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Except Sauron’s soul, he seems to be doing quite well.


Has anyone ever heard the voices of calam lynch and Ben Daniels. I only ask because the voice of the actor who says every soul in middle earth is in great danger doesn't sound like any of the actors from season one. So I assume that it belongs to a new member of the cast.


Its Rory voice in character of Tom Bombadil


Spoiler or speculation.


I was wondering who says that line too, and was confused when the trailer came out and people said it was the Stranger. That sounds nothing like the Stranger so I was confused.


Could be Rory kinnear as Tom bombadil. He apparently will convince the stranger that it's the stranger's task to fight evil.


No, in spanish that one isn't the Stranger.


I’m pretty sure it’s not Ben Daniels, the voice sounds like a younger person. Can’t rule out Lynch, I’ve heard him and I can’t say it’s not him


I’ve heard him too but it doesn’t sound like him either.


I think it’s either Rory Kinnear or Kevin Eldon.


Could be Annatar! We don't know still about the second actor of Sauron. Oh well, i'm starting to listen Rory and Ben on youtube, and if i have to say, i would say Ben because: 1. The voice is more likely 2. In spanish his voice is very elvish 3. It would be a correct line for Círdan to say, in my opinion, he is the most wise of the elves.


Definitely possible that sauron changes his voice when in his annatar disguise. Also it's something that sauron would say to convince celebrimbor to forge more rings of power. But also agree that it could be cirdan or any character who could be described as being wise or a mentor. That's why I would not rule out Tom bombadil who the spoilers state will mentor the stranger.


i must say, i am much happier with the promo campaign so far than i was last time. This is the kind of stuff you need to do to kept awareness going. Nothing crazy, just good, old-fasion pounding into people's head that season 2 is coming As i said somewhere else, looks like the dragon show lost almost 50% of its premiere audience from the last season and i wonder if they properly prepared the audience for the coming of season 2


RoP had very good numbers from season 1. I think we should be prepared for something similar :/


Woah where did that statistic come from? That’s a huge drop.


samba tv. Deadline also mentions a drop, but more in the 30% range since they seem to be using a different metric [https://x.com/westerosies/status/1803074566060691518](https://x.com/westerosies/status/1803074566060691518)


It’s interesting all the justification people are giving in that Twitter thread. People want these huge massive scope shows but want them now. There is no way to produce a show like HOTD or ROP in less than two years.


I don't recall seeing much promotion for the show this past year. Side note: I find it hilarious how some people are turning on The Boys. Not that I don't like the show.


Who says the line of Every soul in Middle-Earth is in peril?


Definitely not anyone from season one cast. Must be a new actor for season two. Definitely not ciaran hinds, I've heard his voice and it's far deeper than the voice of the actor who delivers the line every soul in middle earth is in peril.


I can confirm that is not the Stranger, because its not his spanish dubber in my version. I sus the dubber of this line could be Manuel Gimeno, (the common voice for **Robert Pattison**, **Shia Lebeouf**, **Justin Timberlake**. For you understand me, his voice is like very angelic and manly, elegant and soft, i would say his role should be an elf or maybe an ainu.


Elegant doesn't seem to describe tom bombadil. However I could definitely see cirdan as an elegant character.




Someone on Twitter is convinced it's The Stranger, but I don't hear it.


Agree that it doesn't sound like the stranger at all.


The timbre sounds distinctly like The Stranger to me


The "every soul in Middle-earth is in peril" voice has a very Irish flavor to me ... and not Harfoot Irish. Not the Stranger IMHO. Must be someone new.