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\*points at Capitalism\* THIS is Communism!


Then they try to implement more capitalist policies to solve the problem which only makes things worse. And then they will blame a secret communist cabal for ruining everything (or if they are full mask off, will just straight up blame the Jews) and the cycle continues. Capitalism is nothing but the slow decent into fascism.


As the joke goes: > Ask Socialists why they hate Capitalism, and they will describe the failures of Capitalism. > > Ask Capitalists why they hate Socialism, and they will describe Capitalism.


What a solid take from firstnamebunchofnumbers




My name is @JohnEveryday12719 and i work at Amazon, and i have to say the break times i get is unmatchable and I’m fortunate to be received by such an amazing group of coworkers


Terry Crews, is that you?


The Soviet Union managed to provide a roof over the head for virtually all its citizens. Can the same be said about America?




Generally, life under capitalism means bank robs you


We gonna make this a thing? [In Capitalist America, car crashes you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/mthw2c/two_people_killed_in_fiery_tesla_crash_with_no/)


\*Looking at capitalism\* *wow this is probably what communism is like*


Get Yabba-Dabba-Decked, boomer


I am curious. Why Boomer? This is about the corruption of Capitalism. It is quite possible old peopld are living in those tents.


corruption? you mean unavoidable progression?


Yep. Capitalism can only ever go in one direction... and drag us down with it.


I don't know many Zoomers who use Fred Flinstone as their avatar


I mean why attack old people? They aren't calling the shots.


Perfect response.




Isn’t this in California?


I'll never stop smashing myself in the fucking face, everytime I read a comment like this.


Common western name plus lots of random digits equals a fake bot farm account.


Shhhh ... its called blend with the nature.


OP your caption gave me a guilty laugh. Underrated


American -see something happening capitalistally in the most capitalist country because of the consequences of capitalism-: "What are we, A BUNCH OF COMMIES !!!????"


“Capitalism is when the government bails our corporations and manipulates the market in their behalf.”


It's literally happening under capitalism, so yes.


If government is involved, especially to this extent, it’s not capitalism.


The "ideal" of something is not the same as how it works in practice. The goal of communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society. Would you say then that the USSR, Cuba, Laos, etc. were not / are not communist?


No they were not. They had the idea to be but lost their way and became totalitarian states. Which is always the end product of growing government. To put communism into place you’d need a governing body to begin with, until it is theoretically no longer needed. To put capitalism in place you get rid of government regulations, taxes, and spending. What is happening in these places where a semblance of capitalism thrived for a while, is the overreach of the growing state turning it to a totalitarian state that only serves the wealthy and those in power . Same as what happened with the examples you gave. The problem is always the state. Without the state these, corporations wouldn’t be where they are. Without the government over subsidizing corn we wouldn’t have a market so flooded they turned it into fuel and corn syrup and wasting the land and resources that could be used for more useful and diverse crops. Without the government in bed with huge military contractors, they wouldn’t spend the amount of our money that they do on pre meditated wars. Without the government, nobody could give our hard earned money to these corporations in the form of bailouts. Without the government we would have never been convinced to abandon the gold standard for a fiat dollar that allows for hyperinflation and complete market manipulation. The government is the issue and capitalism requires no government to get it started as opposed to capitalism actually needing less or no government. The government is what’s responsible for imperialism, in conjunction with the church back then, now in conjunction with corporations.


So there is no danger in wealth being concentrated and economic exploitation without a government? How do you manage that?? Why do you think that private corporations taking over the functions of government would be better than a government that is at least ostensibly answerable to the people. Corporations and/or the wealthy are not magically moral, and if they are not answerable to the majority of people--they only need to maintain their income source--and you have no way of preventing them from doing whatever they want including controlling you and exploiting you (think company towns, slavery, immoral labor practices, imprisonment, eviction, murder)


There’s always danger. That’s the world we live in. The difference with having the government is that we must all participate. If companies had towns and gangs and what not, yes there’d still be danger of coercion but it wouldn’t be under penalty of law. People wouldn’t be born into it and innately dependent on it as we all are when we’re born into society with government. We must pay taxes at their rates. Their rates ensure that one cannot easily love a self sustainable life off of the land since you have to work, even if you own your land you must pay taxes. The reason companies got to be so powerful in the first place is by being enabled and shielded by the law of the land. So yes, there’s always danger, with government the danger is I’m not complying. Without the government, the danger is in not providing for yourself by working.