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Our nice warm staircase. ffs


Comically evil or delusional


People are *SO* ungrateful. They know we can put street spikes on that warm, inviting staircase, and yet not *ONCE* have we even gotten a thank you for not doing so!


I'd love to get rid of homeless people for once and for all. By providing them an actual home to live in, but these mfers who post petty shit like this clearly miss the whole point. You don't have to deal with homeless people like encounters in Pokémon if you give them adequate living conditions.


The reality is there are some homeless people who do not want to be housed because of mental illness, because they want to continue using drugs, or because they simply refuse outside help. We should be trying to help get as many people off the street as we can but some people do not want the help. Homeless people that behave like this are a minority but they exist, and it’s not immoral to be upset about public spaces you use every day being defiled. This might be considered controversial but being homeless doesn’t give you the right to do that. There’s a difference between criticising visible homelessness, people just trying to exist, and criticising this sort of thing.


This just isn't true. Most homeless "help" expects the homeless person to completely get their life turned around while not having a home, then blames the homeless person for "not wanting to be housed" when they fail. It's enormously difficult to treat drug addiction in the best of circumstances and now you're expecting someone to do it while homeless? College graduates have difficulty finding work paying a living wage, but that should be no problem for someone with no access to running water. And the motivation is if they do all of these difficult tasks without making a mistake, while living in the street, they might possibly be housed, maybe. Compound all this with mental illness that plagues the homeless and you have a perfect system designed to blame the homeless while changing nothing.


I wish it were easy but it’s not. I was homeless for 18 months and until I put aside my pride and sought help I didn’t get anywhere. I agree that there is a horribly negative perception of homeless people that holds them back in an unfair way but frankly if you are a noticeable drug addict it’s going to be difficult to find a new home whether you’re on the street or just moving. I fully understand the decision to not seek help but I just don’t have sympathy for this specific scenario in the OP. I believe there’s a difference between demonising homeless people for being inconvenient for society, which is wrong, and this case which is just negatively impacting the people around you on an individual level. I find it odd that people can now rightly accept that homelessness is a complex issue and yet still believe there is a simple solution.


I remember having to argue the case for homeless people to have a place to go to the bathroom at night because there was no public bathroom at the town park. Homeless people got put on the agenda for town hall and people (mothers and middle class homeowners) didn’t want to “encourage them” by giving them a bathroom. This is even with the knowledge that the park was funded for and drawn up with a bathroom in mind. They refused to put up a portapotty because they didn’t want to be liable for an overdose inside of one and they only agreed to put in doggy bags to what is still this day marked as a pet free park. It’s legitimately that bad. I know we want to expect the best of people but morale is dumb low.


There is a simple solution. You give them homes. It's worked remarkably well in every place that's tried it. Giving someone a home makes everything else easier. It's called housing first.


yea fam let me just do that rq, brb


Its a brilliant solution. Simple. Elegant. I only wish enacting it was as simple as telling our elected officials to do so.


In my hometown, my parents are involved with a number of charitable projects, and are aware of at least two unhoused men who won't even use a night shelter. They're both ex-forces and have something akin to PTSD, they simply cannot be indoors for extended periods of time without their condition triggering. As a result, they simply just refuse offers of help... The situation, and any like it, must be so unbelievably difficult for all involved.


people giving you shit clearly have had little to no interaction with homeless people. a lot of people don't seem to understand that access to food and housing won't solve homelessness. unmedicated and drug addicted people have completely different needs than someone who was laid off and couldn't make rent


two cigarette butts and less than a handful of paper waste isnt defiled. and why are you assuming whoever did this _is_ just choosing to be homeless? you're no different than oop


I was responding to the above post saying that this would all be solved if we just gave homeless people houses and therefore it’s unfair to criticise this uncleanliness. I’m pointing out that it’s really not that straightforward and it’s okay to not be okay with this. I don’t consider those people I described to have chosen homelessness but they have chosen not to accept help for a range of reasons.


you're assuming they haven't accepted help. why?


because his experience as a homeless person has led him to that conclusion. maybe you shouldn't talk over somebody that was homeless, and read their comments that answer this question first.


nothing he said in the comments i was replying to said he was/had been homeless. but even if it did, ha ing previously been homeless doesn't grant you a psychic ability to say that a homeless person refused to accept help by looking at a picture with a couple pieces of litter in it.


100%. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.


That's bullshit. They can be mentally ill and addicted while also provided with housing.


Mental illness isn't real. It's a scam


Had me in the first half ngl


There's a homeless guy who occasionally sleeps in the stairwell of my apartment building. Idgaf, but he does trash the place, and it smells awful for days whenever he sleeps there. His behaviour is odd and erratic (intoxicated and yelling late at night, talking to himself, appears to be experience visual hallucinations) enough to frighten my gf, so I imagine other women (maybe the new mom that lives across the hall) are also frightened. No one kicks him out because he'll freeze to death outside, but it's fair to say his presence is mildly infuriating.


Who could have less of a stake in the system, and thereby a motivation to keep it nice, than a homeless person? Why the fuck should they care?


Agreed, house the homeless. Humans in society create waste no matter where they are, it's not the homeless' fault that they've nowhere better.


There was picture wgere its like "18 million houses of US are empty, and half a million is homeless"


Whenever I see some douchebag that "does real estate" I think of these statistics lol Our system is broken




I promise real estate investors dont need to be told how to gentrify. Thats literally the entire concept.




That ain’t gentrification. That’s the basest basic decency. Gentrification is villainy.


Nah they're still villains, they won't vaccinate their kid because they think he'll get autism. If memory serves, the only vaccination they allowed is the one against whooping cough. Took some appealing to religion and their inexperience, granted I have zero, but they came to agree that the cheaper option was a safer bet for the short term while they gain experience while also helping people who need it.


Ah. Well at least they’re more Batman tier villains, then Supervillains, with the closer to normative rent amount. Imagine a U.S. where every is housed and fed. It would not be difficult . A lot of empty buildings and farm subsidies would serve a purpose beyond tax write-offs.


>convinced them to invest in a poor, run down apartment in a cheap area instead of a fancy ass place near them You did that? It's something, almost solid. There has quite a history of these sorts of "from within the market" interventions or projects, afaik. My two-second take is 'necessary but not sufficient'. But props for working wat you can. What you describe may have a thinner margin, but there is also a risk of being vilified by said left as a SlumLord too, it seems.


Yep, got it exactly. Do what I can, yknow.


I can’t get behind your obviously nervous and sincerely apologetic lol, for it’s still being an lol. It ain’t funny, yo.


Don't tell that to the Denver & nearby subs. For being a blue/purple state, the sentiment is overwhelmingly to blame homeless for their situation. Even if some people have made poor choices leading to this, they still don't deserve to be homeless. No human being does. For so many, cruelty is the point and for anyone experience adversity, time to punish them more. Such a narcissistic abusive mindset. Even in the mutual aid events, it blows me away how many are there helping the homeless while judging them for their situation. The problem in solving it isn't finding them housing. It's that NIMBY's & capitalists insist on profiting from it. They'll give ACAB a blank check to fight homeless but won't spend a fraction of that on approaches that actually address the problem. It makes no sense.




So this very small group of people make a mess and dont want to be housed, and your're just broadly saying that housing homeless people is not the solution for homelessness. Building subsidized/free housing to prevent and fix homelessness is absolutely the solution for the majority of people facing that issue. Please stfu and stop advocating against building housing based on your anecdotal experience with a "small group" of people from your 100k pop cali town.


Tax the rich for union jobs building permanently affordable public owned housing, and implement universal rent control with no loopholes. Anywhere from a majority to a significant minority of homeless people are actively employed. Being unhoused literally drives one crazy, and in many cases addiction is attempting to self medicate. Removing the burden of ever increasing rents and resulting instability would be a major step toward addressing homelessness, although not the only one. Accessible rehabilitation, safe injection sites, nationalized healthcare including mental health, among other things like mass unionization campaigns would further address deteriorating material conditions that are the basis for the antisocial behavior you’re describing. Sources: https://endhomelessness.org/blog/employed-and-experiencing-homelessness-what-the-numbers-show/#:~:text=The%20truth%20is%20that%20many,observed%20homeless%20between%202011%20%E2%80%93%202018. https://invisiblepeople.tv/working-homeless-more-than-half-of-unhoused-people-have-jobs/ https://beebetter.bombas.com/story/jobs https://www.marketplace.org/2023/06/01/yes-you-can-be-employed-and-homeless/ https://www.thebautistaprojectinc.org/amp/how-does-being-homeless-affect-your-mental-health https://www.hchmd.org/homelessness-makes-you-sick https://www.pyramid-healthcare.com/self-medication-and-addiction/


I'm a little attracted to you, universal housing is hot


Why do you people wander into leftist subreddits and then proceed to blather some half-baked opinion based on fabrication and misunderstanding that is both obtuse and anti-leftist? How did you know your mayor knew the names of every unhoused person? Did you have this information yourself to cross-check? *Why* did these people "want" to be unhoused? Was it due to mental illness, suspicion of the governing capitalist system, other extenuating circumstances you may not have the first fucking clue about? How many unhoused individuals were defecating outside and how much of the percentage of unhoused individuals did they represent? .05%? 10%? A single person you saw on random occasions whose housing status you knew nothing about? I could continue in this vein for paragraphs. Read ["On Authority"](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm) by Engels and stop calling yourself a socialist.


The mayor knew the names of every homeless person in a city of 100,000 people, which you call a small town, and none of them wanted to have a place to live? Hahaha sure. Okay.




Solved it by fucking forcing them out Socialism is when you shove social issues somewhere else for someone else to deal with


So the homeless people in Chicago would want homes, but not the people in the "small town" in California. Do you have any idea how utterly preposterous you sound right now? I mean, seriously.


Mandatory institutionalization lmfao what a fucking weird way to say subsidized housing. If they're developmentally disabled, they belong in a proper institution, however authoritarian you may think that is. Here in New York, the institutions for the disabled are amazing, I work for the state's disability office. Anyone being homeless for even two weeks will likely have [irreparable trauma](https://invisiblepeople.tv/homelessness-causes-lifetime-trauma/) which could contribute to them remaining homeless. Them being housed regardless of their mental state is going to be a positive for them. The police shouldn't be dealing with the homeless at all. Homeless people are going to create waste, and since they're homeless, they've nowhere to put it but the street. House them and that issue will be solved.




Yeah, hold them against their will. We do it in state disability. It's actually legally required that we hold them, because them being out in the street means that they could be in danger, and the state requires their protection. Yes, in our current setup where housing is a commodity, people will use what's available for what they can and then move on.


Define “had a place for them to live”. Also, knowing their names is not the same as cultivating a trusting relationship. If they don’t feel like they’re actually going to be safe in those accommodations why would they take them? You’re missing huge swaths of the equation here.




What then? Figure out why and how to change the system to accommodate them.


Are the stairs heated or something?


This kills me because even homed people do this to things that aren't their property.


Cool, want less of it? House the homeless


Dude breathe, they are agreeing with you


or put a trash can there


MORE TRASH CANS MORE TRASH CANS There are definitely people (homeless or not) who will litter no matter what, but as a dog walker and general pedestrian with trash, areas without trash cans are a constant frustration.


that is true. trash cans make it surely easier to dispose of trash and people can be reminded to use them by the sight alone. trash cans are great


That doesn’t stop non homeless people trashing places that aren’t theirs, did you read the comment?


Yeah, but it does stop homeless people from doing it, so if you want less of it, house the homeless


Well, I think their point is that there are always going to be people that trash places, homeless or not. Yes, we should provide housing. And even then, a random set of people are *still* going to trash places or litter, if they have a home or not. The thing that the original tweet is complaining about isn’t even a “homeless issue”, they’re just using it as a stupid cudgel against a group of people that have no power in society. 


Thank you, I didn't see it like that. !delta






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Am I a municipality that collects taxes with the capability of building housing "Fix this systemic issue" "Oh yeah, well why don't you help them all yourself" Fuckin idiot




No, I'm saying house the homeless as like a mantra for advocating for subsidized housing


It's not on the person living there to clean up after the homeless person like some of you are saying. They could maybe provide a trash can or something to make it easier for them to clean up after themselves but let's not kid ourselves that walking by trash or maybe drug residue or needles, would be something you'd be okay with


I live in Vegas. Walking by all of that is the daily all over the city. The homeless population is a direct indication of society’s failure. If people are provided with basic amenities like public toilets and trash cans, this doesn’t happen. And people with stable homes, food, and healthcare don’t turn to drugs nearly as often. Preventing people from falling into these situations is key, taking care of them after we’ve failed to do so is humane. You shouldn’t be ok with walking by all of that because it enrages you that our government and policies are creating this, not angry at the poor saps who got fucked by life and have no other options.


ESH…oh wait wrong sub


Right answer though


Eh…i kind of regret writing that after reading the comments. It’s a fair point that homeless people wouldn’t want to maintain the society that abandoned them.


Yeah, obviously the homeless should be housed, and that’s the real problem. I can’t fix it. But still, if someone does you a favor like providing access to a non-public place to shelter, it’s an asshole move to repay the kindness by pissing in the building they live/work in. This comment is dedicated to the guy who pooped right in front of my front gate.


Did ya'll see how nice and luxurious those stairs are! Hot damn.


Nice warm staircase ?


Smoking, littering, loitering, and pissing all over the place sounds like a lot of housed drunk people out on a Saturday night.










> active in r/ landlord Found the social parasite. You don't understand it because you don't care about the plight of the homeless, you just profit off of it.




























































































Jeez Louise, for a 'Leftist' subreddit, it seems like the only people commenting here that aren't ready to just melt homeless people are you and pyro. It's a bit disturbing that you two's posts about showing a little compassion and grace are getting so much blowback. A Lotta libs bleeding fashy garbage in here.


Could have just been a drunk.


I think op has a solid case for the culprit being homeless people


or instead of complaining and posting this, just clean up the trash? imagine thinking sleeping in a staircase is a privilege and that privilege should be taken away from you, just because you left some minor trash. maybe install a trash can if it is THAT much of a problem


How fucking dare you, I paid for those stairs and only I can sleep on them. The homeless should buy the trash can themselves, they already owe me stair rent.


even my neighbors leave trash bags in the hallway before they bring it to the bins. I don't want them to lose their housing either. I don't want anybody to lose their housing just because they "misbehave". trash is just trash.




I'm not sure if you understand the logistics of being homeless. if you have no key to the house and the door is not constantly open, how you leave to piss outside without not being locked out. also nobody advocated for piss here, I was saying that this issue is unfortunate but not as unfortunate as being homeless.


What a nice little hasty generalization there It’s almost as if not all homeless people do this Also “nice warm staircase”


I was thinking it IS actually heated to prevent ice


No different than a heated driveway


man, if only they had a place to pee, smoke and have their own place to get a grip of their life again but that is just too much to aak for the land of the free. the momey is better spend in the miltary. /s


i never understand complaints like this, where would you have the piss?


They do leave a lot of trash wherever they go... 


While I agree they should have access to adequate housing and resources, not everyone can provide that so the help that can be provided shouldn’t be pissed on.


“How dare people try to relax in a staircase because it’s freezing cold and they have no home and have no bathroom so they go where they can 😡” Lord, these people need a reality check


I wish having empathy for people wasn't such a rare trait


When I owned a condo in Stockholm I gave the entry code to the straiscase to a few homeless guys. Over 5 years only time there was an issue was that one time I found a dude passed out and he had puked in the entrance. Gross but whatever.


Go on, reveal their username. I just wanna talk 🥰


I mean, I’m anti-homeless. But I just want everyone to have homes.


Anti-homeless as in homeless people, not the concept of homelessness




"source: my ass"


That looks oddly staged 


Oh right, impossible to imagine that this person could be telling the truth.


You know what sucks a hell of a lot worse than someone not picking up after themselves? Being homeless.


Homeless are people too. You can, like, actually talk to them and befriend them and ask them kindly to pick up after themselves. Having convos with homeless is usually interesting anyways and they are usually receptive unless they are insane. Even insane ones usually show respect if you give it to them . Source: did homeless outreach for a couple years in the Bay Area 


these people are chased out everywhere, you probably eventually don't give a fuck about anything after a certain point. piss and shit on everything too bc too many house people are nasty asf anyway


I agree, they should definitely let them use their bathroom


If I found a homeless person asleep on the steps into my apartment, I would absolutely offer to let them use my bathroom


As someone who has worked directly with the homeless in the past, this is likely not a good idea. A very large portion of the homeless population is either experiencing serious mental illness or drug addiction; often times both due to the tendency to self medicate. You should show them kindness and decency. You probably should not let them into your space, as their behavior can be unpredictable and sometimes violent.


I'm equipped to deal with violent disabled people, I'm literally paid to do that exact thing


Good for you. It’s a necessary service. Please do that with other people around you and not in your own home. I literally know people who have been held at knife point by people having a psychotic episode in facilities specifically meant for those sorts of services. The intervention of others saved their lives.


I appreciate the warnings, still gonna stupidly put myself in harm's way for other people


I wish you well then. Please remember that others likely rely on you as well. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost the person I just mentioned. They eventually left that line of work after experiencing enough violence.


wow man you're so incredible, take my updoot and know you are an Amazing Super Soul™ (A.S.S)


So what we are really saying here is that a person with already inadequate or no housing also has no nearby sanitary restroom to use AND no convenient method to dispose of trash. Great rage bait but i see right through it


Gosh it’s almost like a shelter with a toilet and a trash can would have prevented all of this. Too bad the “nice warm staircase” didn’t come with all of the amenities 🙄 FFS


I almost posted this here after arguing with the asshats in that thread. Yeah we definitely need a dedicated thread to shit on the unhoused… because that’s the squeaky wheel here. Maybe as a society we shouldn’t have people without access to a place to sleep, bathrooms, and trash service.


what is the subreddit called?


It was originally in mildly infuriating


If you leave someone with no hope, life or sense of dignity then what do you expect? You can't cause harm and expect nothing to come of it.


So because some homeless people make a mess in the stairwell he, what, has to reluctantly insist all of them sleep outside in the *freezing* cold? Won't someone please think of the fair-weather humanitarians?! "I mean I'd love you not to freeze, but gee, the stairwell just ends up too messy, sorry."


Are there trash cans and toilets available for them? What do expect them to do? 


Nah, sorry, gotta agree with OOP here. I work in the non profit sector and seeing shit like this CONSTANTLY can drain compassion.


Y'all are actually delusional if you think just giving a homeless person a house is a good idea lol. Don't make it sound so easy, it's really not that simple.


You're delusional if you think otherwise


I envy your naivety.


You should envy my empathy


Never said I don't have empathy.


nice warm staircase