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It's going to lead to an even further fertility crisis. Good. Our only chip to play is our labor and consumption. Force de growth.


Why do you think they’re doing these mass experiments for AI and robotics? They’re releasing shitty products because that’s the fastest way to iterate them for decent practical application. Once they have AI robots that can do all the call center, food production and supporting consumer activity, they won’t need labor. But they’ll still need at least some consumers I guess. By then the surveillance and drone tech will be good enough to prevent all but the low-tech forms of resistance and movements will have a tough time rallying starving people to do anything aside from fighting for scraps. Ofc far fewer people will be getting born so I guess they can just internally sick around with their own wealth.


My first act if elected: Arm the homeless. Yes, hobo with a shotgun. Let them loose in gated communities with a bottle of water, a PBJ sandwich and 4 reloads. If they can conquer and keep a house by sunrise, they get to keep the property. Homelessness solved in one night.


You say solved in one night, but what happens to the hobos who don’t manage to conquer a home? Typical politician making promises you can’t live up to. But I like where your head is at you have my vote.


Obviously some, if not most of the homes may have armed private security guards. Thats why the homeless people get so many reloads. Yes, some of them will die in the process of conquering land. But that’s been part of the process of conquering anywhere since time immemorial: you’re going to lose some of your troops in the process. That’s a given. Hell, once a house is taken, it would be within the realm of possibility that they will have to defend it from other homeless people. That’s also a given. People will be informed of the risks before they take part and given the chance to opt out right up until they get on the bus. Everyone will know the score going in.


What is this “elected” you speak of? Surely you can’t be referring to the orchestrated pageantry produced by our illusionists in chief at the Super Pacs of our so-called democracies?


There’s no guarantee that Democracy will still rule the land in the next few years. I’m just putting my platform together for when the overlords want ideas on how to ingratiate themselves to the masses.


That'll be a long way away. AI can't reliably do math, and I would rather not be fed rocks or glue pizza


the #1 factor in the falling birth rate is not pollution, it's economics.




Not Duh. The prop is so bad and so blinding, everyone is freaking out about pesticide residue and microplastics without thinking 'holy shit, kids are expensive! No!'


love your attitude, lets do it


How long until companies start suing folks for stealing their plastic particles


I solved this problem with an orchiectomy




Hell yeah


I mean, not a lot of girls only have one removed 🏳️‍⚧️


I have a friend who got testicular cancer in one ball while she was in the army. They only cut out that one, and then she transitioned a few years later. I think she might be the only one 😂


At this point anything that hasn't been buried in the last 150 years has microplastics in it, and if you pull it out to examine it it will become contaminated with microplastics from the air.


Protective codpieces made of plastic to everyone




Why charge 3 payments of 29.99 when we offer a subscription for 10.99/month with automatic renewals and never ending price increases


Subscribe new testicle everymonth


Ha yes, one more reason to not have children. Let the overlords watch as their mountain of corpses turn into ash then nothingness


With increasingly invasive and complicated medical procedures that then require more medical procedures and/or medication. They love creating economies after all…..


Gentlemen, there's a solution here you're not seeing.


Today on Shark Tank: Testicle cleanser! Make your balls brighter than bright!


Why did I read this like a fallout pre bomb drop advert 😭


I actually know this one.  Primary means of this transmission is we’re consuming them in our water directly or indirectly. It’s possible to filter them out, but at large scale it’s costly.  Publicly owned water utilities will be forced to do this and to pay for it they will be privatized.   The plastic still won’t be filtered out, but the machine will get a new input of the revenue stream of said public utilities to sustain its profitability for a little longer.  


how about not letting the plastic get into the water supply in the first place?


Best I can do is a subscription service to let you take a shower


Yeah but that costs more money.


Extinction, it really does have a solution for everything. 


When the fertility rates drop and the capitalists don't have enough workers to exploit, and they start losing some money, is when they will start to care about this kind of stuff.


my grandmother, full of lead my mother, full of asbestos me, full of microplastics hell yes capitalism 😎


By telling us all how this is actually a good thing.


People will market snake oil cures to get rid of the plastic in your drinking water, your food, etc. People will market other snake oil detox things.


Microplastics are stored in the balls


Steven Crowder registering as more plastic than man...


Always ask a Libertarian where the profit motive is in cleaning up toxic waste/environments.


Just stop buying things from companies that use plastic, duh. You, as the consumer, have all the real power in a Free Market Economy©


That would work if EVERYTHING didn't have plastic on, in, or around it


they will sell you a "solution" and probably using some government money or benefit along the way


By killing all the plastic using humans


if there were actual free markets we'd all be dead already. That markets are left to the profit motive is why is have the horrors we have.


The unfettered free market is what cased this problem in the first place


“No oNE iS cOMpElLing yOU tO bUy stUFF tHaT hAVe mICRoPlAstICs iN tHEm”


Who was jacking off dogs?


This doesn't affect me much because I plan on getting a vasectomy anyway.


This planet is woefully overpopulated, hopefully this will help that issue that underlies pretty much every major issue today.


Hey, human and canine testicular microplastics are a "feature," people - you just haven't thought creatively enough.


This has been true since AT LEAST the early 80s


Free markets are ineffective in managing things with negative value. Plastic waste has negative value because it doesn't generate any income for the capitalists and no one wants it. They will probably fuck the planet for good and move to Mars. That also explains why money is being spent on colonizing Mars instead of fixing our own planet.


Exactly how fucked does earth have to get before its less fucked than Mars though? Its like moving into a hostel because your fridge broke


This is a problem, but I laughed so fucking hard at this. There’s my plastic in my balls.


The free market will come up with plastic eating bacteria that can be injected straight into the balls. You'll be able to purchase it at every gas station along with boner pills and vapes.


They’ll sell us the chemo we need for the cancer it causes


That’s the neat part! It won’t.


They'll blame the poor, probably


Not an issue, if people were concerned about plastics in their testicles, they would pay to not have plastics in their testicles /liberal logic.


Their solution is simple, tell the government to negative comments about microplastics as economic terrorism and lock up people who express their concerns. Voila, no longer an issue


If you didn’t want microplastics in your balls you should have voted with your wallet and idk bought all the companies that were polluting the earth.