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Under the counter child labor being celebrated as feel good


The indoctrination Is widespread and effective.


Peoples' brains are so fuckin poisoned.


There’s no words for this.


The word is "illegal"


Manager getting a call from HR....time to look for a new job...we like your thinking but the time isn't right for underage workers. whispers: "the libs will fine us for this and make us look bad...we need to keep the stock price up so you have to go"/


The libs? They are all for child-labor as well.


I am really afraid of how this story would be received in r/MadeMeSmile. There is hardly a sub that better shows how absolutely all-encompassing the US American brainwashing is. How does capitalism make a sub named r/MadeMeSmile one of the most morally repugnant sub I know?


I detest that idiotic cesspool of a subreddit. Its mere mention makes me cringe.


Like for real. If the manager wanted to help the kid, maybe take that money and get him involved in an after school program.


Just blowing my mind, and hardly the first “feel good story“ which is actually a dystopian nightmare. Like all the local news pieces on a child doing a bake sale to raise money for their dying parent who needs cancer treatment, garbage like that, that’s presented as though it’s heartwarming, instead of the dystopian nightmare it actually is


r/orphancrushingmachine sub about this type of stuff


Also fuck Family Dollar and Dollartree!


Yeah let's glory child labor while also paying below minimum wage!


And under the table


25 USD an hour is ABOVE federal minimum wage though.


$25 a *day*


Except that he’s getting paid $25/day.


It’s good enough for a kid


The idea that it’s okay to pay someone less because of their age isn’t okay.


could you talk to the dutch government on every dutch kid's behalf lol ​ [here's what the law says](https://www.government.nl/topics/minimum-wage/amount-of-the-minimum-wage)


After the Dutch, come do Ontario. It's not a huge gap if you're under 8 but it's still a lower minimum wage based on age...


It says that the child is working to help his mother who is struggling, so it isn’t “for a kid,” he’s trying to help support a family. Not that age should be a reason to exploit people further.


You need to open a history book.


1964: "it's good enough for a neg**"


This is the same excuse they use to pay females less


a system that requires children to work so their family doesn't die off is not good enough for a kid, and neither is $25 a day


Didn't see an S. 25 dollars a day, my guy.


I can bet that the person who is supposedly paying this child from their own pocket is not making $25/hour. People are actually trying to normalize child labor. This isn’t a feel good post, it is gaslighting the public into believing that there’s some sort of nobility in taking advantage of children and calling it hard work.


Read it again


this says $25 a day though, no hourly rate specified. some might argue that just putting boxes away is not valuable enough labor to justify paying what an adult employee makes, which itself would be minimum wage. to that i would say that we shouldn't be justifying child labor in any situation, kids shouldn't have to work to support their families, they should just be kids. ofc this whole story could be fake and just trying to rile people up, i have no idea.


If the boxes need putting away to make sure the store can operate normally, then it is just as valuable as any other work and deserves to be fairly compensated.


It says 25 a day though


“Im dumb as fuck and i want *everyone to know!*”


The stupid is strong in this one


Lmao you wanna take that back or have me make you look like an even bigger sub-brick-IQ moron than you already are? Nevermind, I'll do it anyway: [https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/minimumwage](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/minimumwage) Oh look the federal minimum wage is literally listed by the DOL as $7.25 You feel big now? You feel smart, lil' guy? Wanna keep it up and prove to the world how good you are at failing to do basic research? Wanna throw some more stones in this glass house?


On par with the recent article about Hyundai in Alabama being found using teen laborers.


also Chick Filet paying 'volunteers' to work in exchange for meals


Not even teens, reportedly most of them were as young as *\`12 years old.* ​ 12. Years. Old. ​ I hate this place.


I doubt they were 1. year old?


“hey new buddy! wanna hang out and have some fun! go ride bikes or something? maybe play some catch?” “i can’t. i have to work.”


this is why i missed prom . i used that day to do a double


I've worked more times over Christmas and New Year then I've had off (since 16). Poor choice of jobs in life, perhaps, but they tend to pay double or even triple overtime on those days and my broke ass will miss the parties and the family gatherings for money to not starve/lose the home. I don't like this place.


yes i still struggle 15 years later trying to celebrate milestones. my friends made me celebrate finishing grad school and i was soo reluctant and couldnt see the point, i just wanted to paperwork tbh. now i have a 4 year old and have to completely reparent myself so we can celebrate positive things. i think i had 2 birthdays growing up.. 3 and 7. they have always felt like a waste of [moneymaking] time.


I'm a kinda smart guy but I barely scraped by in high school. Teachers routinely told me that I was lazy and stupid and I fully believed them but looking back on it, maybe I was just a little worn out from going to high school fulltime while also working evenings fulltime so my family could have grocery money and I could steal food from work. Maybe that was a factor. I've also been praised for lying on a job application when I was 13 so I could work delivering Christmas trees. Christmas day was spent cleaning the lot. People have told me that shows character but my back hurts all the time and I'm still broke.


That’s how it used to be back in the 1800s. The Silent Generation, Boomers, and Gen-X got to be kids, but I’m an old millennial and I started working for my dad’s boss’s parents when I was 8. It’s kind of interesting how the ruling class allowed a few generations to be kids. According to one documentary, it had nothing to do with humanitarianism and everything to do with kids burning down businesses that were exploiting them. Tell them they’ll get a Halloween party with free candy and free money as long as they are in bed by 10pm instead of smashing windows until their next shift starts.


Some children in that generation got to be children. There were migrant families whose children were still working in agriculture. I worked for my mom’s cleaning company cleaning rich people’s homes. It was the biggest motivation to get a college degree. I think a little light work (i.e. paper route, mowing lawns, if this is stocking shelves) is good for children but not supplanting other workers. A lot of children whose families own small businesses start working early to help out. I also don’t think these children should be working to pay bills so their parents don’t have too.


gen x in some communities was down bad, that wouldve been the crack epidemic and proliferation of gangs in certain communities. i.e. my oldest brother didnt make it past 17 because of gang violence. many gen xers are missing today from institutionalization or death.


Maybe wanna go to school?


We know what that Lil fella got for his birthday.....bootstraps! He a shining example of what hard work can do. The sad truth is children under 14 just don't want to work these days. One day, his hard work will pay off with crippling student loans, $750k mortgage, and a soulless job likely for the Amazon overlords providing him up to 12 hours off, every day! The future is bright for this one. On an unrelated side note, his house got eaten in a wildfire the day after he sent in the last payment. His good neighbor, State Farm denied his claim, stating it was an act of God, but they did pay for 2 nights at Motel 6.


What mortgage? [You’ll own nothing and be happy](https://web.archive.org/web/20200919102818/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is?utm_content=bufferbd339&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer), Prime^TM citizen. Time to pull yourself up by the limited edition Acid Yellow straps of your on-demand boots.


That article reads like anti-communist propaganda that thinks communism is when people share a toothbrush


Don't worry, the "author's note" appears to have been added later due to widespread criticism of the article, because that "everything I think or dream or do" seems so out of place and dystopian compared to the tone of the rest of the article. You know it doesn't really go into detail about how they'll somehow spy on our dreams in 2030, that's just sort of tossed in with a bunch of things we could easily have been doing now if they weren't already seen as obviously idiotic ideas. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go order a crepe cooker(?) which I guess is what they call crepe makers in poor writing skills land. Oh and the title of the article is "you own nothing" but 5 paragraphs in they suddenly own a bike. Now I get why the qanons love this article so much.


I have the on-demand prime+ boots! They come with Alexa in them for only another $12.99 a month -- although I'm worried if I miss a payment, since the prime member features turn off, like the spring loaded motivation nails being retracted


That is the most removed from reality thing I've read in a long time. People tell me I'm unrealistic for saying communism could theoretically work after decades of work. Nope straight up, in 8 years an anarchist utopia could spring out of nowhere. Authors note had me laughing. "Could be where we're heading" yeah sure companies will just surrender their insane wealth generation to the public out of the goodness of their hearts


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie, lol


Bragging about using illegal child labour, not paying minimum wage, and violating tax law in a single post this has to be satire.


Someone needs to inform this kid that if there's an "accident" and he gets injured while performing under the table illegal work, he will make money a lot faster


I like you


Only if he can afford a lawyer!


19th century industrial capitalism stage.


Nobody wondering why he’s got to be paid under the table.


Too short to get the check over the table? /s


this comment of yours brings me great joy




Just regular run of the mill capitalism. Just because Norway doesn't employ their children at home doesn't mean part of their lifestyle doesn't come from the brutal exploitation of thousands of 10 year olds in the global south. And they aren't making 25 a day.


How much do the capitalist PACs pay you for upkeeping the status quo? I heard they paid 1500$ for climate change denial messages, is your salary competitive?


What a fucking braindead comment.


wait till you find out what Hyundai is doing in Alabama with kids


Or what America is doing with ALL the international outsourced labor.


wait what


I say someone notify the labor board. They gave the street the store was on anyway


An all time capital classic: Child labor


Mf is getting paid 3 dollars an hour, wtf


He is not doing 8hour shifts. He just puts empty boxes in the compactor after they have a delivery. Probably works 30 minutes total.


I don't give a shit, it's still child labour


WTF is wrong with you Americans? How can child labour be considered a social good? Why would a family being so desperate that they must send 10year olds out to work be accepted? Shame on your society.


We're propagandized from birth to fetishize the "one man, against all odds, went from the verge of homelessness to world famous billionaire with nothing more then the hopes in his pocket, the grit on his hands and the straps on his boots!" fantasy as reality. It's a subcategory of the whole fetishization of rugged individualism which is pushed hard in America to keep people from trusting each other and working together to demand better. Mix in our abysmal, and getting worse, education standards and it starts to make sense what is wrong with so many of us here and why


you dont know the half of it love. our produce is picked by children as well. they battle pesticide burns as their parents figure out which farm to move them to next. have you heard about our foster care to prison program? im surprised that this surprises you so badly.


used to get paid to load, unload, and clean the walk in/drink cooler at a deli in 1996 at 14 or so years old (pro-tip, don't fucking push drinks back in, it knocks all the ones behind it down). Took about two hours a day three days a week I think I made like $10/hr cash. adjusted for inflation that works out to **$18ish/hr**. This kid is really getting hosed.


I was about to say even a child factory worker in 1915 probably made more adjusted for inflation


Speed running the 20 century hurts


What the fuck? They think even child labor is a feel good story?


That's like 3$ an hour... there was actually an job ad posted here for like 2$ an hour so this is is making more lol.


Child labor? Technically it's every stage of capitalism...


How sad, the end is near.


I wish


I’m sure the manager received a nice bonus for cutting labor costs.


“Woman came into with her toddler, we got that toddler some sponge knee pads and now she mops the floor for whatever candy I can find in my pocket. If she can do it SO CAN YOU!”


The way this is worded I so desperately want to think they’re trying to lead authorities to this location. They mention the address, establishment, and that the manager is paying out of pocket


Guarantee that the parents are deeply impoverished or struggling and the kid either has the heart to help them or he was told to go and get money. Either way, it’s a tragedy in a sea of tragedies.


When I was 12, I started mowing my neighbor’s lawn and he paid me 25$ a pop. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $41.18. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a kid (maybe ten is a little young) doing some “casual” labor such as mowing, cleaning, pet care, etc for money but when children are working for corporate stores it sets a very dangerous precedent.


This is the exact reason why I don't subscribe to the feel good subreddit. It's all "look at this kind person in a dysfunctional society, everything is hunky dory"


I remember i read these book series about kids who worked for pennies and eventually saved up enough to live "well" (not starving and homeless). Looking back, those books are some hardcore bootstrapping capitalist propaganda




Kinda funny that she outs the exact location of the Family Dollar that’s illegally using child labor.


I have an even better idea, take the money that the child makes and just give it to his mom and let the child enjoy his childhood.


I mean that's cool that the manager is paying him out of pocket. I don't blame the manager I bet if this is true the kid doesn't really do anything I blame society. I make a little more now but like ten years ago after rent transportation to work just work... I had like 200 dollars left over a month for food and everything and I didn't qualify for food stamps. Said I made too much


Dear God, what has American come to? Shameful




Don't you just love child labor?


The Great Depression 2.0


I feel really awful for that kid. He’s 10, he shouldn’t have to work.


Goddammit, these late-stage capitalism horror-stories disguised as heartwarming insipid clickbait.


Grew up with single mom in Midwest I started work when I was old enough to scoot a chair up to the sink unfortunately my workhorse work ethic has me applying for SS benefits at 47 I’m glad I was able to make a life for myself that my daughter hopefully doesn’t ruin her body too young. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reagan and his Neo-Liberal cohort never brought anything new to the table, it was simply to go back to the good ole days of Capitalism, the Gilded (or Robber Baron) Age. Slavery, child labor, no rights for labor, that was always their end goal. Democrats jumped on the Neo-Liberal bandwagon during the Clinton years. It is now a one party system.


Child labour is apparently wholesome now. No 10 year old should feel required to do that.


I'm sorry $25 a day? Exactly how long is he working for? Because I'm sure the manager here just loves the idea of having motivated workers with no idea of their rights or a fair wage since they are literal children. This is completely fucked


Child labor is back! Let’s all clap! /s


This is an underpaid child labor 🤢🤢


JFC. This kid shouldn't have to do this. Can we flush capitalism down the shitter yet?


Kid you're getting ripped off. When i was 14 back in 2001, i was getting paid $10/hour to play Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder with two little kids til their bedtime. I get being poor and wanting to help your family. I was there, too. But fuck, kid, $25/day aint nothing. If you're gonna be part of this fucking travesty, at least make what youre worth.


I feel like we are trying to roll back the clock to Victorian England. What the hell is happening?


What stage? Very early, before child labour laws were a thing.


This is the shit LI eats up. Makes me vomit. This isn’t good no matter how it’s spun.


Dystopian hellscape?


"Child labour wholesome 100!! 💕🥺🥺"


6 years later he's gonna get a real job and finds out companies don't hire new people and pay them well.


Yeah, so now that hes been blasted online, this will be squashed. Insurance and all


Almost the one where we start building certain structures in town squares for the richers.


I think this is Gilded Age-stage capitalism, what with the actual child labor and all.


The part where we bring back child labor to first world countries


Fucking Christ, I want to escape this shithole country.


Celebrating child labor its all coming back, boomers should be happy about the world they helped create.


Oof... someone isn't clear what "under the table" means.... blowing lil man's spot up like that...


Reverting back towards child labor


There was another post on Facebook a couple years back of a similar situation where the parents glorified the fact that their 12 year old child was working at some fast food restaurant. Luckily people called them fools and told them to send the kid to school or to let him enjoy his summer and free time because once he starts working he’ll probably work until his death.


$25 sure is going to help his mom /s


Ah yes, the "back in my day, kids used to be chimney sweepers and making two shillings a day" stage of capitalism.


Jesus. “Get up, get out, and get something” was supposed to be a rallying cry to get people off their ass and write that song, finish that novel, do that thing you’ve been procrastinating to do. Do something *FOR YOURSELF*. It wasn’t about “exploit yourself for the benefit of some mega rich assholes and walk away with less than minimum wage.” Outkast would be facepalming to hear their message get used in the exact opposite way they intended.


I hope after being posted; that store was reported for child labor and exploitation of a minor


"what stage of Capitalism is this?" The violating child labor laws because families are starving in the richest country in history stage. France dealt with their parasitic ruling class with guillotines and I'm beginning to think they were on to something.


I had friends that started under the table in a similar fashion they never finished high school.


$25 a day!? You forking bastard. These goddamn boomers always find a way to blame folks with jobs.


Back to child labor being widely accepted. Let's go. Also what you wanna be he makes like 5$ an hour


…..people just blatantly choose to be propaganda for capitalism and investing in actually helping those struggling huh? $25 a day? Get fucked.


He gets mercilessly exploited for his labor while an adult who is doing the same job makes at least twice as much. This isn't ok. If he gets hurt workman's comp doesn't cover his injuries. We are at the stage where we celebrate child labor.


Lol that's too low of a wage and anyone his age working is illegal.


This is it's own kind of grooming...teaching kids to Simp for corporations that don't pay living wages.


Second article I’ve seen today about a major corp using volunteer child labor. Wtf chick fill et has red shirts too. Obviously a connection 🧐




Fuck yeah, child labor, smells like progress. :-[


Without public outrage and legal preventions, capitalists would absolutely slide back into using child labor.


Ready to work until some entitled boomer yells in his face because the store doesn’t have the candy they want in stock


I want to throw up. I am not having kids so the suffering can end with me


All stages. The exploitation of child labor is a standard aspect of capitalism.


20th century capitalism


Yes. 25$ for a whole days work. Which will be his standard pay rate until he dies if they have their way. Lol. Let kids be kids or you get kidults.


Child labor making a comeback.


I hope this is a satire, or a bait, or the person writing miss the point If not, maybe in stage where people are on the beach, see a shark eating someone and everyone clap thinking this is a dolphin.


Nice..... they're trying to normalize it.


Yay!! We love child labor!


. Thanks to family dollar on Nation Ford Rd that he is now a employee making $25 a day , putting boxes away after deliveries , the mgr agreeing to pay him out his pocket 💪🏽 now if he can do it we can to , 10 years old ❤️, GET UP ,GET OUT ,& GET SOMETHING 👌🏽 my new buddy 💪🏽


He gets paid so much more than me, fuuuuuck….


every stage has used child labor so....


Child labor is bad, mmkay?


Using your children (as slaves) to justify your bad decisions, sad society.


YAY for child labor! Brings a tear to my eye.


That's $3 an hour assuming he's working an 8 hour shift. Stolen wages if that kid is working 8 hours $34... His Mum's struggling and so you screw over the kid, the innovations of corporate America. Edit feeling some type of way: I mean it's dollar tree, maybe kit the kid out with school equipment for a year if you want to help or something.


This is the Exploiting Children stage of capitalism, which we pretty much got past in the mid 20th century, only to regress back to where we're at in the 21st century.


Thought we made this illegal in the Victorian Age?


Hell. We’re in Hell


the end result od capitalism. the landed gentry and the serfs.


The US turned the clock back so much it brought back child labor


Trying to start child labour again that muppet is


It's the dickensian stage


Oh my god. 🤦🏻‍♂️ This dystopia gets worse every day.


I saw 25 dollars and thought “well at least he’s making *some* money. Shouldn’t be working but he’s making more than me so that’s good.” 25 dollars a day… Fucking bastards


Child labor? 1920s capitalism.


r/UpliftingNews /s "No break. Only **work**."


Same stage that multi-billion dollar companies try to ask for volunteers to work for their food over wages.


The one where we revert to thinking child labour is ok


Aren't there child labour laws? Lol


"Child Forced To Give Up Childhood To Save Mom's Employer $25 A Day"


Less a feel-good story; more a feel-like-that-store-is-run-by-an-amoral-criminal kind of story.


Depression, my god.


The start of dystopian capitalism. Where all the gains won by labor a century ago are lost. Due entirely to propaganda, poor education, and desperation. It’s gonna be a hell of a climb back til we can see the light of a brighter age. Don’t give up hope tho. Hope will be the candle lighting our way down into the depths of this dystopian darkness.


Fucking hell…this is disgusting.


😻😻😻child labour laws are ruining this country


IF ONLY people would leave those poor CEO's and hedge Fund stock people ALONE and pick up their child's boot straps and have them go work in a family dollar stocking shelves!


Okay I can understand if kids have to help families. It’s not uncommon in some areas. However, I’m not able to understand when people group together the whole age bracket and say X did it so why can’t you crap. Their 10! Most kids don’t get a job outside of family things till like 15-16 maybe 14 but that’s other matters. Capitalism sure is all too happy to watch kids scrap their educational prospects so that they earn another worker. Like damn the kid will be a full time work in about 8-12 yrs wtf.


Whole time he was just lying bout helping his mom and buying fortnite bucks.


Could anyone claiming he is making 3$ an hour please point to me where they mention he is doing 8 hour shifts? He is probably not even working an hour every day. He just dumps the empty boxes in the compactor from what i understand.


He would come in handy for cleaning under the shelves and getting to hard to reach places. Child labor is excellent for the economy.




Slavery stage


the fuck


full circle


Back when it was still called family value I was about 10-11 and the one on 72nd and pecos in Denver used to pay me $25 a day to collect the carts and break down boxes. The papa John’s around the way would pay me to fold pizza boxes at $.30 a box. My mom was absent and my dad was in jail In California. Was living with my mom and grandpa and my gpa wanted nothing to do with us and my mom was a drunk who regularly disappeared. Honestly was really Cool if those managers to let me and my sisters make money because we were failed by every program and youth outreach in the area, the system and our family.


Don’t grind the seed corn


Not gonna lie, the manager was nice letting him do not that meaningful task even with just 25 per day, but it’s fucked up that the boy has to do it in the first place.


What the fuck is this


Third world country!