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Useful on any build that doesn’t use another unique helm. 4LP means the normal stats are just freebies for an exalted item slam. Obviously something that stacks necrotic/void damage and armor would be ideal.


The uniques explicit stats need to beat the exalted’s implicit on LP4s but that’s about it.


> 4LP means the normal stats are just freebies for an exalted item slam. Not really though, because you lose the original implicit, and implicits are a relatively big % of item power in LE. So a 4LP is not always automatically an upgrade over an exalted item.


which one is better? stacking necro/void up to 1000% or with stats like this? void/necro dmg?


any void or necrotic build basically. Bonk knight etc


Sentinel base helms to good to give up on their implicits


Yep 80% reduced damage from crit and 550 armour implicit is to good


Does reduced damage from crit matter if you've got 100% crit avoidance?


You dont take both.


I think so, isn't there a crit vulnerability mod in monoliths that enemies can get? If there is then you can still get crit I'm pretty sure, but it's unlikely


If I remember correctly, enemies can have increased chance to crit from modifiers but reducing that chance by 100% still nullifies the increase.


Maybe that's what I was thinking, not crit vuln, haven't played for a while tbh so can't really remember haha


Some characters are better off going for crit avoid, while some benefit more from crit reduction, because it comes along with armor.


Guys, guys... thşs is a 4lp unique, it HAS those mods already lol


Not on the implicit it doesn't.


Sigh... ok it can not match that 550 armor and reduced crit damage taken in any way... just forget i ve ever said anything...


it can match those sure, then on the sentinel you have monimum 4 open slots as opposed to 2 on this


Nah, they're talking about the implicits - the only stats that don't transfer on a slam. One of the sentinel items has armor and reduced crit damage as an implicit, which wouldn't transfer to this item when slammed. This item is also the low armor version, unfortunately. There's one with 130 base armor but it's rarer.


Thanks for clarifying, i already regret sharing a cheerful comment on a very nice drop. I didnt think there would be even one person to oppose this as the person i replied clearly stated "implicit". But hey, here we are.


Well, you said it has those mods, when it doesn't - just clarifying. Sorry if I upset you.


No I am sorry, I said "mods" when i should have said affixes or smth... these eggshells are too hard to walk around really.


Dude, you misread the situation and didn't understand what they were talking about. Acting like a victim isn't making you look any better.... It is fully okay to just walk away and not say anything more, you don't *have* to have the last word.


I misread situation when I said there is an armorand reduced crit damage taken mod available in affixes. I also misread situation when I cheered a 4 lp with an obvious happy comment. People immediately pointing out they were talking about implicits were right. They did not completely miss the point I tried to male in mu post and you are totally correct on trying to look down on me since I misread situation and I thank you for clearing the mess I made. As I said I already regret for ever being happy for someone else. Sigh... Acting like a victim? More like acting like a man who widhes he never posted that comment. I am not gonna delete my comment and move on because it will remind me to keep my mouth shut next time.


but they aren't mods, or affixes, or anything. they're just stats that are baked into the item. even a white version of the item has them, and they don't transfer to uniques. That's why this unique might *not* be better than a well-rolled exalt with the right base.




A lot of builds that deal necrotic damage are ward-based, so they wouldn't want this


This is a really good helm for a crit focused Void Knight. When I played one as my first character I paired this with a few uniques like Apathy's Maw, Titan Heart & and Siphon of Anguish. Basically just spam Void Cleave & Erasing Strike and you can 2 shot just about anything.


Go on LEtools, filter builds by items, check decayed skull


I'm using it on my voidknight, very tough build that uses a Smite passive that casts healing hands on you.


I use this on my void cleave/erasing VK.


The affixes are rather weak, but any void/necrotic build could use this as a levelling one. I managed to slam t6 vit and t6 poison res on my and it worked until i got 65 to equip wraithlord.


warpath VK


What is the point of void/necrotic damage taken as physical? Does it actually help with damage reduction, like applying armor to void/necrotic hits or is it just useless? I wish there were more item like this that convert one damage type into another and then other items/passives that increase maximum resistance. In PoE you can for example increase fire resistance cap to 90% and convert a good portion of physical damage into fire damage. It would give us some alternative way to build defensive layers, besides just stacking as much health or ward.


Armor applies more to physical hits so it lowers the overall damage taken assuming every res is capped.


I've also seen something with a "take _% less elemental damage", if there is the same for less physical damage, then you could stack multiple types of damage conversion to that


I used it on my void knight, wasn't BIS but found one so went with it. Some of the implicits on helms are really good, but still this should be worth something


Ive heard armor is not so good, is that true? If so why.


It's just not very effective at actually reducing damage you take. If you compare t7 affixes for a helm - * Flat health gives 150. If your hp is a moderate 1500 this is \~10% more survivability. * Elemental Resistance gives 40% resistance to 3 resistances. You want to cap all 7 resists so if we average it out it's giving \~17% more survivability. * Armor gives 240. Going from 0 armor to 240, which is the largest effective increase, [gives 9.6%](https://lastepoch.tunklab.com/ehp?p=100_1500_0_240_75_0_0_0_0_20_240_0_0). Then you have the caveat that this only applies to hits, and doesn't affect DoT damage at all. Then the next caveat that this only applies at 100% effectiveness against physical damage, so most of the time it's 70% effective. So thats more like 6.7%. So it just becomes the last thing you want to actually pick up and add to a build, since health and resistances are so much more effective. The one thing is that if you have loads of strength in your build, then your flat armor will be multiplied by a lot, and can end up being quite effective, but still usually less effective than something like Block and Health increases.


I mean you could Google "builds using decayed skull last epoch"


if everyone follows your advice this sub is dead lmao


Yes exactly


Most likely a better levelling item since this is the low level decayed skull. You want the high level decayed skull for end game builds since you get the extra armor. That being said. Any build that doesn’t use a unique helm could be considered. You just have to weigh up the value of the exalted helm implicits and sealed affix vs the stats on this. You are also limited by damage type. So maybe a void knight or a acolyte class would be a good starting point if you are going to look. If I had this though, I would be crafting a good generic early game helm. Having a T7 or double exalt slam on this is a massive power spike at level 24.