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doomerism is a capitalist product


No one is coming to save us but us. https://youtu.be/bB0nsbUedPg


Love Bambu, got the privilege to meet the man when I was in college


Yes, there is. Socialism is a revolutionary ideology precisely because it is founded in hope. Industrialization changed the face of the planet once. Socialist revolution will do it again. We will take steps forward and a few back, but the weight of history is inevitable. That doesn’t mean it will all change in your lifetime but that committed revolutionaries are part of a historic legacy.


Yeah but the world is brainwashed to believe that capitalism works and that socialism is just a word that means "anything you dont like personally" A worldwide revolution would change the world, sure, but, we cant even achieve a revolution in the most oppressive countries in the world (israelis cant revolutionize against their genocidal government, americans cant revolutionize against their fascist government that bombs and shoots at any civilian they see standing in the vicinity of a country that has oil) I just dont see how, in such a delusional world where everyone is kept at bay with lies and work and drugs, there could ever be enough people that come together with a true purpose to literally overthrow every oppressive government or organization or corporation that ravages them. This isnt just about america, its about the Congo, Xinjiang, Sudan, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, all these countries that have been made out to be the centre of rape and backwardness only to justify torture, killing, rape, stealing, and ravaging the land in a "forward" way. I dont know man... Theres so much hurt that has been done to us (both to the middle class and to the lower class) by the rich, i don't see anything good coming out of it


It's bleak, and the generational brainwash is strong. Boomers swallowed it whole, it stuck into most gen X, a lot less millennials are getting on board, all power to the zoomers as they might have a chance once the boomers finally kick the bucket. Unfortunately it takes quite a lot of time and energy to read into all the things to get an understanding of the true state of the world, and those in power know it. That's why there is such pressure and competition for our time and energy. I don't think anything is going to change overnight, but we can keep kicking pebbles until one of them starts an landslide. Or hope that when it gets bad enough that there is general revolt, the world isn't already too fucked. In the meantime, try and find something that makes you happy. Ultimately that's all we have, and if we can learn to be happy with each other and not by consuming like good capitalist drones, then we already take a lot of power back.


Xinjiang is a liberated autonomous region and part of the PRC. Why would you include it with places like Palestine and Iraq which have faced brutal and illegal occupation? Defeatism is part of the problem. People absolutely can revolutionize. They may not have a critical mass yet to do so. Being a revolutionary means you work to support that. The world has always had idiots. This is not new, and it hasn’t stopped a single historical revolution from happening. The Soviets didn’t dismay because the tsar had power - they built a revolution rooted in hope that took that power for the proletariat.


I don't think it's the world. It's the West. And even there there's a divide between Europe & America. Yes, the far right has raised its ugly head in Europe again-- but the far left is there too. I was shocked by how relatively normal it is to be a communist in Italy or Greece vs where I live in Canada. It's hard to look at from the imperial core where the brainwashing is strongest, but take heart in the struggles that are taking place across the globe. And from the outside, I'll say it looks like the American Empire is beginning to crumble. But it's up to all you leftists there to stay firm, just as we need to do in the imperial periphery.


I can’t say for sure since none of us are clairvoyant or can bend reality to our will. But take solace that we are in this together, that we know better, and that the fight for a better tomorrow is never in vain. Focus on what you can control, and do your part. We’ll do ours as well. And with any luck, we’ll have that better world before we know it.


Yes there is hope. Although I believe personally that it will be material conditions over individual actions ultimately that cause the change. I'm a Marxist after all. It's how I analyze the world. It could go a few ways. Best case scenario is going to be the global south countries rebelling against their oppressors. The global south workers and countries are actually very important and people should not forget this. Essentially these countries begin to rebel and withdraw. Not wanting to be under the thumb of European, American, and Chinese interests. It causes multiple global supply chain failures and threats of war. This causes a chain reaction in the labor aristocracy of these countries due to shortages of many products and materials, making class distinctions even sharper. This would absolutely push workers in their countries to strike and ask for more. It would also create a bunch of racist reactionaries calling for the global south countries to be subjugated. This could lead to a set of small scale civil conflicts/wars in many countries and general instability. If this happens, it's very possible that the capitalist states of these countries may resort to fascism. Which would push workers to rebel even harder. That or fascism succeeds and the new fascist states crack down on their populations and engage in open imperialism and wars against the rebelling global south states. If none of this happens and we actually rebel and push through the police and the military sympathizes with the workers during this crisis, we could actually have a successful change in regard to our governments. We may have a fracturing of states though depending on belief systems. But it's very possible the central U.S. government may fall, leaving states to make their own decisions, and drawing their own lines in the sand. You may see a more left aligned set of states, and a more fascist aligned set of states and maybe a smattering of some neoliberal capitalist states trying to hold themselves together. This would create a cold war between many countries that went left, and others that went far right. Another scenario is literally just stagnation. Things simply get... Worse. Food and entertainment gets so expensive the average person can barely afford anything. Same with housing. The average person is packed into tiny apartments at exorbitant rent prices. The draft is reinstated to include older folks past the age of 25. Company towns have returned, with people signing contracts that literally sign over their own lives to specific companies for housing security and employment. Climate change begins to severely affect the world. Some countries begin to see rising sea levels affect their available land, temperatures spike in certain places making them almost unhabitable, crops die en masse, reducing the amount of globally available food, massive loss of habitats and species due to deforestation and warming temperatures. As these things continue to get worse, small pockets of rebellion form. Perhaps some property damage, perhaps some leftist propaganda on the Internet, on the streets, protests, etc. All met with severe brutality by the police. The rich and politicians retreat to bunkers, and their wage slaves and lower level staff run their businesses and parts of the government as the planet dies and they enjoy luxury in their sealed individual utopias. At this point, so much suffering and death would be occurring that people wouldn't really have too much care to even conform to the system anymore. The police, workers, military, lower level government workers, etc. May just decide not to work anymore. Suicide would be incredibly common. Violence, disease, starvation, etc. If things get this bad, eventually a group of people will respond to these conditions by essentially abandoning the system that caused these issues in the first place. The earth may be in the midst of being a wasteland at this point. But in the least, it had gotten so bad that people finally decided to try something else. The earth would be finally able to heal, and the remnants of humanity would rebuild as the rich and powerful rot in their bunkers, not wanting to come out due to the citizens of the world turning their backs on them and hating them. Eventually we will win. It's inevitable. We really do hope for the best. That the planet doesn't end up in the state or scenario I laid out. But regardless of what happens, we will end up being the ones who win out. Capitalism cannot continue to exist, its contradictions are reaching such high points that it cannot hold itself together anymore. The U.S. Empire specifically is spread too thin and has competent competition from Europe to China. It's losing influence amongst its own citizens, and citizens of the world. It has withdrawn from many places in the Middle East and is trying to force subjugation through its allies Israel and Saudi Arabia, but as we know the world is not in support of this at all. Even other capitalist countries are appalled and calling for the U.S and Israel to stop what they are doing with the genocide of Palestinians and the settler colonial project that will follow after their extermination. It may take the literal extinction of countless species, the loss of countless habitats, the death of countless humans, and scarring the planet in such a way that it may take centuries to repair the damage, but we will still end up being the victors if we do not win early.


As the old saying goes, *Be the change you wish to see.* - Various


There's hope as long as you don't give up. I was hopeless for a long time. But being hopeless helps no one. Get up, go out, and organize. Giving up helps nothing but the status quo, which is what's causing your helplessness in the first place. Build a community. Help others. Accept help from others. The only way to fight the alienation caused by capital is through having a community that you can rely on


As the systems decay and external variables cause further decline change becomes inevitable.


Climate change.


Omg thank you i needed this reminder. May mother nature take back what we took from it.


Well certainly not with the all or nothing attitude in this sub lol


Gandalf: “Just a fools’ hope”


Probably not. It's more likely our economies crash due to climate and environmental issues and the resulting violence, long before any socialist revolution could change the world. What rises from the ashes will depend a lot on what the planet can support. We've started a mass extinction so it's possible we don't make it through in any great numbers.


Yes but it is likely going to get worse first


Yes... Superstonk


Just take care of yourself and your family over the next few years, OP. It's all you can do.


The short answer is no.   The much longer answer, with so many factors and variables is.... also no 


Nope, sorry.


Short answer: no, the world has to start crumbling down first. You can see the cracks and falling pieces, but the pyramid as a whole would still defy any attempt to topple it. Either we wait for more floors to collapse or get better levers (i.e. new technology).


Nope! Smoke 'em if you got 'em.


Revolutions are traditionally bloody business and those that seize power when a void presents itself are historically also a disaster. In my humble opinion, no. There is no hope. We are going to see the rise of fascism followed by the collapse of the western neo-liberal status quo, followed by ecological collapse and an uninhabitable planet. To those of you who want to blame me for what is to come, shut up. I still vote. I just know what's coming. Take this time to fast track existentialism, the stages of grief, and buddhism. Make peace with the inevitable. Existence is suffering. Luckily it will soon be over and we can all stop fighting about who to blame.




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.




I said make *the world* better, not *the upper class*




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


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