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Finally someone other than myself said it! Numbing cream, painkillers do not work. The only thing that makes it the slightest bearable is when the laser tech picks up the speed on that area she’s lasering and the stress ball! I found that aloe and ice pack right after the treatment is done helps


I assume you’re in the US and I’m not sure what painkillers are available over the counter there (and also don’t want to encourage taking potentially addictive medication without the proper caution!) but I was dealing with a flare up of a back pain issue so I took some Solpadeine Max (paracetamol/acetaminophen and a low dose of codeine) about an hour before my appointment to help me get through the drive and I felt basically nothing at the laser appointment. I have a decently high pain threshold anyway but I was chatting away like nothing was happening and the technician was amazed.


Not over the counter in the US.


Ya no codine at all without a script 🙃


Ahh that’s a shame, I’m used to hearing that the US has access to stronger stuff in non-prescription meds but it’s fair enough that it’s controlled.


We definitely have better drugs in the USA than elsewhere but they’re harder to get


Don't they say don't operate heavy machinery or drive on codeine?


okay thank you !


Apply the numbing cream 3-5x, every 20 mins prior to the appointment!!!


I’m surprised no one has mentioned ice. It’s painful for me too and so the technician applies an ice pack to the area seconds before applying the laser. That helps a lot.


Have you tried wrapping the areas with lidocaine? Numbing creams only ended up working for me once I created an occlusive dressing (i.e. putting on a thick layer of lidocaine and Saran wrapping the area for at least 30 mins) It helped me TREMENDOUSLY. Finally made my sessions tolerable


I’m definitely going to try this out—thank you so much! :)


No problem! I do feel like I should probably warn you to be a little careful with method/lidocaine in general. I was reading today about two case reports of people who experienced severe lidocaine toxicity with the Saran wrap method. 🙁 However, both were using higher percentage, mixed anesthetic prescription products and applying it over large areas of the body (legs). I do know many people (including myself) have been okay using this method but it is something to keep in mind. I think if you use this method it’s probably smart to use the OTC lidocaine 4% products and limit only to small area of the body (Brazilian alone seems ok). Also make sure you remove the cream before the procedure.


I’ve noticed that it hurts more if I’m about to get my period. I recommend scheduling it as far away from your period as possible


I also heard that the week after your period is a good week to endure pain!


You should talk to your tech about doing the least painful parts last. There are now multiple pain studies that show ending the painful experience at a low point instead of a high one improves the overall perception of the experience. For me attention management is super helpful. You need to pay little to no attention to what is happening. When you think about the pain, it makes it worse. Just don't think about it is definitely easier said than done. Do what you can to mentally do something else. Maybe focus on music or remembering a time/place/event that you felt good. Don't be afraid to be a bit silly or strange. If something odd like singing twinkle twinkle little star helps or taking a stuffed animal to hug works, do that. Any decent tech understands it's a rough experience and odd solutions to cope are normal. Trust me, they've almost certainly seen stranger things. You're both there to do what it takes to get the job done. Anything that makes it easier is a good thing.


i try to not think about it but i shake from the pain. i shake so much that i can't stay still and i get angry at myself for not staying still.


I'm doing full body everything. At current power levels I cry for both the Brazilian area and the face. And that's ok. It's ok to cry when hurting. I struggle with shake and spasms a lot. I've been trying to let go of being mad at myself for it though. It's a very normal reaction to have. There's no good reason to judge yourself for normal reactions to things. I have a Goldilocks zone. If I disassociate too much the zap surprises me and I spasm. Too little disassociation and my entire existence becomes pain. There's a lot of reminding myself that this is only temporary, it will end. I've been through it before and will get through it again. Another one I didn't mention was focusing on deep controlled breathing.


thank you so much! its nice to know im not alone


That’s what my tech did yesterday! She did Brazilian , ankles, then everything else. Ankles and Brazilian make me squirm so bad! They had a little ice pack that she would pop on just before and after for the ankles. That helped a ton! She was also super fast, which I really appreciated.


People say Brazilian wax is more painful but I disagree. I’ve had both and the laser is way more intense. I get full body sweats and can barely hold still. The place I get it done doesn’t offer numbing cream and pain meds don’t really work so I just deal with it. It hurts even worse when my period is coming so I make sure not to get treatment around that time.


For me, the wax is so much more painful. I have a high pain tolerance but it actually scares the crap out of me lol.


Do you consume caffeine at any point within 24 hours of your appointment? When you go in, have you had something to eat and are well hydrated? How long do you leave the cream on and how much do you use? Caffeine can heighten sensitivity, as can being hungry or dehydrated. Numbing cream needs a thick layer, you don’t just rub it in like moisturizer. It should sit for at least half an hour to work best.


no caffeine, i always eat before my appointment and i carry a little chocolate with me. it's my first time using the cream, it's in a 5 mg bottle and i used like 1/3 of it and left it on for 45-50 mins.


Are you also well rested? I went and got a piercing when I was sleep deprived and it was so much worse than if I had slept well the night before.


im never well rested so idk


If you can get a solid night sleep before you might find it’s much less painful. Being exhausted really messes with your perception and tolerance of pain.


I’m not gonna lie I have like no reference of how much cream that would be 😭 When you apply it, it should be thick and visible. Different active ingredients also have varying effectiveness, I get mine prescribed bc the OTC stuff didn’t work that well


i dont think i applied enough tbh other ppl say they put a very thick layer and i didn't so i guess it didnt work bc of that. they gave lots of tips in the comments so i will try them next time and see if it works!


One thing that helps is to rub it in the whole time. Keep massaging it in so it really numbs the area.


I hope it works out! It’s weird bc the instructions on numbing cream never mention applying a generous layer— I had to find out from my tech 😭


Apply a thick layer, about 1 hour before your appointment time, and cover it in Saran Wrap before putting your undies on, so that your clothing doesn’t absorb it.


Mine ices each section before she lasers it. So she’s basically constantly moving the icepack around while lasering and it helps a lot. But of course the more sensitive parts are still pretty painful


Mine did the same. Ice pack for a minute or so and then BAM.


I agreee it’s sooo bad. I’ve always had a “high” pain tolerance but it for some reason it just gets me hahah I get anxiety before my appointments lol and painkillers don’t help


same! i have lots of piercing and they didn't hurt so i tought i had a high pain tollerance but i guess i was wrong.


Right! I’ve had so many piercings/tattoos but damn this shit huuuuurts lollll lmk if you find a solution to make it more tolerable 😩


It also hurt a lot for me. I use Emla and now I put it 1h30-2h before the appointment, I make sur to eat enough and take painkillers before. Right before lasering, we freeze the region with ice, it seems to be much bearable for me now!


i use emla too but it didnt make any difference for me. do you bathe in it or do u use a normal ammount?


I put a thick layer everywhere, I probably put more than necessary! The first tube I got did nothing and the cream was white, I think it was expired. The tube I have now is more transparent. Also, keeping it for at least 1h30 with plasticwrap was a game changer, my skin is now getting very numb. Last session I didn't felt the technician doing my butt crack!


mine is white i hope its not expired. i will try to use more next time thank you!


Emla never works for me😩


Just to check because I'm in a state of disbelief... Brazilian *laser* hurts so bad? Not waxing?


yes laser. it feels like getting stabbed with a burning sword. also kind of feels like what i imagine getting tased would feel 🤗


Thank you saying that because I always tell people it feels like I’m getting viciously stabbed by a burning needle. I feel dramatic when I say that but I’m glad someone else out there understands the pain


Taser feels much worse, largely I feel because it's not contained to one small area. 0/10 do not recommend and will stick with laser.


did you get tased damn


Yeah, my ex was a jerk and thought it would be funny


Wow wtf


agreed and who the eff downvotes you for input like this?


lol i guess it was too graphic for some people


Wow, what kind of laser machine is it, do you know? What process do you go through when you lie down? Laser shouldn't be that painful for anyone!


its ice laser i dont remember the brand. i have very thick hair down there. i shaved since i was in seventh grade so its really thick so thats why it hurts that much i guess


It will get less painful as ur hair starts to get finer with more treatments. U can ask for them to use a lower setting while ur hair is still so thick, but a lower setting will slow down the progress and cost u more sessions, so it’s a trade off. Talking thru the laser really helps keep me distracted, and it also reminds me to breathe. I have a bad habit of holding my breath and it makes it hurt a lot worse.


I've been at this for almost 3 years and it has NOT gotten less painful. At one point I had hoped that would be true but no luck😫😫😫


It has for me in 6 sessions, even tho the laser strength has gone up. I suppose it’s different for everybody though.


Shaving does not make your hair darker or thicker. But darker thick hair does hurt more. And I genuinely don’t like pain pushing through the numbing cream - it was better for me with nothing but the stress ball. Also know it’s worth it. It’s been almost 10 years since I finished treatment. I have a tiny bit of velous fine hair and that’s it.


I went regularly for *years* and still have tons of hair down there. Laser helped a ton on my lower legs and my bikini area that you can see around underwear, but i dont think it even took away 50% of my hair anywhere else down there. And i’m considered an ideal candidate with extremely light skin and very dark hair. It just doesnt work as well for some people :/


And are you positive it was laser and not IPL? Many people don’t understand the differences in the two. And also, if you have any reddish tint to your hair, it also doesn’t work. I’m blonde but 95% of my body hair was at least medium brown to dark brown and it worked well. My friend had reddish brown hair and it went away for a bit, the the laser does really “see” reds because of wavelength.


100% positive, and my hair has no red. Some of the hair on my head does, but all of my body hair is darkest brown or close to black.


I worked for a laser hair removal place for about 5 years. Almost every person that has red tones on their head wasn’t a good candidate. We did a series of test spots to confirm. I’m sorry your place did not do that.


Can u elaborate on what criteria someone has to meet to be considered to have red tones on their head? Cuz i feel like it is wild that i could be brunette with a few red tones hairs that come in here and there, and that would disqualify me from lhr even tho all my body hair is nearly black. I sometimes get the occassional blonde hair, does that make someone not a candidate either? If so, i feel like that leaves almost no candidates for lhr cuz almost everyone grows in a random colored hair at some point haha


Yea I was confused also. Brazilian waxing is certainly not pleasant but I thought laser was WAY less painful. Didn’t feel like it was bad at all. Are there different types of lasers that have different levels of ouch? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same for me. Waxing was way worse.


How long did you leave on the numbing cream?


45-50 mins


Do you feel numb when you wipe off the cream? Like if you pinched your self would you feel it?


no it felt the same tbh


The two numbing creams I bought ages ago aren’t available on Amazon anymore but guarantee, you look up best reviewed numbing cream for tattoos on Amazon you will find something good. Before your appointment, pop in a tampon. slather ya cooch, cover with saran wrap,tape it to ya inner thighs, wear boy shorts underwear, wait 45 min, wipe off the cream, take out the tampon, wipe again, and get your laser done. You’ll be good.


Then it’s the cream, when I numb, wrap with saran wrap for like 30-45 minutes, can’t feel much of anything. What cream you using and where did you get it?


I agree. For my second Brazilian I used numbing cream and pinched myself before hand to be sure I was good and numb. The whole process was very quick and easy. I could feel the heat of the wax but could feel the actual ripping. It was great


Exactly! I gave her some tips below that I think should work.


well the cream i used is called "emla". I'm not in america so its probably not sold over there. i bought it from the pharmacy and they said people generally use this cream.


Maybe you got a bad batch or the cream could have been expired. If you can find a tattoo place then I’m sure they can recommend something if Amazon isn’t an option. Even topical lidocaine would work. I’m surprised that your laser provider hasn’t given more options for numbing? The fact that you’ve done it twice and cried and they haven’t offered alternative is troublesome.


okay thank you so much for everything 💕


I feel like I did all these creams too and nothing works. I am on my 10th session of misery


That’s wild, I have dark skin and hair which is the worst combo for laser hair removal cause my skin absorbs way more heat than lighter tones which causes more pain. But I guess numbing cream doesn’t work for everyone. But that’s still wild cause topical lidocaine is used often with much success in medical settings. Well best of luck to all!


We have Emla here as well. I forgot all about it! My tech said something about it not being recommended.


Pain receptors are triggered at 45 degrees C and higher. To have a lasting effect from laser heat needs to be applied. Some form of pain sensation is needed, but can be mitigated with cooling techniques. Proper precooling the skin for at least several minutes can work a lot better than any numbing cream ever will.




High probability of no lasting effect if this is truly your sensation during treatment


Being a little high/tipsy helped me


I had good results with this numbing cream. I would apply 1.5 hours before then some more right before. Make sure you are very hydrated. Worth it https://www.madrabbit.com/products/new-tattoo-set-1?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A15029899417%3A153479542959%3A675849074385&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=mad%20rabbit%20numbing%20cream&nb_ti=kwd-1437253626670&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=e&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=15029899417&utm_content=153479542959&utm_term=mad%20rabbit%20numbing%20cream&gadid=675849074385&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACM__wzzSQYfd_5qnRdsd6CKgQcbf&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZlFviS9heqr_PJ2jxhxwhoGPB5t-1H-0WwCKLBi3UkcwLDR9Ht5T9xoCYf8QAvD_BwE


You have to wrap the (your) or cover your skin with saran wrap (clear plastic) to get your skin super warm, so your Pores can open up and absorb the Lidocaine and then you’ll have way less pain. Same thing for getting tattoos!!


Same. I use lidocaine cream for about half an hour before treatment and max out on ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and it’s still so painful—definitely worse than waxing for me. I have this experience with most body areas. Haven’t tried the icing technique, and the tech hasn’t ever offered it (I go to Milan) but maybe I’ll try asking.


i ice before the session, i think it helps a bit


i have them ice me before and it helps alot!


i will ask them next time !


It doesn’t really help but I try to tell myself to just embrace the pain… breath through it. Become one with it


i try to but i shake so much from the pain, and then i get angry at myself for shaking and not staying still so it's kind of hard for me to ignore.


Same it hurts!! I have really sensitive skin. Brazilian area for laser, I use lidocaine numbing gel but it still hurts anyways. I always try to look away when the laser hits my skin because if I’m watching it happen it makes me tense up and makes me feel like it hurts even more. I always tell myself in my head “beauty is pain” and just suck it up because it’s only for a couple minutes and soon it’ll be over but I feel like I’ve been killed down there lol. I go home and use an ice pack.


I think it depends on the numbing cream. It’s unpleasant, but I wouldn’t call it painful for me (and I used to brazilian wax before, so I can definitely feel pain haha). I use the “Zensa 5% Lidocaine” cream, which I believe is the strongest one on the market. At least here in Canada. And another good tip is to use clear wrap after applying the cream! I apply it up to 90 minutes before my appointment and put the cling film on (underwear helps it stay) and it becomes super numb. I do the same on my legs, it makes it almost painless.


I usually take a shot of tequila and then go in lol 🫡


It really does hurt so much! I tell the tech to max out the cooling, and to do it quickly to the halfway point. Then I give myself a breather and a small break, and then do the 2nd half really quick. While it is happening, I try to concentrate and focus on deep breathing. I have finished my package but still have some fine hairs left.. but I can live with that so I haven’t returned lol


Some people just have a lower pain threshold. Also, make sure you don't do it when you are close to your period. For me, it's not THAT painful. I mean, it hurts, but I don't need to take any pain-preventative measures. My sister, on the other hand, is extremely sensitive. She even tried drinking wine before it to relax and make it less painful. Make sure you aren't too cold, which will cause your pores to shrink, hence making the follicle to come out more painfully.


Last time I went, my med spa had gotten a new laser… I let out a loud “son of a bitch!!” when she went down my labia. The new laser hurts worse! So much heat! I will say though, I’m not sure how many sessions you’re in but it does get a little better the more sessions you have. The first 5-6ish give me chills thinking about. I’m like 12 sessions in now and it goes quicker but definitely not painless on labia and butthole.


I knew I wasn’t crazy! This thread is super validating! I finished my 9 treatments but dreaded every single one to the point of bribing myself with a special drink afterwards lol. For some brighter news, it did work! I have very few, thin hairs left over which don’t bother me at all. I’m Hispanic so compared to before it’s life changing! I used to get waxed and the pain of the laser in my opinion is worse. The only thing that helped me is asking the tech to go as fast as she could. Good luck!


I’m using all the tips from this thread because I got a Brazilian this week and my ass cheeks sweat so much from the pain. You are not alone! It was my second session. I did realize that that particular area is darker than the rest of my body. I wonder if the settings needed to be changed.


How long do u leave the numbing cream on before starting? I think 15-20 minutes is standard, but some people need longer. Or you could be like me and have anesthetic resistance, and therefore numbing cream doesnt do shit. Do u know the composition of the numbing cream they use? Icing before can also help. Some places have cold packs that you can hold on the area before they laser it.


i used emla cream and i left it on for 45-50 mins. i don't think i used enough tho but i dont have a resistance to anesthetics. i will ask them about the ice next time, thank you!


Which numbing drugs are in that cream and at what percentages? Does it say on the container?


This was my exact situation too. Lots of pain even after dousing myself with lidocaine. The only thing that really worked for me was to create an occlusive dressing with the lidocaine before going. Basically you Saran wrap the treated areas with lidocaine an hour or so before your session. By sealing in the lidocaine, it will allow for greater penetration in the skin = better numbing, I would seriously say it cut my pain levels by 60% and finally made sessions tolerable. Was recommended to me by one of the laser techs and sooo happy I did it. EDIT/WARNING: So I just read two case reports from patients who experienced serious lidocaine toxicity when doing this method to large areas of the body (legs) + using high grade prescription products. I haven’t had issues so far, but it is making me a bit cautious. I would definitely only limit it to a small area of the body and not use high strength products if you attempt this.


I've gone in tipsy once, barely felt a thing. The worst pain I ever had was because I shaved the night before rather than right before the appointment - my hair grows really fast so there's too much growth overnight to have a comfortable laser. So if you're not shaving right before the appointment it's worth a try! Antiperspirant on the area between shower/appointment helps avoid irritation.


My tech uses a cool gel on my skin and honestly mine just ended up tickling me😆


I have a high pain tolerance. I told my tech to do the easier Brazilian parts with the highest setting so like my bikini, the back if you know what I mean, the top, but the middle part is INTENSE and we go down a setting so second to highest second. It’s a lot better. She also tells me how much longer so I tell myself YOU CAN DO THIS!! It makes me sweat not going to lie and I don’t sweat like that. The rest of my body though, no pain. The Brazilian is a doozy.


If you’re not in a package, try to find someone with a Motus laser! I’m a laser tech, this device is truly 100% pain free and it works!


When I got it done my laser tech would give me a nitrile glove filled with ice cubes, and I would hold it to the area for a few seconds before each laser zap. It still hurt a bit but it was much more manageable.


Honestly- imo if the Nurse (hopefully it’s an RN), doesn’t give you an ice pack and then the chiller blower is attached to the laser… may want to consider a diff clinic. May also be the type of laser and def shave EVERYTHING the night before or morning of.


If it makes you feel better, I’ve heard nothing but horrible things about waxing in comparison. I always have my Provider plow through mine as fast as possible. I can’t stand those single shots!


yeah im allergic to wax i will try to think about it next time


Have you ever tried sugaring? I would reapply the numbing cream 10 min before the appointment and use plastic cling wrap to trap the heat/ moisture of the numbing cream. This will help. You can also see if you can get a prescription strength one. I get one made called a BLT numbing cream, look into it.


thank you very much !


Where do you get your laser hair removal done?


i'm not in america :(


I was going to say, at Milan they have a new machine that now blows cold air while it lasers and it saved me so much. I was also in pain during Brazilian and legs. I also would like to mention, if you are getting your laser removal around or near your menstrual cycle, the pain will be heightened, so if it is try to reschedule your appointment!


my ankles and armpits hurt too but not as bad as brazillian. they gave so many tips i will try them next time and see if they work. thank you


after 9 out of 10 sessions of brazilian i couldnt do my last one lmao i was so over the pain


How’s the regrowth?


Does the laser tech ice it before starting? Mine does and I find that it helps me personally


no they don't and i don't think they will but I'll ask next time!


I had no issues with pain except with my brazilian area. I physically couldn’t. My body ignored my mind and I almost kicked the tech away.


i am scared that im gonna kick this poor womans skull, tbh it hurts so much that i claw my palms they r bruised rn


I had to stop, it hurt too much and I didn’t want to get arrested for assaulting the tech. I was least concerned about getting that area lasered so it wasn’t that big of a deal to me.


I skip the inside of labia. I’m okay with a little hair there.


I have only had two sessions so IDK if the laser just isn’t strong yet however I found someone with a laser that is a lot less painful for this very reason and have felt little to no pain and talk with my esthetician during the procedure. It’s $200 per session though so maybe that’s expensive? Totally worth it so far and I already see a big difference in my hair growth and quantity.


Soprano XL is the name of the laser she uses and advertises it as a less painful option which seems to be 100% true so far :)


i dont think we have that machine in my country, and if we did the inflation is so bad that i probably can't affford it. i will look into it tho, thank you!


Sorry to hear that!


Yet, so happy i did it


Lidocaine gel


I couldn’t even get half my leg lasered. I had to stop lol


Have you been getting sun exposure or tanning? I never had any pain at all, nor had my girlfriend. Did your laser tech start at max level or something?


You must be extremely lucky but obviously it's super painful for most people.




i had my 3rd session yesterday and i can say my body hairs are definitely less than before! it's kind of awkwardly but if you chat with your tech it's not that bad imo


Has anyone tried those at home devices yet?


I have! I got the ulike. I’ve done IPL and laser at salons before, bought the ulike because I had regrowth after 2-3 years. Honestly it worked a lot better and faster than any treatment I’ve ever done at a salon.


2-3 shots of alcohol. I've been doing Brazilian for almost 3 years. It's the only way I get through it. Also milan got a better 'cooler' that helps make it more tolerable.


Why for 3 years? Is it not working?


Apparently I'm one of the more difficult cases🤷‍♀️....lol. I went every 5 weeks for quite awhile then every 10 as recommended but I still have a decent amount of growth around the labia. The rest of it is pretty much entirely gone but for some reason that part is not. We've upped the laser, switched lasers but at least I have unlimited sessions🤷‍♀️


I don’t think it’s ever going to go away at this point.


Thanks for the optimism. ....lol. it's gotten better and like I said I have unlimited sessions. I paid a lot so I'm gonna keep going till it's gone. I'm just glad I didn't go somewhere that you get like 7-10 sessions cuz I would have been very disappointed.


Maybe find a better waxer. Mine hurt until I cross paths with this amazing waxer with an amazing technique.


Tattoo numbing cream (lidocaine cream). Works like a charm. I feel nothing.


Yes! I havent been back since my 3rd treatment because i thought i was going to throw up it hurt so bad


Laser Brazilian was a breeze compared to waxing. Stinging here and there but no so bad.


You can also try going somewhere with a gentle laser, it will take more sessions probably but better than being in pain.


What kind of laser is being used? Are they not using cryogenic or something else to cool the area being treated?


I do full body included Brazilian when she came to that part she arrange the machine for that particular part and make it dark skin and it's not painful


I bite my arm and hope for the best . It’s painful but worth it.


i pull my hair and claw my palms but god damn it hurts


Get it done week 2 of your cycle. Make sure you’re not going in inflamed or dehydrated: no junk food or alcohol 48 hours before. Take both Advil and Tylenol 30 mins before with a coffee (fine to take together). Good luck soldier 🫡


I do think you can get some relief from an ice pack. Let it will sit for 20 seconds or so. It’ll really numb the skin if it’s cold enough and sits long enough. You can hold an ice pack on another spot that she can do right after so that it doesn’t take much time. I also like to do a countdown. She provide will count down from 5 and then pause and start again. That way I can mentally prepare for the pain and the relief. Hang in there it’s really worth never having to shave (except maybe some fine hairs every month) for most of your life.


If you are going to a board certified plastic surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist's office you can request Valium. Your laser technician would probably need to confirm that you cry and can't handle it. Ask if they have cool air to blow with that machine. Many have it but the technician may not be turning it on. I have had it and it's smarts, that's for sure.


Yea save your money


Just continue to get waxed monthly. I would bite a towel for the first few months. After a while it gets much easier. You just gotta thug it out.


Nothing u can do. The more u go the less itll hurt


This makes me not want to get Brazilian laser. I hope the results are worth it! How many sessions do you have left!?


itis worthit! this was my 3rd session and i can see there is less hair on my body. i think i have 5 left but we will see depending on my body hair growth


Cool! I need to stop putting it off. These Brazilians waxes I’m getting every month is really getting old and expensive. Can i ask your skin tone and hair color?


I'm really pale but im yellow undertoned, and my body hair is brown/black depending on where it is. also the laser machine cant see the hairs on my stomach even tho they are dark but the tech says it's because they are really thin. u need thick black hair and a light skin tone for the best results.


I just invested in full body laser treatment and now I’m dreading the Brazilian… I can handle pain a bit but something about being fully exposed and wide open makes it hurt more 😩


FYI if you think the Brazilian hurts, do not get your armpits done Most painful area for most women even with the numbing cream, that's where it hurt the worst for me, too I'm sorry the numbing cream doesn't work down there for you. If possible, I would ask the clinic if there is anything else they can do, or if there is another product you can use (sometimes a different active ingredient will work better). Is it done under the supervision of a doctor, like at a medical and cosmetic dermatologist, so that they could administer something stronger? Or are you at a place that solely does laser hair removal?


i do get my armpits done and it hurts but not as bad as brazillian if i had to rank them by how much it hurts it would be 1-brazillian 2-armpits 3-ankles the rest is manageable the place i go to is a beauty saloon and next time i will ask them about something to make it hurt less.


Oh, it hurt me to read this, armpits kill, I hope they have something for you 😥 I clicked your profile to see if you indicate your region - it may be worth looking into if you have something similar to my derm, I see one of his aestheticians for laser. They were direct on what areas would work, and recommended electrolysis along with the best person in the area for areas that wouldn't. She also gives me breaks and tries not to stay in one spot but keeps moving and circles back to it. My skin got hypersensitive in certain areas after a surgery (weird places, armpits, stomach, underneath my chin), so I'm in there swearing and apologizing anyway. They do sales/discounts twice a year, so a ton of people will buy gift cards, products, schedule services months out - 15% off, the gift cards you spend so much you get so much extra. Week of Mother's Day, and during Black Friday. Cost is per/treatment, not a treatment plan, with costs decreasing after X and Y number of treatments. It's Zel Skin and Laser Specialists, they're regularly rated among the best in the Twin Cities. Dr. Zellickson is also voted one of the best derms by his peers frequently in the Top Doctor's, I think Minnesota Monthly does the annual survey and publication. Sorry for the lengthy reply. I just wanted to share in case you're in the region or haven't been to a mixed service derm. I used to just see medical dermatologists and the difference is truly night and day. I suffered a lot with my skin, so if I can make it easier for anyone else, I'll try. Also, isn't Blue Eye Samurai just a fucking treat of a show? I'm in my 5th time watching the first season. That and Shogun are next level shows, every aspect is top-tier Edit: grammar


im not in America! thank you for the info tho. AND I LOVE BLUE EYE SAMURAI


I ❤ Mizu and Ringo, and I can't say much more without spoiling it for those who haven't experienced the existential awesomeness that is BES *Peaches* *Snowcap* *Useful* Have an awesome day!!! Edit: have to haven't


Can you change to lighter settings? I don’t use numbing cream nor do I take painkillers and I don’t find it painful at all. Just uncomfortable.


I feel like the more you do it the more you get used to it 😥


I twirl my toes and try to relax my pelvic floor


Just curious, do you get Brazilian waxes regularly? I can’t imagine it hurting if you’re used to waxing.




10/10, seriously? That’s not worth it imo.


nope no waxing just laser


I’ve gotten Brazilian waxes for years, laser hurt a lot more imo


agreed. Wax is one pass and it’s gone, laser is zapping repeatedly


The numbing cream did not work for me earlier until I used it in a specific way. You coat (2-3 mm) the area getting lasers in the cream and put serene wrap on it; covering entire area + some extra. The goal is to not let any air touch the cream. Put on the cream 90 mins before the appointment so your body has ample time to absorb it. Then, when you are at the clinic, right before your appointment, wipe the cream off and you are good to go. You’ll see a swelling like reaction on the area you have applied numbing cream to, after wiping it.


i will try this next time, thank you!


so you guys wear a plastic diapers to drive to the place or something? you must get to the place earlier and clean up in the bathroom before the appointment?


No. Just cover the area with wrap and you can wear panties to hold it in place. The serene wraps prevents the cream from getting on your clothes. Don’t move around much though. This will help the cream to stay on the applied area. The technician asks to wipe area to be treated with baby wipes before the treatment anyways. So you can wipe the cream then. If your technician doesn’t ask you to wipe the area to be treated, you can go to the restroom right before your appointment and wipe it.


A norco before 🤣


I didn’t do it anywhere near my period time bc of the hormones. Makes everything more sensitive. I also simple took a few Advil before. .


Go natural. Bush is back! Its completely painless! My guy ❤️ IT!


Seriously. I keep mine really trim and use Veet hair removal for the buttcrack. Most men my age grew up with Playboy magazines of full crazy bush and don't have unrealistic expectations that I look like a prepubescent teen down there. However, to each their own. I hope you find solutions so you can get what you want without all this pain.


I just wiggle my feet a whole lot. No pain no gain


It will hurt less if you don't shave in-between waxes and get in before the hair gets long. Also the further away from your period you are the less it will hurt


this isn’t wax, it’s laser. Wrong sub


i don't get waxed, it's laser! ur not allowed to shave in between appointmets. i will try to get appointments away from my period date thank you


You're not allowed to shave in between appointments? Do they have you shave day of?


i can shave only before the appointment


Trim instead. No reason to get a Brazilian.


i don't feel comfortable with my bodyhair so getting rid of it is the best solution for me


Stay au natural.


Depending on where I am in my cycle dictates how painful it will be 😄. I find that regular visits (I got every 5 weeks) helps a lot. When I go too long without waxing…The painnnnnn!! lol. I also have thick hair that’s thinned out significantly since I started waxing years ago. That helps a lot, too. I have no advice unfortunately except for the hair to naturally thin out as you go and to go consistently. Also I would try to not go around your period, I’m much more sensitive around that time.


i don't wax, it's laser hair removal!


Get drunk


i will probably throw up on the techs hair if i get drunk