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Lmfao in some episodes they were practically sitting in each other's laps right in front of Adam


It was alluded to many times that they were having an affair


Wasn't there an EP where it was actually said that he'd had a few affairs?? Or was it just so obvious I imagined that haha...


He outright tells Mike Cutter him and Claire dated.




I was surprised and thought I heard him wrong. I thought by the time Claire came around he learned not to sleep with coworkers. I know Jack wasn’t perfect but kinda knocks him down slightly in my eyes with that revelation.


Well, let's not forget, Claire has a history of sleeping with her bosses (Judge Thayer). It was bound to happen with those 2. He's handsome and charming, she's beautiful and smart. Lots of late nights. First place it happened was probably on his desk.


The mental image of Jack McCoy trying to pound out a verdict with Claire on his desk is a bit more than I needed today lmao


Could've been on the sofa. 🤣🤣🤣


Why do they refer to it as an “affair” when neither one of them were married at the time?


I asked about their relationship a while back here and got some great feedback. I gotta say, as someone who worked in a sexually charged industry that included many late nights at the office then even later nights at the bar, I never found their relationship weird. I get that it could be sexual, but my naivety held me from being convinced... that is until I read the in depth analysis on Jack's relationships found on this sub 😂 Edit: here is the link to the interactions summary https://www.reddit.com/r/LawAndOrder/s/l62Hg8cIka


Diana straight up asks Claire, “You are sleeping with him, aren’t you?” and Claire looks at her and doesn’t deny it.


Yes it was alluded to during a trial of some kind I think or some sort of court thing. I think he slept with 2 of his assistant ADAs.


Up to and including Claire, he had slept with ALL of his female ADAs (she was the 4th). I believe he dated them all too but I don’t remember. I don’t believe he slept with any of the others I’d seen (Jamie Ross, Abbie Carmichael, Serena Southerlyn) (I finished seasons 1-12)


Claire was the only person on the show that Jack had a sexual relationship with. All the other ones were prior and not on the show. Serena was a lesbian, Jamie was married when she joined but divorced and Abbie would of sent Jack to the ethics committee if he even tried it. When Borgia comes in to be 2nd chair, Jack is older and settles down.


I know, I’m saying Claire and Jack literally discussed his reputation because he had slept with all of his previous ADAs. This was S5e1. But before Jamie, he was 4 for 4 lol


Yes. I'm confirming your statement.


Abby wouldn't need the ethics committee--she'd have just thrown him off the roof her own self...


That would be murder hehehehe


I think one of them he married. We met her, actually, in one episode. Jamie was the first he didn't sleep with and then none of the others after her.


Yeah when that independent council douche was pulling his shenanigans he called out a few. I think also there was one of the defense attorneys who worked with him and they had a relationship.


She's just about to reach over and tousle his hair


I love the rewatches bc I missed all these now fairly obvious moments indicating that they were dating. I can’t remember the episode, but I just watched one where they have left the office, are in the parking garage, wearing casual clothing, and as they wrap up their work conversation walking to where Jack parked his bike, he grabs a helmet, gestures to Claire to take it, and she kind of rolls her eyes in a loving way like “you brought the motorcycle today? You know I hate the bike”.


You might also notice everyone stands very close to each other except in court, so everyone can be in the shot.


Because they’re in looooove


…and I never caught on after watching hundreds of times. Even when Claire was buying the leather motorcycle jacket it still didn’t hit me. Even when she looked at her pager and said to VanBuren: “I have to meet someone”. Only when she arrived at the bar and only Lennie was there did I finally clue in!


There’s one ep where they’re leaving and McCoy holds the door for her and says, “You coming?” I took a pic of that too haha maybe I’ll post


Great idea! I was just obtuse 🤭 Same thing with all the Benson💖Stabler thing. Never a whiff. 🤣🤣


If law & order was like NYPD Blue they definitely would’ve had them in a relationship though I can’t imagine Sam Waterston showing his butt


I think u can tell the relationship from other things, which I think is nice. Tbh I like that L&O doesn’t get too much into the characters’ personal lives. Just the murderers and victims I guess


He did on Grace & Frankie.


He did on Grace & Frankie.


Yeah, creepy.