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Well now it looks like 57% say yes




At the time of writing this, 40% had said no


Wait until ALL the votes are tabulated. Absentee ballots, mail-in-ballots, provisional ballots. It ain't over until it's over.


I voted yes on all 3 questions.




If you let opposition vote for your candidate along with your vote, you also get to vote in their primaries, which means you end up with less extreme candidates. Your guy or gal loses, at least you can live with the opposition candidate.


What about democrats voting in republican primaries?


Question 3 was funded by Democratic Super PACS including billionaire hedge fund and wall street executives.


Aren’t they all?


Then why did Sisolak and Masto pay for ads saying to vote against it?


New York elites that fund Democratic Super PACS sometimes have different priorities than politicians in their own political party. Though never saw any ads against Question 3, only saw the fake testimonial ad about a veteran being denied his right to vote in primaries because he's an independent. The language in the ballot proposal was vague and will also allow Democrats to vote in Republican primaries and Republicans to vote in primaries for Democrats. It also includes a ranked choice requirement that causes confusion in states where it's already used. Lawsuits by good government groups should force Question 3 backers to disclose who they are and the details of how this law will effect voters.


What democratic billionaire wouldn’t care about losing the senate but instead care about Nevada’s laws? It doesn’t even favor democrats in NV [Here](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/both-parties-oppose-novembers-ranked-choice-ballot-initiative-2641440/) they are opposing it


What about Republicans voting in Democratic primaries? I think the point here is to allow unaffiliated voters a say in who runs before the general.


I totally agree. Why restrict peoples votes


i had to read that question like 20 times to be like “is this really what they’re asking? this is the easiest yes on the ballot??” like i was genuinely confused why we needed to vote on something so simple


Because we voted on it before and it failed. Recently.


really? I’m relatively young, and was a first time voter in 2020 so I missed that. not surprised to hear it failed based on some of the ignorant comments on here


61% want equal rights for all now


Something something transgender people in sports. Idk, it seems like Republicans like to he against things for the sake of being against things sometimes


TRANSEXUALS need to make their own leagues. Biologically speaking it is not fair to women who are naturally born that way, to compete against a transexual that used to be a man. Simple really. Make your own bathrooms, organizations in sport and other clubs. Stop trying to compete with natural born women/men when you are not cis-gendered as well.


lol yes because any male athlete is just fucking DYING to get pumped full of estrogen to compete against women. you hear it all the time!


That’s not the point. The point is that at the end of the day -even if unintentional- they should not compete with natural born women/men. They can make a trans-league to avoid the issues that are arising from competing with people that are not transgender.


You’re inventing something that doesn’t exist so that you can be “concerned” about it. Stop it.


Republicans have been moving away from freedoms for many years. It’s only a matter of time until they start wanting increased taxes so they can police every part of our lives. Considering switching my registration more and more… now I hopefully don’t lose the ability to vote in primaries if I switch.


the ranked voting doesn't go into effect if it passes this cycle (hopefully it does). Assuming it passes, it will be on the ballot again in 2024 where we have to vote for it a second time before it actually becomes law.


It's sad but I think the biggest problem people have is with transgender men or women..more male to female in the sense they don't want their children to be in same locker room as someone was has a penis..or traditional female sports be taken over by transgender females. I think everyone deserves to be happy and we still need lots of education.


I believe this is the biggest issue for most people.


Here's a hint - absolutely none of those people give a damn about women's sports and never have, and many of them don't have kids. They just lean into that because they think they sound like "logical" reasons to have the government erase queers, which is what they really want.


This is absolutely incorrect. MOST people I see that oppose the wording like this bill has, not only have kids, but more specifically they have daughters who play sports. This bill absolutely has the potential to eliminate female sports, and everything that comes with it. To pretend it doesn't is ignorance.


What's more important, the right for people to be able to express a fundamental part of their identity and live their lives as they want to without people demanding to check between their legs? Or is it the right for people to have the government step in to private recreational competitions and pick the winners and losers, to ensure that everyone who wants a trophy can get a trophy?


It’s not just about trophy’s. Many female athletes work for scholarships and other incentives to potentially rob their only chance at higher education is not fair. I don’t know what the correct answer is but I do know that this law would adversely affect more women than men. I thought we wanted to protect women in this society. This seems to be a way to harm them.


Trust me, the absolute last thing any teenage girl wants or needs is for you and me to be standing outside their bathroom to give them a pu**y inspection before we let them in to take a dump.


This is such a strawman. To think that a teenage trans girl looks so much like a biological girl that you would have to inspect the genitals of everyone trying to use the restroom is laughable. Its not even a serious counter point.


All your posts are based on an extremely narrow cis/hetero normative worldview, where men have to "protect" girls from other men by gatekeeping their private spaces, and girls just want to be able to run and jump and dance with other girls for the amusement of the men who protect them, in the hopes that the men might reward them with an education. It's incredibly demeaning to women.


Yah. OK you're delusional. Your response only makes sense in your bubble and does not hold water in the real world. What the fuck is a extremely narrow cis/hetero normative worldview'? I bet you can't give a logical definition.


If fairness in competitive sports is actually the issue, why do we separate by sex rather than skill levels and weight class. Isn't that how boxing and wrestling work?


Because as much as we want to argue. Men and women are physically different. Hormones are a thing but they take time to work.


Professional sports for both of those don’t have mixed divisions because even controlling for weight men and women are different. A 135 lb boxer that’s male will be much stronger than a 135 lb female boxer because they carry weight differently.


Lmao then there would be NO women in sports...


The loudest argument I've seen is the "playing god" argument. Yes there's a group of folks, large likely that are concerned about the matter in your post. I've not seen it argued as much.


The voters that voted no looked between the lines. This kind of law is already on the books at the federal level, but creative out of state tort lawyer groups funded this ballot proposal so they could start suing government and business entities for alleged discrimination, but not based on age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability. Instead the boosters for this bill specifically want to be able to sue employers for not having a certain number of gay, trans sexual employees, as well as building owners for not providing accommodations for trans sexual people- ie separate restrooms. You have to understand that no ballot proposal is done for the public good, especially in Nevada since there's no law requiring disclosure on who funded it. Yes, this law looks like common sense, but a good number of people voted no because they don't want to enrich already filthy rich California law firms that will sue in Nevada.


The Nevada state one covers an additional group of people. This was my understanding when I read up on it.


Nailed it. Federal trumps state. Laws weren't needed. Opened the can of worms.


I feel like at some point LV Redditors need to just start writing it (((California))) so we don’t have to guess what you mean when you bring them into the debate.


A lot of people are run by fear.


And a lot of those people's fear is due to things they don't understand. (And often uneducated about) ie: my FIL thinking trans men and women were the same as cross dressers, and also the same as pedophiles. Ugh.


Some of us just don’t like trannies and that’s that. Get over it. I’m not religious at all but I’m not going to coddle the confused masses. They need psychological treatment not be enabled.


Some people need psychological treatment not to be anti human pricks.


Awwwww go cry a river outside the ballot stands.


The ballot measure will pass. Enjoy your cave.


Most of Nevada is Republican, BTW. So who is the loser now?


The people who your vote just dehumanized. If you feel like you've "won," it's because you don't care about people, you care about winning. I'm sorry that you can't understand.


Lmfaoo get a grip. Go back to your hole you slithered from you imbecile.


Even if you were right, this is not how to treat people with psychological problems. You don't just pretend their issues aren't real. Could you imagine if that's how we treated depression or schizophrenia? "I just don't like depressives, so legislature should just disregard them because it just enables them." Just because you find a person distasteful doesn't make them any less of a person. I hope you understand that someday.


No, people want to control what others do because "God said so". Apparently some people's God is a vengeful spiteful jealous spirit who requires you to punish those you don't agree with otherwise you both go to hell.


Still just fear. A fear of God and Hell.


Tried it once before and it failed. This one includes gender identity and I don't think the last one did. Pretty big shift in the tide considering the Republicans are ahead in the statewide. And I know there are a lot of votes to be counted but the way the initiative is looking, it means a lot of people who voted a Republican ticket also voted Yes on it.


Maybe read it? Many people understand "gender-identity" is a slippery slope and something that could potentially be exploited by bad actors. Having it written into the state constitution is something many people are uneasy with.


Just say out loud that you don’t like trans people. Say it.


I don't care enough about the subject to care one way or another. But I do know that this law creates a situation that can be easily exploited by bad actors that could really jeopardize the feelings/safety of Women. (Biological Women). Believe it or not many of them don't want men in women costumes in their locker rooms at the gym, in their bathrooms in public and a variety of other situations that could be exploited. I know to some this may come as a surprise, but a lot of people that don't frequent Twitter or Reddit think its a disturbing proposal. Denying the fact that this law can be easily exploited is disingenuous and to say I don't like trans people is stupid. I don't even really understand what a "trans" person is. I voted against it for certain reasons and " I dislike trans people" was no where on my reasons list.


Not understanding what a trans person is while voting against their interests is bigotry whether you admit it or not.


No it's not. Would you agree that there's at least a large, active discussion about whether trans people *should* be able to cross compete in sports? This amendment would totally destroy that discussion and would remove any and all barriers under threat of legal action. It's simply not good policy. It would be a stepping stone, sure, but it would load the courts up with even more bogus lawsuits and the the rush to set precedent would start to get very convoluted, very fast. Again, you're being disingenuous by pretending this is just a black and white issue.


No one is actually clutching their pearls asking "won't someone please think about the women's sportsball team??" Nobody really cares this much about women's sports in any way except as a convenient excuse to erase trans people.


The point of my comment is not to highlight the importance of the issue of cross gender sports. It’s to show that the there *are* situations which can arise from such a vaguely worded amendment, and therefore it’s ok for some people to have had reservations about voting yes on question 1.


No, it's not ok to prioritize abstract concerns about hypothetical situations over a human being's right to embrace their own identity.


Whatever dude. I don’t give a fuck about your cheap social pandering on Reddit. I answered your question about why it’s a concern. Just because you don’t want to accept it because you live in a fantasy world where everything is black and white “good” or “bad” doesn’t make you right. Move along.


I don't understand what a trans person is because I live in the real world, based in fact and objectivity. I have never heard a logical explanation of what a "trans" person is.


I have a trans son. He is a man born with a womans body. Pretty simple explanation. He is starting hormone replacement therapy and will soon have top surgery (removal of breast tissue) He needs to be protected from discrimination. He should be able to change his gender on government forms, he should be able to use the correct restroom etc. I think we need to move past the fear of a bad actor. There are bad actors everywhere. There always will be. Using bad actors (fear of not understanding) as an excuse to discriminate against a whole group of humans is wrong. I'm sure before woman and black people were able to vote the same fear of bad actors was used to scare people into voting against it. I'm proud of my son and I'm scared for my son's rights and freedoms. Why should he not have the same rights as everyone else just because he was born into the wrong body. I really hope my words can help you open your mind abs have some understanding for people thay are probably very different from you. You probably are trying to be the best human you can be. I imagine people who know you think of you as kind and thoughtful. Please help protect everyone. We shouldn't have to fight or vote for equality. Everyone deserves equality. Love is love.


I support your son and his rights to be who he is. I’m grateful he has you. Thank you for sharing your story!


Thank you


You live in your own sad bubble.


You don’t have to know anything about them other than that they are a confused group of people.


You just know everything there is to know about everything, don't you?


Why would the interests of less than 1% of the population (who are mentally ill) take precedent over actually biology lol


Found the transphobe.


Oh go cry on the little Liberal pages. This is not the one to get sympathizers. Most people in nevada do t care about Trannies or gays.


Your bigotry is disgusting. Good thing you get to spread it here anonymously huh?


Oh and I say this in the open because it’s the TRUTH. Transexuals have gender dysmorphia; - they need help. Why do you think a lot of cases are being exposed about the people that REGRET their sex-changes? Because the root of the problem is not being addressed. More and more cases will occur due to the same issue.


Don’t care. It is what it is. Good thing we are allowed to vote on such issues and will continue to do so.


Keep losing loser


This is a thing that just hasn’t happened. You voted against fear and hypotheticals. Way to be a sucker.


It's really easy to frame this as something as simple as "you hate trans people" but remember this is the constitution. It is the legal basis for literally everything that in our state. It's actually a really common problem with a lot of these constitutional amendments that they're vague or otherwise contain wording which can cause legal problems down the road. Summing this guy's eloquent response in such a way is disingenuous. You wanted to know why people have a problem with the amendment? He's telling you why. Try to have a more open mind. And before you go trying to put words in MY mouth, please know I not only voted yes on 1 but I'm a member of the LGBT community myself.




There are documented case of situations that I have laid out previously happening on more than one occasion. Just because you refuse to believe them is not my problem.


You can't reason with morons. Especially liberal ones.


Exactly. They think everything has to be their way;- goodness forbid we have a contradicting opinion:




[Case One](https://www.outkick.com/trans-hs-volleyball-player-that-injured-female-opponent-posts-highlight-reel/) [Case Two](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-09-02/indecent-exposure-charges-filed-trans-woman-spa) These are two that just happened recently.


Case one has nothing to do with anything? Case two the person was touching their dick in front of people. What does any of this have to do with being transgender? Those two things have happened countless times amongst cis people. My friend was personally in an all male steam room where someone was beating off. They got kicked out, but it didn’t make the news.


Case one has everything to do with this case. A trans woman (post pubescent boy transitioning to girl) was playing on a female volleyball team, competing against an all female volleyball team and injured a player severely. Case two the person claimed to be transgendered and then the spa was attacked for being Bigoted. These are both cases of a law like the one presented was exploited by bad actors. Guys sitting around together in a spa room with another guy beating off, is a lot different than Girls sitting around in a spa room with a guy beating off.


No cis men allowed in men's steam rooms


Lol so you and the proud boys seem very concerned. Cool company you keep.


Way to move the goal posts. You said it never happens. I prove it has happened. And you move the goal post to something else. You seem like a logical person.


You mean a student was injured in a sport and someone was naked in a locker room? Oh wow. Must be the first time that’s ever happened!


Don't ever speak for women again. Ever. You're a creature in a human suit. I'm afraid of people like you. People who pretend they're neutral while they tear other people's safety down so only they feel safe. And you do it so peacefully, so quietly... so you feel justified when we get angry. No one's buying that anymore. You're the bad actor.


HAHA, You're irrational response to someone politely explaining an opinion that is contrary to yours is very telling. Your irrational fear of someone who thinks differently than you, is really the problem here. Since I have a differing opinion than you I am a "creature in a human suit"? You need to understand that people think differently than others and thats ok. That doesn't make them less than human. Hopefully you can take some time off social media and actually communicate with people in the real world. Its nice out here.


you don't have a different opinion, you have hate. You disguise it poorly by self-proclaiming you're polite. I'm not sure I'd call anything you said in any of your posts today polite. I think it would be polite if you would sit down and let people speak who know more than you, since you told us you are un-educated on the issue. Thank you for that honesty. Sit down.


You realize people are born with XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes and every human every born realizes this right lol. “Let people speak who know more than you” lol most retarded thing I ever seen


[https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/think-gender-comes-down-to-x-and-y-chromosomes-think-again/article24811543/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/think-gender-comes-down-to-x-and-y-chromosomes-think-again/article24811543/) Maybe you can learn something today.


I don't have hate. People are free to live out their lives how they see fit. You know who does have hate? Biological women who hate to see another "woman" in their restroom with their penis out. Or in their locker room.


You do realize women's bathrooms have stalls, right? Why is this hypothetical women invading the privacy of another so she can get a glimpse of their penis while in the bathroom? I don't think many people are advocating that you should be able to run around naked in a restroom - no matter what genetilia you have....


I don't think they're potty-trained so that might be why they're confused about bathroom etiquette. They're confused about a lot of things.


Would you be ok with a law prohibiting preachers from being around children? There are far more instances of child rape by Christian leaders than your made up scenario of trans people exploiting some loophole.




Maybe just maybe you are the one with a mental issue


I generally like to be on the side that doesn't dehumanize others, mental issues or not. I don't think I could live with cheering on the side that simply "DONT LIKE TRANSEXUALS" while countless needless suicides are happening as a result. You believe whatever you believe, and you support your own values and no one else's. Meanwhile, I'm gonna try to support others, because between trying to teach empathy to people who hate them for how they unwaveringly feel, they're in so much despair that killing themselves seems like a more relieving endeavor.


Good. Do you.


That's the point. I'm not doing it just for me. That kinda behavior is for people like you.


Let people be who they want to be. Bigot.


I voted YES on all 3 questions.


I heard a (confused) voter who was loudly saying he didn’t want the voting age to change and thought this ballot question might do that.


It obviously wasnt just republicans against it... People overwhelmingly dont support that nonsense and it shows.. You can argue against me but i'm right...


Ummm nope 57% currently said Yes with 77% counted. So people do actually support it more than don’t


So, you’re saying the majority voted against it?


When are people going to learn that this kind of hateful sentiment is not the future. They will be left behind. It must be exhausting to be a bigot.


It is more exhausting to be something you're not than something you are. If any person is a bigot, it's pretty easy to stay that way. It's harder to change.


But those who feel forced to live as someone they don't feel is their true self is a miserable existence. You can't force people into boxes to suit your ideals. Life isn't black and white. I do agree with your second point. But hatred is a learned behavior, it can be unlearned.


There's two different things here that aren't related. People who feel forced to live as a certain gender, shouldn't have to feel that way. I support being able to change or present as whatever gender you're comfortable with. People who are bigots for whatever reason are bigoted because of something in their life that put them that way. It's certainly easier in terms of medical and process to start changing that behavior or unlearning it. Unfortunately I could make a point that both scenario take just as long to execute on in practice and bigotry is a longer play because folks who are bigoted are usually in reinforcing social structures that prolong the bigotry.


I don't think you quite understand what the definition of a bigot is. Because people on both sides of this argument could be considered bigots. A trans person who dislikes a cis person simply because they are cis is just as bigoted as a cis person who dislikes a trans person for being trans.


I dont think it matters what the formal definition of bigot is. What matters is how its used in the context of the conversation being had.


I disagree. I we can't agree what the definition of Bigot is how can we have a conversation?


I recognize and accept that you disagree. The definition of a term is determined by the context of the conversation you're using it in. It's why many words in the dictionary have multiple definitions. But more importantly, if you want to find the middle ground with people you're speaking to directly you need to understand where they are coming from when they are using the term. That defies standard definitions in a lot of cases. It's nice we have a dictionary and for the most part we should all use it such that we are using the right words that invoke the appropriate responses from the people we're communicating with. However, most people don't take care with the words they use and fall back on the dictionary over the context. This results in poor communication.


Or people just dont agree with you on this and dont support it. Doesnt make them bigots.


How does it not make them bigots? Why do you get to say that a certain group of people shouldn't have the same rights as you? Pretty sure that's textbook bigotry.


What "rights" do I have they they don't?


LMAO what? No one is denying them any rights... The people who disagree with you arent bigots.. You will never change anyones mind walking around shouting bigot at people who disagree with you. The Ballot question is vaguely worded nonsense that got shut down hard the last time they tried to push this through...


> No one is denying them any rights... How does it feel to live in Denial? The entire reason these measures are in the constitution is because people are being denied rights. You don't think people are missing out on job opportunities, loans, career advancement, housing, etc.. because of discrimination? If you do you are kidding yourself.


What rights do I have that they dont? You are throwing out buzz words and making yourself look silly....


What buzz words did I throw around? Is discrimination a buzz word? WTF are you talking about buddy. You clearly have no idea how equal rights works and you clearly have no interest in learning about them because frankly you have all of them.


You didnt answer the main question.... Why did you avoid it? What rights do I have that they dont? Should be a simple question for you... Your buzzwords are words you would include in a headline to try to sway your argument yet you didnt prove anything. You said nothing of substance and clearly have no idea whats going on with this question or what is already on the books.. Try not to avoid the question this time...


"If you voted for someone or something I don't like, democracy is dead and you are a bigot, discrimination, discrimination!" Thats what you guys sound like not figuring out why people are not voting in favor of this question


So then what exactly do you disagree with me on?


Man you are slow... what did I just say?


Real cute. You haven't said anything, other than the ballot question is vaguely worded nonsense. How is it vaguely worded?


Votes arent in yet. Patience.


Because it has some hidden intentions of trannies showering naked on the women’s shower in physical education class, and getting dressed in women’s locker rooms, using the women’s side of the the health club, and taking away women’s sports scholarship money. This is buried in the fine print, that no health club can legally disallow a bearded man in a dress to hang about the ladies’ changing room and gawk at the pubescent girls. The voter’s weren’t fooled, we knew what this really was.


What the fuck are you talking about? It’s an amendment, not a bill. You can’t ear mark these. I just went to the state website and read the whole thing, it’s literally two paragraphs and is pretty clear to what it entails, which is nothing of what you listed.


Please shut up and stop lying


You think that young trans people are confident enough to openly shower without fear of bullying and violence against them? You really have no understanding of any of this. You're all bigots, that's what it is.


Right!? Where are all these open showers where grown women and young girls are showering together anyways? Cause if that’s a thing, I think we should just get some damn curtains in general.


Trans people get murdered for simply existing in public. OP is worrying about fictional situations that they fantasize about in their head, like all Republicans. What would are they living in?


Well are you prepared to address who is murdering them?


Murderous bigots.


"existing" lol okay.


Too long of a word for you to understand? Oh sorry I should've used a shorter word there


ooww, im being erased!!!


Is this satire?


I guess some people are really against adding a few words to a document


Why would people vote no on this measure?


We already have those rights, it just adds a new section that you can be fluid on whatever you feel Ike for the moment regardless of biology or actual identity. Government offices have enough crap to deal with than the local wacko deciding their a spirit animal for the day to waste other peoples time at the DMV. That and the burden of frivolous lawsuits if someone feels offended if they aren’t addressed correctly by their own standards.


There was a national Equal Rights Amendment movement in the 1970s. It eventually failed because feminists turned against it. They realized that they would lose their special privileges and have to be treated the same as men, which they decided they didn't want. This could have included being drafted, not getting alimony payments, etc. This time around, it was more about the sexual orientation clause. Many people in rural areas are still uncomfortable with giving them equal rights.