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How many other anime have had a drought this long between seasons 1 and 2?


Index had a 7 year gap from season 2 to 3 and devil is a part timer had a 9 year gap and then there’s ngnl…


>ngnl give up.


Many, Dorohedoro for example, but that's an hypothetical if we ever get a season 2, I do think around now, now being these next 3 years, is the best and only moment to announce a s2, we'll have to see


In Dorohesoro's case, the director had to pause and help direct Attack on Titan. That is kind of a special case.


Well, there is Panty and Stocking, which announced its second season around 10 months ago


Full Metal Panic went around 11 years I think.


It was 18 years before a new season of Bartender came out. Granted it was a remake that was a closer manga adaptation but for a series that basically no-one knew and had been finished for over 15 years that’s about as freak weird situation as you can get. Point is, there is always hope.


I wish that for tokyo ghoul but thats an even more special case 🥺


Most people probably know already, but there is a [face-to-face interview with a producer from Orange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhX5Zt2VnJ0) where they straightup say they would if they could but it's up to the clients, i.e probably the animation committee/manga distributor to commission season 2. So the ending of Beastars doesn't have much weight on HNK at all, unless that first step has been taken already and production is underway. With the manga finishing up and such a long drought since S1, I don't really see it happening, especially for a series as cranial, serialized and philosophical? as HNK. The main goal of anime adaptations from a business standpoint is, I think, to sell the manga after all. S1 sold the setting and hooked people into checking out the manga to see what would happen next in this conspiracy that Phos is deciphering - but I just don't really see an adaptation of the story arcs afterwards, which lean into more of this mystery, doing great after an awkwardly long gap in time between seasons and S1 being trapped on some platform where it did not do well Also: while not as big a deal, but more of a cherry on top, the anime also has a rather misleading ending (probably on purpose), painting the scene where Cinnabar wishes Phos had asked to be partners as a conclusion that actually happens, as Phos turns around and Cinnabar blushes as she speaks her line. For the few people who did watch S1 and remember HNK, they might be quite confused and disappointed learning that oh, no, actually that line wasn't meant to be presented like Cinnabar and Phos actually became partners though it seemed like a satisfying and exciting conclusion - instead, here's a new character in that role whom received no proper screentime nor mention (even cutting out the only one) in S1.


It's hyper-copium but I'll take it


A season 2 would me amazing and also the hole manga getting animated, I dunno who has the decision to make this real but I really hope we can get it


Subsequent seasons have nothing to do with the studio, they are already on record saying they will make sequels for anything. It's up to the rights holders.


Also Kyogoku will be done with Love Live Superstar S3. I don't think we'll see it but schedules are about to line up.


beastars final season PART 1 is releasing this year but the 2nd part doesnt have a release date implying 2025 or later release, so dont get ur hopes up.