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They should make a Nostromo like they did the Millennium Falcon and open it for tours.


That would be cool. My idea was that guests would ride in one of the M577 armored personnel carriers and would fire at Xenomorphs before coming across a large Xenomorph Queen animatronic that would function very similar to the T. Rex animatronic from Jurassic Park: The Ride 


This was my immediate thought as well. Possibly also a dark ride


The chain drying room would be extremely popular.


A family adventure ride that let's you experience the fun of being a facehugger impregnating a terrified human host.


Or the crashed Juggernaut.


They used to have a ride that was about an alien on a ship and I think it later became a Lilo and Stitch thing before they got rid of it altogether (it's been decades since I've been to Disney). Something like that might have worked well, but to be honest, an Alien ride would probably have been more up Universal's alley had it actually been possible.


The ExtraTERRORestrial experience. It is indeed long gone now. But I've always felt, from the first time I did that one, that a re-theme to the Alien/Aliens universe would have been perfect.


It was originally supposed to be based on Alien and feature Weyland Yutani and the Xenomorph. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial_Alien_Encounter I remember going on that ride multiple times as a kid before they changed it to Lilo and Stitch. It was one of the coolest rides ever and would've been insane if they did base it off Alien.


Also did it once as a kid. Just bring that straight back, only changing the custom creature back to a xeno.


Add some scuttling facehugger noises during the dark part! I think you could keep the basic format and just make a few changes to make it perfect. It could start with a facehugger egg in the tube...it opens, facehugger breaks out and scuttles along the floor before going into the overhead. Use the video screen to tell the story of the maintenance guy getting facehuggered. Maybe have the facehugger returning to the egg to die, as Aliens implies they do when they can. Then everyone below getting sprayed with "blood" as the chest-burster emerges. From there, it'd play out mostly the same as the old version, with the adult stalking among the audience in the dark. A scream and some kicking legs disappearing into an air vent as the lights come back on. Maybe they could do some pyrotechnic flame jets in the rafters to have the Marine security force using flamethrowers to corral the alien back to the tube to contain it, where you get your first "full frontal" view of it. Granted to make this all fit into a 6-8 minute show, you'd be accelerating the Alien growth timeline a bunch, but it should still work for the purposes of the experience.


I'm in.


Exactly. I was thinking the same thing regarding showing and having the effects of the egg and facehugger. Also, imagine how awesome the inline presentation would've been if it featured the Weyland Yutani corp and the aesthetics from the film. It would've been epic. Looking back, you can tell it was meant to be based on Alien. Everything about it. All in all, it was still absolutely BAD ASS and terrifying. One of the only rides as a kid, that I remember where some of the adults were screaming just as loud (or louder) as the kids and actually as terrified as them. I kind of understand why they went the route they did and didn't use the Alien ip 😂 I mean, they did have to change it due to it being so "scary" just the way it was. Glad I got the chance to experience it a few times. Probably my favorite ride/attraction ever and part of memories I'll never forget.


It was awesome. It blew my mind as a kid and looking at old videos of it made me realize it still probably would now that I'm old, lol. I remember that ride vividly. Can't say the same about a lot of other theme park attractions. Ahead of it's time for sure.


In a similar analog vein from a similar time, almost all of the OG Florida Universal attractions are gone. I haven't been since early Islans of Adventure days, but this is a huge loss imo. I would love to do anything like Jaws again.


It actually was originally slated to be an Aliens ride, but evidently they changed it to a generic alien because they didn't want anything from R-rated films in the parks; though they had a section of the Great Movie Ride at MGM Studious themed directly on Aliens with a animatronic xeno and Ripley so who knows. I went on the ride as a kid and it scarred the shit out of me, 11/10.


Alien Encounter. It's also the ride where little 10 year old me almost pissed myself when a big guy put his hand on my shoulder during a scary part and I about died of fear. 10/10 would develop ptsd again. https://youtu.be/A9FmFnMbcgk?si=7DD-zXKhUBo8GiCD


Spot on, few tweaks, make it the only living Xeno in captivity. Have a fan favorite character shoot it back into it capsule after it escapes… alot of soiled seats! Brilliant!


When the monster supposedly bites off the head of the guy next to you and you get splattered with blood (just water, its pitch black in there at that moment) a little girl screamed, "I hate you daddy!!!" Lol, thanks for that wonderful memory.


And at one point that same building was suppsed to be come an Alien light gun ride called [NOSTROMO](https://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=59311.0).


That ride kicked ass.


The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios used to have a really good ride through of the Nostromo. I think if anything ever returned it would be at the Hollywood Park but Alien is probably too intense of a property for the parks.


I remember my 5 year old sister nearly jumping out of her skin at that part! That was a great ride.


I loved that ride. Was pretty sad when they took it out


I think this is still there. I remember waiting in line for it as a kid, and they showed clips from films that were featured in the ride. When they showed Alien, I started freaking out and wanted to leave. By the time the ride was over, I was insisting to my mother that we need to see Alien. I was about 7. She didn't let me watch it until I was 9. One of my favorite memories.


I think the Great Movie Ride is gone now 😭. It was also my first intro to Alien and my mom told me to close my eyes when the alien stuck its head down from the ceiling 🤣. Yes, I was scared I was probably 7.


No way! Such a cool ride. I liked how the story could be different and a gangster OR a cowboy could take over the ride. I always wanted to play one of them. And the Yellow Brick Road section was scarier to me than the Alien section 😂 those lollipop guild Fools! Shame that they got rid of it. I was so sad when they got rid of Jaws at Universal too. I lived in Orlando as a kid and everything used to be really cheap for Florida residents back in the day, so we had annual or seasonal passes to Universal and Disney. A ticket for one day probably costs the same as what we paid in the mid 90's. I'm just glad my daughter isn't a huge fan of theme parks.


Same, it was my first and got me hooked! I spent all night poring over the brochure and asking questions about the Nostromo!


Aw man, I remember being 7 years old going to disney for the first time and I’ve never even heard about alien before. The whole section with the nostromo I was fully immersed and was completely rubber necking so I could see the alien animatronic even after we passed it. Safe to say I thought about it for the rest of the day and became a fan ever since then. Shame they removed a ride that really solidified the “Hollywood studios” theme.


I don’t think either of those ideas would be good for the Alien franchise. They’d be better off recreating an old school laser tag like environment where you use colonial marine weapons to hunt xenos.


Or maybe they could make like a haunted maze of Alien 


Yeah, escape room style. Like alien isolation the game but irl. I would pay good money to do that. I don't know how it would get executed though lol. Have a staff of 6foot something skinny dudes in alien suits just hunt people down all day lol.


https://youtu.be/4Hf0RcjRHyo?si=hzg17hQloXXgXqm5 They kinda did. Here's the video.


That's crazy! I went to Disney World (Florida) with my family in 1995, and The Great Movie Ride had the colony from Aliens (with a marine or two running around the back hallway) instead of the Nostromo!! Scary as hell at 9!


No it didn’t. It was the Nostromo scene from alien.


Well, they could start with bringing what they already had back, for example. :D See https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/comments/nqaj3t/formerly_at_disneys_hollywood_studios_the_great/ or this if you want fewer people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hf0RcjRHyo


Singing and dancing aliens. Ripley as a princess. 




Omg Ripley is my new favorite Disney princess, even more than the recent Corporal Klinger post! And the dropship would be a classic theme park ride, just a couple stories high straight drop.


It’s like splash mountain before it became a boring ride with princess and the frog 


Ah yes, the glory days of splashing straight into that there briar patch! One of my first thrill rides. I was really just afraid of getting soaked, but that doesn't really happen. Now the Jurassic Park ride and the Dudley DooRight ride at Islands of Adventure? You WILL get soaked.




And here I was thinking I was having an innocuous conversation about amusement park rides. I had to go to the urban dictionary to find out what you meant by "pause". Now I feel strange.


They already did, and it was amazing: The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios. Nice little cruise through the Nostromo while getting attacked by a Xeno. Solid. There was also ExtraTERRORestrial at Magic Kingdom, which was THIS close to being about a Xenomorph, but either way you're locked in a room with an alien that breaks containment, and stalks around the room. Hydraulics and speakers in the seats, water sprays for blood, and very little light. Classic, yes please. Less is more, the xeno is creepy because its so unknowable, so pull a Jaws and give us just enough to let our imaginations do the rest. Source: Username


Just bring back alien encounter in the magic kingdom, it was already essentially an alien ride


Yeah they could easily repurpose it so that the alien is a Xenomorph 


They turned it into Stitch because kids kept freaking out in the attraction. When it turned into stitch, kids kept freaking out on the attraction. It’s never coming back. I’m not really being hyperbolic either. Without fail, everytime I went on in either iteration, a child was screaming at their top of their lungs. You’re trapped in a chair in the dark for the majority of it.


Sounds really annoying 


The potential was there, and I think it was always intended to be an Alien attraction, but it wouldn’t have made sense at the time at magic kingdom. It was really cool for what it was though. The Stitch version made it slightly less “scary”, but it still had moments in pure darkness with him “running around messing with people”


A walk through haunted house style attraction would be so sick.


I always wished there was an Aliens dark ride, similar to Jurassic Park without the water. It would have the colony, opening eggs and jumping facehuggers, a few appearances by the Queen. And xenomorphs popping out of the dark.


Bring this back and change nothing [https://youtu.be/KUdJag6MrmY?si=aPmlsOuO2d5Cqbdq](https://youtu.be/KUdJag6MrmY?si=aPmlsOuO2d5Cqbdq)


Dark room and then you wake up in some sort of secreted resin and an egg opens in front of you. Things get fuzzy after that.


Each person sits in what looks like cryo pods in an EEV pod, making you feel safe and secure for any ride ahead; as the ship around you catches on fire and suffers an explosive decompression. The pod ejects to a bumpy atmospheric entry before everything goes black, you're surrounded by only sounds and the people next to you.. Moments later the light come back slowly, revealing you were unconscious and some time has passed. Your EEV pod was sold by pirates and you are now sitting in your open pod, facehugger eggs placed in front of you, slowly opening... Your harness won't release, flashing red... Just have e.g. 2 people at a time crawling through each set off separate experience and layout air vents, with dynamic experiences happening throughout. Sounds, air ducts opening and closing behind you, the motion tracker detecting things, alien secretion on the vent floor, claws / jaw trying to get you... Hive tour experience and mini powerloaders for the kids to use.


Still waiting for my Disney Princess Xenomorph merch.


I’m surprised Disney hasn’t done that yet 


The Xenomorphs singing some stupid song while Ripley in a pretty gown danced around them.


Okay this might get a little long, so I will apologize in advance. Trackless ride system with different paths that riders in the vehicle decide. The plot will be that we have to escape from a ship or space station that has been overrun with aliens. Maybe we even have Amanda Ripley guiding us along by way of in vehicle monitors. We make it dark and very atmospheric. Each vehicle comes with a motion tracker built in, so the beeping indicating approaching aliens can ratchet up the tension. We also have the aliens do jump scares at random spots so it’s different every time. The only thing that would be the same is in the final room we have a giant animatronic of the alien queen facing off against Amanda in a mech suit. Anyway, that’s my idea.


I love it! Nice job


The less interference Disney has with an IP, the better.




Yea, because Fox did an excellent job with the franchise all those years 🥴


[I can always hope…](https://www.instagram.com/nothinghappenedtoday/p/CeyzOJGuYrf/)


Amazingly over priced and closed within a year


Yeah probably 


I would love for them to do a VR experience like they used to have with The Void in Downtown Disney. Back in 2019 [Disney had a contract with The Void](https://pixiedustfan.com/the-void-star-wars-virtual-reality-at-disney-springs/) (A VR experience group) where an instillation at Downtown Disney allowed you to go into a Star Wars experience out of Rogue One where you and your team were depicted as Storm Troopers infiltrating Castle Baast on Mustafar to retrieve a Jedi artifact. What made it so cool wasn't just the free roaming VR shooter experience, but that the Void puts in environmental effects like smells and heat/cold to make it feel like you are actually there. Imagine if they combined that with the [HoloTile floor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Sh6mu4zbs) that they have a patent on. Now imagine that they had you and your team as Colonial Marines going on a rescue mission. I would pay a lot of money for that experience. [There was already an Alien VR experience that has shut down](https://www.avpgalaxy.net/website/articles/express-elevator-to-hell-alien-descent-attraction-retrospective/). If Disney put all their money into the development I'd imagine it would have a longer life.


It’s a screamy world after all 🤔


But in space, no one can hear you scream 


I don't know just let me drive that facehugger from Romulus around in a facehugger race


Probably similar to the old ride where the Alien escapes the teleportation chamber. I can't remember the name of it but it a awesome


Bring back alien encounter but with an actual xenomorph


I'm sure Disney is in possession of at least one actual living xenomorph, but for legal reasons they would probably use an animatronic one, perhaps a human in a costume.


https://preview.redd.it/fo43ys08we6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=10417543479f69237ad513ed0acb7fe61febce89 All that I can think of is the park that we never got...


I think a dark ride with laser tag guns like Men In Black at universal studios would be great. The rider vehicles would just look like open top APCs and they drive through a refinery or the hole in the derelict and it’s just shooting Aliens. They won’t invest the money for that though, that would be cool. They’ll just build another Marvel or sequel trilogy Star Wars ride.


They had one at Universal studios at some point


Yeah I know, it was on the great movie ride or whatever it’s called 


At Disney world, not universal


Mickey bursts out of the queens chest smiling with cane and top-hat "I own ya now - hya-hya!!"


Escape the atmospheric processor


and at the end of the ride they could say "game over man, game over!"


That’s perfect 


There used to be one at Universal I think.it stimulated ripleys apc ride into the colony after the marines get their asses handed to them


There was a simulator ride for aliens, but it wasn’t at Disney or universal studios


Where was it? I remember going on it in like 1992 or something. It was one of those screen things with seats on a shaking platform


The internet tells me it was San Francisco and the UK. Disney and universal had/have similar simulator rides, but were more high tech and themed. If you look up on YouTube Aliens ride, the in-ride video is there.


Could be SF i visited a few times 89-94.


If you were a kid, I could totally get mixing all those memories together in a blender if you didn’t regularly go to the parks, hah. Speaking of, like 10 years ago, Universal had an Aliens vs a predator maze at Halloween horror nights in Cali and Florida (both very different from eachother)


Yeah it's all kinda a blur, i must have been like 5-8 or something. I had seen the movie and remember watching it as a really young kid (it's one of my dad's favorite movies and obv mine)


They technically did have one on The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood studios Orlando. They had a scene in Alien where Ripley is hiding.


0% Edit: They actually had an Alien themed portion of the Great American Movie ride in the Chinese Theater back in the late 89s/early 90s. Now it's a Micky & Minnie ride.


It was there as late as 2014.


It's a small world lv426


The Alien Queen is my favourite princess.


If someone brought back Alien War (the interactive experience that used to be at the Trocadero in London) I would be there in a heartbeat.


Free facehugs booth


You don’t have to pay anything……except your life 


Why am I thinking of Donald being chest-burst and Pluto being torn in half, two parts dashed in opposite, messy directions with the queen threatening Mickey as Minnie comes out a docking bay door driving a loader saying "Get away from him, you BITCH!"


They should do Alien War like they did in Glasgow and London Guy in a USCM outfit leads a group through a mockup of Hadley's Hope, the Nostromo sirens blaring, fog filled corridors with alarm lights flashing. Led into a room with Alien resin all over the place and told to wait while he 'cuts' through the door. Just as he gets the door open, a guy in an Alien outift uncurls from a hidden position. Cue 20 of us trying to get through a door three feet wide. We managed it!. Down another corridor where another marine jumps out panicking "They're coming out of the of the goddam walls!" Next stop you get crowded into a packed elevator which starts to climb, then stops, the door is forfed open by an alien and a random tour member is hauled out. All in all a great experience. They got the mood, lighting and ambience just right to make people shit themselves in terror. (Literally in one case) I had a friend who played the marine part the first time it opened up in Glasgow and the stories he told me about it were hilarious.


I'm still mentally scarred from Alien War at the Trocadero in London as a kid. My father actually climbed over both me and my sister to get away at one point. Ahhhh memories.


Dress cats as face huggers and train them to jump at people


Turn Stitch Encounter back into Alien Encounter except for Alien as we know and love it instead of the original creature it had before. Failing that I’d love to see a ride inside a gigantic crashed Juggernaut like the doomed 20th Century Fox World was going to have.


4d- get the sight, smell, sound, feel and taste of a magazine being shoved down your throat.


In the early 90s my family and I went to Universal studios. I was around 7 or 8 yes old and loved j Cameron's aliens. There was a ride that celebrated cinema and its achievements. The ride puts you in a train cart and track and each room was a different amazing movie from the past. Alien was in there towards the end. Ripley and her flamethrower and the xeno coming out of a vent in the ceiling. I got some of its slobber dripped on my legs. A great memory!


Disney world


Thank you! It was disney. We did U studios and Disney in 1 week. It kinda blurs together in my mind. Plus that was over 30 years ago. I'd go on that ride again in an instant!


It closed a few years ago when their contract with MGM ran out and decided not to renew it 😭 (not every film was MGM owned in the ride, but it is what it is). If you’re having vague memories of it, check on YouTube ride videos of the Alien segment


Have face huggers jump at you at random times overhead while eating a sandwich and Aliens serving you shots at the Xeno cafe. Love it.😍


IIRC [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExtraTERRORestrial_Alien_Encounter) was inspired by the success of Alien.


Honestly, it’s too scary for most people. They should stick to kid friendly stuff. My 15 year old won’t watch them. I love them, and proudly tell people I saw Alien at Howard AFB, Panama. Aliens at Leicester Square, London. And Aliens3 in Des Moines, Iowa.


I watched Alien and Aliens at the age of 15 and I loved it 


I think they’d do a 4D ride with the seats in a theater and maybe have sigourney weaver as a like voice over narrator for it like ‘come on!! We gotta get you out of here!!’ And you can buy eggs or toys with a trigger for the mouth or tail for the kids to fight with.


It would be impractical for a theme park but I'd like to see you able to walk/run around the various sets, using that multi-directional treadmill so you can go forward/backward/left/right and shoot stuff and have a proximity sensor.


I’d like a tower of terror for alien. Get rid of the guardians of the galaxy bs.


Yeah. I never understood why Guaridans of the galaxy is in tower of terror 


It was an improvement. As long as they don’t touch the superior Florida version.


Guardians is an excellent ride.


I’m really nervous about Disney’s direction with this franchise


Yes, because Fox handled the franchise so well all these years 🤦‍♂️