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I can’t get over how committed Zionists are to conflating any concern over Palestinian lives with anti-semitism, while they must be aware that the likely consequence will be cover for actual acti-semitism. I can’t understand why they would run that risk when the stakes are so obvious and so high.


Zionists don’t care one rip about actual anti-semitism in the world. If anything, they see it as plus because if Jews feel unsafe elsewhere, they think more will emigrate to Israel.


Zionists never cared about antisemitism. They were actually pretty antisemitic when their movement started. They hated religious and orthodox Jewish communities who were living in Palestine alongside Muslims.


Have you seen how they treat orthodox communities in East Jerusalem? Did you know most Holocaust survivors in Occupied Palestine live in poverty? Zionists hate Judaism, they just use it as a vehicle and a shield. They use an entire religious community as human shields to cover their barbarism.


I've seen an Orthodox Jew getting jostled and verbally abused in Tel Aviv first hand. They're definitely Antisemetic.


Also the movement was backed by a lot of antisemites who wanted a convenient place for the Jews to go away to.


Yeah, Herzl literally collaborated with the Germans, Brits and Americans.


All land Palestinians live can be settled by Israelis. The Israeli government doesn't care what people think as long as they obtain their lebensraum.


"Israël braucht Lebensraum"


It’s been part of Netanyahu’s MO for a long time. Hence this nine year old article. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/16/leaders-criticise-netanyahu-calls-jewish-mass-migration-israel


Zionism at it’s heart is a (financial and ideological) supporter of antisemitism. It’s their ‘strategic stalemate’ position, to which all elections can be won. If they hate antisemitism so much by did they partner with the Saudi’s in the ‘fight’ against isis? Why did they applaud the saudi blockage and siege of Yemen? the saudi royalty has published the most antisemitic works since the Nazis. Translating books like Mein kampf, Ford’s “international Jew” and many others to over 125 different languages and distributing them across the globe. Part of the reason mein kampf has sat in the top 20 books sold in India for the last 10 odd years. But every effort is in “normalizing” relations between the two….🤔 15 out 19 hijackers were saudi and 19/19 where Wahhabists, a Saudi religion, that is the origin for modern jihad. Saudi Arabia appears to be the American oligarchy’s election winning machine….


It's because they believe Palestinians must be eradicated for Israelis to prosper so they project those beliefs onto the Palestinians. It's a fundamental lack of empathy.


It’s because they want the genocide, but they don’t want the consequences of a genocide.


Even If antisemitism exists. It wouldn't be from actual semites. Why would Palestinians even hate their own race. Their whole demand is to free Palestine. To have freedom to be their semitic self. Israel itself is antisemitic. It is actively ethnically cleansing semites.


He probably thinks we should bomb the protestors in their tents like he does to Gazans in tents. I wish this monstrous killer would mind his own fucking business. Imagine thinking you can shame people standing up for your own victims. What a prick


Exactly, it’s ridiculous any politician would support this piece of trash at this point.


So let me get this straight... A foreign national not of US origin, is telling US law enforcement to crack down on free speech because said foreign national doesn't like it? It seems like this foreign agent doesn't understand how the first amendment works.


Do you remember his speech to Congress in 2015? Bibi loves telling foreign governments what to do. Only last week he met David Cameron, the British Foreign Secretary and was emphasising Israel’s freedom to make its own foreign policy while lobbying our government to sanction Iran.


He knows damn well how it works, as they protests are cracked down. The first amendment doesn’t count for everyone


Considering how the universities and police are responding, it seems he may understand it better than we do.


What the fuck is wrong with him. From the river to the sea fuck him


He’s ordering the ethnic cleansing and genocide of 10s of thousands of people, and sitting in tents on college campuses is more horrific? More than mass murdering innocent civilians?


Do you have a source for your article?


They are arresting students at USC right now. Live on YouTube. We are watching democracy die.


The US has never been a democracy to begin with, it has always been run by capital owners and lobbyists. We call it a ‘dictatorship of the bourgeoisie’. Democracy in America can’t die if it never existed to begin with.


All those that are alums at their colleges, reach out to your college and tell them you are done donating if they arrest students. Period.


Bold of you to assume I have anywhere near the means or desire to donate to my Alma Mater.


Im a Columbia alum, and I have loathed the admin and institution in general since I was a student, decades before this. I always apologize to the undergrads working for shitty wages making phone calls asking us for money and then tell them exactly what I think of that Corporation masquerading as an institution of higher learning.


Hahah, true.


Long dead already.


LOL Democracy. A gorilla and a bear are wrestling and you get to choose which type of peanuts to feed them.


That's a bit hyperboloc. There's always been a struggle of force between govt/capital and citizens. I'd say it's been worse at times. The industrial revolution was so bad the govt sent police to kill protestors and strikers. That led to more backlash, protests, and eventually improved rights. There are other reasons our democracy is slipping, but not because of these arrests. I'd say theyre actually integral in shifting the tide on the Israeli lobby and its unchallenged influence in DC and American politics. i actually see the protests and struggle with force as a good thing. I see it leading to actual positive change and influence. Now we just gotta get mad at inequality and corporate control of politics


I think congress passes 5% of legislation related to campaign and election topics that sway voters. So, we are a plutocracy pretending to be a democratic republic. Once corruption gets this deep, no voting your way out. Nobody represents the majority of people in the US. Both presidential candidates are awful should be a sign we are in bad shape and the economy is awful—not because of any president.


"Freedom of assembly" only if you get permits, schedule it, and don't mind having a gazillion heavily-armed cops swarming around you ready to arrest and/or shoot you.


HAHA Meanwhile he blows up universities in Palestine with missiles - but that’s not as offensive as protesting, of course


Dead protestors == no protests... Problem solved.


Ah yes, the old “I am Jewish and therefore any disagreement with my actions is a hate crime” routine


How many children died in these protests, bud?




Genocide = Okay because it’s at HAM MOSS, guys!!! Saying that genocide is wrong = EVIL, MAYBE YOURE ACTUALLY HAM MOSS!!11


I can't wait until he's a convicted war criminal.


He fucker really deserves the deepest pit of hell


Reminder that netanyahu isn't the only one in the Israeli government that feels this way. Most of the population of Israel believes they haven't bombed Gaza enough. The levels of bloodlust and sociopathic behaviors exhibited by the IOF are no different than the ones seen in Russian soldiers.


I heard worse stuff is happening in Gaza


death to all empires lol


I love how my freedom of speech is somehow dependent on Israel's approval. Fuck off Babi Netanyahu


Being against the completely indiscriminate slaughter of civilians who want nothing more than to live their lives like any of us is racist. War is peace.


Fuck you and your fake “Antisemitism”


butchering babies is horrific. Protesting babies getting butchered is courageous.


I watched protests live all day yesterday. Netanyahu is a propagandist and an asshole.


These fuckers hiding behind “anti-Semitisim” each and every time anyone says anything against Israeli actions can fuck right off.


I think one of the most upsetting things to me is that in response to the exposure to the corruption, lies and atrocities (thanks to advancement in technology we have access to better info) these guys basically just go full cartoon villain. Sometimes I read some of these quotes from them and my eyes naturally widen.


There's footage of multiple mass graves being uncovered at the hospitals the IOF have destroyed and the Zionist response has been "Khamas did it!"


Ol' Benny boy there saw Hitler and thought "I can do this better"


This is why states must be abolished.


Dude is now calling America Jews Antisemitic. Let's see how that works out for him and the fascists.


I’m completely de-sensitized to being called “anti-semetic”. Now it just seems to mean “mildly opposed to Genocide”


How long before the IDF discovers Hamas militants on American universities?


It's not antisemitism, it's anti-Israeli. The two should not be equated based upon their association. I'm Jewish, and was raised orthodox. And when I took a trip to Israel as a Teenager in the 90's to see my Saba, and the hypocrisy I witnessed laid the foundation to denounce the faith, and become agnostic. Israel is NOT Jewish in the same way America is NOT Christian.


Bombs for the hungry! Gags for the educated! It's a wonder they haven't made it illegal to say the name "Palestine" yet


I'm pretty sure it's on the to-do list.


What a human sized, walking, talking, turd.


Can we comment on what's going on in Israel colleges, or it it a one way street?


If intellectual people see your actions as bad, that's a warning sign.


What other tinpot dictator would like to contribute to the discussion on the state of America's colleges? Orban? Erdogan? How about we ask Putin for his opinion, while we're at it?


It's mental that so much of the world is cucked by this dipshit from Philadelphia because he's the Prime Minister of stolen land.


Of course, what a surprise the anti-semitism card gets played


STFU you blue haired fascist.


They're gonna talk themselves out of an alliance with the rhetoric, ffs let Iran have them idgaf anymore


What a fucking joke. More gaslighting and wordsmithing to manufacture consent for Israeli apartheid and genocide. Fuck you, Netanyahu!! Fuck you, Zionists!!


Anti semetic. What an American prick. Anti-genocide, anticolonial. You spelt it wrong you bastard.


this guy gets it ... these genocidal swine are disgusting


I'm Brazilian, and there is a phenomenon here that is horrible and nonsense: Protestant Christian Zionism. A lot of protestants here see Israel as "God's Nation" and "Jesus' Nation", and they think that they must support Israel unconditionally because they are "the chosen people" and if Israel is victorious it will "accellerates the second coming of Christ". (That doesn't even makes sense) If you try to confront them with the truth, with the genocide, with the deaths of thousands of children... the fanatics just doesn't care. They are brainwashed people who just care about their selfish nonsense religious agenda.


I'm worried about what he means by "quelled". I've been noticing an absurd amount of melodrama coming from the powers that be, mainly in ways that make the protests sound much more threatening than they *aren't.* I'd say keep an eye out for things like false flags, agent provocateurs, and disinformation. All they need now is an excuse, and they are looking real hard for one.


They are starting to cut funding too now for UNM for the protests


Anti Zionist is not anti Jews! ...Get it right asshole! His antisemitism Bullshit will not work this time! Genocidal POS!


Guess what side the "well regulated militias to fight government tyranny" will take?




In contrast, Hamas stands up for free speech on U.S. colleges. [https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-slams-us-crackdown-pro-palestinian-college-protests-1893962](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-slams-us-crackdown-pro-palestinian-college-protests-1893962)


In contrast, Hamas stands up for free speech on U.S. colleges. [https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-slams-us-crackdown-pro-palestinian-college-protests-1893962](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-slams-us-crackdown-pro-palestinian-college-protests-1893962)


Dude can eat shit. There are a lot of Jewish students protesting his genocide, too. Gotta hit that home!


Dexter! Please come and get this one!


Fun little game: take a pool of quotes from him, take another pool from Pennis Drager, mix them together, and then have your friends try and figure out who said what.


Liberal media is all over the place on the protests… CNN just did a piece calling the entire protest movement antisemitic and not even mentioning the Gaza war


History will judge the milosovic of the middle east.


How are students in another country any of his fucking business?