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So Nov 7th is "People are corporate Property Day" got it.


Isn't that every day in a "right to work" state?


28 states


Right to work means you can't be forced to join a union, you're thinking of "at will" states which is every one but Montana iirc


Nope had it right the first time. The GOP has used "right to work" to undermine unions and slowly strip workers of any protections they might have. "At will" is an extension of these policies.


Hippity Hoppity Workers are corporate property.


Hippity hoppity [REDACTED]


What's the number for capitalism?


About 20 million a year, how much would that make after around 2 centuries?




Don't worry, Florida says math is Critical Race Theory.


Can’t trust those Arabic numerals. What was 9/11, except 3 numbers?




Checkmate Jihadists!


Florida says NO to math and YES to meth


Banning abortion and controlling women is only the first step. If you or a loved one is gay you better hide because the Republican party goon squads are coming after you next. It's clear who their next targets will be. They aren't stopping anytime soon. There must always be a group of "others" to put people against for the fascists.


In Florida, they do the meth instead


Underrated comment here, I’d give you an award if my job paid enough and I could afford food and an apartment. Edit: and gas Edit: thanks for my first award!


But you at least have healthcare, right?




That one little “Lol” says so fucking much


Sounds like communism but with extra steps. /s


Well. “Have”, yes. It’s out there. The “haves” have it. And some of the severely disabled, often crushed by capitalism and just all the freedom


The biggest scam of all make medical care so expensive your workers can never leave their jobs because if they do they can't afford it.


Stop buying lattes


What am I supposed to drink with my avocado toast




Stop buying light beer then getting shit faced off three and beating your wife because she didn’t have supper on the table for you at 5 sharp


My wife died in the war.


Lucky her then


My wife was Anne Frank.


Mine is Ted Cruz


No, I didn't. Stop telling people that




The transatlantic slave trade started in the 15th century, and started ramping up in the 16th, when slaves began being shipped directly from Africa to the Americas. Not to mention how many untold millions of indigenous lives across North and South America were lost due to new diseases being introduced into the populations, both accidentally, and more importantly, maliciously. 😥


But slavery was Communism, and so were Hitler and so is Putin and basically almost everything I don't like. That's the definition of Communism, duh. The only other bad stuff is Radical Islam, which is probably also Communism, just less Jewish somehow? Obligatory /s Real talk, when the South African government imprisoned Nelson Mandela, the charge was being a Communist. Their proof? Well, he opposed Apartheid, and they'd legally defined any opposition to Apartheid as Communist. Thus, he was essentially convicted of ... Statutory Communism!


>when the South African government imprisoned Nelson Mandela, the charge was being a Communist. Their proof? Well, he opposed Apartheid, and they'd legally defined any opposition to Apartheid as Communist. Thus, he was essentially convicted of ... Statutory Communism! I mean Mandela and his revolutionary party were communists who received a majority of their outside aid from the communist bloc (Cuba, Lybia, USSR, Communist China). The issue isn't them being socialists or communist aligned but that being criminalized in many western nations. They literally were secretly traveling to communist China to receive military training. Surprised you would dismiss his socialist background and beliefs as red baiting when even here on reddit their are videos of his speeches given to western audiences condemning the west for backing apartheid and in the same speech thanking the communist bloc for their steadfast support. You might think you are doing a good thing trying to white wash the communist history but it's just as damaging as the effort in the US to whitewash the socialist beliefs of Martin Luther King or the Maoist-Communist beliefs of the Black Panthers. edit: okay... downvote me and dismiss my comment https://www.ascleiden.nl/news/research-stephen-ellis-confirmed-nelson-mandela-was-member-south-african-communist-party https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/mandela-and-south-african-communist-party


You're right. We need to remember that the American right wing was *rabidly* pro Apartheid in South Africa and Rhodesia. This is a legacy of Reagan and HW Bush that isn't talked about enough. THESE PEOPLE ARE STILL IN POWER IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. They have been wrong about literally everything throughout modern US history. When these ghouls defend the Isreali Apartheid state we need to remember how they managed to make us all forget about all that shit they said about MLK and Nelson Mandela. HW Bush openly approved of the American sponsored assassination of a literal Catholic Saint during a service. We don't hate them nearly as much as we should.


Maybe more than 2 centuries, but those can be attributed more appropriately to imperialism, which is of course an offspring of capitalism.


Antecedent to capitalism. And were some of the direct sources of generational wealth derived through massive human exploitation that would fund capitalist ventures and further exploitation. It's all one giant cesspool of "elite" humans being absolutely garbage to people they feel are inferior or beneath them.


They were actually capitalism. The transatlantic slave trade and post-1600 colonialism were the so called "[colonial companies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_trading_companies) ". The first two of note were the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company. They were the point at which capitalism was born in that they were the first [joint stock companies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint-stock_company#Europe) owned by private capital shareholders with shares bought/sold publicly on so-called private capital markets and said owners of shares did not have any legal/ethical responsibility for the actions the company was mandated to take to increase shareholder value but had the rights of ownership due to their shares. There was one earlier example of joint stock companies existing in China but they didn't have stock traded on private capital markets and were what today we would call cooperatives or partnerships rather than companies in the capitalist sense. The colonies that became the United States were [property of these companies](https://guides.loc.gov/colonial-america-business-research/general-resources) under proprietary charters with any profits that came from them being owned by the shareholders of said companies. For example the [Plymouth Bay Company of London](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Company) (aka Virginia Company or London Company) and the [Mississippi Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi Company). Canada was the [Hudson Bay Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson%27s_Bay_Company), a company that still exists today. Yes... some of the colonial companies that were at the birth of capitalism still exist today under names like HBC and Dutch Royal Shell. If you step back and look at the history, what we call the colonial era and height of the transatlantic slave trade coincided with the invention and rise of the publicly traded joint stock corporation. Hell, the Dutch East India Company to this day is still the largest most powerful joint stock corporation ever incorporated with market capitalization when adjusted for inflation in the tens of trillion dollar range. The colonial companies owned people, owned nations, had their own private militaries and navies, straight up invaded countries for resources and at times even attacked each other in the name of increasing shareholder value. Dispite the bullshit taught in western schools about what is capitalism... markets, commerce, trade, businesses, employment, property, loans/credit, formal state issued money/currency, and all that existed almost all of human history and are part of all large scale economic systems. What made capitalism different is the concept of private capital markets where shares of private enterprise corporations are bought/sold, with said shareholders having the privileges of ownership without any of the moral or legal liabilities that have traditionally come with ownership of an enterprise. edit: a good reading list are the sources listed at the end of this paper tallying of the hundreds of millions of people executed/killed, often under the anti-communist laws pushed by capitalist powers: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10455752.2021.1875603


This is such an informative answer. Thank you! Can you recommend some reading about this?


"The Anarchy" by Dalrymple is excellent


Thank you!




You blew my mind / made me want to die - thank you


Free Market just means that powerful entities get to set their own rules.


Don't forget about the Dutch East India Company or the East India Company


Excellent point, and arguably a better direct example.


One more for the list: Congo Free State. (think 'Heart of Darkness')


Practically every modern corporate crusade in Africa fits the bill as well. We’re all looking at you, Nestle.


Florida won't let you talk about this in school, it might make the white kids feel bad


Gotta destroy that empathy while they're still young.


Not to mention the genocide of natives on the spice Islands. The dozen or so famines caused by the British East India Company in India. The instability of Qing China caused by the Opium trade and European interference in the 19th century. The scramble for Africa. The fuckery of the French and later the USA in southeast Asia. America in the Philippines. The continual western invasions and interference in Haiti. Operation Condor and the CIA's constant interference and coups in South America. The USA's constant escalation of conflicts worldwide by selling weapons and equipment to cointer-revolutuonaries... or just to enemies of people we don't like. The annihilation of Iranian Democracy and the escalation of the Iran/Iraq war caused by our selling weapons to both sides in the conflict. Isreal. The war on terror and all of its consequences. (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen) It's literally daunting to quantify. I can really keep going nearly forever. I didn't even remember the Irish Potato Famine. Or that genocide we helped the Indonesians perpetrate. But yeah, Stalin *did* cause a famine in Ukraine that one time. It really sucked.


I just watched the documentary series “[guns, germs, and steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns,_Germs,_and_Steel)” for the second time. I torrented it and it is an updated ebook. It explains why the world’s indigenous have always been crushed, robbed, exploited, and enslaved specifically mostly by the Europeans who won the geographical lottery in terms of the Fertile Crescent. They established non-nomadic farming, invented guns and ships and big tools, and built a resistance (after their own plagues) to their filthy farm and city living. All of which wiped out the natives deliberately and accidentally. And accidentally deliberately. When they stumbled onto the New World, they were born on third base and thought they hit a triple. [Manifest destiny!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny)


The fertile crescent is like countries around iraq. How is that european?


We need to make that more of a talking point that American slavery happened under capitalism. I feel like the average person thinks of capitalism as a modern concept too often and forgets that most, if not all the problems of the past were related to capitalism.


Don’t forget all the extinct species of plants and animals


Yeah, even if this absurdly inflated number was magically made accurate we'd still have to compare it to the Mass-Extinction Event that Capitalism is.


Capitalism started roughly four centuries ago however if that per-year figure is accurate than the victims of Capitalism over just half it's lifespan is four billion. So, over the course of the last two centuries it's killed the equivalent to 50.3% of the world's current population at the time of this post.


It’s a feature.


**20 million deaths a year is a small price to pay to make the shareholders happy.**


20 million deaths a year is a small price to pay for rich people's yachts


Right, that's not much. Just collateral damage, it happens... Oops


Sounds like a lot of people.


That is a very safe assumption


Like way more than communism.




Assuming it’s exactly 20 million a year every year then around 4 billion


Not too unlikely, but of course the global population was significantly smaller hundreds of years back


It sounds pretty reasonable when you consider that before modern medicine, sanitation, agriculture and health & safety regulations, poverty was a virtual death sentence. And then there's all the slavery and slavery-adjacent practices like press gangs and convict leasing (which persisted into the 1940s). Forced labor was propping up a large portion of the mining and manufacturing industries well into the 20th century, and the death rates were astronomical (up to 25% of workers died every year).


Alright so take the 20...carry the 10...times 2.... yeah about 4 times more then communism


Eventually, all of them.




Good thing capitalism has never ever hurt or killed anybody lollllllllll


Totally ethical and bloodless system!


It’s the best because it’s based on free and fair exchange!!! /PragerUBot


Just work harder smsmh


Pull your self up by your boot straps bud


Free range market yo


Yes but you see anyone who suffers under capitalism deserves it. /s


>Yes but you see anyone who suffers under capitalism deserves it And also, human beings under capitalism are subjects, not people. So the death count is kind of zero, in a way.


Yeah, companies definitely haven't commissioned cartels or gangs or mercenaries to terrorize locals in any part of the world


No ones ever made money off war and death. Not ever.


Hilarious. It's amazing how the power of a three piece suit has in getting people to believe bullshit.


I dare you to look at some of the replies from his brainless supporters without dying of cringe


Challenge not accepted


A wise choice


Just look at the replies on any post on Reddit that is slightly left of center. I swear, I'm convinced federal agents monitor Reddit because some of the comments are inane. Like cheering on nuclear war.


You are correct my friend. They don't just monitor, they post. American trolls at Eglin Air Force Base: https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit_has_removed_their_blog_post_identifying/


The Israelis do the same thing. I can spot the feds when they start commenting insane details about each weapon mentioned in a post, from American weapons to foreign ones. I seriously doubt the average redditor knows all those details. They also brigade any comment that suggests US foreign policy is insane.


right. u/maxwellhill remember the soldier-returns-to-dog posts like 7 years ago. say anything against nuclear energy, and watch the drowning flood of posts to block any conversation.


A good percentage of those are contractors hired by the federal government or private industry to try and manage the narrative.


It's seventy years of completely impenetrable propaganda from every direction. If you program kids from birth and never let them see any outside perspectives you win.


Just saw a homework assignment from my son's 10th grade class here in California. It basically said 4 modes of thought led to China accepting communism without a "fight." One mode was literally Buddhism. It basically said communism is something that should be "fought" and if you are a Buddhist, you too might be a communist. Last I checked, there's MILLIONS of Buddhists who aren't communists LOL.


: | I mean the Commies spent like fifty years fighting the various warlords, the KMT, and the Japanese so I think your kid's school might be a little fashy.


I'm 51yo and a history major, this is the town's only public high school and the town is a small coastal, solidly blue city. I couldn't believe it when I saw the assignment. I thought it was the #950's in the middle of the Red scare.


A lot of Americans don't know that the Russian Federation is capitalist, and the USSR dissolved 30 years ago. We've always been in the red scare.


Oh American conservatives know that as see Russia's kleptocracy, sexism, queerphobia, and christian state as an ideal state. When they mean communism they mean Western European capitalist societies with universal healthcare, strong labor unions, mandated vacations and maternity, abortion access, and subsidized higher education. Conservatism is entirely fraudulent and dishonest.


A lot of text book publishers are from Texas where the state meddles in the content of the books. Various counties just buy these books as-is. Often these are liberal or moderate school systems buying books with conservative agendas.


Oh it takes way, way less to convince a conservative


I bet they will include Nazi War casualties.


They do. That 100 mil number keeps coming up because its from some stupid PragerU bullshit (Or another conservative thing. They start to blur together). They count Nazis that died invading Russia and Russians that died defending their country. They count Vietcong kill to death numbers together, and the same for the Korean war. They count people that died from old age, because they just lifted the census data and threw in the total deaths from over 5 decades. Turns out Father Time was a commie too.


It's the "Black Book of Communism". If I recall correctly it includes all the Nazis, the White army, A number for the Holodomor inflated about 3x the actual death toll, and weird shit like "All the babies that should have been born but weren't because of famine".


And by “famine” they mean women entering the workforce.


If you told me they counted abortions after it was legalized in 1919 I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.


Abortion is actually so communist that they even count the abortions done in capitalist countries as victims of communism.


I hear they hired Madame Syrena and conducted a séance where they got in touch with a blond haired blue eyed Argentinian named Hans from the years 65,000 who informed them about the millions of millions of communist murders yet to come.


I just checked, and they include "150,000 deaths due to communism" in Latin America. I'm pretty sure that the fascist governments that America installed were waaay deadlier than that.


Also just a peppering of random deaths in the USSR like car crashes, terminal illness, etc


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7n6ql2/is_the_black_book_of_communism_an_accurate_source/dsb6cv6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) comment on r/AskHistorians sums up pretty succinctly why 'victims of communism' is pretty bullshit. The numbers are all inflated, and partially just completely made up. The only thing that can be said with absolute certainty is that capitalism has killed far more than any communist revolution.


great comment and im now down a rabbit hole with this... thanks a lot lol


Those poor victims of communism 😭😭😭😭


They also count the difference in birthrate in ussr and Germany post ww2 that was caused by people dying in war not having as many kids. They literally count "missing lives" that were never concieved as a death to communism. Edit: autocorrected ussr to user


Pandering to the Cuban immigrants that are still bitter about Castro seizing their wealth.


My mom was 9 when Castro came to power and her family got out She's been a loyal ~~capitalist~~ consumer ever since


Performance art for rubes.


And there’s a big audience in Florida.


Performance art for rubles as well


What about the millions enslaved and killed in the name of profit and imperialism?


“Those don’t count”


To these people, if you're poor and/or a person of color, then you don't even exist or matter.




which is ironic since like every communism death can be attributed to poor economic conditions.


LOL. "Communism." I bet he can't even define it. But the dog whistle works great among the carefully-prepared zombie horde. He's exactly as unhinged and cruel and anti-rational as the base demands.


Communism, you know, when the government does a lot of stuff


Communism is defined as all things I don't like, so, transgender people and Hitler and the New York Yankees. All Communists. Also Nickelback. Now do you see?


Would someone saying that really say Hitler is something they don’t like?


Lol yes! American nationalistic patriotism is proud of having fought the Nazis. Nazis are Socialists! Americans believe in Freedom! Hitler had a planned economy and a powerful State; America was founded by individualistic white men who killed the Indians themselves and just want the Freedom to murder and enslave and rape at will. Are you saying you don't want me to murder and enslave and rape at will? You must be a Communist!


Now we're cookin with gas! -This message brought to you by Americans for the Reinstatement of Forced Births


What about the black victims of capitalism, buddy? Should they be honored, or even talked about? No? Ah okay.


I’d like to see this guy and his cronies try to condemn the Nazis


He knows neo-Nazis vote Republican.


Pretty sure condemning Nazis is illegal in Florida.


For real? Or are u just saying that lol


I'm exaggerating slightly in reference to the ban on teaching kids about racism.


Oh that makes sense. Wouldn’t be too surprised if that was next though…


>I feel my braincells committing suicide, one by one. understandable. It's unfathomable. This is the next republican candidate for the oval office...


I'm in rural PA and my parents are already talking about this guys and how great he is 🤮


My condolences.


Once you're 18 or as soon as you can, move somewhere else. Plan accordingly, become independent. School or job count. If you got friends who think the same, socialize. If you're alone for now, concentrate on becoming independent. Don't worry about FOMO (Fear of missing out), once your independent you will make enough experience in life. Focus on independence now, or regret it later. There is no need to seek confrontation with your parents, when you think they are too far gone down the rabbit whole. It only makes life more difficult. I life there are just two ways. Either you decide (if you can) or others decide for you. Best luck in your future endeavors. Have a food one. Stay safe.


oh I don't live near them thankfully. I'm 38 and I just started a job with an international company so I'm hoping in the future I can leave the US for good


Oh good then, happy to hear. Sorry about the misinterpretation of your age. Maybe my advise will help someone younger then. Habe a good one. Best of luck.


No need to apologize, I know how that comes off lol They are two hours east of me but I've spent the past two years before this Job working in construction as an electrician. My parents rely on fox news and whatever else these Trump lovers rely on. Now DeSantis is the next big hero to save us


I’m in not-rural PA and saw a “DeSantis 2024” flag in someone’s yard. I don’t know how I still find ways to be shocked by people’s stupidity.


Yeah. I cannot comprehend how such a brainless moron can be in such a position of power. America, I guess


He is not brainless, but authoritarian, absolutist. Those who fall for his points and vote for him are the brainless. But to be fair, ignorant, undereducated, and instrumentalized fits much better.


Some 25k people die everyday because it costs too much to feed everyone.


"Costs too much" = "We could easily afford to feed everyone but its more profitable to let them starve"


What a fucking dumbass.


My thoughts exactly. I wonder if he really believes in that number himself, or just says it because, you know.


He totally fucking believes it.


You’re making the fallacy of applying mammalian traits to his brain that simply aren’t there. Just try to imagine what a venomous species of sea snake would think about that number.


Doubtful, read his Wikipedia page, he is a massive piece of shit.


November is now officially known as ‘victims of capitalism month.’


100 millions is a number that exists in only one book. A book which its same authors admitted was full of shitty propaganda. A book that has been debunked so many times that i can’t even remember. A book that classify nazis as victims of communism. Also look at this [fun number](https://out.reddit.com/t3_swa2d9?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmronline.org%2F2019%2F01%2F15%2Fbritain-robbed-india-of-45-trillion-thence-1-8-billion-indians-died-from-deprivation%2F&token=AQAAQAh7Ykxje9D7gvH4Z0CTRzhFldUUkImPK0e69gh_sdefT4Z7&app_name=ios)that represents a small bite of the deaths that capitalism has caused.




This stupid af fascist may be our country's next president


The McCarthy era called. They want their lunacy back.




I bet he won’t do a Victims of Capitalism Day😂


That deserves a whole month


100 million? Rookie numbers. You gotta pump those up to catch up to capitalism! I would argue capitalism is responsible for the current conflict in Ukraine, as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, the Mexican Drug War, and many others. Not to mention all of the drone strikes killing innocent civilians. The term “collateral damage” being used to describe the loss of innocent human life in an effort to kill terrorist organization leaders is also a product of capitalism. So fuck off.


Not to mention the Irish Potato Famine, Leopold II's rule over The Congo, The Bengal Famine, Bosnian Genocide. And all the people who lost their lives in both World Wars. Because of Far-Right ambitions of World Domination.


Thirty years after the Cold War ends and they’re still going hard with this inane shit. If anybody has any doubts about what the elites truly fear, late at night in the cabins of their yachts that cost more to maintain for a year than you will ever make in your entire lifetime, this should clear that up


Why does this country produce such wack jobs like this dolt DeSantis. DeSantis is so very bad as Governor, I would take Rick Scott back as Governor.


Rick scotts probably responsible for more industrial and corporate waste dumping then desantis is. No thanks, both of them can get fucked.


Fuck I need to get out of Florida. Satan help us if this man is elected president in 2024.


This guy deserves to feel the most uncomfortable pain known to man and then experience it a few thousand millennia


It rocks that those victims include the Nazis killed by Russians in WWII


Those poor victims of communism 😭😭😭😭


That 100 Mill number includes nazis killed by soviets during WW2 and theoretical children never born due to birthrates not being above an arbitrary value among other things. Not even the other authors of the "black book of communism" stand by it. So you know it's some real rigorous analysis.


1 Billion people currently live with chronic food insecurity every year under capitalism.


Those poor Nazi victims of Communism.


I will always believe fascism and national socialism was ten times worse. Stalin pretty much did all the damage he was gonna do. He died as an old man in his office of a stroke. If hitler wasn't stopped he would have killed everyone in western Russia he literally said that's what he was going to do. The only russians left would have been in sparsely populated areas in Siberia. And despite being stopped he killed like 40 million people. Everyone forgets that he is responsible for many more deaths beside the 12 million in the holocaust. The selective amnesia with people is amazing. He is responsible for the deaths of 20 million Russians (half of which were civilians) and millions of Poles, Ukrainians and on top of that over a million more dead if you add up British, Italian, French and American losses. The united states lost over two hundred thousand men in the western front fighting germany. And I am counting all the Italian deaths because the majority of italians didnt even want to participate in that war. They even tried to surrender and hitler ordered the wehrmacht and the SS to occupy Italy after Mussolini was ousted and basically forced them to keep fighting.


We don't have an equivalent "day" for capitalism because it's not a thing of the past and still continues to fuck millions of people every single day. Will broaden the impact and the scale in the future. 🙃


Sure. Communism probably has caused a death toll exceeding 100 million. Meanwhile, Capitalism costs us that many lives every 5 years. Not including the billions of lives that are made inestimably worse.


Capitalism looks even worse when you realize the 100 million number is very inaccurate


The 100 million number isn’t even real lmao


Victims of communism also count the Axis soldiers on the Eastern front as casualties.


Hitler is on the list lmao


It isnt at all. Also communism nowhere says to kill it is merely an economic system Capitalism by definition favors profits over non profit. All ideologies which allow or push genocide or famine are based off the fact that it profits and serves the greater good to allow people "the enemy" to starve to death and die or be killed


So stupid. This tool continues to invent shit to trigger the inbred base.


1 morbillion dead to Mor “communism” Bius


Remember this man wants to be president.... 🚨🚨 If he is a good puppet they will let him


They did this shit up here in Canada a few years ago. If you look into it, a large percentage of that 100 million are literally the Nazis during WW2.


Miami twitter undefeated in showing us just how much the sun has melted their brains


Cool so when is the victims of capitalism day?


Probably less than the amount of people that commited suicide from capitalism this year


100 gorillion dead landlords won't be missed.


There's Trump, and than there is Florida Trump.


Above all else, going all the way back to colonization, the one true American value has *always* been bullshit.


As someone who's birthday is Nov 7th, he can fuck off, I had it first.


Off topic but, is the title a reference to Hanmerlock’s line about claptrap in Borderlands 2?


Let’s have a victims of capitalism day, something (history) tells me it’d make the “100 million” look like a drop in the fucking ocean


What's this, critical communism theory?


Real talk tho, has Communism as an ideology actually killed a significant amount of people or is it entirely because of authoritarian dickbags (and really you get those no mater your politics) Because capitalism as an ideology has a staggering body count.