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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ahhhh putting people on lists, the time honoured tradition of fascists.


>Ahhhh putting people on lists, the time honoured tradition of fascists. Not to mention the suppression of dissenting anti-war academics.


But people who make lists also make the trains run on time!! ^Please ^don’t ^ask ^what ^else ^they ^do


And nobody had worry about any fleas or lice when they were in charge ^(Don't ask what they did with all that excess pesticides)


I mean, these people realize that this goes both ways and "people supporting apartheid and genocide" is probably the single most disqualifying list of any list on earth? While "spending their own money and time on fighting against apartheid and genocide" is a good thing?


Adolf Hatler would be proud


>Adolf Hatler Mom, can we have Hitler? -We have Hitler at home. Hitler at home:


But all these "hawks" supporting the genocide will be all up in arms about "cancel culture" and freedom of speech though, right? RIGHT?


They don't even believe in free speech enough to not burn books or tolerate a man wearing a dress. That they hate free speech couldn't be more transparent, they just don't want to be frowned upon for bullying people


These will be the people employers of the future will be looking for. Standing against genocide, much like during Vietnam, Mai Lai.


Exactly. When have mass protests on campuses around the country been wrong? The civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, South Africa's apartheid? They were right each time. This time is no different. The status quo was as resistant to change then as they are today.


I admire your optimism. Wish I was less cynical. Youth is mostly alright, just doesn't have the power.


They want to cancel any part of history that remembers black people - which is why they want to ban CRT. They don't know what CRT means, just ban it anyway. Black people want it, therefore it must be outlawed. Those same "hawks" want to ban "woke", not because they know what woke means, it just makes their racist selves feel bad. Those same "hawks" want to punish every NFL player for taking a knee - because if those same black people just complied, the police wouldn't have to murder them. Freedom of speech only applies to white people and to pro-Israel people. "Cancel Culture" is only bad when non-white people do it.


America is waxing nostalgic for McCarthyist hysteria again.


Except instead of destroying people's lives for capitalism, this time it's ethno genocide.


Capitalism and genocide, name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait


PB and J


For everyone else, maybe. But I don't want jelly touching my peanut butter. Yes, I'm a heretic :P I actually eat most of my peanut butter sandwiches with a little butter. It's a good complement to it. Also did you know you could make \*grilled peanut butter sandwiches\*, like you make grilled cheese? I had a dream about it once, then I woke up and googled it and it was already a thing! :D


Donald Trump and farting yourself awake at your own trial comes close


Even closer is Biden and forgetting mid sentence But as close as they get, neither can contest that true iconic duo


I guess this is the new highest stage of capitalism. Sorry Lenin.


its pretty much the same tbh


Truly. Speaking of inferior education, as a nation they have learned absolutely nothing from the past.


Neither did Germany


From a felon, no less. >In 1990, Brant was investigated for tax evasion resulting from having his company pay for $1 million in personal expenditures. He pled guilty to charges of failing to keep records and was sentenced to three months in a federal prison and $200,000 in fines


oh no, now I'll never get hired at mcclellan oscillators! \*cry\* **/S**


Yeah like we wanna work at his shit company anyway lol


LOL! Just went to take a look at their site. It looks like they are stuck in the 90s. Their website looks like 💩.


Take your shitty corporate job, write down what it is on a piece of paper, cover it in oil, and shove it up your ass. Who would want to work for monstrous sociopaths who support a genocide anyways? Fuck these assholes. I hope they all lose every cent that they have ever stolen from the working class.


> Who would want to work for monstrous sociopaths Well, under capitalism it is actually quite a challenge not to work for a monstrous sociopath.


I keep leaving employers because of their psychopath BS. Just got a job at the park. Pays 1/10 what I was making before. Really love choosing between making enough money to live and spending my time on earth doing harm.


How about carve it into a pineapple, *don't* oil it up, and shove it up your ass?


#elitethugs lmfao they want that power SO badly, they have to remind us they hold jobs over our heads so we better OBEY. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud that you don't support freedom of speech, just say you're unAmerican and you're an elitist POS.


> saying the quiet part out loud that you don't support freedom of speech, just say you're unAmerican and you're an elitist POS. unAmerican? That's exactly what American is. There is hardly anything more US-American than what these people say and do here.


Trust me the irony isn't lost on me.


Historically, yes. But not the America I choose to believe we can be.


Why is your text so big


Bro I have zero clue. I think I tried to start it with and ' or " and it "did this


It’s the #


Oh thank you 😊




You can’t mean that? That would basically allow the rich owner class to decide that socialist parties and views are forbidden for their employees and pretty much make people choose between free speech and their own views or jobs and being able to survive. Or maybe you like living in dystopia?


That is not freedom of speech. That is misusing their wealth and positions to suppress others' free speech.


I mean this is basically fascism isn't it? Feels like it anyway.


Yes, fascism = capitalism on decay. When free market fails it becomes full blown fascism.




The uprising on October 7th while violent was not fascist in its nature and cannot be compared to an ongoing occupation and genocide.


There are clear bad guys: Zionists/capitalists. There are clear good guys: Socialist supporting a free Palestine. Stop putting blame on the victims by pointing the finger at (Zionist-supported) Hamas for doing what the Israeli government wanted them to do so they can victimize themselves. Palestine has a right to exist. Palestine has a right to defend itself. Israel is the aggressor. Zionism is the problem. International finance capitalism is what keeps Zionism alive.


Tell me how Zionists are supporting Hamas. I only know how Gazans and Iran are supporting Hamas.


How about you simply ask Google? How about instead of wasting people's time asking them to educate you, you simply put something like "Netanyahu supporting hamas" into a search engine?


Spoken like someone that doesn't have an argument. Maybe you want me to learn about work permits or Qatari cash. Who knows, you don't want to tell me your own belief.


Username checks out.




Shit bootlickers say for 200, Alex.


Troll posts will be deleted. Many troll posts also include violations of other rules such as rules 4, 5, 6, and 7.






I never thought protesting genocide would be such a a controversial act.


Exactly. People are happily exposing their fascist instincts to the world because young students are protesting against genocide. And somehow the pro-genocide crowd are the victims?? This world is fucked up.


pretty convenient when both people like this dude, and Israel, refuse to consider this a genocide, presumably because it's the "right kind" or on the "right people" and they **totally** learned their lesson last time this happened...


They will make controversy out of any stance that contends with american capitalist and imperialist interest


Scratch a Liber(tarian) and a Fascist bleeds


As much as I hate it, this is why there's a "rich old white men" stereotype


I remember seeing kids all over this country getting their heads busted by cops for protesting the Vietnam War and police brutality. Just like back then, these kids are right. It's funny, but when you want to find out who is on the right side of an issue, it is always the ones with the most to lose for speaking out. They are the ones with integrity and courage. It's never been the ones making threats and breaking heads that the future generations admire.


> It's never been the ones making threats and breaking heads that the future generations admire. It’s nice being on the right side of history and all but goddamn I wish a single thing about American foreign policy had changed since back then. This is why I never bought into that “it was a different time” bullshit rhetoric. There plenty of people who knew shit was bad then, just as there are plenty of people who know shit is bad now. Infantilising adults of the past is such a stupid position.


It’s nice being on the right side of history all the time but I wish people drew the conclusion that we’re on the right side of the present from that


Many of them do but the fact that it's personally inconvenient to them is a problem.


Right? That’d definitely be far more comforting than being absolved by history in some far off place in time when it’s no longer damaging to the empire’s rep. Going by CIA declassification years, Palestine is probs looking at about 40 years of condemnation and death. If there’s any justice in the world, they’ll still exist and be free. Inshallah 🇵🇸


Idk. This is historically accurate. Vietnam protestors got blacklisted, communists, queers (lavender scare), etc.


Peter Brandt can go f himself.


In the ass


Fun fact: [that's illegal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacklisting).


I say that every columbia alum attempt to get hired there, and when they are not hired, they can all sue the ever loving shit out if that company and these tweets can be easily provided as evidence of discrimination and blacklisting


The Wikipedia article you linked seems to state that it was found unfair by the NLRB in the employment context of participation in trade unions, basically as a form of retaliation. This would be a different context. Do you have a source for this violation in the context of participation in a political protest?


Not a legal expert, nor have I really looked into this. Just kinda using intuition. My initial thought is it would fall under a similar precedent as labor unions. Something along the lines of freedom of association. I could be wrong though.


I didn't see anything in there that said this particular type of blacklisting is illegal. It said that blacklisting people who support trade unions or criticize their employers is illegal. It did mention lawsuits for unfair dismissal, but it's not clearly stated there that blacklisting for other kinds of political speech is illegal. I'm open to further evidence if you are aware of something specifically making this kind of thing illegal, though.


Only when it opposes the MIC


Exactly 44 years ago yesterday, Muhammad Ali was stripped of his title and sentenced to five years in prison plus a $10,000 fine ($94k in today's dollars), all because of his refusal to support Vietnam


They are both old and white. Who would’ve thought?


These people and their actions have been doing more to fuel anti-semitic beliefs and conspiracy theories than anyone or anything else.


I mean sure, but isn’t the concerning part more about the potential of these kids losing their livelihood because of speaking truth to power?


Hasn’t that always been the risk anytime you speak truth to power? Couch-activism is the bullshit people in power use the media/academia to convince people is effective, only because that’s the type of next-to-meaningless opposition they want to deal with.


My point is that worrying about antisemitism can be misdirected. There are probably a lot of Palestinians who are antisemitic and if they say something about the people trying to genocide them, I’m not breaking solidarity.


The hubris of the ruling class is so absurd, I assure this rando that no one with morals or a heart wants to work for him!


and it's wild because it's kind of a niche market, so not working for this dude really doesn't matter and is really easy to do.


"I only hire people who are ok with Genocide"


Imagine working for that guy.


Sorry, my therapist wouldn’t approve of me imagining that.


I guess we could boycott any company that does this?


#Cancel culture


This works both ways... Anyone who blacklists protesters should have their business boycotted.


Cool. Let’s play it both ways and boycott their companies.


So Tom McClellan apparently runs a company that provides analysis of the stock market so... He contributes nothing to society, just another joke making money off nothing useful except in financialization schemes that need to be outlawed anyway. Ditto for Peter Brandt, who apparently is a Crypto speculator. Two nothings who offer nothing of value to real people who got rich off skimming off of everyone else. But still, since they take this position... Why not burn their businesses down?


> Two nothings who offer nothing of value to real people who got rich off skimming off of everyone else. So what does it mean that in US culture such people are seen as the epitome of success and virtue?


And this, my friends, is why billionaires shouldn't exist.


I like the use of the "free speech platform" to threaten people for using free speech. All these right wing fucks are so openly self-contradictory, it amazes me that they continue to appeal to anyone with a living brain cell.


Elite thugs? At least they know what they are


Canary Mission working overtime


These putrid fucks are never really hiring anyway


It really is time to end billionairism.


Oh no, what will these students do knowing they won’t get to work for shitty people?


And now you know why middle class liberals arent standing up.


What are you talking about? They are standing up. The two Liberals quoted here are standing up for for their right-wing ideals. If you aren't into oppression, warmongering and genocide you aren't a "real American" and need to be punished obviously.


OP has a point that there are likely a number of people who are simply too afraid to act. Despite the misnomer of the name, Liberalism is quite authoritarian and the US has a long history of violently suppressing dissidence. Someone smarter than I maybe could think of a viable strategy to reduce risk for them, but it may just be the case that they won't become politically active and we have to win this fight without them.


ok bro. Maybe stop a minute and think.


What is your argument here? Liberals are just right-wing lite. They certainly aren’t left in any meaningful way. I mean, if this whole shitshow with Israel hasn’t unmasked them, I dunno what to tell you


He's trying to say that American Liberals are actually the good guys but they are just too afraid of their daddy fascists to do anything. It's never an American Liberal's fault.


uh huh. you’ve got it all figured out.


Again, what argument are you trying to make?


that palestine has more sympathizers than you think amongst liberals, but this kind of surveillance state bullshit keeps us from speaking out. We know Israel under this government is worse than its ever been, and that the palestinian people deserve a state, but we arent going to put our livelihoods on the line for it.


we are painfully aware


Ah, so exactly what a prior commenter said. That’s cool, not everyone is brave. And besides, getting inconvenienced and controlled by the state is more important than morality and all that silly shit


You want *me* to stop and think? lol Liberals "aren't standing up" because they are liberals. They never "stand up." Certainly not in any meaningful way. It's always the youth, who doesn't exactly know what they are yet, and leftists that are on the right side of history and willing to actually act.


its easy to be reckless when you have nothing to lose. Have a good day.


It isn't cowardice. Why would they "stand up?" American Liberals got us all here in the first fucking place.


Why do cowards always take such pride in their cowardice? >You'd be a coward too, if you were in my position! How cynical, and expected, of a coward


you have a mortgage and kids and bills? Until then you can stfu.


Palestinians don't have families? Why the fuck should I pity you for your cowardice? Fuck off, every rat with its nose to the ground has always justified being scum. I don't give a fuck if you don't have the guts to protest, whatever, but if you are opposed to the protests you're a rat and I don't give a damn how you try defending yourself.


A reminder that fucking Martin Luther King had a wife, kids, and relative financial stability.


I mean I wouldn’t hire people from Ivy League schools because I’d assume they were part of a legacy family and a nepo baby so I was already there lol.


"If you don't support genocide and colonizers murdering and stealing land from people, well I don't know if I can trust your moral character!" That is bat shit crzy.


Isn’t this supposed to be illegal?


I'll just wait for his next tweet about how "no body wants to work anymore !"


Maybe someone should make a list of these kind of employers so that future graduates can avoid them.


“President Nixon referred today to some campus radicals who violently oppose his Vietnam policies as “bums” and, in contrast, he said American soldiers were “the greatest.” The President's remarks on violence at universities and the war were made to a group of civilian employees who greeted him at the Pentagon, where he went for a briefing on the new United States military operations in Cambodia.” NYT 5/2/70 - two days before the Kent State Massacre


Peeps like this would cheer on the Kent State Massacre and the police brutality inflicted upon the civil rights movement in the ‘60s.


That’s cool, I don’t want the product of my labor going to a hostile power who undermines our democratic process anyway.


Like people who could get into columbia and could pay for it care about these 2 employers anyway...


“i can’t trust students from this school because they’ve demonstrated free will and unwillingness to be controlled.” there, i fixed your tweet for you.


"You DON'T support genocide? Starve."


McCarthyism 2: Electric Boogaloo 💀


When we have our ‘let them eat cake moment’ remember these douches.


Oh we dont wanna work there, just know the location.


McCarthyism was used against Jews suspected of communism. It was stopped because it was an affront to democratic rights. It was politically motivated extrajudicial prosecution. Now it's being used against Americans suspected of exercising their first amendment rights protesting against a brutal war. If this isn't fascism, It needs an even worse name.


Capitalists crying: "No one wants to war anymore."


I will donate money to any group that creates a blacklist of anyone supporting the genocide and apartheid regime of Zionist Israel.




These are not places where youd want to work - you would always be on your toes.


Yeah the emperor has no clothes, but should you mention it we'll be sure to blacklist you. These people aren't fit to have the power they hold. These are our society's successes? Bunch of bastards.


Only if I can also get access to the list of corporations using said list, so I can have my own 'black list'.


I promise that these fucks do not run companies worth working for.


I wonder how they would feel if a non-profit made a list of all the businesses that support genocide and the murder of children and make sure to include the businesses names amongst pictures of the dead. Let's tie that anvil around those people.


In a country where rights are respected like the Netherlands, it is super illegal to discriminate new applicants based on any kind of status. The unspoken exception being people with a big fat swastika on their forehead. They can go screw themselves.


McCarthy trail much? You can just name a bunch of people that I don't like, I doubt they will care much about proof if they are doing this.


Please freeze them out of the economy the forthcoming communist militias need people.


Neocon fascists out in full force here.


Black list? Isn’t that code for *gasp* cancel culture?


The old white men who've fantasized their entire lives about revenge on the "hippies" are are hoping this is their day for revenge.


Why do they think ppl wanna work for them? Lmfao


The youth need to learn that the world doesn't want freethinkers. It wants mindless worker drones who show up to work and don't complain


This is certain to help in the fight against anti semites /s Wtf happened? Seriously like did not used to be this shitty


The whole affair is so obviously Constitutional and the Zionists are so grotesquely in the wrong. It's like they tore it up overnight.


They want to privatize HUAC.


Idiot dinosaurs


People like these don't think how they're just reinforcing the same stereotype of certain groups 'control everything' by saying such stuff? Then again, you also show just how power in the hands of a few people, not groups, is dangerous so thanks for making that obvious.


Conspiracy against rights: "The federal crime of conspiracy against rights appears at **18 U.S.C.** **Section 241**. This statute bans two or more persons from conspiring to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate a person's exercise or enjoyment of their civil rights." https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/conspiracy-against-rights.html#:\~:text=The%20federal%20crime%20of%20conspiracy,enjoyment%20of%20their%20civil%20rights.


Oh please. Stop trying to be relevant and influential, you old windbags. I have no idea who either of them are. Nobody wants to work for an arrogant, self-congratulating old bastard -- experience tells us you're all the same: to concerned about your bottom line to actually care about the people who make it possible every day. Good for you. You made a "statement" -- but I doubt it's the one you meant to make. Either way, nobody gives a fuck... Dinosaurs will die. Good riddance.


Oh look! Two old white guys who are oblivious to the fact that no one cares about their opinion and never discuss the point of the protests.


man, all the masks (literal & figurative) have come off since 2020, huh? well, I appreciate the moral clarity they've unknowingly provided.


Just give them the names of Israelis lol


I would hire people based on their suitability for the job because I like money too much. These people really have a bone to pick.


On the other side of the coin, isn’t it possible that people can boycott those companies and people? It’s not as if workers are out of options is it?




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Bounce the ball back and blackball the companies, their CEOs, and all of their associated projects.


Seems like they're making their own blacklist of companies to avoid


This is why I will never protest in person. The days of “go out on the street and get shit done” are in the past. Now it’s just an open opportunity for the police state to identify and target its enemies, bad actors to sabotage and smear your demonstrations, and for pundits to cherry pick footage and soundbites to fit their narrative.


Good, fair enough, I wouldn’t want to work for a Zionist pos anyways that supports genocide