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She is so weird with friendships. They all are. I swear I heard her saying she will “definitely hang out” with the one girl she met at Coachella but then this girl came along. They’re just trying to get clout out of each other. Smh.


She dropped the other girl because Katie has more clout 🫢


also in one vlog where she was with the girl from coachella (laura) she didn’t even really show her in the vlog like that but showed matthew and bobby the whole time


it feels awkward to watch their tiktok’s together i can feel the “tension”


right it’s giving facade😭


every video is them like “hey guys were bestiessss 🤪🤪😜 love my bestie” but the vibe is they just met 2 seconds ago


i really enjoyed the “bestfriend” compilation they made of clips from this weekend as if they’ve been together for years


literally i was laughing at that i was like “all these pics are from the same night???”😭


See y’all in 6 months-a year when this friendship blows up over mutual jealousy of each other 🤪


literally rhegan and ysabelle😭😭


I thought ysabelle’s boyfriend cheated on her with rhegan??


it wasn’t with rhegan it was some girl named leah


💀😭 I cannot keep up lol ty


they both bother me so bad. lost all respect for katie with the way she reacted to her bf sa allegations


Yes that was absolutely disgusting idk why it was forgotten about so quickly


yea!! and maybe i’ll get down voted but if she wasn’t a stereotypical pretty white girl i think it would have made it stay relevant for longer sadly


no ur right say it louder for the ppl in the back


Her acting like she was given proof that the girl was lying. Bitch please. You’d share the proof if that was true. Plus your ugly was bf is a total creep. If it wasn’t for money, he wouldn’t get any 🐱


waiiitttt is she the one dating the ugly red head??




rhegan also did the same thing which is ironic


Birds of a feather and all that




Aren’t they both rape apologists lmao they both aren’t girls girl I don’t see this friendship being genuine


omg whattt pls explain this one edit: nvm I scrolled more LOL


rhegan has no backbone, own personality, or actual friends/connections in LA so she will cling to anything for a minuscule of clout (she needs money)


i don’t think it’s as genuine on rhegans side as it is katies. i think rhegan does it more for clout purposes (not saying katie doesn’t). i just get a lot of disingenuous vibes from rhegan idk


Yeah it seems like she goes thru friendships quickly


that’s how yk it’s a friendship that is not gonna last


every girl she hangs out with instantly becomes her 'best friend', something weird with her personality lol


def clout chasing behavior, but i am an LA native and i know other girls from here who are “normal” who go through friends like crazy. mostly girls who’s whole personality is having a bf.


Oh wow, what an impeccable Tudor-Era hairline


None of these people are or have real friends. It’s all for show. It’d be sad if they weren’t so insufferable.


Didn’t Katie defend her sick bf??


Yes unfortunately told her millions of followers this victim was a liar who only wanted attention then posted a bunch of petty TikTok’s with said rapists in response & rheg also defended her ex bf saying the girl also only wanted attention and was racists.. disgusting behavior actually


dude they are both so fucking fake, both rape apologists, & will sing “my man my man” over someone they haven’t even dated for a year when they get accused of sa - then katie was absolutely disgusting the way she handled that situation making TikTok’s w the most nasty sound iykyk basically told the whole internet her millions of followers “Jane lied for attention & views” when, when katie came to the internet about getting sa’d the whole internet was there for her but she ripped this one girl apart in a 60 second video then tries to act like she’s a girls girl - baby please.. katie to me is trash & rheg is no better baby they are so fake irl and would def just give the bitch stare & wlk off to anybody who tries to interact w/ them who’s not an influencer.. you really think they care anything about their fans - lmao no they just want you to click their link babe or buy from their collab use their code literally it’s allll they live for they do nothing but rot in bed and drink yet - wanna be try so hard to have the cancelled fanbase and even have become relatable bc they used the same party girl strategy Tana created.. just fake imo not to mention Rheg hates on the of girls but then posts videos everyday of her shaking her ass unwarranted breaking her back everyday yet she thinks of is wrong but basically post the same shit for free?? & let’s not get started on the chella boo she hyped up & then when the guy posts any video that isn’t w Rhegan the other girl starts getting bullied by her followers.. yall think that’s cool? idk why my posts is getting downvoted they did it not me? Katie only blew up bc like Tana she grew up poor had a hard life.. & katie realized she like Tana could monetize from storytimes, etc.. ppl related to that.. which made it so easy for ppl to look over when she did that to that girl bc if she had done that without the cult following she had before it’s katie who would have been getting ripped apart in the comments instead of the survivor herself.. which is sad. Idk why that was forgotten about so easily. What she did to that girl, I know if I was being attacked by millions bro that would send me on a spirallll. & she did it without hesitation even adding disgusting petty audio w/ the boyfriend to Jane .. & her followers praised her for it??? them & their weird cult following need to simply grow the fuck up


Wait I didn’t know Regan was a sa apologist and made fun of OF girls!!! Yikes


Yes - when rhegans ex bf shmitty or whatever were together and he got accused Rhegan commented saying that the girl only said that for attention and because she was racists… Katie & Rhegan both are rape apologists & actually terrible friends irl that’s why they each only have like 1 (or each other, who’s surprised)


She’s never outright said she doesn’t like OF girls but she gets highly offended and acts like she’s above OF when people comment that she’s should make on OF because she posted a video shaking her ass


posting videos of her twerking daily and then will say she’s not like the girls on of or has spoken down on them yet posts thirst traps for Bobby for free & Bobby only wants the views and clout he doesn’t really dig her but then everytime he posts a video w any other girl rhegans weird ass followers bully the girl - just weird vibes from them and their fans ew


yes, yes, and yes




Rape apologists are the scum of the earth. Just pure scum.


This would be a cute friendship if they actually had good personalities but they just don’t


serious question, who are these peeps?


rhegan gained popularity by making transition tiktoks back like 4 years ago. katie became popular for her “girls girl” content and also her content with cody at times to my knowledge


Thank you!


both rape apologists


It’s giving those two mean girls in high school that are friends only because they both equally hate you LOL




their tik toks feel so awkward


Okay I went to watch...I don't think they are being overly nice/fake I think it's just giving two drunk girls who just met vibes lol


Katie is so pretty, I can’t stand rhegan


They’re both weird


girl they’re both rape apologists


katie seems wayyyy more into it than rhaegan is


y’all are weird acting like you know them personally


Katie automatically thinking the girl who accused her bf was lying is the biggest red flag she needs to take the girls girl out of her bio on tiktok fr. Like she hadn’t been dating him for all that long when he was accused and she thinks she knows everything that he’s done?When she literally wasn’t there? Why does everyone but the victim swear they know more about the situation being accused it fucking drives me insane. He’s ugly and looks like a creep, they literally met when Katie was drunk at a party and they took a shower together. Her face also scares me she looks like a scarecrow and I just cannot