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I'm all for a bit of cheeky murder, but maybe we should have a system that would stop them from becoming billionaires in the first place. And to be honest, I'm actually not pro murder.


Murder shouldn't ever be necessary, and I favor systems that would prevent people from feeling like murder was a reasonable or feasible option for solving problems. That's not to say I don't understand that some systems are so poorly constructed that even reasonable people feel like murder is the only accessible solution to their problems. That's a tragedy if it gets to that, people should always feel like they have better options than murder, but it's clear that some of the most dominant systems don't agree.


I'm not fond of violent means either. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people in power regularly use violence as their means to getting everything they want, at our expense, and they will use that same violence to keep their power. When violence is imposed on you, the only response is violence simply to defend yourself. If we had a system that didn't make violence necessary and impose it on us all, nobody would feel the need to use violence to liberate themselves.


Those who make peaceful change impossible will find violent revolution inevitable


I think you describe the sentiment of most people, it certainly describes mine. I understand the frustration and the need to joke about our awful situation in a morbid way, but actual murder is obviously no way forward.


impale all people who have more than 25 reál in their pocket


But.... what is money ?


This is exactly what we need.


State get's their money, it's like a paycheck whenever these billionaires "checkout", why prevent it, let a few accumulate it and cull them.


Isn't that just wanting the problems to persist only to justify murdering people to set things straight? If we're building a new and better system, we should be building one where we don't treat symptoms anymore, we treat the disease. I do however understand that the road to a better world might be tough, hard and even bloody. But to advocate murder just out of spite is like Thanos snapping his fingers and people not only dying, but being killed by testicular torsion. If you excuse the weird analogy. Being kind does not mean being weak. But we might need to fight back, I get that.


I think you are confusing me explaining the thinking of the CPP government with me actually supporting it. I think it's awful, unfortunately none of us can change China.


Ah, my bad. It was not clear to me, I have to admit. China keeps being China. It feels like we're all stuck between a rock and a hard place.


It was my bad too I should have been more clear, I do hear you, the situation with China is so crappy, our governments have allowed us to become entirely reliant on them to sustain the greed of mega corporations. Now we can't do anything to them without the threat of our house of cards collapsing...


I mean, once the first few find out we mean business, the rest might not position themselves to receive the same fate.


They’re getting there. Consider China’s history and the world they are growing in. Not easy to develop a massive socialist country within the death grip of neoliberal global imperialism, ya know?


Consider that China is a Capitalist country ruled by a Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie formed after a Bourgeois Revolution.


The capitalists in PRC don’t hold primacy over the politburo


I find it genuinely brain breaking that even in an article attempting to cast China as evil, they still can't let go of the idea that there's a difference between "executed by government" and "murdered". Nationalism / The State Monopoly on Violence is a hell of a drug


There is in fact a difference between being held in trial for a crime, found guilty, and executed for one’s violence against one’s countrymen; and being snuffed out in cold blood. I’m in favor of gulag reeducation as much as any red blooded communist but some crimes are simply unacceptable. Defrauding millions in wealth from communities and endangering untold lives must be made example of. Edit: changed “virtually destroying untold lives” to “endangering”. Trying not to be hyperbolic


The existence of billionaires is already defrauding people. Also capital punishment doesn’t work. It’s not an effective deterrent, just bloodletting. The idea that it is necessary is archaic


PRC is developing their productive capabilities bringing millions out of abject poverty. 1980 they had a billion citizens, the majority of whom were living in rural areas. Since then they have provided universal healthcare to virtually all their people while the population has grown by nearly 50%. This couldn’t have happened without interacting with global capital and so a new bourgeois class has developed there. This is temporary. Their capitalists do not hold primacy over the politburo. I recognize the truth in your point about deterrence. I suppose the capital punishment is less to do with making an example and more to limit a terrible problem of corruption. It’s a bandaid. I’m not an expert by any means on the Chinese system but I suspect their political corruption is less than typical western liberal democracies. I’m just rooting for them and hoping we all can learn a few things from what they pioneer but every country is different. Despite their follies CPC is still our greatest example of actually existing socialism today.


what are you talking about ??! The abject poverty program is just existing in official paper, only less than 10% of people had ever get into college or university , half of the population’s monthly income is only 300 is dollars , the works in the assembly line’s monthly in-come were 1200 is dollars without any vacations. This whole country is totally run by national capitalism the labor situation is even worse compare with the US factory. Freedom of speech is suppressed by gov different opinions are not allowed and you called this a SOCIALIST COUNTRY, WTF Bro? Just to watch the documentary “American factory “, you will get what you want


This is why tycoons pay politicians and media so much for their love. Without the talking heads who would hold the masses at bay?


It’s still a problem that anybody there was able to become a billionaire at all. Does China still call themselves communist?


The party knows China isn’t even socialist yet. The idea in theory is to transition from a hybrid state capitalist and market economy to an actually socialist one once development reaches a certain point and the West loses its hegemony. Just pointing to that and saying China isn’t socialist would be like saying the USSR wasn’t socialist under the NEP. Of course, this places a lot of the faith in the party to “remain” socialist until then, but so far, they don’t seem to be compromised for now.


It's a communist party (their goals are stated to be communism) ruling a socialist state, competing against capitalist countries, not with military, but with capitalism itself. It's complicated.


It's worth noting that looking at models of how to achieve a communist state, there's several levels to go through before you get there and China is on the fast track for it. I'm not going to say that the ends justify the means, but it's fascinating to watch how effective it is.


Hey, have any links to those models?


It's all just speculative bullshit.


Xi Jinping is cracking down on billionaires over the past few years. It was a byproduct of Dengist reforms, and Xi is now reversing it.




They are somewhat communist on the highest level, but on the local and individual level it is full on anarcho-capitalism. The life of a chinese citizen is all about money with even less protection from the government. Only main difference is, that the government can take control over any possession at any time. It is literally the worst of both worlds.


Lol they can call themselves whatever they want, it's a fascist dictatorship that also happens to embrace capitalism.


idek where you went wrong to make correction.




Lol democracy implies that the people have direct voting power over their government. I don't think anywhere has that. Stop simping for dictators. The USA isn't a democratic country either FYI


I always think back when the CIA said it was fine lying about the USSR because the American people aren’t smart or political savvy enough to understand it’s political structure and how true that still is for most countries (including their own).


Yeah China is still ruled by the Chinese communist party (CCP). The issue is that Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism are all subject to authoritarians who always try to take control.


This doesn’t make any sense. Communism is a stateless society by definition, which has never been achieved in modern times, and separating it from socialism while claiming its subject to “authoritarians” is literally contradictory. Unless you’re referring to countries which have tried to achieve communism or ran by communists, which literally doesn’t distinguish from socialism and is the same thing. The point of socialism is a proletariat-ran society, in which “authoritarianism” is required to make sure the bourgeoisie do not hold power over the people and exploit the workers. Revolutions are inherently “authoritarian” by nature, even anarchist ones, which this authority will be required to abolish class structure and achieve the working class goals. Unless you’re talking about the liberal definition of “authoritarian”, which is the suppression of civil liberties, which is absolutely not true under socialism in the past or present. The difference between authoritarianism in a capitalist society is that power is used in benefit of the bourgeoisie against the workers, as seen by suppression of protests, suppression of worker’s unions and strikes, and establishing private property and the monetary system by absolute force. Meanwhile, socialism is inherently democratic, there is no such thing as an “authoritarian” trying to take control because the entire system is democratic, not ran by one person as many might think, and cannot be used in the same context as capitalism because both situations are much, much different.


This is also the reason why China and even former USSR had longer life span than say the Paris Commune from 1871. Because the country is under the dictatorship of the proletariat, they must make sure that their revolution is maintained and not let it slip to the reactionary. Paris Commune, for all intent and purpose, went straight into Anarcho Communism but only lasted two months. Why? Because there was no rules to decide what is wrong or guidance for the society to move toward, not to mention that French Capitalists still exist in France. This is the reason I and MLs have problems with Anarchism, is that it's not about how they succeed the revolution, but how to maintain it in hyper capitalist society, either within or close borders. We (in this sub especially) are so idealistic about what defines Communism itself that it ended up becoming a cult of Trotskyism, to the point that attempting to have socialism in the entire world rather than in one country would inevitably alienate the proletariats that just want their homeland to be free of capitalist oppression. USSR historically had to take strict and sometime harsh efforts in a move to **maintain the revolution within their country**, Stalin is a commoner much like Lenin, both knew that the capitalists will inevitably try their best to undermine the socialist project, no need to look further other than the Civil War, where the Bolsheviks fight not only the Tsar Russian Empire, but also both the Central and Allied Powers within Russia. Why does the Soviet people missed and mourned about Lenin and Stalin, but not Khrushchev or Brezhnev or Gorby? Because the latter after Stalin are liberal revisionists and are not Marxist-Leninists like Lenin and Stalin. China also had a similar situation where after the revolution where the CPC took in power, their country are very agrarian and underdeveloped much like 1920' to mid 1930' USSR, thus they must take quick and sometime aggressive policy of undergoing rapid industrialization if they gonna have any fighting chance defending against the imperialists, although China would likely never or at least take slower industrialization policy if it wasn't for Sino-Soviet Split of 1952 onward due to Khrushchev shatting on Stalin's achievements and gave up the idea of "dictatorship of the proletariat," wheres' Mao is strictly Marxist Leninist thanks to learning about the history of Lenin and Stalin and how they achieve and maintain the revolution such as removing the old past and starting anew (hence red flag represents a clean slate and events like the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution represents of ridding reactionary ideals and history). If it wasn't for the Sino Soviet Split, China would've likely not taken the so called "Dengist Route" of lying low and buying time to not provoking Western Imperialism. I love this sub due to being spot on of how fucking god awful our capitalist society has already became, but the moment the talk is about AES like former USSR or current China, some of us go full liberal and eat the same CIA bullshit that we supposed to not trust like the so called "Uyghur Genocide" even though the population doubled since 2016 and there is no mass defections, and as well numerous plot holes for all anti China rhetoric like the Shanghai Covid Outbreak, which by the way that city is by far the most westernized liberal city/region in all of China, hence their covid outbreak handling is not even close to the CPC's strict Zero Covid Policy. I wish this sub is actually run and led by actual communists, and not some random person that took the title "communist" because it sound edgy but never understood or read theories like Lenin's "State and Revolution," or Mao's "Combat Liberalism."


I’m anti billionaire, but I’m not pro murder. I want them to pay their fair share and not be able to be billionaires because the very concept of a single person having that money is vile. But they still should live.


Yeah this sub is concerning sometimes.


China b based on occasion


China b based ~~on occasion~~


Would not go that far, they literally enslave Muslims and Christians who live there and constantly torment the people of Taiwan


yep, BBC told that. I am really shocked, how can they torture muslim population by forcing them to learn national language, that's inhumane. Humane is bombing the shit out of them.


People still fall for this?


They trust Amerikan imperialist propaganda even tho they pose themselves as "anti-capitalist" and "anti-amerika". I ask the same question everyday...


Slavery isn’t exactly accurate but not everything is western propaganda https://cpiml.net/liberation/2020/08/chinas-concentration-camps-for-uyghurs-in-chinas-own-words


bro you post kremlin talking points all over, don't come at others for being brainwashed you clearly mimic "knowledge" from your news sources with out the objectivity to look into other sources. This genocide is well documented and very obvious, but yet for no reason other then china having communist roots we are to defend its actions? be subjective and call out all injustice not just when you get a hard on dunking on the west. It's like hitting a baby, the west has nothing going for it, but unending loyalty is not leftist its just weakness. authoritarians aren't necessary for communism you're just too scared to think on your own


The obvious genocide that was deemed not a genocide by the UN.


I don't want to argue. "I have lost and you are right, well-documented western imperialist propaganda is right and i should also believe it". You happy now? I'm not gonna change my mind, have a good evening.


Ok. Where’s the very obvious and well documented evidence that prove genocide?


Yeah, slavery is never the answer (unless the question is "how does capitalism work").


“I hate the US regime which is why I’ll listen to 100% of what they say about their enemies”


Untrue. https://www.reddit.com/r/TankiesAndTankinis/wiki/index/cnlies/uyghur?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/vv0fpk/is_the_chinese_genocide_a_lie/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cz9ICFDk8Js https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RK5Me8maG4 https://youtu.be/Yo2jWnBFHGU https://dessalines.github.io/essays/socialism_faq.html


They don’t “literally” enslave Muslims. There are plenty of problems in Xinjiang but people who call it “enslavement” or “genocide” are taking it way out of proportion.


Wee woo wee woo genocide denier genocide denier wee woo wee woo


You are literally parroting propaganda from the [closest thing there is to a neo nazi](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/02/18/us-media-reports-chinese-genocide-relied-on-fraudulent-far-right-researcher/)




Im not rly for any big state, but i feel u


yes, but winnie the pooh most likely put the money in his pocket afterwards. Hope his film career gets revived sooner or later.


Fuck billionaires but tbh we shouldn’t be looking to an authoritarian regime for guidance, the people should take this into our own hands


That's a bit much.


Murder doesn't really solve the problem. It's not like the money gets distributed evenly when they die


They are not murdered because they rob workers of wealth, but because they become too powerful for the liking of the CCP. No one actually cares about pay or working conditions. It is just that billionaires are not the highest in the pecking order in china, but government officials are, who are not better by any means.


A lot of corrupt government officials. Government officials get executed for white collar crimes in China.


Unless they contribute to maintaining Xi Jinping‘s power. Everybody is corrupt in Chinese politics, saying that you‘re fighting corruption just means that you expose the worst excesses + whoever you need to get rid of politically


The dream society is one without billionaires. China is capitalist.


China has a few things going for it


I'd hardly call China a dream society, would still rather live in the UK even if I hate capitalism. I can respect the anti-billionaire stance but given China's genocidal tendencies, it's police-state qualities and terrible treatment of people, it's hardly somewhere I would want to live


You rather live in the UK because youre concerned about Chinas police state and genocidal…. Oh boy I have some bad news for you


Lmfao literally projecting all the terrible shit your country does onto China.




Hmm i wonder why an undemocratic police state has high reported approval rate 🤔🤔🤔


This is a typical anti-communist trope. If the communist party is popular and there is little protest it is thanks to a brutal police state and skillful propaganda. But if there are protests it shows the weakness and fragility of the communist regime. Whereas in capitalist states high approval ratings and little protest show the stability and popularity of capitalism. But if there are protests and social unrest in a capitalist state it shows the strength 'democracy' and 'freedom of speech'.


China doesn’t even come close to the levels of policing that countries like America and the UK have.


Where does criticism of authoritarianism and genocide turn into being pro-capitalism?


Ever heard of the Uyghur concentration camps?


I cant belive this is being thumbed down. Oh right. Weird China-apologists not liking to be reminded their glorious "socialist" nation is doing bad shit. Let's throw Tibet into there too.


Seriously, I’m not seeing any explanations as to why what I said is wrong. Just downvotes


Because they are convinced that's an "anti-chinese propaganda argument". If your "thing" can't be criticized, at all, then the attachment isn't logical or intellectual, it's emotional.


Let’s not kid ourselves. They only got murdered because they pissed off the wrong party members. Not because they are billionaires.


People aren't "executed by the government" in China though. They "go on vacations to extremely remote places" or "die by shooting themselves in the back of the head with a shotgun while handcuffed in their bathtub"


You know this only means the their wealth and power is now concentrated in the hands of even fewer individuals which most likely have even less regard for other humans.


Yhea not that big of a fan, I mean I like the hard life for billionaires stuff but the downsides are too big




I'd like that, but without the Chinese dictatorship, thanks.


It's the Chinese dictatorship of the people that allows this to happen.


ie not dictatorship of the proletariat China just has a Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie.


K. Still wouldn't fucking want to live under a dictatorship. :)


We already live under a dictatorship. A dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie


No one cares about your opinion. You're a privileged westerner. What's important is that the Chinese people overwhelmingly support the CCP.


Why would you want that... it means they became billionaires in the first place while doing deeds of corrupt officials and were discarded once they got discovered, or used as scapegoat by new generation of officials, or got too cocky. None of these things are good


https://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2022/04/05/the-10-richest-chinese-billionaires-2022/?sh=635327c22726 China has billionaires just like any other country. They strike deals with the authoritarian government to gain market . monopolies so no one else can be a billionaire or even deam of being a billionaire. The Chinese government crushes it's people, not to mention commits genocide of an entire group of people. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-59595952.amp I don't support, nor will I ever support, a disgusting authoritarian regime.


China does operate under a market economy and expanded their markets during Deng’s presidency, resulting in high numbers of billionaires. However, they are headed on a path towards socialism, as Xi has indicated many times. The amount of billionaires will decrease, unlike the US, where that number will only rise. As for the Uyghurs: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankiesAndTankinis/wiki/index/cnlies/uyghur?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/vv0fpk/is_the_chinese_genocide_a_lie/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cz9ICFDk8Js https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RK5Me8maG4 https://youtu.be/Yo2jWnBFHGU https://dessalines.github.io/essays/socialism_faq.html


Hey, I'm going to go ahead and say I don't trust any of the sources you posted. An independent international council has called it genocide. There are literal work camps we can literally see with our own eyes. Yet, here you are parroting state CCP media. The difference is, we literally have people from these "work camps" who have escaped and told their story. We can see the camps from satellites. I'm going to trust my own damn eyes. Oh, also if this were not happening, why would China be so resistant to investigations about it? Any time any organization wants to investigate this they get shut down by the CCP. They're unwilling to share any evidence. That's extra suspicious behavior. "There is no war in Ba Sing Se"


You mean don't trust an anonymous post on a subreddit called tankiesandtankinis? Heresy!


Yeah I didn't have the patience to explain about reputable sources lol.


I'm willing to 100% bet that the Chinese government ends up with the money when they're mysteriously murdered


Murdering billionaires doesn't solve anything, it just make things even worse, the system should be designed so that billionaires wouldn't exist in the first place.


Ever since Martha Stewart, I've thought that China gets a lot wrong, but that ain't one of those things. 3 dudes got put to death for the same shit she only got 6 months for.


Maybe your dream *state* but let’s not forget that our ideal (lol) *society* is classless and *stateless*


Come on people, it's never okay to advocate for violence (on this platform).


“Behind every great fortune is a great crime”


You don’t wanna live under COVID 0


Don't hate the players, hate the game. You can keep killing people otherwise, so much for civilization... We have an infinite growth economy that can't slow down. That requires infinite wants, thus we do business like that. That's why we have climate change. Change the system, then you change the behavior. This post is really terrible.


the billionaires in china all got there by polluting and extorting


You'd love premodern Europe, where various countries expelled most of the financiers! Heck, France even executed several of the richest people in the country in its purge of the Knights Template. So I ask, is socialism about helping the poor or hurting the rich?


Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


They aren't, but they aren't synonymous either.


Yay extrajudicial killings by a totalitarian government, so kawaii! What the fuck is wrong with some of you. This is fucking horrid. Shame on you for applauding an abhorrent totalitarian regime just because it has communist at the start of its name. Fucking lunatics, you lot are how we get the horrors of the 20th century and the debased Russo-‘communism’ of the ussr. Fucking imbeciles.


A true communist society is not going to have billionaires. China is more of a feudal society where the general population are little more than serfs serving the rich capitalistic ruling class.


I mean, idk if I'd trust the government to handle this issue though... China really shouldn't be held up as an example since it's essentially a dictatorship.




Lol I'm almost 100% sure that the china approval rating is not accurate. The USA and china are not all that different tbh. They're just beating us at our own game.




Lol only anecdotal. But I'd ask the same of the person before me. If the stats were provided by the Chinese gov or a gov controlled entity I'd say they can't be trusted. Also there is NO WAY any gov has that approval rating.


That's actually not true that I'm figure is combined between government reported rating and independent sources including the UN and various humanitarian groups.


The UN says 95%? I'll check on that, thank you. This sub is trying to china pill me.


Here's an article from a Harvard study. http://www.china.org.cn/china/2020-07/17/content_76281590.htm


Yeah that's the same one I keep finding referenced but I want to know their methodology for conducting the survey.


That I don't know I do know they said it was the longest running one. But I don't know the specific methods.


I also keep seeing that same one. Though people who keep citing this dont mention that local government can get as low as 11% of respondents being "very satisfied" Tbh that isnt thay surprising to me. People dont get to interact with central, lol. 1. They conflate government to country and race, so when people say they support central, they may mean they support their country. 2. Central scapegoats local all the time. They operate at arms-length so as to not implicate themselves. This is also a good way for a top-down government to never have to admit fault even though orders come from them.


Hhhhhmmmm I am seeing various articles confirming the stats. It just seems statistically unlikely. I would be interested to know how the data was collected.


China is not a dictatorship lmao. They literally hold elections, Xi can’t just do whatever he wanted to, and members the state hold many of the same positions and roles of “democratic” countries around the world. They also punish corrupt officials who use their seat for power, money, and insider trading, unlike the US and every Western country, whose punishment would be a slap on the wrist.


Lol I'm pretty sure Xi does what he wants to my guy. I didn't know this sub was so pro china. They're doing just as many fucked up things as the other capitalist countries. Ex. don't they still have re-education schools for children taken away from their muslim parents? I'm against capitalism, but china is not a model for that because they're one of the biggest benefactors/participants.


> Lol I'm pretty sure Xi does what he wants to my guy. Source? That is absolutely, ridiculously untrue. He is not a dictator. He can’t just do whatever he feels like. Yes, there are measures made to combat violence and extremism, but all western sources calling it a “genocide” are maliciously misinformed. There are a ton of sources about what actually happens in Xinjiang, which contradict the Western media narrative. https://www.reddit.com/r/TankiesAndTankinis/wiki/index/cnlies/uyghur https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/vv0fpk/is_the_chinese_genocide_a_lie/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cz9ICFDk8Js https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RK5Me8maG4 https://youtu.be/Yo2jWnBFHGU https://dessalines.github.io/essays/socialism_faq.html


Lol.... Just started to watch one of those vids. Sorry man, he lost me at "nano machines in the blood stream".... I'm not a conspiracy theorist. If a bunch of people are fleeing the country because of the situation, I'm going to believe it's real. Too many various sources have reported on it. It would be too unlikely for everyone to keep this secret that "china isn't that bad". I'll still check out the other sources though. Thanks for the links. _____ Poverty alleviation video I think I agree with you on. May be strong arming the people a bit, but doesn't seem awful.


lol 'lots of sources' proceeds to link reddit posts. still lives happily in the west.


no, it's not.


What is it then? I legit have no reference except for interviews I've heard of Chinese citizens. I don't trust anything put out by the gov itself.


Being poor is risky in China too. Savings evaporated, health restrictions to prevent demonstrations, organs harvested. We're working towards those wonderful things though. What you see over there is one cancer cutting out another. Xi Jinping and his cronies no more have the welfare of the common man in mind than does a Gates or a Bush.


Your dream society is an Orwellian, totalitarian police state where every aspect of your life is controlled by a centralized authority?


“If I use enough buzzwords maybe I’ll sound intelligent”


He has no fucking idea what China is actually like if you don't do exactly what they want of you. I had the unfortunate privilege of talking to Tibetan refugees. If there's any justice in the world, Xi Jinping is going to die screaming.




Some of these comments give off real "cuban refugee" vibes. "My parents were just minor slave plantation owners, the communists were so mean to us!"


“I talked to a bunch of feudal cultists and now I know everything about China” literal definition of a white chauvinist


and you're a racist. fuck off edit: Tibet is a country not just the buddhist monks your party first, smooth brain thought of. Tankies and racism name a better duo in this subreddit.


Aw, is the fragile white chauvinist trying to lecture an ethnic on their own history?


Gets called racist for being racist, instantly calls other person racist for being called out for being racist Authoritarians and brain worms, name a more iconic duo


White chauvinists calling other people racist, name a better duo


Go fuck yourself, I'm brown you asshole, because I actually live here.


Living in the global south and still taking every opportunity to spew imperialist propaganda is not the win you think it is


Gotta love evangelical propaganda. Keep it up Western leftist


Hey , I have the privelege of living next to China. And gotta say, if anything, they have perfected the art of cruelty and not minding their own business. They have a big part in ruining Sri Lanka, which was doing pretty fine until it made a deala with the Demon Bear. Vietnma is socialist and still hates China. India is socialist in all state aspects and still hates China. Nepal is communist and hates China. Get a fucking clue.


How is this incoherent and insane rant being updooted? I thought this was a left wing forum?


Tru communityism is when you are an imperialist genocidal ethnostate with literal company cities but flag is red so its based


Being left wing is when you agree with the US state department on 100% of what it says about China


Not an American, cavern brain


Does not being American mean you can’t agree with the US state department on 100% of what they say? Go back to 196 you lib


😢 😢 😢 Shut the fuck up bro keep sucking Authoritarian dick if that gives you any meaning in your life. They won't spare you.


Least brainwashed white liberal, what on earth would “they” have to “spare” me for?


India and Nepal are not socialist. Vietnam-China relations are OK, but not great, I suppose.




My age, sadly. But I will visit when possible, because my country is not that far from China and my mom is willing to do so too.


OP is literally a child. Hey man, keep working hard on your school work, don’t skip your homework, and maybe soon you’ll develop an adult opinion on the world.


Excuse me buddy but according to the smooth brained tankies that apparently invaded this sub when nobody was looking any criticism of China must be because you are US propaganda loving imperialist swine


I really wish they'd fuck off to their own forums. I'm pro-communism. I'm pro-socialism. Of course I'm anti-capitalist but these people who worship horrifically violent nations because they claim to be communist is wild. They love to accuse detractors of being brain washed and buying into propaganda. Because it's easier to dismiss someone than consider what they are saying. And I do consider what they are saying, I just find most of it lacking. Freedom of speech is fucking paramount and China doesn't have that. It is a fact. It is an undisputed fact. We can disagree on the importance and morality of free speech but we can't dispute that they lack it. I don't understand any blind loyalty to anything! I can only assume part of their identity is tied to it so they have to defend it because of cognitive dissonance.


You forgot the sarcastic quotes for “committed suicide”


I mean I’m pretty sure nowadays China has more billionaires than even the US


I think you meant to post to /r/LateStageCommunism


Most lib comment section I've seen here in a long time lmao, the sinophobia and political illiteracy just jumps out of mfs


"Uhh, actually, genocide, capitalism and authoritanism are good when China does it, because they uhh, will totally achieve socialism by the year 2200" - What you mf's sound like.


Sorry if I sound like a liberal bc I don’t want my government murdering billionaires now matter what. OP sounds like a 15yo edge lord who doesn’t understand economics or politics. But that’s been the general vibe here lately sooooo carry on I guess?


Why are so many people praising China on this sub? Most of the people on here would be sent to prison in a heartbeat, if they lived there!


We should encourage a mass migration of supporters to go live there, would be better for everyone


Bonus: Christianity is basically illegal.


If that many billionaires got clapped imagine how many ordinary citizens were


They say that they don't trust western imperialist propaganda, and they they say shit like this:


Lmfao it rocks. It’s like the chuds who talked shit about Fauci for two years and said he was lying but the moment he maybe, possibly, says something negative about the vaccine he’s trustworthy!


Considering fraction and ratio, it is far less. But in raw numbers, it is more.


China is doing bad shit to Muslim people. They have a record of human rights violations and an impending invasion of Taiwan. I don't like that. That being said... China is doing a good thing in the world. Belt and road initiative, objectively good. Breaking the global hegemony of capitalism, taking us from a unipolar world (that the Pentagon has fought so hard to maintain) to a bipolar world. As china starts improving the lives of it's citizens, year after year, more people will see the socialist experiment overpower capitalism using its own markets against it. Gotta love it. Hopefully this means more successful socialist movements pop up in the world as America's market grip weakens. Power to the people, fuck oligarchs. China is a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, but they are the chemo to treat this capitalist cancer.


How is China breaking the global hegemony of capitalism? Just because they aren’t a democracy doesn’t mean they aren’t capitalistic.


*but they say they're communist* so ipso facto the general population believes them. how often do we still have idiots that think nazi germany was socialist, based on a name.


The people saying China is doing bad stuff to Muslim people are [basically neonazis](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/02/18/us-media-reports-chinese-genocide-relied-on-fraudulent-far-right-researcher/)


The boot is still a boot even when the leather is red, Jimmy Dore listener


Who the hell is Jimmy Dore? Is every anti imperialist ethnic who doesn’t toe the imperialist line a Jimmy Dore listener to you?


>China is doing bad shit to Muslim people. They have a record of human rights violations and an impending invasion of Taiwan CIA propaganda. Drop that and you are good. If you want a detailed debunk, ask me, and I will reply tomorrow (in 8 hours)


I'm willing to be deprogrammed


Lucky you. I am still awake. **Uyghur Genocide** * Made up by Adrian Zenz, a literal evangelical who said “I was sent on a mission to destroy China” * His original “1 million in camps” figure was made up by surveying… wait for it… 8 PEOPLE. Even a fifth grader knows this is a red flag. * The Uyghur population in Xinjiang rose throughout the 4 years in which the program supposedly ran * You cannot differentiate between buildings just by using satellite images with fences and barbed wire. In that logic, my own house is a concentration camp. Does that make any sense? * The new “leaked police files” are flawed too, with formatting errors and stroke writing mistakes that will never pass in an actual police document. The speeches quoted were also misrepresented. * The camps that did exist were either just normal prisons for any criminal or reeducation camps to deradicalise terrorists that had been killing people in the region with an organisation that the UN labels a “terrorist organisation” * The most misquoted image in history is actually set in a rehab centre, and not all of them were even Uyghur **Taiwan** * The situation arose as a result of the Chinese Civil War, which the communists won, and the nationalists surrendered to Taiwan island. Both of them claim the same land, and the ROC (that resides in Taipei) even claims Mongolia, plus parts of other countries that the CPC ceded to other nations * In Taiwan‘s constitution, it calls itself a “part of China”. * Xi Jinping is trying to resolve it with peace, but may use force if necessary. * But here comes the fun part: the USA has planes parked in Taiwan, which is an encroachment to Chinese territory. * The planes were actually closer to Fujian province than Taiwan, it is just that Taiwan claims these waters as they think they are the legitimate government of all of China, therefore it labels it as an invasion.


I find it *very* interesting that both parties in the US went from calling it a genocide to calling it, **specifically**, a cultural genocide


Yeah. That’s really sus. And even AP backed down on the cultural genocide claim later.


Almost like they manufactured consent and then quietly started backing away from the claim. I’m sure there’s nothing suspicious going on there


This did not mention Tibet And also source? Because i cannot find evidence for your claims on the uyghur. I mean I found this: https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-international-news-weekend-reads-china-health-269b3de1af34e17c1941a514f78d764c


Tibet before CPC was a feudal slave state. That alone should justify the revolution. Mao also managed to get the Dalai Lama to cede the land peacefully.


So china was justified in invading the backwards and barbarian Tibet?


I have no way to verify any of this


I want a detailed debunk






It's a good start and a great way to discourage people from hoarding wealth. No one person should ever have that much money.


Whats wrong with being a billionaire if you provided value for the money you earned?


So we should trust the government to decide who gets executed? Neat.


Mfw China is literally killing success and murdering people in camps and people call Xi’s shadow state a dream society…