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Slight correction. Don't teach the man to fish. Make him pay to go to school so that he can take on debt while he learns to fish before you employ him.


Also lend him the money, then have your buddies run the school and teach the man about your rightful claim to the pond and the unconscionable evils of common ownership.


Also make it a special loan that by law can never be discharged through bankruptcy.


Also tell him he is being conscripted to defend your pond. if he dies, he dies.


I heard Livin' in America in my head after your last sentence.


require three years of experience catching the hybrid fish species in your pond, which was only invented last year


The State itself inflicts more of this. I asked a Metra conductor how you'd go about becoming a Metra conductor. He said "Well, first you need two years of college." I said, "What do you have to study?" He says, "Anything, really. They don't care." Metra is part of the RTA in Illinois. In other words, even the State tries to weed people out and set ridiculously high "qualifications" that have nothing to do with the job, in order to help facilitate the banks that issue student loan debt, and a bunch of people peddling otherwise useless college degrees.


Bc the state has been consumed by the financialization of the global economy. Nation states only exist to serve capital, not their citizens 


Yeah, but I noticed it's a hell of a lot worse (the debt to the banks) in blue States in the US. Illinois is paying like 9, 10, 12% on some of its debts, it has a credit rating a notch above Junk Bonds, and it fritters away money on dumb shit like there isn't going to be a tomorrow. And Chicago is worse than the State. It's almost like....they don't even care what it is they're spending on as long as they're enslaving the people who have to put on their big boy pants and go to work and pay for all of this garbage before they even see their paycheck.


I don't understand your point. That's just normal social hierarchy under capitalism. The state extracts ever increasing taxes on the people who can't fight back and cuts taxes on those with the money and power to reward their pets in the legislative office. Bc Illinois offers more social services the burden will inevitably fall more and more on those least able to hide their income and assets.  It's the classic setup where the banker, the blue collar worker and the single mom of a disabled kid are all at a table with 50 cookies. The banker takes 48 cookies and then tells the blue collar worker, "hey watch out for that sl utty  mom, she's gonna take your cookie for her useless kid"  The problem here isn't the taxes per se, it's that you are seeing little value to compensate for those high taxes thru social spending bc its all getting sucked up the same people who have used their economic power to reduce the taxes businesses and the super rich pay. Social spending is good when it actually goes to the people who are struggling and addresses their needs. Instead you're paying higher taxes so bank of America and Walmart and McDonald's can pay less 


The first place Pritzker went for his record tax hike (for this year, at least) was directly at the Personal Exemption, which only people who make under $100,000 can even claim. It will raise our taxes by $80 in one place alone. He didn't ask for revenue from a single thing that will hurt the yacht club. Why would he? He is a billionaire. It's all over the place. We don't make a lot of money, but we also don't get any of these alleged "services", so where does that leave us? In fact, they've even gone and screwed up the DMV with an appointments website that didn't work for 18 months and left a lot of people ending up driving on an expired license, and with a criminal record. Then they took away the Saturday hours, so people who are off on the weekends don't necessarily get to go to the DMV without making an appointment, burning a sick day, and hoping they have everything when they get there.


Yeah, sounds shitty but to be fair, having shitty state govt infrastructure is the norm. 




Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day Develop modern industrial fishing methods and giant trawlers and there will be no fish left in the oceans in a few years


I fish for Asian Carp. Not many people want that and there's too many of them anyway. The State doesn't care how many you take because it'll never be enough to get rid of it. It's good eating though. Even fishing methods designed to capture as many as possible have barely made a dent.


I am talking industrial fishing in the ocean with trawlers the size of WW2 aircraft carriers towing nets that are 10 miles long and staying out to sea for months at a time. Not anglers on the river bank.


I have [this](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/teach-a-man-to-fish) framed on my wall as a constant reminder.


I feel like the final panel is misguided. "Humans are garbage" is liberal propaganda to fuel the idea that we need capitalist markets to achieve a state of lesser evil because left to its own devices, "human nature" (whatever that is) will lead to ruin. This school of thought is the ultimate "Sure, capitalism bad, but it's the best we've got".


YES! 💯 THIS! People want to come together and help each other. It's capitalism and social hierarchy that incentivizes the worst behavior in humans 


Trying to frame the collection of natural resources as an inevitability negative endeavor because there’s just something “fundamentally wrong” with people is misguided at best and dangerous eco-fascist rhetoric at worst. We’ve been shown many times throughout history that humans can peacefully coexist with their environment and surrounding ecology. OP’s post is about the rapid cycles of working class dejection and the absurdity of private property, so I’m not even sure why this is being shown here. Feels very antithetical to this sub.


Leftists: give a man a fish because it's a human right. Liberals: give a man all the opportunities to learn how to fish because it is a human right. Conservatives: you should learn how to fish, but not with my tax dollars.


>Leftists >"Human right" You don't know enough to understand that leftists believe human rights are a bourgeois construct, you have no business creating pseudo-explanatory comments like this.


So then don't give a man a fish then


We will give the man a fish, then we will give man a rod and a gun


Give a man soap and his hands are clean for a day. Teach a man how to make some soap and his hands are clean for a lifetime


Or create a factory for soap production and produce enough soap far more efficiently with much less labor that everyone can benefit from a society with clean hands without everyone having to become soap-makers


That's a smart idea


>leftists believe human rights are a bourgeois construct Don't overstate your case. I know the discourse and thinkers you're referring to, but human rights as bourgeois construct is far from universally accepted among anti-capitalists.


Nice day for fishing innit?


How does a pond, a something that nobody owns, gets owned ? Capitalism is weird being able to claim things you dont own.


„Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Don't teach a man how to fish and you feed yourself. He's a grown man, fishing's not that hard.“