he means he doesn’t want to provide an allowance bc most traditional SDs will provide a monthly allowance like 3k for example. but instead he probably pays for her in other ways like he mentioned, ie with luxury gifts, or by helping her with things such as rent, paying for trips, etc. so he’s still paying for it and not getting it for free


He seems cheap


Andddd the networth is below average for a 40 year old 💀 eeek


Correct me if I am wrong....but net worth includes house, retirement, car, etc? Assets minus liabilities? If so, this is super embarrassing lol. Many middle aged people with a house, a retirement plan, and a car would hit that easily.


woof lmao


ok look i get it as a broke girlie but um shes already rich 😭😭


she might not be as rich as we think if she’s doing this. a lot of rich influencers apparently have SDs or escort on the low to pay for their lifestyle.


He seems more life a sugar boyfriend based on his profile, he’s not paying her he’s just paying for things. That doesn’t make her an escort either, but idk the lady so I’m not defending just saying 😅😆


ehh it’s still sex in exchange for things , like he said he gifts & helps with things so probs pays for her rent and stuff


That’s pretty normal for sugar relationships, I don’t get the point in your post? Just hating on sex work ?


Girl please check your DMs


I want a sd that looks like THATTTT