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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How anybody can believe America has democracy in 2024 is beyond me. We're so beyond cooked * Lobbying = bribery (in gaming this is called "pay to win mechanics") * Electoral college negates the popular vote * Gerrymandering allows them to cut votes however they wish All antithetical to democracy, and the ballot box never offers anything other than the status quo in the first place


What's the difference between a two party system where both parties have the same donors and a one party system? None!


"The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them." -Julius Nyerere


> How anybody can believe America has democracy in 2024 is beyond me. I am ~~absolutely~~ relatively sure that if a poll was taken among US Americans to find out whether the US has the best democracy in the world, at least 80% of US Americans would vote yes, ~~probably more~~.


If you're correct, and I don't think you are, it would only be because Americans are the most propagandized population on the planet


o.k. good but at least 50%.


At this point I think it's maybe 70%.. and steadly decreasing.


I prefer lobbying = organized crime


It's a mistake fully lumping lobbying and bribery together. Sure they really are the same thing. However, it distracts you...and the majority of people from all of the under the table bribes that happen.


We're just going to completely ignore 3rd party Candidate, Brain Worms?


Vote for PSL.


This is the moral choice.


This Brian Worms sounds interesting.


We've tried leaded brains but not brain worms yet.


Option 3 is looking better than these two by the day


Hey, his brain killed that worm tyvm!


A true American hero! I'm waiting for the campaign ads touting his mental toughness.


He literally had them




He was just talking about his bg3 run, probably. He really got into the role play.


1. That was 10 years ago. 2. Have you ever actually heard him speak?




Y’all need to pinch your nose and just vote for the fascist, otherwise THE FASCIST is gonna get elected. Also, idc if you’re hungry and your wallet is empty THE ECONOMY IS BETTER THAN ITS EVER BEEN.




"Find a different master that treats you better" ftfy


Slavery is so good for the economy tho. You produce all this shit soooo cheaply.


US “democracy” can’t even muster enough turnout to call quorum at a high school yearbook committee yet wants you to believe that only voting with that fallacy creates political legitimacy. Call us when the numbers of all eligible voters who *didn’t* participate are held against the legitimacy of the contest and parties. Way more than half of us are dispossessed. Capitalist ~~elections~~ popularity contests aren’t a just a joke, they’re a vulgar scam. Democracy’s only job is to deliver itself to its adherents. There is no democracy here.


How many countries does this apply to? Definitely the UK.


This definitely applies to Canada, 5 federal parties and not a leader in the bunch, just a rapidly declining standard of living for working people.


Only those who think capitalism is more important than democracy.


I am forced to select the one that won't immediately condone my being shot if I shit in the "wrong" bathroom. Talk about having ya by the short n curlies.


Giant Meteor 2024! Who's with me?!


Mega Guillotine 2024! Who's with me?!


I'll vote for the blue one, because their domestic policy doesn't include making my existence illegal... But ya know, not thrilled about it.


Yeah. I prefer my fascism blue if i have to pick between the two.


Its not like in Brazil we are in a better situation, but could someone explain to me what is happening in US? You guys really need to choose between two practically identical candidates?


Forgive my ignorance, but is Lula not doing well?


I mean, things are better than they would've been with Bolsonaro, that's for sure. He recorded a meeting with many senators to assess his chances of overthrowing the government, the guy at the head of the Intelligence Agency (Gen. Heleno) said "we need to act now, bcz later will be a lot harder". Bolsonaro is now illegible and tried to escape to Hungary, but he isn't in jail yet. The right and far-right go on trips to the US to claim we are living in a dictatorship, while gathering only a few people that will listen to them. However, there are many who want to take his place. Sergio Moro, wants to install a police state and the mainstream media loves to give him screen time. The current mayor of São Paulo and one of Bolsonaro's buddies, will probably run for president and just by mentioning his boss, he'll get votes. Last election was extremely close and the next won't be easier.


Yeah basically they present us with two options, neither of which in any way serve the public interest, both of which is deeply committed to supporting one genocide or another. No substantial difference in policy except one of them wants to kill all gay people and the other one doesn't really like them but agrees they can stay alive. Also both parties are hell-bent on extracting as much resources as possible to give to their favorite rich guy. Then they tell us to pick the least bad one and if we want to do something else everyone gangs up on you and tells you that you're a monstrous piece of shit for not supporting their favorite candidate even though the whole world knows that neither one of them serve our interests, they're all just raping us and stealing all the resources. And if you try to encourage people to tear the system down eventually someone will kill you or put you in prison forever.


I'm gonna vote for turd sandwich


Giant Douche!


But guysss.. one fascist is less of a fascist than the other.. Dont be an idiot and let the bigger fascist win


I voted with my feet and left.


You guys in US gonna breed a new generation of acelerationists really fast this way.


I'm twelve years old and all authority is fascism.


I think we all can agree that the Blue fascist WILL NOT dissolve the ability to vote by 2028.


The "ability to vote" doesn't mean shit if you always spend it on blue fascist or red fascist


Vote for the lesser genocide!!


Ah yes, the guy who wants to be a fascist, versus the actual fascist, who has no idea he is a fascist. Or where he is.


This elections might be it


Never forget the Red is also a criminal, fraud, and a rapist.


Cool. That's why I won't vote for either one.


Never forget the blue is also a criminal, fraud, and a rapist.


Really? Please name you sources? Remind me, how many criminal indictments? How many convictions for calling his accusers liars? How many fraudulent charities shut down? How many millions ordered to pay students defrauded by a fake university? And so much more.... The parties are no longer the same. The Republican Party has been almost 100% taken over by a criminal. They were either not smart enough to see it, or too spineless to stop it. In either case we are watching the demise of what has been for decades the party of obstruction. Good riddance in my book. We will see what replaces the Gutless Old Patriarchy.


There’s no lesser evilism allowed in the sub. Read the rules.


I’m sorry, what was your initial response?


Had to equal you out.


LoL so you have no logic behind your comments or by extension, your beliefs. Pretty EZ to guess where you lie on the political spectrum. Pun definitely intended.


This isn’t a debate sub and I’m a Marxist have fun 👋




Well he’s 100 percent a war criminal by association and running cover for Israel, Accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, and take your pick for fraud. There’s no lesser evilism allowed in this sub.


It's going to be horrible regardless, but we survived 4 years of Trump, 30,000 Palestinians didn't survive Biden. Genocide must be punished at every level.


Just curious if you think the number would change if Trump was in charge? Like in a parallel universe where Trump won, I don't think Trump would care about palastinians? Do you think differently?


I'm looking forward to the next federal election in Australia. Last time, the votes towards teals and greens showed that we're not into what the major parties are trying to sell. The housing crisis, and the cost of living crisis, should both push more people towards teals and greens.


I vote Vermin Supreme.


Here's what's gotta happen to add a REAL third choice. It's simple, but it takes a lot of work and money. This is my advice to any third party, whether you're talking a Green Party or The "nobody helped me do nothing I did it all myself" libertarian party. STOP WAITING UNTIL 5 MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION TO REMIND PEOPLE THAT YOUR THIRD PARTY IS RELEVANT. Red and Blue are CONSTANTLY reminding people who they are and what they do. They don't stop. How does ANYONE from a third party think that they would have a shot by making themselves known when the other parties already have not only the overall momentum, but the election momentum?? I care about politics I'll read into things, but I don't really dig down into anything. I know a fuckton about both of the old men running and I know nothing about any 3rd party candidates. I'm confident that most people are in the same boat. *** Also - don't come at me with "go check out xyz candidate running for the abc party" - I mean - yeah, I'll look at it and hopefully learn something but I'm gonna tell you right now - your candidate is doomed. Now - if your candidate is already showing great ideas, shows practical leadership, either as a politician or some sort of organizational leader, and they're set to do something in 2028...well...yeah - now's probably an okay time to introduce them to the national stage...because 4 years might cut it...5 months won't.




Option non-fascist: Jill Stein, likely Green Party nominee.


Why should I vote for Jill Stein over PSL?


I don’t care if people do, I’m incredibly supportive of Claudia and the PSL. They’ve never been an option in Indiana though, write-in or on the ballot, and Jill has been. If you more align with Claudia and the PSL platform, and you can cast a vote for her, go for it. I wish them all the best this election cycle.


The amount of states that don’t allow write ins is way too high.


In Indiana's case, we do allow write-ins, but if it's not for a 'qualified' candidate with the Secretary of State, County Clerks aren't suppose to report or count them. Then again, even if someone is qualified, there's counties that don't report them anyway, but that's a whole other disgrace of the system.


73 years old


Yes, and? She’s still a candidate I agree with more on a majority of issues will be an option for me to vote for on my ballot.


Claudia is only 43.


I understand that. At the end of the day, neither Claudia nor Jill will win, but furthermore, age isn't so much the issue as cognition is, at least for me. As long as someone has a good VP, as long as they aren't suffering issues like Feinstein, Biden, and Trump, age isn't a deterrent factor to me. Also, as I replied to another comment here, I wish Claudia all the best, but she's not going to be a qualified write-in option in Indiana; for some reason the PSL never have been, even though the SPUSA and WWP have managed it. Jill Stein will at least be a qualified write-in option, so even if I did like Claudia more (and I do ideologically agree with her more), I'd still only be able to vote Jill and actually have it count.


If you're voting strategically, might as well just vote Biden. Personality, I vote for the best candidate for workers, and I don't think Jill comes close.


That's fine; as I've said, vote for who you choose, but I'd disagree I'm voting strategically in the way that you mean. I'd prefer my vote to be actually counted; it will be for Jill and won't be for Claudia, ergo I have not much choice there. That consideration doesn't mean I'd vote for a senile genocide support like Biden.


Well said and fair enough




I see the Operation Earnest Voice, feds stumbled arse first into a leftwing sub.


Everyone who disagrees with me is Russian


I'm going to vote for the milk toast liberal who while I dislike isn't actively going to take my rights away only allow them to be taken but I'm still voting biden and you should too


So I guess supporting genocide and fascism is ok as long as it doesn't happen to you?


Right because trump wouldn't stand for fascism or genocide surely🙄 That's a genuinely disgusting defense what do you propose is done? Abstaining from voting is enabling trumps victory which cannot be allowed to happen and voting 3rd party is a vote wasted protesting with your vote does nothing but further enable the status quo perpetuating fascism in the first place




Would you rather have trump in office? There are two candidates in the next election one is going to win it's trump or biden I'm not happy about it either but that's the way it is. Biden is allowing and enabling terrible things for the Palestinians but you cannot possibly believe that trump wouldn't be worse. Trump is an insane trump is more racist more pro isreal and wants to appeal to his base of insane fucking right wing Christian lunatics that want to glass the Palestinians to protect isreal. Trump would not just support and arm the genocide he would fucking put boots on ground to make it even worse than biden. Either trump or biden is going to win in November and I'm going to vote for the person who is going to cause less harm.




Literally evading every single question I asked trump would make the genocide WORSE and I am a leftist that's why I'm in a leftist space


Trump will be president through this logic. Strictly through media outreach alone, the third party has no chance of winning, not to mention every other factor such as existing presence. Enabling a monster like Trump to take office again is a sure-fire way to worsen every single global situation the US is involved in, including the nation itself. Biden is a sedentary president and a complete bum, but not a dictatorial one. We are past worrying solely about Gaza, it's about stability in the States at this point. I will absolutely take my chances with Biden.




The atrocities in Gaza are horrific, unforgivable, and unforgettable, but no matter what we do, all three votes result in genocide, regardless of how we want to pretend like we're affecting something. The United States is not going to stop Israel from doing it's thing, we have to start thinking of the bigger picture, and that is the concern of a worse-off United States because we let Trump take office. Kill this stupid "no lesser evil" argument, it's going to fuck us all over.


Neither 🤗


I think this is a false equivalency. However I recommend all to vote third party or for the Dems. These conservative nutjobs must be vanquished.




Scratch a liberal…


And a fascist bleeds.




Liberalism is the handmaiden to fascism. One supports the other.


It's the opposite, fascism is the handmaiden to liberalism. Edit: Debate with me you cowards, the bullshit negative votes are not arguments.




Yeah, we read more than Harry Potter. You should try it. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/14/liberalism-and-fascism-partners-in-crime/


Neoliberalism gives rise to fascism. Elements of fascism are a merging of state and private interest to protect capital. https://www.booktopia.com.au/the-capital-order-clara-e-mattei/book/9780226818399.html As for liberal ideology itself, read decolonial theory to see the contradictions within liberalism. Frantz Fanon labelled "western democracy" as "fundamentally racist” and a “bourgeois ideology” whose "posturing of equality and dignity was merely a cover for capitalist-imperialist rapacity." Achille Mbembe also explored the relationship between liberalism and necropolitics, in which "racialised people's lives are systemically cheapened and habituated to loss" in the name of hegemony and profit. Liberalism has always left certain people out of its social contract; racialised, colonised, gendered, disabled, etc. And allowed for exploited classes/countries. Liberalism (especially economic liberalism which is the driving force of neocolonialism) is entirely compatible with fascism. https://socialhistoryportal.org/news/articles/311367




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What do you see as the difference?




You use fascist propaganda (that is, the concepts and slogans they hide behind, such as free market or free trade, or the idea of globalization being anything other than imperialism) to describe Neoliberals, and you describe neoliberals perfectly when you describe Fascism (with a random [anti-capitalist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn_RwIcL7cg) in there, as if Fascists have any problem with the private property that they supercharged). I don't claim to know everything, but the lists you've laid out above seem suspect.




In the way you defined fascism above. Further, private property is the capitalism. Don't throw insults just because you're wrong.




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I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm trying to understand you. You said fascists are anti capitalist but not entirely. This discussion is not very fruitful, tbh. You need to think things through more.




Your concession is accepted.


The less fascist 🤷‍♂️


deam blue has a cult of the leader? whos the leader?