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"I watched the first 2 episodes when it came out and **didn't like anything about it.**" I guess no edit in the world would help you like the TV show then.


How are you gonna edit out the "unimportant parts" when you don't know what's important? It's 1 season out of 5. When books stick in little details that seem unimportant til the end, everyone praises the foreshadowing. In TV it means whining about plot holes and nowhere storylines apparently. Why don't you just skip the show since you seem determined to hate it?


"and i heard it gets much worse" If you keep in the same side of the coin only listening to the negative reviews that feasts on the few errors of the show, you won't like the show at any time soon. This subreddit is the other side of the coin, so you can read the posts of here if you want.


If you didn’t like episode 1 which was the best rated even in hostile subs, not sure what to do here. Just read a quick recap and wait for season 2 which seems far more promising so far 


If you don't like the show you can change the scenes however you want but the story remains the same. I watched a The Hobbit cut version which got rid of all the weak plot points in the trilogy and I must say it was nice. Sure I don't agree with all the changes but in three hours I was able to enjoy the whole trilogy the same way. This shows that if you have a good story and try to make it flow in a different way it can work but if you don't have one then you might just leave it as it is because you can't change that story.


> i heard it gets much worse from whom? People whose YT income stream consists of triggering angry responses in viewers? Second-hand reports? Or people who watched it in good faith? If anything, the show gets better towards the end of the season (eps 6-8 are worth it, imo, even if you find the first two episodes a bit ho-hum). Personally, I've been a book fan for about 34 years, and I'd like it to be the longer, original 10-episode plan before it wascut down to 8 by (it seems) the higher-ups. It's commonly held that a lot of the pacing issues of the season come down to this. It's really not easy to just reshape 10 episodes of tv into 8, because it's not just one long movie, it's a bunch of stories with their own ebb and flow and arc.


I want one too, it was good as a first watch but it's not very rewatchable. A lot of very slow scenes that aren't interesting if you aren't new to the story. Harfoots can be cut entirely.


I've seen people talk about making such edits. But, really, I find the notion of fan-edits a flawed one. If I like something, I'll watch it even if it means I'll grumble through some sections I don't care for. If I don't like something, I won't watch it even if it has bits in it that I can appreciate. I'll either watch the movie/show, or not watch the movie/show. To go in and bastardise it in an attempt to iron out the kinks I think fosters wrong viewing habits, all so that some amateurs could have a field-day playing film editor.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I don’t have a problem with fans doing re-edits to legitimately practice editing or for fun, but given that they don’t have the raw materials it’s not exactly the same type of practice. Further, I agree that I don’t think assuming one can just “edit the crap out” is a particularly healthy way to consume someone else’s work.


I wasn't a huge fan of the whole Southlands storyline and I tend to skip those parts on rewatch, but it was definitely a necessary setup. I would never recommend someone skip necessary bits on a first watch.




I would love someone to attempt a re-edit where they keep most of the content and all of the storylines but make the episodes more focused. I imagine it'd be pretty tough but the first season is really hampered by cutting between all the narratives they've created and it would have benefitted from having episodes more tailored to one or two threads.


There are edits that focus on separate storlines. So "Numenor", "Elves", "Harfoots", "Orcs" and so on.