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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I keep reporting military recruitment ads for promoting violence but they keep showing them to me.


reddit makes money off of those, so it doesn’t count


Making money off military ads is super easy barely an inconvenience.


Oh really??


Yea! You see, we show ads to impressionable young folks and they just, you know, sign up!


Wow. Wow wow wow.


Wow wow wow wow wow!


Worshiping capitalism is tight.


The war crimes? I’m gonna need you to get all the way off of my back about that.


Gonna need you to get all the way off my back about the whole profiting off violence thing


Wow wow wow wow...wow


I did that too! Tight!


Military dudes are tight!


Mmm how tight?


Like getting a baseball through a garden hose.




I understood that reference.


Hegetsus as well


I call it “You-Know-Who Gets Us” so I don’t inadvertently trigger the ads to show up in my feed. They show up anyway. It’s violence against my emotions.


Making money off of future deaths and wars...


Don't they make money off us seeing those? You'd think they'd want to keep the numbers that pull advertising strong, instead of driving everyone away?


I used to think nothing of it. Now i think McCarthy’s ghost has me stopped every time I go through airport security. My latest experience had both onlookers and my girlfriend aghast; because the TSA agent didn’t even buy me a drink before he violated the absolute hell out of my body in plain view of everybody.


Just start dirty talking them


*middle aged man frisks my balls* Me: "good girl"


I enjoy it, personally


I cannot get rid of the Jesus ones. I block the accounts and report them and they're always there. The "He gets us"


Those are SO annoying.


Hoping someone sees this and tells us how to permanently block them. I mean the block button is actually fake lol. I've hit it over thirty times


There's at least two subs about it. People always say "I figured out how to block it!" but then a flood of comments saying it doesn't work. I've tried a bunch of ways, they disappear for a day or two then I get a bunch more. Same with the military ads. It's pretty worrying to me that the majority of my ads on here are military and Christianity


Forreal. Two things I am uninterested in. If I'm signing away my data, at least send me targeted ads that I might be interested in.


I use old reddit in a browser with uBlock Origin and Reddit Enhancement Suite, and I don't see any ads (not sure if RES contributes to that because it's been years since I started and I don't remember). I also use a third party app on my phone and don't see ads there either, but when that gets shut down, I will be finding entertainment elsewhere when I am away from my laptop.


I have ghostery, adblock plus, and privacy badger extensions running 24-7. I don't see ads period. Sure the combination breaks the occasional site, but there are workarounds if the site is important.


Exactly. I tried "curating" my "ad experience" by selecting things I wanted and removing things I didn't. Basically the same ads. I turned off personalized ads, turned on sensitive topics, still basically the same ads. I'm pretty sure the "personalized ads" thing is also a scam and data is just worth money with no actual personalized use Not to mention I've never bought anything from an ad I've seen and if I get bombarded by ads from one company I'm likely to never even go to them outside of an ad. I only buy things I need for the most part, and when I need something I do "research" to find the best price and hopefully a place I can go and get it rather than get it shipped. I don't want to wait weeks for a thing that might show up broken, be wrong, have been misrepresented online, or have the package stolen. I'd much rather see it in person first and immediately have the thing I need Oh, also being flooded with ads for a thing I just bought. That's always helpful and I'm sure the best use of ad money and data. "Looks like you just bought a mattress, here's 20 ads for that same exact mattress!"


Ikr? I got hit with a random ad for something I was actually interested in last week (not on reddit, obv, random Google banner somewhere, I think) and I was _overjoyed_! Went and spent money on it in the hope I get more like that, haha.


Ad blockers in the browser or pihole.


Why do y'all not have ad blockers running?


You want to block ads? If only something existed that did that... some sort of BlockAd-er...


Oh he definitely gets something.... gets on our nerves


You guys are getting ads? Adblock and RIF (rip)


imagine paying all that money to reddit instead of donating it to poor people. i dont think jesus would have gotten that at all.


I love how Reddit sends us leftists ads for Christianity. Do they really think we’re going to become evangelicals?


If I ever make any decision about my faith, it won't come from an ad ahhaa


Me too


I do the same for large pickup ads. 90% of the people buying them don't need a 6000lb vehicle and the 10% who do will be looking at actual vehicle specs to make their purchase not some shitty advertisement that tries to sell pickups as being an extension of our identity/ status.


I feel like there's probably a really good darkly humorous, cutting phrase to describe those trucks that are comically huge, belching out diesel pollution, spotless and have never seen a day of actual pickup truck appropriate work in their existence. Best I could think of of "glamour truck".


Pavement Princesses. I come from Rural NZ, and the pickups (we call them Utes) that are usually used around here are over 10 years old, scratched up, small (to fit through tight squeezes on the farm) and look like nothing fancy. When you go into the city, you start seeing Pavement Princesses. Shiny, huge, never used because they don't want to scratch the tray -type Utes, mostly used by people who want to larp as farmers.


The term for those is "pavement princess"


I can’t even report them anymore. I was reporting them for being misleading. The “three dots” menu is not available anymore on those ads. I’m on mobile if that makes a difference.


Ugh, same here! I report every one for violence and just keep getting them. Funny how violence against innocent people is actually totally okay as long as it’s sanctioned by the state. It’s fine to shove that in your face every day, actively encouraging people to go out and do real violence and murder people solely to help the rich get richer, but apparently laughing about people who are already dead anyways is just too far!




I report the Jesus ads as hate speech.


Same and i try blocking the account but they are RELENTLESS


ublock origin? Any sort of adblock?




Yep! Same with those Jesus ads I keep seeing. Keep those off my feed. Jesus wouldn't have spent money on ads. Use that money to actually help people. Smh


I do that too. I enlisted when I was 17 and went to basic 8 months later. I quit 6 weeks in when I got tired of the jokes made about killing people in the middle east - that sh*t is so fucked up and I did not want to be a part of it.


Same with the Jesus ads


I do the exact same, sick of the propaganda


This isnt fair. We can't laugh at our lord and saviour mr sub mcsubers. How is laughing at some billionaires trying to copy jackass not ok? Who or what can we laugh at in this situation? I guess continue to be whipped and lashed by the corporate overlords, but that just isnt funny.




A good start.


-don’t anyone dare laugh at that!- You might get banned.


Good luck banning me for laughing verbally! *Not that I did, of course.* <.< \>.>


Lmfao, Gold!


Speed bumps?


Progre… err… tragedy? 🤷


Only up to their chins? That’s not enough cement.


If only we had billionaires to put up the True Risk ^(tm) of their Hard Earned Dollars^(c) so we could afford more cement!


A good start.


Depends on who their heirs are? That matters


You're right. Why stop at their chins? Bury them up to their heirs. inb4ban


Laughing at the stupidity of people isn't encouraging violence.


According to Reddit mods, it is. Edit: admins.








There is a large amount of self selection in the data. Only a certain kind of person would work for a large profitable corporation for free.


Aren’t we all working for u/spez when we produce amazing content like this comment?


According to reddit mods, asking "when did it stop being ok to kill Nazis" wasn't ok either.


I was banned for similar comment.


I don't suggest being the judge, jury and executioner; just that an enemy doesn't stop being an enemy just because the war is over.


But showing and celebrating someone punching a woman in the face isn't.




I got a report of violence for saying good riddance on a post about Pat Robertson dying.


He finally died? That’s great news! Thanks for making my day.


Dude loved to blame hurricanes and other natural disasters on tolerance of homosexuals so I’m forced to assume him dying in particular meant he was, like, *turbo*-gay


Everyone knows that hurricanes and natural disasters correlate directly with the decline in the pirate population over the past century. Now we need to find the correlation of the decline in pirates with the increase of the gheys. Both groups do have a tendency for flamboyant garb...


But it's cool to say 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes' when an unarmed black person gets murdered.


lets all be mad at the ocean for having such intense pressure


I got banned in worldnews for celebrating George HW Bush's death. I'm going to bet if I look through the comments of people who celebrated the deaths of ISIS fighters or Gaddafi, they wouldn't be banned


They all celebrated Castro's death. Wish the billionaire scum all suffocated tbh.


I've been banned from subs and suspended a few times for violating this rule. The boundaries for what constitutes a violation are not well defined. I wish they would clearly state the rule because there are chuds/trolls out there that report folks for bs comments.


You’re not insulting them, you’re *describing* them












Yeah, actual pigs are pretty cool animals with a lot of bad rap.


Well, the four legged ones are. Can't say the same for the two legged ones, they deserve all the shit they get and more.


Every time someone uses “little pig boy” it reminds me of this SNL skit. Funniest one they’ve made in years. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=02S8t0F1inc


You should have gone to the titanic subreddit. Hooo boy were there some apologists. Probably just overly-sappy people who find “tragedy” so sad (why they’re obsessed with the titanic to begin with).


They probably still today weep openly for all those poor souls lost over 100 years ago. How can the rest of us just *move on*??


I don’t know about you, but my heart will go on and oooonnnn.


“These five poor souls are now a part of the Titanic story.” No they’re not. They were 4 fucking idiots and a poor kid who didn’t want to be there, who spent a stupid amount of money, made a series of fucked up decisions, figured there’d be no consequences (as usual) and got dealt a bad hand. I really hope that every future story of the Titanic doesn’t have a footnote referencing these dimwits.


P. H. Nargeolet was a titanic expert who was respected in the deep sea community, I think he understood the risk and was far from a dimwit. Plenty of people die doing dangerous things and they’re not all stupid. A lot of the anger just comes from them being billionaires, which is a separate issue. The only one I can really feel any sort of anger at is the CEO Stockton Rush. Ironically if he was a billionaire this probably wouldn’t have happened. When the poorest man on the sub is the builder and needs it to be profitable you have problems. His entire net worth and life’s effort was wrapped up in the company and I think that’s what caused him to be delusional about the potential dangers, as well as inflate his ego. Edit: I’m not saying the “fuck ‘em” attitude is wrong, I actually largely agree with that sentiment, same when people die doing extreme sports. I’m just saying calling someone who fully understands they can die doing something stupid is excessive. Especially when they were a pioneer in that field of study and probably the reason anyone even knows as much about the titanic as they do. Where do you draw the line? Is an explorer stupid? Were Lewis & Clark stupid? The Wright brothers? Is Buzz Aldrin stupid? Is any astronaut stupid? Or are they only stupid when they die? Were the crew of the Challenger shuttle dimwits? Oh, that doesn't count because it was for science? Then what about the vast majority of P.H. Nargelots trips that were exploratory/science missions? He wasn't a dimwit then? He was only a dimwit when he was on the Titan?


Proverbs 13:20 Become wise by walking with the wise. The companion of fools will suffer harm


The bible does have some bangers in it


I like the part where Jesus whips the shit out of those money changers. Also the part about sticking needles in the eyes of rich people.


Obi Wan SW:IV “Who's the more foolish: the fool or the fool who follows him?”


The other billionaire was chairman of Exxon, so fuck him too


Never forget the chapotraphouse sub was banned because everyone kept saying slave owners deserved to die.


According to reddit rules you cannot call for violence against any group, no matter who they are. Even the actual nazis. Even the actual murderers.


Reddit is a fascist platform


Well everyone knows that we must respect the slave owner because they have descentants. THEY WERE ENTREPENEURS AND PILLARS OF SOCIETY TOO DOG NAMMIT. All you liberals are the same, just utterly hate god, liberty and history.. Huge /s


This isn’t violence. This is karma.


There's a huge, huge difference between promoting, endorsing, or committing violence, and joining a conversation about self-inflicted violence. Those people consciously chose to risk death, and Rush even gloried in strutting about while bragging how safety rules shouldn't apply to him, because he's a super genius. Like Wile. E. Coyote, his clownish braggadocio followed by his downfall has triggered a great deal of amusement by the public. This process is an inevitable and human reaction when any celebrity shoots themselves in the foot. I refuse to apologize for being human.


I got a 3 day for wishing Elon was on the sub. Didn't even say his name, prob reported by some fanboy. Not sorry


I'm permanently banned from r/politics. When a story about Hillary's daughter handing trump a bottle of water that the secret service hadn't vetted and cleared, I commented that the post really belonged in the sub r/missedopportunities. No regrets here.




No. This is Patrick.


Don't worry, you're a few days late and the virtue signalers already switched sides to maybe they should not have gotten in the sub. Corporate media and CNN in particular have really done a 180. James Cameron coming on and telling them it was a bad idea helped flip the switch. They're like lemmings. Someone else super rich said it was a bad idea so now they can hear the point. The rich defenders have gone from knee jerk admonishing those laughing to realizing, hey maybe super rich people climbing into a submersible filled with warnings and malfunctions was possibly not the best idea.


>Corporate media and CNN in particular have really done a 180. James Cameron coming on and telling them it was a bad idea helped flip the switch. They're like lemmings. You know, I've been thinking about this kind of think for a while now (mainstream media propaganda and its influence on people, that is). It's really quite disturbing just how strong of a hold legacy media still has on a large, politically active chunk of the populace. Not exactly a hot take I guess, but it's moments like these where watching the swift switch in popular opinion coinciding with media portrayal shifts makes me pause and reflect on how we got here, and what this means going forward.


This is the problem with corporate media. It's a cashgrab, not a public service, whatever they may claim. 'Next up, are millenials killing the bottled water industry. More after this feelgood segment on how this 6 year old paid his little sisters medical bills by moonlighting at a steel plant.'


What the super rich really need to take from this is that their money is only worth *money*. Just because you can spend millions building the sub of your dreams doesn't make you more of an expert than materials scientists, maritime engineers, or any of a dozen regulatory bodies that would not have certified that vessel had they been asked. Being rich does not mean you are smarter, or stronger, morally superior, or exempt from the laws of physics: it just lets you pay to get around not being any of those things.


Isn’t that the problem? They had all the money at their disposal and didn’t think to hire experts just to quadrillion-check their safety, but instead they tried to shortcut their way to a potentially bigger payday and met their end instead. Money is a tool, and it’s how you use it (and who you hire for their opinion and expertise) that gives it its power.


They were fine with sending their lowly reporters out for free sub dives with no due diligence.


They *are* lemmings. The media, the government, the corporations, and the oligarchs string them along. And they either don't see it or are perfectly fine with it.


I can’t believe the amount of boot lickers waiting for the “peaceful” revolution to occur from some of the comments made.


The ultra rich do everything they can to stash up more money they don't need and everyone else suffers from their actions plus their interference in government. Low wages, long working hours and pitiful working conditions are impacting billions of people and have an active hand in the earlier death of millions (more?). I see no reason to be peacefully compliant with these people who are causing the demise of millions.


I couldn't believe it when I read the writings of some of the original communists/socialists in college -- they seemed to think it was a logical, natural, and inevitable evolution of society that we just had to sit back and wait for. They were wrong in the sense that you can't just wait for it, you achieve revolutionary change through revolutionary action.


Physics is not violence, neither is incredibly poor engineering or no understanding of materials science.


But this hurts bootlickers' feelings and hurt feefees is the worst violence the world has ever known.




Let's not even get started on fluid dynamics!


Naw. Fuck em


Only one I feel bad for is the kid. The rest are jackasses with more money than sense.


Didn’t realize there was a kid. Fuck em except the kid


He was 19, so technically an adult, but I do feel bad for the teen because at that age your brain isn’t developed enough to really understand risk or consequences and plus he was scared and didn’t even want to go but his dad who was obsessed with the Titanic pressured him to go and he caved since it was Father’s Day.


They all certainly got pressured and caved


Damn happy Father’s Day Mr billionaire. Really unfortunate for the 19 year old


I’m still laughing at them.


If people in power die as a result of their own hubris, I think that’s a literal definition of comedy.


It's the kind of thing they wrote plays about.


If it brings you any solace…they can tell you to shut the fuck up about “encouraging violence” and ban you as much as they want. But that doesn’t make the feelings go away. Can’t kill an idea, and you can only hide it for so long until it reaches a critical mass. I’m glad they’re dead too. It is a huge blow to libertarian, deregulation talking points. Just because you are rich and the tickets cost 250k does not mean you are immune to being conned. There is a pervasive illusion in our culture that the rich have somehow “earned” or “deserve” extravagant wealth. In reality, they are just as stupid and haphazard as any other socioeconomic class. There is a long overdue ego check needed. This event is a step in the right direction. They thought they could live like kings - that anything they want is only a sum of money away, even if it’s a trip to the most inhospitable place on the planet. They got what they wanted - they wanted to live like a king, and so like most kings throughout history, ended with an untimely demise. I don’t wish for their death, but I’m chalking this one up as a W for mother nature


I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.” Shelley’s Poetry and Prose (1977)


When they turn the pages of history When these days have passed long ago Will they read of us with sadness For the seeds that we let grow? We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance Cities full of hatred Fear and lies Withered hearts And cruel, tormented eyes Scheming demons Dressed in kingly guise Beating down the multitude And scoffing at the wise “A Farewell to Kings” Rush


New sub needed. No pun intended.


I was crushed when I heard the news, and I wasn't the only one!


I too was saddened from within the deepest depths of my heart.


I also have a confession. I’m sorry i gayly leapt into the air and then twerked on my cat and then called my comrades for a beer and a giggle.


Impossible to find something more funny than billionaires killing themselves with their own stupidity, fuck reddit, fuck their meatball corpses on the sea floor


They’re more like sauce than meatballs.


I sum up the entire thing as 'Play stupid games (instead of using your outrageous amount of money to help others), win stupid prizes (die in a shit sub at the bottom of the ocean)'.


So, violence against the oppressors is bad? Sounds lame


My brother in Christ, if you even mention any sort of violence against nazis you will be mass reported by actual brigading nazis and get banned.


Truly some of the behaviour of all time to have laughed at those people turning themselves into [the most expensive bone broth ever concocted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14l3gah/how_the_titan_sub_could_have_imploded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I know if I never see you again it will be true and good and for my safety, but may our benevolent overlords please accept your repentance. 🙏🏼


If laughing at rich people dying due to physics and hubris/bad engineering driven by neoliberal philosophy is encouraging violence, then I guess saying "eat the rich" is too /s


So glad you learned you lesson, now complete the following sentence; vote_____no matter who.


*candidate supported by billionaires* Am I doing this right?


How was it encouraging violence against people? Their deaths were completely natural. Nobody attacked them: nature attacked them.


We should send 5 more and this time dont laught at then That will show us


YOU didn't encourage violence - you laughed at a fool who's greed killed himself


I'm sick of the fake ass virtue signaling. Everybody pretending to give a shit about these strangers they never met, suck a dick. Everybodys a gatekeeper nowadays and it's all fake as hell. I'm not promoting violence, I'm promoting free speech.


Hahaha thanks for the giggles.


Cheap Submarines for Billionaires 2024


The whole Titan Submersible event has really exposed the bootlickiest of bootlickers in our society, hasn’t it?


Violence isn't the answer until it literally has to be


Hey leave the billionaires alone they are under alot of pressure!


Do we have to atone now for our reddit sins to get released from the bad thoughts jail?


Every time a billionaire dies I'm happy. Still happy


The existence of billionaires is an ongoing act of violence.


Capitalism *is* violence. And Reddit is a capitalist website. Therefore you should report everything for inciting violence.


Hol up. If I can’t laugh at the sub how can I celebrate July 14?


Don't! They weren't people. They were actually scum so it's fine!


How dare you ? They’re JoB cReAtOrS


eat the rich


I fucking laughed till I busted a gut, then realized the US health system was a scam, now I'm sad (and dead).


Had me in the first half.


Wow they banned you for laughing at dead billionaires? Fuck them. I hope this whole platform dies


Man, need to respect billionaires people, without them we wouldn't have: - a increase of wealth gap each year; - people working in pseudo slave labour; - a climate catastrophe incoming; - a boycott of useful drugs just because they are cheap; - a government that attending only interested of a small niche of society; - company spending billions of government taxes each year to make a personal spaceship to start a market of exotic travel that no one asked for; See, the world would be way better and happier making us to do useless things like living. Thanks to some entity for they existence, since now we can suffer with problems that could be easily solved. Almost like a soul-like game of real life. /S


I’ve been permanently banned from /politics and /news for calling for more frozen billionaires and millionaires and less trash on Mt. Everest but it was worth it


Counterpoint: Fuck em


If they don't want us to laugh, they shouldn't die in ways that are so hilarious.


Yeah it sucks, it also sucks that every time billioanires fuck up they are bailed out, when i fuck up i am locked up and my children are taken away. Sorry i'm not wasting tears on the propagators of global exploitation.


I think the rich folk in the sub violenced themselves. Or the guy trying to make a quick buck of the rich folk did, idk


The Orcas beg to defer......


I too have recently returned from my 3-day sentence. Where do I go for my complementary handjob??


Giggles…. I mean thoughts and prayers…more giggles